Chapter Thirty-Four: [Macy XI]

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    Macy held onto them tightly. They were coming up onto, a stoplight, lifting and patting her thigh. "You alright back there?" Spark lifted their visor.
    She nodded softly, thinking about what the messages could have been. "I'm all good!" I think I'm gonna puke! Spark gave a thumbs up, noticing the cars move as they went back to focusing on the road. She opened her eyes for a split second, seeing a familiar car as she sat up and stared as they passed.
    No. . . no no no. . . She watched her dad drive by them, fear shivering her bones, her hairs stood on end. Macy watched the car, her heart sinking as she gripped onto Spark more and laid her cheek back down, closing her eyes. It's fine. It's fine. He probably isn't even going anywhere. . . probably home. . .
    If Spark noticed, they must've not mentioned it, turning a corner. They reach a hand to rub her knee, before placing it back on the handle. She swallowed, kissing their back. They slowed at a stop sign, turning their head, once again lifting the visor. "You trying to distract the driver?"
    She chuckled. "Sorry," Spark's head turned as a car slowly pulled up behind them. Macy's phone buzzed as she looked at her purse and then took out her phone, holding onto Spark still as she opened the messages and stared at them. Her face stopped as she slowly turned to the car.
    Her father stared back, glaring at her from the window shield, hands glued and tightened around the wheel. Macy's heart picked up as she put her phone away and faced away from the car.
    "Ugh, these cars are taking forever. . ."
    "I'm never gonna get in am I." Spark replied, the tone suggesting a frown.
    "Well uhm. . . let's hope!" She laughed. They sighed, reaching to pat her lower back, entirely unaware.
    "We'll get to the shop in time, finally." Spark speak, pulling forward as they drove off.
    Macy looked back, watching the car fade. . . then the car suddenly popped up again, now following. She glanced back, cursing to herself quietly as she put her face into their back and held them tightly.
    Spark drove, hands tight around the bars as they fixed their posture, turning a corner into a strip mall. They parked in front of a shop for helmets and accessories, gloves and pads, and just about anything bike-related.
    Macy looked around, not seeing the car as she exhaled, relieved. She watched them sit up, taking off their helmet and shook out their hair. She got off the bike, seemingly paranoid, while Spark slipped the ignition key in their pocket, taking their helmet with them. "Ready to go shoppin'?"
    She nodded, smiling. "Yes, I'm ready." Spark pulled her in by her waist, moving to hold her hand and smiling with a chuckle as they walked towards the shop.
    Her father's car pulled up close to the bike, then shut off.
    Spark opened the door. She stepped in, staring around. "Woah," She started walking around, looking at everything as she grinned.
    "You know your head size? Like for caps?" Spark asked.
    She shook her head. "Nope!"
    "Well, the helmet should be snug but not too tight, so we're looking for something a little smaller then your unknown head size. I can adjust the helmet for you if its snug on that curly mess of yours." They continue.
    Macy giggled. "I want. . . a pretty white helmet. . ." She walked around, looking at all the things.
    "To contrast my black bike?"
    "Uhh duhhh." She giggled again.
    They smiled. "Oh you're adorable."
    "You two looking for something?" A man at the register spoke.
    Mach and stared before nodding. "Yes actually, helmets?"
    "What kind kid? Motorcycle helmets? I noticed the bike you drove in on son, neat bike. Hypersport model?" He asked, Spark nodded. "And you said a white helmet, yes?" Macy nodded.
    "Yes please."
    "We have a good selection of bike helmets for those types of bikes, like that one your partner's holdin'. I'm sure we got a model like that in white in the back, let me go see." The man talked, walking from the counter and into a set of doors.
    She watched before looking at Spark and signed. "Cool." They smile, signing back. "I hope he's got your size."
    "Me too," she took their hand, looking around the store some more. Spark reached, looking to her as they kissed her hand. She grinned, looking back at them before looking at all the cool gear.
    Macy grabbed a small jacket, turning it. "Oh, my, gosh it's for babies! Look how little!" She laughed. "I can't believe a human could be this small," She hung it back up.
    Spark walked over. "Oh my god that's adorable, but I think it's just to wear. I don't think I'd ever take a baby this small on a bike, maybe when they're kids, but not this little."
    "Oh absolutely, too dangerous she nodded, grabbing little booties. "I'm going to explode. It fits my finger!" She smiled, laughing softly. Spark smile at her, it wavered for a moment.
    "It's so tiny I forgot how little baby clothes are."
    "Literally!" She looked up at them, grinning. "I bet I can fit into children's clothes." She joked with a chuckle, moving away from the kids stuff. Spark rolled their eyes, laughing softly.
    "I apologize for the long wait kids, we only had a few of those helmets left in white, I got them all to try on. Do we know your head size miss?"
    She looked up. "Oh uhm. Not a clue." She chuckled softly.
    "Well, time to try em all on." The man chuckled. Macy walked over, looking at Spark.
    They look at her. "Yes? We tryin' them on?"
    She nodded, signing. "He looks like Santa."
    Spark smiled. "That's Cliffe, he's been here since the beginning. The shop workers call him Motorcycle Santa."
    She grinned. "How sweet."
    "You kids good over there? Ready to try em on?" Cliffe asked. Macy turned before nodding, reaching for a helmet, blinking at it before turning to Spark and put it on her head. Too small. She then giggled.
    Spark smirked. "Well that's one out for the count." Macy set it down, grabbing another. Cliffe watched them, setting the helmet away from the rest. Macy put it on her head; too big.
    She started laughing. "I can't see!"
    "Oh dear, oh goodness." They laughed.
    "I got two more helmets, maybe one of these'll fit." Cliffe chuckled.
    She took it off, laying it down. "Hopefully," she kept laughing while Cliffe set it with the other two she had tried.
    "Remember, it must be snug on your head, not to tight."
    She grabbed yet another, looking at it. "Okay," she then slowly put it on; it fit.
    Spark looked at her, standing straight and moved her head around gently, pulling up a little It's good to the sides of your head, is it tight?
    Macy nodded. "Mhm!"
    Spark flipped the visor up. "Snug tight?" They asked, squinting. She nodded again. Spark lifted her chin, leaning as they fixed the straps to her jaw, a two-finger width from her skin. "Is that too tight?" She thought about it before nodding. They undo the straps, humming as they took it off. "Well, found the one." They smiled. "You wanna go look for accessories?"
    "Go crazy hon," they smiled. Spark laughed, looking around at all the accessories. Macy grabbed some stickers, looking at all them as she side eyed Spark.
    They were making small talk with Cliffe, using their real voice with the man. They didn't seem nervous, smiling and laughing. "Look here old man!" With another laugh and talking. She smiled softly, holding the stickers more before walking around some more.
    She went back to the baby clothes, looking at them as she grabbed the little sweater.
    "Her and them baby clothes." Macy heard Spark say with a playful scoff.
    "You two plannin'?" Cliffe asked, raising an eyebrow. Spark turned to face him. Macy rubbed her finger along the zipper, her face softening.
    "No no, to young, and uh, well can't." Spark answered.
    "Ah, my apologies son."
    "It's alright,"
    She listened to them quietly, tucking her hair behind her ear, slowly putting it back as she walked towards the gear and grabbed a jacket. She tried it on, stretching out her arms. "Look good?"
    "Yeah, fits your outfit." hey smiled.
    "Yeah?" She replied, they nodded. She took it off, walking up to the counter.
    "Ready to checkout?" Cliffe asked, looking at the both of them. Macy laid the stuff down, nodding.
    Spark grabbed their wallet from her purse, grabbing their card. Cliffe nodded and began to scan the helmet and jacket. Macy glanced at Spark, taking out her phone and checked the messages again, now quiet.
    "Eighty-four-zero-eight son." Cliffe looked to them. Spark pulled the card reader closer, putting their card in. They type in their pin, hearing that ding of approvement and drew it out, putting it back in their wallet. They pull her in by her waist, kissing her forehead gently.
    She closed her eyes, smiling. "Thank you. . ."
    "Of course. . ." They reply.
    Macy smiled up at them she inhaled. "Okay, can we please just get that little jacket?"
    Spark stared. "Yeah, of course. It is really cute." Macy slipped from them, jogging to the little jacket and grabbed it, jogging back go them and laid it on the counter.
    "Oh? We changed out mind on not getting it?" Cliffe spoke in a mindful tone, smiling and chuckling as he rung it up. "Eight-zero-eight, son." He spoke, looking to Spark.
    Spark grabbed their card again, repeating the process, typing their pin, hearing the ding and pulling it out, getting the little jacket as they smiled. "Thanks Cliffe, we ready?" Macy grinned, nodding as she turned. Spark grabbed her jacket, helmet, accessories, and little jacket and followed Macy as she headed out of the store with them. Macy walked towards the bike, laughing.
    "They're going to trip when they see the baby jacket!"
    "I bet! How do ya think they'll react?" Spark laughed, raising the baby jacket to her.
    She snorted. "No idea!"
    Spark reached, hand holding the little jacket pressed to her knee and kissed her cheek, smiling at her. "Ya ready?"
    Macy grinned, nodding. "Yes," Spark continued to look at her, smiling more.
    "What do you wanna do now?" They asked her, now leaned on their propped up bike.
    She tilted her head. "Hmmm. . . hair products?"
    "Oh yes! Uh there's a shop down that way." They turn, pointing behind the two. "We could walk or do you want to hug me you little backpack?"
    She grinned. "I want to walk. . ."
    "Awww, you're chickening out on hugging me?" They tease, grinning back. "We could walk hon, but I have to move the bike closer. . ."
    Macy giggled. "I'll race you."
    "Remember the last time you raced me, baby? It ended. . . exhausting, for you."
    "I will win this time. Watch me!"
    "You wanna bet on that?"
    "If you win, you can get extra kisses. And if I win, I get extra kisses!" Yes, kisses! Nothing else. . .
    Spark look at her. "If you win, you get to do whatever you please to me. If I win, I get to fuck you sweaty and sore, how's that sound for a bet, darling?" They tilt their head, speaking in a low voice.
    She stared, nodding quickly. "Bet."
    They grinned, reaching to kiss her. "Be prepared to loose and scream into my pillows doll." She grinned, getting on her tip toes and kissed them. Spark cupped her jaw, kissing her back. They pulled from the kiss, grinning soft, and kissed her neck, pulling away. "You gotta carry your stuff though."
    She laughed. "Easy,"
    "Start runnin' girl." They stand up straight, putting their helmet on and putting the key in. Macy held her stuff, giggling as she started running. Spark hopped on their bike, pulling from the spot and eyed her, smiling.
    Macy looked back, grinning as she yelled. "I'M WINNINGGGG!" She called, hearing the roar of Spark's bike. She was already out of breath as she kept running. Macy started slowing down, grinning as she huffed. She laughed, bending over.
    "Macy." Her laughter immediately stopped as she stared at the ground.
    No. No no no. . . please doesn't let it be him. . . Macy slowly turned, her face white. Spark sat up, pulling into a space near Macy. She stared, stiff as a deer in headlights, hands tightening as they kill the engine, putting the key in their pocket and returned their eyes to them.
    Macy exhaled shakily. "Dad. . . "
    "What the fuck are you doing. . . with him." He pointed at Spark, glaring down at her.
    Macy went to speak but tears welled into her eyes. "Dad I —"
    "He's the one that stole that money from us."
    She slowly shook her head. "No. . ."
    Julian raised his eyebrows, scoffing. "No? No, you don't remember what happened Macy? You don't remember?" Macy kept her eyes on him, afraid to move. "Huh?!" He went to grab her.
    Macy heard the sound of Spark's helmet hitting the ground. They grabbed her and pulled her behind them. "Keep your fucking hands away from and off of her." Macy stared behind them, staring at her father.
    God why me. I just wanted to get out. . .
     Julian tilted his head, scoffing as he glared. "First you take my money now my fucking daughter, huh you little prick?"
    "Dad stop. . ."
    Spark stared, squinting. "Money? I didn't —" Their eyes widen with horror as their gut sank. "You."
    Julian kept glaring. "Answer the fucking question, dickwad! Macy, get over here. Now."
    She gripped onto Spark, afraid to bite back. "Macy, don't you move."
    Macy bared her teeth. Fuck. She whispered softly.
    "I never stole your money. You did that yourself you self-centered asshole, you're the one who permanently disfigured a teenager for life."
    He clenched his fists, scoffing. "That wasn't my fucking fault, you ran into me." Macy looked between them, conflicted.
    "I had every right of the lane, not some asshole who swerved into me as I was checking my blindspot."
    "Bullshit! You're making shit up! You weren't paying attention!'
    "Making shit up? Making shit up?!" Spark hissed, staring at him.
    Macy stared. "Stop shouting." She tried to speak up but she was stuck in a whisper.
    "You heard me!"
    "Your ass wasn't the one paying attention!"
    "Yes the fuck I was! You ran right into me! Not my fucking fault you're the one who got hurt!"
    Spark started to move back, patting Macy's arm. "So now you wanna apologize for disfiguring me? You and your bitch ass lawyer should've got choked in court that day you dick." They spit, glaring. Macy stepped back, tears rolling down her face. "Macy, Macy go to the bike." They spoke soft, tilting their head to her.
     Julian glared, pointing at Spark. "You should have died." He spoke low, turning away to walk back towards his car. Macy was just frozen, slightly shivering all over as she stared at Julian with wide eyes.
    Spark stared, hands curling. "You should've rotted in prison but no, they just had to let you out. Y'know what, I'm glad I 'took' your fucking daughter!" She held Spark's arm, shaking her head as she tried to say something, but couldn't.
    Julian stopped. "We'll see how long she'll stay with you." He turned and glared at them, crossing the street.
    "Long. Considering we got a fuckin' baby jacket, bitch." Spark turned away, gently nudging her.
    "A whore never stays in one place!" He yelled before swinging his door open and got in, shutting it. Macy slowly moved to the bike, staring at the asphalt.
    "You sleazy drunk bastard! Rot in hell!" They move towards their bike. Macy swallowed, laying the stuff on the bike as she inhaled shakily and started putting the small stuff into her purse.
    Spark looked at her, their expression softened. "Baby. . ." Macy didn't say anything, feeling ashamed. Spark lightly pulled her shoulder, tilting their head to look at her.
    Macy kept her head down, not looking at them. "I'm-I'm so sorry. . ." She whispered shakily.
    "Hey. . . hey it's not your fault. . . its not your fault." They left her head. Such kind eyes showed anger and repressed emotions seconds ago, and that mouth giving comfort seconds before was throwing poison through a heavy tongue and barred throat. They cup her face.
    Her lip quivered as she closed her eyes. "I'm sorry. . ."
    Spark looked at her, pulling her into a hug. "Do not apologize. . ." Macy leaned into them, trying not to cry as Spark rubbed her back.
    She covered her face, shaking her head. "God of course I see my dad right now."
    "What do you mean dear?"
    Macy sniffed. "I've been trying to avoid him. . . and the one day I go out in town." She tried to laugh it off. Spark stared into nothing, turning their head to look around them both. Julian was gone.
    "Well, we could just, continue with what we were doing. . ."
    Macy nodded softly. "Yeah. Yes, please."
    They nodded. "Well c'mon then, the shop's just behind us." She smiled up at them, visibly hurting as she headed for the store. Spark looked at her, face softening as their heart tore. Macy took their hand, quiet as she walked to the store. Spark looked at her, following.
    She looked around the store, smiling softly as she walked towards some purple bottles. "Hm. . ." Macy grabbed a bottle, reading it quietly. Spark just looked around, occasionally they turn to look out into the street, eyes studying every moving thing with heavy focus. She looked at them. "This is a good shampoo for my hair?"
    They snapped from their watching, looking at her. "Mm?" They then looked at the bottom, leaning and lightly took it from her, eyes going back and forth as they read. "Yeah, it sounds good Mace."
    Macy examined their face, frowning a bit. "Yeah. . ." She grabbed another bottle, reading it silently. What if something happens? What if he comes back? Macy glanced at them, frowning more. "Spark?"
    "Yes babe?" They look at her.
    She frowned some more. "Are you feeling okay?"
    "Yes," they nodded. "I'm just, worried. . . I'm sorry am I worrying you?"
    "A little. . . and, there's nothing to be worried about, baby."
    "I. . . you-you're right."
    "It's okay," she hugged them. Spark hugged her back.
    "I'm never letting you out of my sight unless we're home."
    Macy nodded. "Okay,"
    "Let's. . . let's get back to soap." Spark spoke, Macy nodded. She moved and grabbed what she needed. "That it?"
    She nodded. "For now, yes."
    "Alright, off to checkout with ye." They nodded back.
    Macy smiled, heading towards the cashier before looking around a bit. "Oh, wait wait." She jogged over to the hair tools, lookin at a blow dryer as she examined it and grabbed a defuser and nodded, turning to them. They nodded back, smiling. Macy walked over to them, smiling. "Okay, now that's it."
    Macy waited next to them, slightly turning her head to look behind them. Julian was just standing in the window. Macy stared, her blood going cold. "Spark." She whispered, watching the man then walk away.
    Spark looked to her. "Yes?"
    Macy went wide eyed. "He was just there," Spark looked at her, turning their head quickly. The skin on the back of their neck raised as they moved closer to her.
    Macy held onto their arm. "God I swear he was he was just, in the window. An-and then he just. . . poofed."
    "We are going home, immediately after this."
    "Yeah, no please." She stared up at them. "God, don't tell anyone about this." she whispered. "I don't wanna keep hearing about it."
    "I won't I won't, trust me hon." They turn to stare at her. "This is safe with me, you're safe with me and our friends. . ."
    She stared, examining their face. "Promise. . .?" She whispered softly.
    "Why would I betray you like that?" They whispered as their eyes glance around her, worried.
    Macy shook her head, holding her arm. "I don't know I. . . he's. . ." She started tearing up. "He's. . ." Macy glanced around before putting her head down.
    "You have no reason to be scared with me. . . I would go extreme lengths just to keep you safe." They whispered, putting an arm around her.
    Macy leaned into them. "And he would go extreme lengths just to get to me. . ." She whispered quietly.
    "Well he'll have to face someone who holds a grudge to get to you." Macy's lip quivered as she put her face into them. Spark held her face, turning to look at the windows.
    Macy looked at the line, slowly moving forward as she laid the stuff on the counter. They place their card down as they waited, glancing at the windows as they listened to the beeping.
    "Sixty-two dollars and eight cents," the cashier looked at them with a soft smile. Spark put their card in, typing in their pin, hearing that approved beep and took their card out. They put their card back in her purse, thanking as they reached for the bagged shampoo and defuser. She looked back at the window, now paranoid. They start walking as she held their arm, eyeing the window
    Spark opened the door for her. "Ladies first." Macy smiled, walking ahead. Spark smiled and followed her.

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