Chapter Forty-Five: [Spark XII]

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    Spark's hands grip her ass, smiling against her lips. She smiled as well, chuckling softly. "I love your lips. . ." She whispered. "They're so soft, and comforting. . ."
    "Yours are soft too. . ." They whispered back, laughing soft. "Both sets. . ."
    Macy laughed. "Spark," she nuzzled her nose against theirs.
    "You're naughty."
    "I just fucked you three separate times, and ate you out after two, of course I'm naughty baby." They grinned, looking up at her. "Do you have a time limit on exhaustion? Three times, Macy."
    "Do you?" Macy chuckled and grinned, leaning to hug them as Spark hugged her back, breathing in her scent. Macy breathing softly, closing her eyes. "Can you get me something to drink?"
    "Yes darling, what do you want?"
    "Anything," she smiled, they slowly pull her off and laid her down, kissing her cheek and then her belly, getting up and cleaned off with an old shirt and threw on some old sweats, leaving the room. She watched them before getting comfortable in the bed.
    Spark walked in, humming softly as they looked for something to drink, then eyed the lemonade, raising up. Is this still good? They had noticed the heat died down, thankful as they took a cup and filled a little. God she makes good drinks. They filled a cup for her and themself as they headed back upstairs. Spark walked in, looking at her, she slowly moved to look at them, smiling faintly.
    "I got you lemonade, Cass makes good drinks." They smile sweetly.
    Macy opened her hands. "Thank you baby," Spark walked her, handing it to her as they sit beside her. Bandit joined them, hopping onto the bed and at first, sniffed the bruise on Macy's belly, licking before trying to get a drink.
    Macy looked down at her, smiling softly as she moved her cup. "No no," she chuckled. Spark smiled, drinking as Bandit then tried to get their cup.
    "Bandy noo," they chuckled. Peanut jumped up followed by her collar's bell jingling, not seeing Bandit, then flew back when noticing her. Spark snorted, laughing with Macy. Bandit turned, ears raised as she looked at Peanut, who eyed Bandit, turning her body to her before jumping at her. Bandit barked, standing at the edge of the bed, tail wagging as the kitten latched onto her, bunny kicking.
    Spark smiled, moving and got out of bed. They walked to Leaf and Annie's cage, letting the two crawl onto their hand and shirt, closing the door and make their way back to Macy. Peanut's bell collar jingled about as she played.
    Bandit jumped around, grunting as she pawed at her, rolling off the bed by mistake as Macy took a sip of her lemonade, watching them before laying the cup down on the nightstand. Peanut jumped off of her, standing on the bed.
    Spark set their cup down, Annie and Leaf hiding in their hair. Bandit stared, head level with the bed and nipped her, growling playfully as Peanut straight up smacked her nose. Macy watched, smiling as Spark laughed.
    "They got beef, get her Bandy!" They giggled as she chuckled. Bandit's ears raised, rearing up and mouthed Peanut, who just repeatedly smacked her head, yet Bandit lightly grasped her like a puppy, jumping up onto the bed and curled up, setting her down. Peanut wiggled around, meowing she then ran to Macy, rubbing against her belly. Macy pet her head softly, tilting her head as Spark looked at Peanut, glancing at Macy.
    Peanut then laid against her, purring loudly. Mac smiled more. "She used to do this when she was little little, about six-ish months ago now. This is the first time she's done it since then. . ." She spoke quietly, scratching under her chin.
    Bandit walked over, flopping down and curled up between Spark's leg, head on their chest as she looked at Macy. She just looked at her cat, frowning softly while petting her. Peanut looked up at her, just purring as she closed her eyes, they rested their head on Macy's shoulder as she leaned her head on top of theirs, smiling.
    Our little four legged family. They laugh softly, pulling their lizards from their hair, looking at them.
    Bandit sniffed Annie and Leaf, curling back up, Macy smiled, looking at the lizards. Leaf, ever the adventurous one, wiggled down onto her leg, observing Peanut with a tilted head. Peanut looked at Leaf, her pupils dilated, the female anole stared back, raised up, and then got smacked as Macy gasped, grabbing Peanut.
    "Oh no no,"
    The lizard scurried off back to Spark in response to the smack, thankfully unharmed. Peanut rubbed her face against Macy's purring again. Macy chuckled, holding her close.
    "Poor Leaf, she was just curious, you're a mean kitty." They smile, Peanut turned to Spark slowly. Leaf was sitting on their shoulder, looking at Peanut, before leaping onto Macy's shoulder and staring her down. Peanut shot her head to Leaf, smacking at Leaf, and once again Macy pulled Peanut off.
    "No, bad," Macy or Spark didn't have time to react before Leaf moved, and then leaped directly onto Peanut's back. The kitten wiggled around, trying to bite her. Both Spark and Macy made a face, holding Peanut away from her face. Spark's eyes widen as they yanked their lizard.
    "That's enough adventuring for you Leapy, cage time." Spark got up, heading for the cage.
    "Enough of you." Spark heard Macy say. Annie made a hissing noise, flaring up. . . well she would, if she had a frill, but lashed her tail.
    Peanut went stiff, meowing before rolling around to get to the lizards, and then jumped out of Macy's arms, jumping at Spark. Annie hissed louder, then fully flared her body and lashed her tail. Macy got up, wrapping the blanket around her and snatched Peanut with it. Peanut growled at her, hissing as she thrashed around in the blanket. "Jesus. . ."
    Leaf climbed into the cage, Annie taking a minute before following. Spark locked the cage, then Macy let Peanut go, standing. She looked at Macy, thrashing her tail before biting her ankle. "AH! PEANUT!" She wiggled her off.
    "I don't think Peanut's going to be happy when I get Annie and Leaf a new female friend and male friend." They laugh as Peanut ran at her leg again
    She pushed her off, running onto the bed. "WAHH-" she followed her, jumping onto her arm and bunny kicked. Spark jumped in, scooping up Peanut, who turned and latched onto their head, biting their hair. Bandit tucked herself near Macy, watching with her head on her belly.
    Spark stretched their arms. "Air jail for the creature." Peanut wiggled before letting out a very loud meow. "Oh she screams for justice but it does not hear thee." The kitten wiggled around more, biting their hand. They gasped, pulling her in. "Harming me you little rat how dare." Peanut continued to bite.
    Macy grinned. "She's playing,"
    Spark bit back, gentle though. Peanut spit at them, putting her ears back as Spark grinned and spit back while flashing their teeth. Peanut smacked their face, looking absolutely offended.
    "Ohh you can spit at me but I do it and you look offended, ugh." They look at Macy, grinning while flashing their teeth. "That's not scary at all is it, little maniac." They look back at Peanut. She smiled more.
    Peanut just blinked, thrashing her tail before biting their arm. "Gah!" They lightly toss her onto the bed. She turned her body to them, ears airplane. Macy slowly crawled her hand to her, poking her side while making an odd sound as her kitten jumped in the air, turning to her quickly. Spark laughed, crawling towards Macy and plopped down with their head on her belly, watching as Macy laughed. The kitten trotted up to them, her bell collar jingling as she crawled on top of Spark and loafed onto their arm.
    They smile, sharing belly space with Bandit while they pet her. She looked at the three of them, smiling softly before closing her eyes. Spark looked up at her, eyes swallowed in admiration and love. Macy sat comfortably, listening to Peanut's loud purring.
    Spark watched her, whispering to themself yet aimed to her. "You're going to have so much fun in two weeks. . ." Yet Macy had fallen asleep, unaware. Spark curled up, sighing softly as they let sleep take them.
    The house was quiet with sleep in the afternoon sun, warm and limbs tangled in hugs and gentle embraces. But in a week, the house will awaken with chatter and packing and organizing.
    But for what?

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