Chapter Forty-Seven: [Macy XV]

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    Macy eyed a dress shop, seeing a specific dress as she stopped walking. "I think I found something already."
    Spark they looked at her, then the dress. "Oh?" Macy walked towards the store, walking in. Spark followed her. "Guess we're shopping here." They said to themselves and Bandit.
    Macy grabbed the dress off of a hanger, staring before looking around. "I want to try this on." The dress was the color of red wine with frills and spaghetti straps.
    "Uh, the fitting rooms," they looked around, eyeing them. "Oh, near the back, to your left." Macy nodded, walking towards them. Spark look around, walking after her, Bandit at their side.
    Macy looked at the rooms, seeing one empty and walked in as Spark waited outside.
    She set the dress down, undressing before unzipping the dress. "We need to find a couple pairs of shoes too!" She dressed, zipping the dress as she looked at herself. Her face lit up as she just stared.
    "We could! I can find a shoe store, how's it going in there baby?" For a bit, they didn't get a response. "Mace?" They walk towards the fitting room. Macy turned, opening the door and walked out. Spark stared at her, face flushing red.
    She raised her hands, inhaling deeply as she whispered. "I feel so pretty." She teared up a bit. She twirled the dress, smiling as the frills moved with her.
    "You look — woah."
    A worker came by, smiling. "Oh my gosh, finally someone tries this on! We've had it out for a week and no one has even touched it!" She wiggled her hands.
    Macy turned, grinning wide. "It's absolutely beautiful, Miss."
    Spark looked at her, smiling soft before looking at Macy. "Fate has brought you to this store." They chuckle.
    Macy laughed. "Absolutely,"
    She came by again, helping her zip up the rest of the dress. "I have just the accessory for you dear, you wait right here!" She quickly jogged off. Macy watched her, looking at Spark before taking their hands and laughed softly. Spark smiled more, squeezing her hands.
    Best day of my life!
    She came back, holding what looked like a head-scarf, a bandana Macy believed. "Alright, hold for your hair for me, darling," Macy turned before doing so. Standing behind her, the woman laid the scarf on her neck before squinting. She put it on perfectly, tying it. "Okay, let go." Macy let go.
    "God you're pretty." They smile, looking at her with eyes heavy in awe.
    The worker then turned her head gently and pulled some hair out to the front of her face, styling her hair a bit before standing next to Spark. "You, sweetheart, are just gorgeous. Model material!" She folded her hands together.
    Macy looked at them, just grinning. Spark tilted their head. "Some earrings could tie this together."
    The woman held Spark and Macy's shoulders, looking at the two of them. "Since you are the first people to look at this piece, I'm offering you a discount. How's that sound?"
    Macy turned to the lady, eyes wide. "Seriously?" Spark stared at her.
    "Absolutely, honey! For the headpiece too, one-hundred ten and twenty-five!"
    Macy laughed. "That's- that's a perfect deal." She noticed Spark reach into their wallet, pulling out their card and handed it to Macy.
    The woman grinned. "Perfect," she snapped her fingers "Let me go help this person and I will ring you beautiful people up!" She jogged off.
    "Thank you!" She called before taking the card and went off into the dressing room and got changed again. Daddy's money. Spark smiled as she walked out, holding the dress and headpiece before walking towards the counter. Spark looked around the store, wondering before heading to the counter with her.
  The lady came over, grinning. "Alright beautiful people, one-hundred ten dollars, twenty-five cents." She typed on a computer. Macy set the stuff down, waiting as she fiddled with her fingers. Spark moved off, just looking around the store in curiosity.
    The lady scanned the items, humming as she started rambling on and on about the dress and where it came from and stuff.
    Macy nodded, listening quietly. Spark eyed something, staring at her, then it, making a debating face. She inserted the card, putting in her boyfriend's pin, tapping the counter while the lady hung the dress up on a new, prettier hanger and put the headpiece with it. "I'll put this in a dress bag for you dear," she walked off.
    Spark grabbed it, heading over. They then paused, putting it behind their back. "Hey Mace, what's your. . . size?"
    Macy turned. "Oh! I'm a small, for what honey?"
    "Nothinnnn." They slink behind a aisle, checked something, and headed to find a small.
    She came back with the dress, laying it on the counter. "There you go, darling." She grinned.
    Macy watched Spark, raising an eyebrow then chuckled. "Thanks, I thinkkkk they found something."
    Spark walked over. "Macy close your eyes." The worker leaned on the counter, smiling.
    Macy's face lit up before closing her eyes. "Ooookaaayy?" They put the dress on the counter, raising a finger to their lip. The dress was dark and soft, with sleeves and covered the upper body with thigh gap-like sleeves/cuts in the dress.
    The woman. nodded, chuckling "Alright, sixty-four, seventy-eight." Spark paid, glancing at Macy.
    Macy raised an eyebrow, eyes still closed. "This is oddly suspicious."
    "Shush you'll see it in Vegas."
    Macy groaned. "Fine."
    "Oooo Vegas! I love it there, I got married there actually."
    Macy raised her eyebrows. "Okay, wow I didn't know that's a thing, though you can get married anywhere." She chuckled
    "I always go with my three pals every summer but this time we're bringing our partners." They smile at Macy.
    "How sweet! I'm sure you all will have a grand time. Lemme put this in a bag for you." She grabbed it, walking off.
    Spark nodded. "'K you can open."
    She opened her eyes. "You know I don't like surprises." She rolled her eyes with a smile
    "This one's a pretty surprise." They grin.
    The woman came back carrying a black bag, smiling. "Here you go, have a wonderful day." She handed it to Spark, who took it with a nod.
    "Thank you,"
    "Thank you!" Macy started walking out, Spark at her heels as she headed for another store.
   Macy looked into a store, looking around. "Oooo." She stepped in, staring at all the cute outfits. "Oh this is me coded." Spark smiled. She browsed through a section, grinning as she grabbed a top and matching bottoms and nodded, walking around the store more. Spark looked around, maybe something here would pique their interest, eyes then falling to a little baby outfit.
    She grabbed another dress, staring at it. This might be too revealing. . . I'll just see what they think. She nodded to herself, heading for the dressing rooms.
    Macy got undressed, inhaling deeply as she put the outfit on she slipped the top on, tightening the front as she closed her eyes and slowly looked up. She stared at herself for a long time, covering her mouth slightly. "Woah. . ." She whispered softly. "Babe!" She called. The outfit was a dull scarlet red color. The top was frilled that held her cleavage in with thin string, showing more then she wished, with frilly, loose sleeves, it looked like Sororite Vintage, while the skirt was ankle length and a darker scarlet red with frilled layers and a thigh slit. It looked Jean Paul Gaultier. For once Macy was proud she had a hand in fashion. She really hoped the string holding the top together wouldn't burst.
    She opened the curtain, slowly walking out and waited for them, fiddling with her fingers. She saw them jog a little, slowing as they stared at her, mouth opening. Their hidden hands drop.
    "Oh my god. . ."
    Macy slowly smiled. "Is it okay? Too revealing? Too much?"
    "It's, perfect oh my god I love it."
    Her face lit up. "Yeah? It isn't too much?"
    "Well, not for me." They smile, looking at her.
    Macy giggled, covering her mouth. "I'm going to get it. Oh and then there's this one, wait here!" She held her chest, jogging to the room and closed the curtain she quickly undressed.
    She hung the outfit back up before slipping on the dress carefully, she looked at herself quietly, nodding before opening the curtain. "Okay, then there's this one." She walked out to them. Spark straightened, eyes wide a little as they swallowed, staring. Once again her lower body was covered in a black ankle length skirt, the skirt held by two strings that stretched around each side of her ribs, connecting to her top that looked like a bikini top. It had thin shoulder straps and a piece of fabric running across her collarbone.
    Spark continued to stare at her. "My god I think I — uhm." They stare, hands tightening. They watched her smile and twirl.
    "Is this one okay too?" She asked, they nodded quickly. She walked up to them, smiling and kissed their cheek before heading back to the dressing room. Spark blinked, letting out a very tiny squeak.
    "Oops, sorry. . ." They whispered.
    Macy walked out, holding the outfits. "Have you find anything for you, baby?"
    Spark looked at her, hand moving. "No, but I don't think I found the right store yet." They reply.
    "Well, let us go find you something." She nodded. Spark nodded in reply. Macy walked towards the counter. "You know, I think a really cute black heel would go good with these dresses, you think?" She turned to them, glancing down at their hand before doing a double take. "Oh — what, are you holding?"
    Spark stood beside her, looking at her then their hand. "Oh. Uhm. . . I, saw it and felt, drawn to it. . . I was uh, wait-waiting for you to, notice. . ."
    She smiled softly. "Show me baby. Spark looked at her, revealing the onesie, setting it down on the counter next to her. Macy looked at it, grinning. "Awwww it's adorable!" She grinned up at them, Spark smiled.
    "I know we, can't, but we could say it's for Peanut? I really don't wanna put this back, something in me wants to keep it. . ."
    Macy whispered, holding their cheek. "Of course baby of course." She smile softly, lifting to put their hand on hers. Macy stroked her cheek, smiling softly. "We'll say it's for Peanut."
    "Hehe Peanut, she'd look cute in this."
    "Oh absolutely! Being a Maine Coon kitten I'm sure she'd fit." She giggled, stepping up.
    Spark smiled at her as Macy laid the stuff on the counter. Spark continued to look at her. "You hungry? There's a food court somewhere close by."
    At the food court, the group had found each other, sitting at a large table, another table beside them was crowded in bags of clothes and jewelry and other things.
    "We got lucky." Maria smiled. "Where's my brother?" She asked as she sat near Sunny, while Sadie and Cassidy went off to get some food.
    "Getting me a tea and Ollie a pretzel." Milo replied, looking at them.
    Ollie nodded. "Yeah, I got hungry."
    "Betcha Macy is too." Sunny smirked.
    "Well that little nut is always hungry." He chuckled, Sunny smiled, resting her head on her arms. Maverick walked back over setting down Milo's tea and Ollie's pretzel.
    "She's been happier, to say the least. Love to see it. She's adjusted in well." He nodded.
    Sunny looked at Maria. "I think Sparky's the reason she's so happy." She looked back at Ollie.
    "Well, I'm glad."
    Maria leaned back in her chair. "How'd y'all's hunting go?"
    Ollie reached for the pretzel, taking a bite. "Pretty good."
    Milo took a sip from his tea. "Couldn't find anything in the store we were just at, but hopefully other stores will have something."
    "Oh definitely."
    Macy spotted them, Maverick then turned and pointed in their direction, Spark did the same. Macy smiled softly, waving when she saw them. Spark jogged over, Macy walked quickly behind. Bandit was ahead of them, let off leash and running towards the group, since there wasn't a lot of people near.
    "I'm starving." Macy said as they got close.
    "Bet you are, you got as much as the ladies." Maverick replied.
    Macy looked at the table and made a face. "Oop." She then giggled, laying the stuff down. Milo watched, sipping more of his tea.
    Ollie leaned on his hand. "Well let's see."
    "You wanna get your food or?" Spark looked at her, then Ollie.
    Macy turned. "Uhmmm I can show them the stuff and then you can get the food? Honestly, anything sounds amazing."
    Spark nodded. "Sounds good," they smiled at her, Macy smiled as well. Spark looked at the bags, then leaned to whisper where only she could hear. "How do you think they'll take the, y'know?"
    Macy whispered back. "I'll handle it." She nodded.
    Spark give a short nod in reply. Cassidy and Sadie came back with food, some Chick-fil-A. It was two trays of nuggets and fries. "Here y'all go."
    Macy started taking the stuff out, smiling. "I got a couple things."
    Sunny sat up. "Those sure are pretty." Sadie looked over, taking some nuggets and fries, then Maverick stole some off the two trays.
    Macy laid the onesie down, clearing her throat before smiling. "Yeah that's it for now uh. . . gonna get shoes and a few more things."
    Milo looked, then noticed, glancing at them, before looking back. Ollie sat up a bit, looking at the onesie then her. Soon Maria and the others noticed, looking at the two as well.
    She knew they were staring at the onesie. "For Peanut." She spoke quietly, smiling softly, watching Maria share looks with her girlfriends, looking back. Maverick looked at the two of them, the only other who could agree to that. "I can't have kids." She put the stuff back. "So it's for Peanut."
    "I'm sorry. . ."
    Ollie inhaled. "The stuff is gorgeous! Right guys?" He stared at everyone.
    "I adore it, I think the red is your color, redhead!" Sadie spoke up.
    "That shade is burgundy Sads, thought I taught you shades." Sunny looked at her. Macy smiled, sitting down.
    Sadie turned around. "Hey listen okay I knew it's burgundy it's just a shade of red I dislike sounding high-tongued looking at dresses 'Oh this one's vermillion, that's sapphire, oh! This one's chartreuse.'"
    Sunny rolled her eyes. "Y'all want some of this?" She motioned to the nuggets and fries.
    "Nah, I'll find something else. Macy you sure you want anything?"
    "Just. . . uh sandwich." She smiled slightly. Spark leaned and kissed her on the cheek before walking off. Macy watched them, smiling as Maverick took a drink of Milo's tea.
    Ollie chuckled softly. "Macy, you're going to look STUNNING!"
    Macy turned. "Thank you," she smiled more.
    "We're all going to look stunning." Cassidy smiled, tucking her arms to her chest.
    "Absolutely!" He nodded. Macy started thinking, making a confused face as she rubbed her neck.
    "You good Mace?" Cassidy asked, tilting her head to look at her.
    "Yeah just, thinking." She shook her head. "Calculating, actually."
    "About?" Milo asked.
    Macy looked at them all before chuckling. "Don't worry about it." Maria and Milo shared a narrow-eyed look, then Maria focused back on talking about the trip with excitement to her girls.
    Macy looked towards Spark biting at her lip anxiously. I could just be irregular this month. Can't be that. . . Spark, seeming to of sensed her, turned, giving a little wave as they stared at her, waiting on their orders. Macy waved back in reply, she watched them, zoning out a bit, now over thinking it.
    They sat down beside her. "I got us a Passionberry Tea to share. . . Macy?" they lightly nudge her.
    Macy looked at them, smiling. "Thank you." She grabbed her sandwich, eating.
    Spark looked at her. "You okay?" They whisper. Macy nodded, looking at them with a smile. Spark gave a small smile back. "I got us a tea to share." They repeat as they set it beside her sandwich.
    Macy kissed their cheek, taking a sip. "Mm. . ."
    They smiled and began to eat theirs, tippy tapping. "God I love McAlister's."
    "It's very yummy." She answered, Ollie watched them with a gentle smile.
    "It's their sweet tea with Passionfruit syrup and strawberry puree." They replied, looking at her. "Wanna try my King Club?" They offered, putting a hand under in case some pieces fell as Macy reached to take a bite.
    "Mmm, it's DELICIOUS!" She smiled, nodding. Spark smiled big.
    "I could go get your own."
    Macy titled her head. "Yes please." She watched Spark wrap their sandwich and rush to get Macy her own King Club as she finished off her own sandwich and sipped the tea. Maverick smiled, laughing soft.
    Macy moved her hair out of her face. "You got stuff on your face." Ollie reached, wiping her face with a napkin. Macy moved away, making a "blegh" noise as he squinted. "Oh quit." He set the napkin down. The girls table was now chatting, having filled themselves on the tray and the two teas Cassidy got.
    "I'm not five." Macy spoke.
    "You look it." Ollie answered, "taking" her nose. Macy blinked.
    Milo snickered, his head in his arms as he watched Ollie. Maverick laughed under his breath. "Y'all are so weird." Ollie chuckled, Macy smiling softly as she waited for her sandwich. Spark then walked into view, giving her the sandwich and smooched her cheek.
    "If y'all aren't to full, I could get us a little uh, cake to share." Maverick spoke to his table and the girls' table.
    Macy grinned. "Thank you and uh yes!" She grinned at Maverick.
    His sister sat up. "Yes please, always room for dessert!"
    "Sadie and I never say no to dessert." Sunny said. Cassidy simply nodded. Maverick nodded and got up, heading off.
    "Be back!"
    Macy watched him before munching on the second sandwich. Spark finished off their sandwich, ''resetting" with a big sip of the tea. "I'll need to get a refill soon." They laugh a little.
    She laughed. "Yes definitely." Spark leaned their head on her, hand resting on her leg. Macy finished the second sandwich. "Man, that was delicious." Ollie blinked, never ever seeing her eat that much.
    "There's a lot more places with as good sandwiches." They smile soft.
    Macy giggled. "I'll keep that in mind." Spark mimicked her giggle with a bigger smile. Macy reached and kissed their cheek, Spark smiled and kissed her back.
    "You two are gross." Sunny teased, making a gagging noise. Maria snickered as Cassidy chuckled softly. Milo rolled his eyes, looking at Ollie.
    Ollie inhaled. "After the cake, let's finish." He grinned.
    "I agree, I saw a jewelry shop coming here." Maria spoke up.
    "I saw a different store I'd like to stop by." Cassidy smirked, head leaned back as her girls looked at her, then to each other.
    Macy turned to her. "Oh?"
    "Without a doubt I don't think you've ever looked at a store like that, wanna come with me?" She looked at her, the other girls smiling. Maverick came back.
    "Just got a small vanilla cake since I didn't wanna hear any whines." He spoke. "Move your asses I'm putting the tables together."
    Macy grinned. "Yay!" Then the girls table moved back, Milo and Spark not far behind as they pull Macy with them, Macy watched Maverick lean and push the tables together.
    Ollie smirked. "He's strong." Maverick eyed Ollie as his smirk turned to a grin. "What?! I can't compliment you?"
    Maverick grinned. "Ollie you constantly compliment my arms." Milo smirked.
    "SOOO?" Ollie replied as Maverick rose an eyebrow.
    Macy sat back down, tapping the table. "Yes Cassie, I would LOVE to go with you." she giggled.
    "Great!" Cassidy replied, seeing Spark stare at her.
    "Is this the store I think it is?" They ask as Cassidy giggled and nodded, Spark stared. "Oh dear god."
    "Eh?" Macy blinked.
    "You'll see when we get there."
    "Okay!" Macy replied.
    Spark scowled at Cassidy, signing out of view of Macy. "If I get a boner it's your fault." Cassidy only lifted a middle finger, grinning evilly. Macy leaned on them, smiling as Spark put their arms around her.
    Ollie took a slice of the cake, handing it to Macy. "Here hon," Macy took it, smiling, Spark grabbed a slice, humming. Macy started eating, humming as well.
    Sunny looked at the cake, grabbing slices for herself and the other girls. Macy was already done, watching everyone. Maverick and Milo shared the rest, Ollie took a bite of Milo's, smiling.
    "Aye you got your slice!"
    "Yours looks better!"
    Milo looked at him. "Dolly it's the same cake." He rose his brows.
    "So?" Ollie smiled innocently, eating his own slice. Milo scoffed, going back to his slice. Maverick laughed soft, leaned back.
    Macy grabbed her stuff, standing. "Ready to head out?" Cassidy asked.
    Macy nodded. "Yes! I'm excited to see this store." Cassidy smiled big, getting up.
    Maria, Sadie, and Sunny weren't far behind, grabbing their bags. "We're gonna go check out that jewelry store, catch you guys later!" She headed off, Sunny and Sadie following. Macy watched them before looking up at Cassidy.
    Ollie threw all the trash away. "Spark can hitch with us, I'm sure you'll find something, eh Spark?"
    "Surely." They smile, grabbing their tea and finished it before trashing.
    Macy jogged up to Spark, kissing their cheek. "Have fun, I love you," she grinned.
    Spark chuckled, kissing her back. "You have fun too." They then turn to walk over to Maverick and said something that made Milo exhale through his nose, laughing softly.
    Ollie chuckled. "You really do love her, huh?"
    "I adore her Olls, now are we gonna go outfit looking orrr?"
    "Yep, c'monn!" Maverick pulled Ollie as he started walking, Milo and Spark following. Ollie grinned, walking off with the three.
    Now it was just Cassidy and Macy, she looked at her, grinning. "You ready?"
    "Yes, I'm excited!" She smiled.
    "Oh you'll be excited alright, now c'mon!"

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