Chapter Twenty-Seven: [Milo II]

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    Milo and Maverick walked. Ollie walked in between them, looking around. "Whaaat should we do?"
    "It's getting dark, rides? I think eating and then rides is a bad combo."
    "You're so smart, rides it is."
    "Well, which one hon?" Maverick asked.
    "Yes, hon, which one?" Milo mocked. Maverick glanced at him.
    Ollie turned to him, turning red. "OI!"
    Milo's smile wavered. "Sorry, I thought it was funny!"
    "That's — that's. . . that's —" Ollie stumbled over his words. Milo and Maverick looked at Ollie, laughing quietly. "That's — GARGH!" He hid his face. "FAST RIDES!"
    "Someone having a moment?"
    "GGh. sTawHp!"
    Milo smiled. "I think he's having a moment."
    "Don't say?"
    Ollie stared at them, chuckling nervously. Milo looked at Ollie, grinning. Ollie looked at him then slowly looked at Maverick
    Maverick looked at him, a smug smile painted on his face. "Yes, doll?"
    "STOP THAT!" Ollie looked at Milo, pointing. "You — you — I CAN'T EVEN TALK." Milo looked at his finger, still smiling, standing up straight.
    Ollie stared up at him. "This is not cool. NOT COOL!"
    Maverick leaned, whispering something in his ear. Must be good; Ollie's red, arms crossed.
    "Awww, don't be like that baby, let's go do some rides, k?" he rested his head on Ollie's shoulder, arms lazily around him.
    "Well c'mon then hon," he walked ahead. Milo gave Ollie a tiny push forward, Ollie walked quickly, Maverick and Milo walked near Ollie.
    Maverick looked at the rides. "Which one guys?"
    "Uhhhhhh the Twister."
    "No, no no no we are not going on that." Maverick answered.
    "Ollie we're not going on that." Milo stared, frowning.
    "You asked me! Come on, come on!" Ollje walked towards the line.
    "YEAH! But not to THAT! Olls no!"
    Milo watched, giggling under his breath
    "I'm not going on that, not a chance in hell!"
    "Baby come on!" Ollie stared up at him, holding his hands. "Please! Please!"
    "Ollie you can't beg me it's not working this time," he looked at their hands.
    "PLEASEEEE!" Maverick made a face. "Please please please please please?!"
    "Alright fine! Fine. If it stops your whining," he grumbled.
    "YAY!" Ollie grabbed their hands, dragging them towards the ride. Milo followed them, smirking. Maverick just looked, defeated and angry, and a little scared. Ollie laughed, waiting in line as he jumped up and down.
    "I'm not happy about this."
    "Come on babyyyy,"
    "Don't be so grouchy Mr. Grinch," Milo commented.
    "I will whack you." Maverick answered.
    Ollie cupped his face. "Baby stop." Maverick looked at him, his frown softened. "You'll live." He grinned.
    "In terror."
    "Oh quit," he chuckled, turning around. Maverick rolled his eyes, pulling Ollie in, and set an arm around him. Milo stood beside them, just watching the ride.
    Never thought the walking giant would be terrified of rides.
    Ollie held his arms, looking at Milo. Milo looked at him. "Yes?"
    "I'm gonna bully you all night now,"
    "Oh please, Maverick's the scaredy cat!"
    Ollie laughed. "I'm still gonna bully you!"
    Maverick gave a small smirk. "Olls you might be cornering yourself in a spot you don't like," Ollie went quiet, almost immediately.
    "Oh? Why so quiet?"
    "Aha. NothiNG!"
    "You mind whispering why you're so quiet?~" Ollie slowly crossed his legs
    "Olls? Honey?~" Ollie bit the tip of his finger.
    "I will play twister with your guts after this~" he warned in a sexual tone, smiling. Ollie went wide-eyed, tightening his legs.
    "Untighten your legs you might draw attention." Ollie did so, looking around as he pulled his sweater down more. Maverick stood up, they were near the front of the line
    Ollie cleared his throat, nodding. "Alright, I'm ready for this."
    "Am, not." Maverick said, Ollie held his hand.
    "Ready as can be," Milo spoke. Ollie jumped up and down, grinning. Maverik, Milo, and Ollie were at the front of the line. Ollie held out his ticket, Milo could see he was suddenly nervous but didn't wanna show it.
    This'll be fun. The ticket man took his ticket. The ride slowed to a stop, the other people getting out and heading for the exit. Then he opened the door. Ollie stared, walking in with a gulp. Maverick and Milo followed behind shortly.
    "Are you sure you want to do this?" Maverick asked, seeing Ollie, white as a ghost, sit in a seat.
    "Psh! DUH."
    Maverick sighed, nodding. "Alright. . ." He and Milo sat on either side of Ollie, buckling. The ticket man, who was the one operating the ride, came by one by one checking their buckles and seats, putting some down, and clicking them into the lock if the person didn't.
    Ollie rubbed his lips, chuckling nervously. "Alright, okay this is — this is. . ." he nodded. "FUN!"
    "I told you."
    Too late to back out now! Milo giggled.
    Ollie reached over, taking Maverick's hand. "I'M SORRY!"
    "You're FINE!" The ride started, spinning and lifting higher and higher.
    "OH FUCK ME." He gripped his hand and the handle, squeezing his eyes shut. "I'VE MADE A MISTAKEEE!"
    Maverick was quiet, tight to the seat with his eyes squeezed shut. Milo was screaming and laughing. Ollie prayed, squeezing the handle as tight as can be.
    The ride slowed to a stop after half an hour, swinging slowly like a grandfather clock's bell, before stopping and hissing like a coiled snake, the belts unlocked, moving up to let the riders out. Ollie breathed heavily, sliding out of the seat as he stumbled forward.
    Maverick got out, catching his footing before heading to Ollie. "Woah woah,"
    Ollie held onto him. "I'm, so dizzy,"
    "Yeah. I'd assume so. Milo you good?" Ollie groaned, holding his head as he walked out of the gates area. Milo smiled like a little teenage boy.
    "Yes! I wanna do that again!"
    "NO." Ollie leaned against a bench.
    "Not with us you aren't!"
    Ollie looked at Milo. "I'm gonna puke."
    Maverick grumbled, sitting down beside him. "We didn't even eat anything how are you going to puke?"
    "I DON'T KNOW. . ."
    "I uh, don't see a trash can near. . ."
    Ollie leaned his head back. "Biggest mistake." He quickly covered his mouth, booking it to find a trashcan.
    Both Maverick and Milo watched. Ollie grabbed a trashcan, barreling into it. Milo looked away when Ollie started vomiting.
    Maverick squinted. "Ohh. . ." He sighed, standing and headed over, giving Ollie some back pats, Milo there for emotional support. Ollie coughed, giving him a thumbs up while just getting it all out.
    "You alright now Ollie?" Milo asked after a few minutes.
    "I'm gOoD," he sat up, wiping his face as he grinned a bit. "Alright, mooovinggg onnnn. . ."
    "Alrightt, well uhm. I think now would be good to get some food and drinks, how do we feel?"
    "Yes. Food sounds really good right now," Maverick nodded.
    Milo looked around, then his eyes widen. HOLY SHIT!! "Guys guys!" He called out in a sort of low voice.
    Ollie turned. "Eh?" Maverick looked over.
    "C'mere!" He motioned his arms. Ollie and Maverick look at each other, heading over.
    "What're we looking at — Oh?" Maverick then smiled. Ollie raised his eyebrows, looking at them.
    Maverick turned Ollie's head. "Right, there." He angled him towards the other two. "See the giant elephant hon?"
    Ollie squinted, nodding slowly. "Yesss," he gasped. "OH!"
    Spark was staring at Macy. Ollie watched them pull her in, kissing the top of her head. "Hope you love that elephant, now."
    Macy closed her eyes, nodding. "I love it!"
    Spark turned their head, seeing a head of red hair. "Hey, Sadie and Sunny are at what looks like a ducky fair game,"
    Milo smiled as Ollie grinned. "I KNEW IT!" They said at the same time.
    "The both of you are rascals," Maverick spoke, looking at them. Ollie smirked up at him before looking back towards Spark and Macy. Maverick smiled at Olly, looking back to the other two.
    "They're adorable!"
    "Opposites really do attract," Ollie tilted his head, smiling still.
    Milo then handed Ollie another fifty dollars. "For the kiss," he spoke low, watching Ollie take it without looking at him, and still smiling.
    "They sure do," Maverick replied to OllIe, looking at him with a soft look. Ollie looked up at Maverick, examining his face. Maverick smiled warmly. Ollie looked to Milo then looked back at Maverick with a look. A "He's right" look. Milo eyed them. Ollie smiled, heading towards the food area. Maverick followed him, Milo not far behind. Ollie looked around, trying to find something to eat.
    "Mmm, lemonade sounds good," Maverick commented.
    "God yes," Ollie grinned, looking for a booth.
    "Am I paying or are we paying separately?" Maverick asked, Ollie looked at him. Milo watched them bicker, chuckling quietly.
    "No no, you save your money," Ollie started pulling out his wallet.
    "So what I'm hearing is separately? Alright," Maverick replied.
    "Uh, no, I'm paying for both of you," Ollie raised an eyebrow, standing in line. Maverick rose an eyebrow back.
    "No nah I'll pay for myself dear, I got money."
    "Uh, no, I'm paying."
    "Ollie I got it hon."
    Milo listened, eyes glancing from one to the other. Ollie pointed his finger at Maverick. "I'm paying. I will literally fight you." Maverick stared.
    "And, how will that end for you?"
    "Me winning. I'm paying, Mr. Blackwell." Ollie raised his eyebrows.
    "Mr. Simmons it's a lemonade,"
    "So?! I'm. Paying." He whispered, squinting.
    Maverick stared, frowning. "You're stepping over that line sir,"
    "Too bad," he turned, crossing his arms.
    Maverick looked at Milo, who looked back with a shrug. "I'm paying for the food, end of discussion."
    Ollie turned to him. "No."
    "Oliver Simmons don't even." Ollie blinked, frowning as he kept his arms crossed. He glanced at him. "Hey you're paying for our drinks, let me pay for food, k?"
    Ollie squinted. "Fineeeee."
    Maverick smiled. "Thank you hon,"
    Ollie huffed as he waved his hand. "Yeah, yeah."

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