Chapter Six: [Oliver III]

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    Ollie walked up to the class, inhaling as he turned to Maverick. "Alright, this is my stop."
    "Have fun," Maverick smiled, giving him a cheek kiss before walking to his class. "Bye byee." Ollie watched him, smiling before heading into his class.
    Ollie looked around, smiling at all the art and listening to the soft muffled jazz as he walked up the steps. The teacher heard the door as he turned, grinning.
    "Ah, Good morning!" He raised his hands a bit before putting them together, Ollie gave a short wave as he sat down and set his bag to the side. The teacher smiled softly and leaned onto the desk. "We'll get started here soon. What's your name?" He grabbed a pen and paper, getting ready to write.
    "Oliver, Oliver Simmons."
    The teacher stuck out his tongue a bit, writing. "Nice to meet you, Oliver. I'm Mr. Ferguson. I'm sure you'll have an amazing time in my class." He grinned, turned away, and started writing stuff on the board.
    Ollie took out his phone, texting Maverick "I already love this class!" a couple more kids walked in, getting an introduction as well before taking their seats.
    Ollie took out his notepad, laying it down as he examined it. He ran his hands along the side of it, smiling. It was his notepad from high school. He opened it, seeing all the old sketches, glancing up before flipping the page again, seeing old sketches of Maverick as he grinned.
    Mr. Ferguson waited a little longer before looking around at the small class. "Alllright party people, the first lesson of the year." He pulled down the board, showing a very large portrait.
    Ollie looked up, examining it as his smile faded. "Oh fuck. . ." he whispered.
    "You will be creating a portrait of things that are most important to you!" He grinned, walking around his desk. "This art piece should have emotion, a story; a story that means something very dear and special to you! Your canvas needs to be big and colorful. Something that pops out. The best art piece will be inserted into the San Francisco's Institution Art Show during Christmas time!"
    Ollie inhaled, rubbing his lips and started thinking, already having somewhat of an idea.
    "I will help provide the canvases. So don't worry about that." he smiled. "For this piece, you will need to use acrylics and oils!"
    Ollie started writing that stuff down.
    "For now, let's start with something simple." He turned off the lights, turning on the board. "Let's get some basics down, shall we?"
    Ollie watched the board quietly, his mind racing with ideas. He listened to the teacher talk about colors and different types of art while focusing on their project. As the class dragged on, he half listened, writing down ideas for his portrait when his phone buzzed. He looked at him, smiling.
    "How's your class going?"
    "Good so far!" Ollie replied, seeing him texting.
    "This is so boring. I got an hour of this."
    Ollie grinned. "L"
    "-_- really feeling the love"
    "Oh, absolutely baby cakes :)"
    ". . . Okay I'm gonna go focus on class."
    "You do that, I love you"
    "I love you tooo"
    "Any questions?" Mr. Ferguson spoke up, Ollie turned his attention to the board. "Okay good, now. For today's assignment, besides the giant portrait, you're going to sketch something. Anything. Could be a person, people, animals, nature, absolutely anything. The assignment will be due next week on Monday. Annnnd with that, I'll leave you to it." He smiled, going to his desk and sat down.
    Ollie looked down at his notepad, thinking. He slowly smiled, turning the page, and began sketching Maverick first, shading and adding things, tilting his head while he worked. A shorter girl went over to him, quietly sitting next to him as she leaned and whispered.
    "I'm Macy." She held out her small hand.
    He turned, blinking as he carefully shook it. "Hi,"
    "And you are?"
    "Oh! Sorry, Ollie," he smiled softly.
    "Hi Ollie," she looked down at his sketch. "What are you doing for your assignment?"
    Ollie looked at the sketch. "I'm — uh. . . drawing my boyfriend." he nodded.
    Macy grinned. "How sweet! I'm drawing my dad."
    He smiled softly. "How nice,"
    "He's dead."
    Ollie blinked. "Oh. Oh, I'm-I'm sorry. . ."
    She simply grinned. "It's okay, he wasn't the greatest." Ollie chuckled nervously, nodding slowly. She scooted closer to him, showing him her sketch.
    Ollie looked at it. "It's very cool, you have a neat art style,"
    "Oh thank you, so do you! Yours is like a cartoon which is super cool!"
    "Thank you. I've. . . only heard that from my friends and old art teacher." He chuckled.
    "Well, you're welcome," she grinned, going back to sketching. He went back to sketching as well, smiling softly as he drew Maverick.
    Ollie was now sketching in Maverick's bed after all his classes ended, Maverick nearby getting changed after a shower.
    "Are you positive you'll be okay?" He asked while putting a shirt on.
    Ollie looked up. "Yeah, I'll be okay! I'm just going to finish this assignment,"
    "Alrightt." He was toying with his belt, and now his look was completed and turned to Ollie. "So? How do I look?"
    He examined him. "Very handsome,"
    "Mm, thank you." Maverick smiled as Ollie grinned, closing his eyes as he poked his cheek.
    Maverick sneaked a hand around his waist, kissing his cheek. "Be good and I'll get you some dessert from wherever you want." He practically whispered in his ear.
    Ollie bit his lip and looked up at him. "Okay," he whispered back.
    Maverick looked down at him, smiling. "I gotta go, k?"
    "Okay, I love you."
    "I love you too hon."
    Ollie went back to sketching. Maverick grabbed his laptop and phone, which thankfully was fully charged, and wallet. He put his wallet and phone in his pockets, leaving the apartment.
    "Bye Olls! Bye Milo," he spoke as he left. Ollie grabbed his water bottle, sipping some water before looking up and left, heading into the kitchen as well.
    Milo was leaned back in a kitchen chair, staring at the work. "Mm," he sat back up, in his own little world. Ollie peeked over at Milo, tapping his notepad. Milo looked over, eyes wide like a curious animal "Mm?"
    He smiled softly. "Hi,"
    "Hello. . . do you need something?"
    Ollie shook his head. "Just wanted to see if you wanna see my sketches? They're for my class."
    "Oh, yeah sure!" Milo pulled back from the table, got up, and walked over. Ollie scooted over, looking down at his sketches.
    "These are cool! How long have you been drawing? Is that Maverick?" Milo pointed.
    He nodded. "Yeah, I've been drawing since my freshman year of high school."
    "I suppose you've known Maverick as long too?" He looked at him, looking back at the sketches, eyes moving to each individual one.
    "Yeah, I have," he smiled softly.
    Milo chuckled. "That's cute,"
    He chuckled. "Yeah. . ."
    Milo looked at him. "Is there any more in this book?"
    Ollie looked at him, looking down. "Oh uh, yeah," he swallowed, looking down at it. "They're kinda weird," he chuckled.
    "Ahhh I've seen weirder. Saw this dude's weird ass tattoo while I was getting one on my chest. How bad could it be?" he looked at him.
    Ollie tried hard to prevent his red cheeks. "You've got a tattoo?" Am I going to see his tattoos?
    "Mhm! Got a sick sword down my spine, two tigers, I got a sleeve of like, various guitars, I got a spider on my chest. Why?"
    Ollie stared. "Woah,"
    "Plan on getting a leg tattoo."
    "Do they hurt? I've been wanting one,"
    "Nahh, it depends on your pain tolerance. Cassidy tells me Maverick got some, along with some uh, piercings."
    "Yeah, he's got piercings and tattoos. Lowkey wanted one when he got one."
    "Well, you should've! Did you at least get a piercing when he got some? Is that nose ring one?"
    Ollie nodded. "Yeah, my first piercing," he touched it, chuckling.
    "It's cute," his nose crinkled, chuckling. "Now, I have a question. A little birdy told me Maverick got nipple rings, is that true? 'cause that's cool as hell."
    Ollie nodded, blushing a bit as how friendly and joking Milo was being suddenly. "Yes, he does,"
    "Are you blushing?" Milo squinted his eyes with a cheeky smile like a little mischievous kid.
    Ollie covered his cheeks. "No,"
    "You're blushing I can see it!"
    "Well, you're, blind!" He cleared his throat.
    "Blind? I read music sheets and play guitar for a living dingus." Milo taunted, smiling.
    Ollie swallowed, blushing more. "STOP —"
    "Okay okay!" Milo replied. "I'll stop I'll stop," Ollie smiled and looked down. "We got off track. Can I see some more sketches?"
    Ollie turned the page without thinking. "Yeah of course!" he went wide-eyed, staring at the sketch as he turned red from embarrassment. "Oh gosh," he held his cheeks.
    "What?" Milo spoke, then looked down, ". . . Oh,"
    "I uh. . ." Ollie ran his hand through his hair, slowly closing his notepad. Milo looked at him, then he closed the notepad. Ollie bit the inside of his cheek. "It-it's for the assignment. . ."
    "For the assignment huh?"
    He nodded. "Uh-huh,"
    Milo squinted, moving up. "Okayy," he replied, turning to head back to his desk.
    Ollie watched him and got up, heading for his room. Oops. . . He put his notepad down, laying in his bed as he turned over and faced the wall. His phone buzzed, opening it he was a message from Milo, opening. "Here" it said, he went wide-eyed.
    "Might as well, right?"
    "It wasn't weird?"
    "Eh, no not really. Why? I didn't see anything wrong, just a sketch, now if you drew my face over and over, yeah it'd be weird but it's just one. And even here, I'm giving you references."
    Ollie smiled slightly, "Thanks" He still kinda of felt bad as he put his phone down, he inhaled softly.
    "Uh, hey Ollie," Milo said suddenly, Ollie turned to look at him.
    "What's up?"
    "Cassidy is planning to have us all group up and drive off to a field with a lake. Do you want to go?"
    "You're inviting me?"
    "More like telling you, I think Cassidy already informed Maverick and he was going to ask."
    "Oh uhm. Yeah, I'll go,"
    "Great! I think uh, Maria? is coming. She's cute but taken, so." He shrugged. Milo was oblivious to the fact Maria was Maverick's sister, no less TWIN.
    Ollie raised an eyebrow. "You into my boyfriend's sister?"
    Milo froze, slowly turning. "That's his sister?"
    Ollie stared at him. "Yes."
    "His twin. . ."
    "His tWI —" he put his head in his arms. "Well FUCK!"
    "YOU LIKE HER?!"
    "NO!" he replied, huffing. Liar. "No, I do not! And besides, she's taken!"
    "I," Ollie started, Milo frowned, he swallowed. "So. . . like, are you, gay or what cuz. . ."
    Milo looked at him. "I'm bisexual." He answered in an off tone, looking away back to his work. "Always have been, why?"
    "Well I don't know! I was just curious," he rubbed his neck.
    "Sorry, most who asked me looked weird after. I've cut off so many folks for that exact reason."
    "Oh. Sorry if, it was," he decided to just shut up as he messed with his hands.
    "It's fine Ollie, really. I didn't mean to answer in that tone, it's a force of habit. . ."
    "No yeah I'm sorry." He chuckled nervously, looking down.
    "Ollie, you're fine, really." Milo looked at him.
    Ollie looked at him as well, holding his arm. "Okay,"
    Milo sighed. "Anything else you need?"
    He shook his head softly. With that, Milo nodded and turned away to head back to the kitchen table to focus on his work. Ollie watched him before laying down in the living room.
    Ollie grabbed his phone, seeing it was Maverick, reading; "Hi Olls! Oh, you'd just LOVE this place, it's so beautiful! How's everything going? You bein' good?" He saw a video attached, opening it to watch.
    "Woah! Yeah, I'm good."
    Ollie turned, inhaling as he saw Maverick was calling. "Hello?"
    "I'm getting dinner. What do you want?"
    "Mmm, burgers."
    "Don't think any burger places are open, but I'll try!"
    "Class was fun." the sound of Maverick's car running was in the background. "So much in so little time," he laughed.
    "That's amazing,"
    "You don't sound so happy, do I need to check up on you?"
    "No no, I'm okay!"
    "Alrightt, oh, and Cassidy's coming over here in, a little over half an over. She's taking us out to hang out, just thought I'd tell you." He talked, his voice muffled as he found a burger place. "What do you want?"
    "The usual please,"
    "Gotcha!" Maverick ordered the usual, then his side of the call went silent for a few seconds, before turning back on. "Can you hear me? Shit did my audio cut? Olls?"
    "I'm here,"
    "Phew, okay well I just put your meal in. What'd you and Milo talk about while I was gone?" He tried to strike conversation so they wouldn't sit in silence, tapping his fingers.
    "My sketches actually,"
    "Oooo! Did he like em as much as I do? He better have!"
    "He did baby," Ollie smiled softly.
    "Well I'm glad, thank you, have a great night! Food is secured," the sound of a bag rustled, "Fries are fresh out of the oil too."
    After what felt like a while, the door unlocked, and he walked in with Ollie's food. Ollie sat up, looking over.
    Milo looked up, having finished his work. "No food for me?" He tried to joke.
    Maverick looked at him. "Nope," he stifled a laugh, walking over to Ollie and kissing the top of his head. "And here's your food, I got you a little something for being good," he smiled.
    "Oh?" Ollie took his food, looking at it all. Maverick had gotten him some ice cream, and he smiled.
    Maverick kept smiling. "Cass is coming in about, eh twenty minutes."
    "Twenty minutes?" Milo replied.
    Ollie nodded, eating. Maverick's phone buzzed, looking down. "There she is. Hey Cass, what's up?" He went quiet for a moment as she talked. "Gotcha gotcha, alright see you when you get here girl, alright, bye-bye," he hung up. "She is on her way."
    Ollie nodded again, talking with his mouth full. "Okay."
    "You can sit y'know," Maverick looked at him. "And I assume Milo's coming with us since Cass talked about him." Milo looked up from his phone, nodded, and looked back down at it.

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