Chapter Thirteen: [Cassidy I]

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    Cassidy pulled into Target's parking lot. Cassidy turned down her music as she pulled into a spot. "Alright cuties, y'all bring your wallets?" Maverick lifted his wallet.
    "Yes ma'am," Macy got out, pulling out her card from her phone case.
    "No no hon, not you." Cassidy got out. "Darling I pay for my girls." She winked, Maverick just eyed them with a smile.
    Macy stared at her, blushing as she slowly put it away. "Okay,"
    Cassidy smiled. "She's a smart one."
    "You absolutely spoil them rotten."
    "Hon I'm their Mami, I always spoil them," Maverick rolled his eyes, and Cassidy laughed as she walked towards Target. Macy walked beside her, grinning as she looked around. Maverick walked to Cassidy's other side.
    The duo were inseparable, except she didn't go to his college. But when they were together they were rarely apart. They looked like walking angels, from the mirrored smiles to their looks.
    Cassidy lowered a hand, and hooked it around Macy, jerking closer. Macy went wide-eyed, looking up at her, and turned red. Cassidy lifted her sunglasses and hooked them on the seam of her cleavage-exposed shirt.
    Maverick hooked an arm around Cassidy's elbow, both laughing as Cassidy still had her hand around Macy's waist. Macy rested her hands on hers, unsure what to do with her hands as she looked back up at Cassidy.
    "Hope they got Olls favorites,"
    "I remember hearing him rave about Skittles. Bro really likes the rainbow," she smirked.
    "Sure likes the taste too." Cassidy snickered, Maverick whirled around to stare at her in surprise.
    "Cass! No ma'am!"
    "IT WAS RIGHT THEREEEE!" Macy laughed. Cassidy laughed, wheezing as her sunglasses fell.
    "OH Shit!"
    Macy reached down and picked them up for her and handed them to her.
    Cassidy smiled. "Thank you sweet girl," she put her sunglasses back on her shirt. Mm. Starbucks sounds good right now, but remember me, can't have all the sugar, meh I'll just have one, I haven't had Starbucks in months now, just one cup for the day won't hurt.
    "You're welcome," Macy said with a smile. Maverick smiled, looking at Macy while Cassidy headed into Target.
    Macy walked into the store, looking around. "Okay woah, I never realized big this store was."
    Cassidy pulled a cart into view. "Yep. Mavis, I, and Spark come here so much."
    "I. . . hardly go out." Macy hopped into the cart with a grin.
    "Remember we spent almost two-hundred dollars?"
    "Yeah, of your grandfather's money."
    "And yours, don't you sell me out!" they talked as he pulled a cart as well.
    "Right where you belong darlin'" she leaned on the handle of the cart, bent as she looked at Macy with those sweet amber-colored eyes.
    Macy stared right into her eyes. "Woah," she blinked a few times. "Your eyes are, so pretty."
    "Thank you hon, they're hazel but lighter and, well honey-gold," Cassidy spoke. Macy smiled, blushing yet again. Maverick sped past, cackling as he rushed off. Cassidy looked over, not even phased as she walked, still leaning on the cart. Macy turned and watched Maverick.
    What an idiot but gotta love em. "He goes crazy for Target. What do you want doll?"
    Macy looked at her. "I can get anything? Are you sure you don't want me to pay?"
    "Aww, it's sweet you care how I use my money. My sweet girls were exactly like you, now I spoil 'em rotten like some princesses, but they got their moments."
    Macy smiled softly. "So I can have anything?"
    "Anything that pretty little heart desires," she whispered, smiling gleefully with a crinkled nose.
    Macy grinned. "Okay. Can. . . I get just a bag of chips and. . . chocolate." She looked at her before looking around.
    "Fine by me," Cassidy said while she headed for the snack aisle.
    Maverick was there, focused on snacks Ollie, Spark, and Sadie liked. He knew Cassidy handled the others.
    Macy smiled at her and then turned to watch where she was going. Cassidy saw Maverick, smirking and headed down the same aisle.
    "Got enough snacks bud?"
    Macy giggled. "Don't think he did."
    Maverick looked at them. "Ain't you supposed to be getting snacks for Mar and Sunny?" he asked Cass, who chuckled
    "I am, hon pick out snacks you like," she replied, then spoke to Macy.
    Macy looked around at all the stuff, got out of the cart, and walked down the aisle. Cassidy eyed her, looking away as she and Maverick talked while they both found snacks and set them in their carts.
    Macy stood in front of a section, examining each bag of chips they had. "Hm." She held her arm, frowning a bit before stepping and pointing up. "I like those ones." She turned to them. Both of them looked over, and both walked over before Cassidy dragged Maverick back, heading over. Maverick watched, frowning as he rubbed his neck with a slightly pained face. He went back to snack hunting, heading down other isles.
    "Which ones dear?"
    "The Doritos." Macy smiled up at her.
    "What flavor? There's a lot,"
    "Mmmm, the sweet chili and nacho cheese ones!"
    Cassidy nodded, grabbing them. She grabbed other bags; Spicy nacho, chili and lime, cool ranch, and put them in the cart. Macy grabbed the smaller bag of the Dynamites, setting them in the seat part of the car. Cassidy's eyes lit up, tossing a family-sized bag of salt n' vinegar Lays in the cart. "Any other isles you wanna go down?" Macy nodded, walking ahead and looking and all the snacks. Cassidy followed her with the cart.
    "Where's the candy?" She turned to her.
    "Mm, second aisle on your right."
    Macy grinned and skipped along toward the candy aisle. Cassidy followed her, humming. Macy stopped near the chocolate, looking around. She grabbed a couple of chocolate bars, gently setting them into the cart, and looked at her with a smile.
    Cassidy smiled back. "Want anything else? 'member it's Mami's money," she flashed her card; a black card. God I love my job.
    Macy went wide-eyed. "Wow, you really do have money,"
    "I work for lesbian clubs dear. You don't even know how much money gets stuffed on me." She grinned.
    Macy stared. "Woah. . . and to answer your question; This is all." she smiled, nodding softly.
    "Alrighty. I think I got almost everything. Except drinks. OH! We're heading for the toys I got a couple of things to get."
    Macy nodded quickly. "Okay!" Cassidy headed for the toys. Macy followed beside her.
    "Think you can keep up hon?"
    "I'm keepin' up!" she grinned.
    "Alright." Cassidy went on her phone, texting a group. Bubbles of chats replied quickly, and she smiled. Macy looked up at her, then forward as they made their way to the toy aisle. "Want anything? Sadie needs a new Lego set she says. Sunny and Maria want puzzles, Sparks' content enough."
    Macy looked up, eyebrows raised. "Oh! Uhm. . . a puzzle as well." She rubbed her cheek, smiling.
    "Alrighty," she smiled back, heading off towards the Lego aisle. Macy watched her before sliding off to the other toy aisle. She looked around, eyes bright.
    Cassidy headed off to the lego aisle. She was looking at the Legos, when Maverick moved by, laughing, Cassidy yelped. "MAVERICK!" YOU FUCKER! She frowned as she walked into view, huffing. "Fucker. . . you like that one dear?" Cassidy moved the cart behind Macy, leaned on it as she looked over her shoulder
    Macy flinched a little, looking up. "Oh! Uh, yeah. . ." She chuckled softly, turning and put the puzzle into the cart
    Cassidy smiled softly, wincing as she rubbed near her ass. "You ready to check out?" She asked. Macy nodded. "Got it, let me text Maverick —"
    "No need, right behind you." Maverick's voice rose. Cassidy looked over, frowning. Maverick smiled. "I got some things for Ollie too, oh, and medicine, just in case I don't get any at the apartment. I don't know what Milo liked, so uh. . ."
    Macy blinked. "You didn't get anything for Milo?"
    "I don't know what he liked, k? We can still get something."
    Macy frowned. "Get him some chips, everyone likes chips."
    Maverick made a face. "True,"
    Macy squinted. "Well, what are you waiting for?"
    "For us to head over, I'll go to the chip aisle when we're heading to check out." Maverick just stared at her, face neutral. "Your new girl's bossy." He turned his gaze to Cassidy, who scoffed with a smirk. He rolled his eyes, turned, and walked off for the chips. Macy crossed her arms, smiling.
    "Nothin' I can't fix," Cassidy replied as she followed Maverick. "Need drinks I forgot."
    Macy followed beside her, whispering. "Was that too mean?" Macy looked up at her.
    "He hears worse," Cassidy leaned, whispering, eyeing Maverick. He seemed to sense her and turned his head. "What're you gonna get Milo?" She changed the subject, Maverick shrugged.
    "Don't feel bad," Cassidy commented, watching her hold her arm. "He just doesn't know Millo as well as he does I and our girls, not his fault," she shrugged. Macy still frowned, looking at Maverick.
    Maverick headed down the chip aisle, face neutral as can be while he TRIED to find something, but clearly looked annoyed. Not his fault at all. . .
    "You want something? More snacks? Drinks?" Cassidy asked her, leaving her cart near as she scanned the drink aisle.
    "Uh, I'll just have a soda or something. And then I'll be good."
    "Kk, so pick somethin' dear," she spoke, putting some liters of soda in the cart; Dr. Pepper, Coke, Root beer.
    Macy looked around, rubbing her arm before carefully grabbing a small bottle of Sprite. "Oh! Can we order pizza?" She turned to her, walked over, and set it in the cart.
    "Oo yes!" Cassidy replied. Maverick came into view, also finding drinks.
    Macy smiled. "Okay," she then nodded, climbing onto the front of the cart, sitting with the food and drinks.
    "Cass, you want ice cream?" Maverick looked up at them, holding a tub of her favorite, strawberry, and Ollie's favorite, strawberry also.
    "Who could say no to ice cream? Yes! You get tubs for you and Olls, I'll get tubs for my girls. Y'know what Milo likes?" She headed to him, moving the cart as well.
    "Oh! That I do know!" he replied. "Milo likes Rocky Road, went to an ice cream shop earlier last week," he explained as he got a good portion of strawberry, Rocky Road, and mint chocolate chip.
    Macy hopped off the cart, looking around at all the ice cream. "My mom used to get ice cream every Friday," she observed all the ice cream
    "What do you like doll?" he asked Macy, mocking Cassidy. He mocked her smiling as well, her pose, down to her slanted honeyed gaze. Macy turned to Maverick, now quiet.
    Cassidy squinted, frowning. "Ass." but Maverick just grinned, lifting up. "But anyways, what do you like?"
    Macy looked back at the ice cream. "My mom loved this. She'd get the sherbet ice cream. . ." She nodded, grabbed a small tub and laid it in the cart.
    "You, don't have a favorite ice cream?" He asked, looking confused.
    Macy looked up at him. "This is my favorite,"
    "Just checking, it sounded like you didn't have one, I stand corrected." Macy stepped away from the cart, inhaling before putting a smile on her face.
    "We ready to check out?" Cassidy asked, Macy and Maverick both nodded
    "I got enough snacks and drinks to last me months. . ." Maverick looked at his cart, then Cassidy's. Macy giggled, covering her mouth. Maverick smirked, laughing. He turned his cart and headed for check out as Macy walked in between them.
    Cassidy slowed, making sure to not accidentally hit her. "We've gotta bring the gang and just do a shopping purge like last year."
    "We could,"
    Macy looked at them, and then Cassidy looked at Macy. "Oh! "Shopping purge" is a thing we've done since high school. See we group up and buy every possible thing we need, essentials; food, drinks, toilet paper, makeup, and so on."
    "Ohhhh I see now,"
    "Mhm! We all buy what's in our carts and buy what we can afford. Sometimes we help each other, but that's about it,"
    Macy nodded. "That's cool!"
    "Yes! It's our lil thing." She smiles. Macy simply nodded, turned away, and moved out of the way.
    "You should join us next time we do it."
    "Oh uh. I can try," she chuckled softly, holding her arm
    "Great! This could be an opportunity!" she smiled.
    "Like right now right now?"
    "Hm? Oh no no no. No, we only do it as a big group."
    "Oh okay I was going to say," Macy giggled
    "Nah nah." Cassidy laughed.
    Maverick headed for a check-out lane, putting his items on a belt, and sort of apologizing, to the cashier. Cassidy walked to a self-checkout lane.
    Macy walked with her. One by one Cassidy put them on the register and into bags, focused and humming. She huffed, putting the last bag in her cart before paying. Maverick was in a nearby self register, almost done with his own too. Cassidy looked over, noting Macy looked stressed, biting her lip. "You, okay hon?"
    Macy looked up, smiling shortly. "Mhm! I'm all good!"
    "You wanna eat some of your snacks on the way back? Would that help you?" She tilted her head, turning as Maverick slowed beside her.
    "Oh uhm. No I can wait." Macy grinned. "I'm fine, really!"
    Cassidy gave her a confused, worried look, and knew Maverick was giving her the same look before Maverick shook his head and looked at Cassidy.
    "We ready?"
    "Yes," Macy walked ahead before skipping out, they followed behind with their carts full of snacks and drinks, even some food they snuck in at the end.
    Cassidy watched Macy look both ways before crossing. Both her and Maverick had weaseled their way to Macy's sides, blocking her left and right with their carts. Cassidy unlocked her car. Macy got into the backseat, buckling.
    Cassidy stuffed the back of her jeep with their groceries, Maverick helping as they just gossiped about old gossip for the fun of it. She closed the back, grunting as she climbed in, Maverick hopped in the front. "You buckled back there?"
    "Yeah," Macy responded a little time after. Cassidy eyed Maverick, who looked at her. The duo talked without a word exchanged. She pulled from the spot and drove home.

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