Chapter Ninety: [Isiah IV]

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    Isiah pulled up next to Damian's truck, turning off the bike as Maria took off the helmet, messing with her hair. He got off, grabbing the soups.
    He set his helmet down, taking the whole bag off of the bike and started making his way to the door. She followed him, taking in the nice summer night air before she'd have to stand in the hospital's cold waiting room. He opened the day for her.
    "Thank you Issi." She bowed her head in thanks and walked in.
    Rebecca looked over to her voice, wiping her face.
    "You're welcome." Isiah walked in after, looking around.
    Damian looked over, slowly he moved his hands from her face. "You keep her safe?"
    "Si, my abuelo bought Oliver a blanket." He walked over to them before setting the bag down and unzipped it. He took out all the soups and laid them on the small table.
    Rebecca watched Isiah, her tears still flowing down her face. "That's very nice of him. . ."
    Maria set down the blanket. "Has my brother left the room since we left?"
    "Not at all, no. . ."
    Isiah took out the two roses, giving one to Maria. "The soup should be nice and hot still." Maria looked at the rose, blinking. He acted like nothing happened, setting each soup aside along with a spoon.
    Damian turned and left, grabbing tissues and proceeded to wipe Rebecca's face, blinking softly. Calypso slithered over, sitting crisscross onto the floor and looked at the soup.
    Damian looked at her, then down at Calypso. "Hey you." He looked up at him, waving a bit. He leaned a hand and tussled his hair, then went back to wiping Rebecca's face while she leaned into him.
    Isiah looked between then, biting at his lip. "Anything new?"
    Damian kissed between her eyebrows, setting the tissues on the table nearby. "Oh, well. . . the doctor said, he'd have to go into surgery for internal bleeding. . . if nothing's wrong in two hours he won't need surgery. . ." He explained, moving his arm as Spark made an appearance, grabbing two bowls, and left.
    He watched Spark then slowly looked at Damian. "No bueno. How is he now? Awake?"
    She shrugged. "We aren't sure, she said he was still sleeping. . ."
    He nodded. "We'll. . . have to wait. . ."
    Isiah looked at the soups before grabbing three of them and the rose, looking at Maria. "Wanna come with me?"
    Maria looked over, nodding. "Sure, I wanna see my brother." Isiah nodded, heading for the room, Maria not far behind him, holding the blanket.
    Isiah went to the door, adjusting the soup for a moment before slowly opening it and looked in. Ollie was still out, Milo and Maverick were still holding Ollie's hands, both still awake. Maverick looked tired but forcing himself to stay awake. Milo was distracting himself on his phone to stay awake.
    Isiah stepped in. "We brought food. . ." He spoke quietly, looking at Ollie.
    Maverick's head turned, looking at him. "Thank you. . ." Milo smiled soft.
    Isiah walked over, setting Ollie's bowl down before handing Milo and Maverick theirs. "My abuelo bought him a blanket." He laid the rose next to Ollie's bowl. "I know it gets cold here. . ." Maverick nodded, taking the bowl as Maria set the blanket down and carefully set it over Ollie's blankets. Ollie furrowed his eyebrows a bit, shifting ever so slightly.
    "Thank you." Milo said.
    "You're welcome. . ." He examined Ollie, blinking softly. "How long has he been asleep for?"
    "Uh. . . I think I lost track of time after the third hour. . ." Maverick said, glancing at Ollie. Milo quietly ate his soup.
    Isiah nodded softly. "Mm. . ."
    Maria looked at Ollie, nudging the two. "Hey dinguses, think he's waking up. . ." She kept her voice low. Milo and Maverick looked over, Maverick sitting up and set his bowl nearby. Ollie slowly opened his eyes, squinting to the light as Maria stared.
    Maverick looked at Milo, looking back at Ollie. "Hey hon. . ."
    Ollie moved his head to look at Maverick then at Milo and then to the other two. "Fuck I wasn't dreaming. . ." He whispered quietly.
    "What do you mean?" Maverick asked.
    "I'm still here. . ." He closed his eyes again, leaning his head back as he groaned a bit, reaching for his stomach.
    Isiah frowned softly, watching him quietly as Milo laid a hand on his, Maverick doing the same.
    "Sorry. . ."
    Ollie turned his hand over to hold it. "Help me sit up. . . my back is killing me."
    Maverick reached and supported his back as he did so. "Alright, alright," Ollie bared his teeth, sitting up and huffed.
    "Put a pillow behind his back." Isiah pointed a bit as Milo nodded, doing so, positioning it comfortably. He groaned still before getting comfortable. Isiah went over to Ollie's soup, opening the lid and grabbed a spoon. Milo set aside for Isiah.
    Isiah looked at Ollie. "Hungry?"
    Ollie watched Isiah, nodding. "Yeah, starving. . ." he chuckled, but instantly regretting it. "Ow," Milo now sat with Maverick, both quietly eating their soup.
    Maria sat nearby, looking at them. . . mostly at Isiah as he carefully sat on the bed and helped Ollie eat his soup. Ollie ate quietly with closed eyes as Maverick watched him.
    Isiah smiled softly. "Good, huh? My abuela makes good soup. . ." Ollie nodded, smiling.
    Milo and Maverick nodded. "I bet this tastes better for Ollie."
    "Agreed," Maverick replied. Isiah chuckled, moving Ollie's hair out of his face with his pinky, still feeding him.
    "How're the others holding up. . .?" Maverick asked. Isiah glanced at Maverick.
    "They. . . yeah they're okay. . ." He nodded.
    Ollie looked at them all as Maverick nodded. "Thank you."
    "Of course, I think I might get everyone a room for the night so they aren't crowding up the lobby. . ." Maverick looked at Maria. "How far is your guys' suites?"
    "An hour, I believe." She looked at him, hands resting on her lap, legs crossed.
    Isiah nodded. "Well, can you look for motel closest to here?"
    Maria went on her phone. "Motels are. . . mm."
    "She doesn't like motels." Maverick commented.
    "The hotel is an hour away."
    "Well, an hour is kind of far but, it should be fine."
    Ollie listened to them, swallowing and glanced at his monitor as Maverick looked back at him. "Do you mind if we're an hour away or do you want us close?"
    He looked at him. "Close, I don't wanna be that far away while I'm here. . ."
    Maverick nodded. "Hell, me and Milo could just camp out in this room if you want. . ."
    Ollie frowned a bit. "You sure?" Maverick nodded. "I don't know how long I'll have to be here for. . . but if you insist."
    "Well, that works out good." Isiah smiled, continuing to feed Ollie. Milo leaned on Maverick as he finished off his soup. Ollie kept eating as Maria watched them.
    Isiah grabbed a napkin, gently wiping his mouth. "Lleno? Full?" Ollie nodded, leaning back as Isiah stood and put the lid back on.
    Milo threw his trash away, walking back to Maverick while Isiah adjusted the blanket before stepping back towards Maria. Ollie looked at Maverick and Milo, examining their faces. Maverick looked at Isiah and Maria, then looked at Ollie.
    Maria looked at Isiah, then back to the others as Ollie inhaled deeply, motioning to them to come closer. Maverick moved closer and Milo moved back to the other side, closer as well.
    Ollie cupped Milo's face, kissing his forehead softly. He left his lips there for a moment before kissing it again and moved to Maverick, doing the same thing as Maverick smiled soft, Milo closing his eyes.
    Ollie smiled a bit, holding their hands. "I love you both. . ."
    "I love you too. . ." Maverick continued to smile soft. Milo blinked away tears.
    "I love you too." Milo replied
    Isiah's eyes got a bit glossy as he messed with his nose a bit and looked down. He tried to hide his eyes as Maria looked at him again. Slowly she reached and rubbed his arm. He glanced at Maria, clearing his throat slightly and sniffed, straightening up as she eyed him, leaning on his arm.
    Ollie kissed their knuckles, massaging their palms with his thumbs. Maverick and Milo kissed his cheeks, Maverick then kissed his forehead and Milo kissed his hair. Ollie closed his eyes, breathing softly as Isiah looked at her, moving his arm and wrapped his arm around her as she softly breathed. Maverick leaned on his arm, looking at Ollie, and Milo leaned back in his chair, eyeing the monitor.

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