Chapter Fifty-Eight: [Spark XIV]

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    Spark opened the door for her as she stepped out, looking around before turning to look at Spark. "What's wrong hon?"
    She messed with her hand, looking around again then looked up at them. "When was the last time I had my period?"
    "I don't, uh. . ." Their head lowered. "I'm not sure. . . are you implying something?"
    Macy shook her head. "No no just, a little confused." She chuckled softly, rubbing her cheek. "Could just be late." She smiled up at them.
    "I really hope it's late. . . but I uhm, I did bring the, tests. . ."
    She rubbed the back of her neck, biting the inside of her cheek as she started thinking. "Should. . . should I take one?"
    "If you think so. . ." They reply as she sighed softly, moving to hug them, they hugged her tightly, kissing the top of her head. Macy looking off to the side, hugging them just as tight.
    Macy whispered softly. "There can't be a way I'm pregnant. . ." She closed her eyes, furrowing her eyebrows a bit. "There can't be." They look around them, sighing.
    She started to tear up as she moved and looked up. "Uh oh," she couldn't help but laugh softly, trying to make the tears go away so it doesn't ruin her makeup. They fan her eyes.
    "Uh, there's napkins, at the table. . ."
    "No it's okay." She sniffed, nodding as she held their waist softly.
    Spark held her waist as well, kissing under her eyes. "Well, let's head back, okay? I wonder if the food came."
    Mach nodded. "Yes, let's go." She reached kissing their cheek softly. They smile, opening the door for her as she walked in.
    The group had just gotten their food when Macy and Spark returned. Rebecca laid a napkin in her lap. Spark and Macy sat down. Bandit had gotten unseasoned baked chicken with broth as her meal, eating it under the table.
    Ollie had finished his drink, smiling big. "God I'm so hungry."
    "I bet." Maverick was already starting to eat.
    Macy sat down. "Smells delicious."
    Sadie, Sunny, and Maria were eating, all equally as hungry and eating happily.
    Milo took a bite. "Oh hell yeah, this is delicious!" Maverick laughed soft at Milo. Cassidy began to eat.
    "My food is good, mm!" Spark chuckled. Ollie nodded, starting to eat.
    Macy grinned, taking a bite of her salad. "Oh god yes."
    Rebecca watched them all eat, smiling as she cut up her food and took a bite.
    Maria hungrily finished her food almost as quickly as she got it, taking a large sip before leaning back. "Woof,"
    Ollie ate peacefully, looking up at Rebecca with a smile. His mother smiled back, reaching and took his hand, gently stroking his hand with her thumb.
    "I think I need another cocktail." Sunny said as she finished her drink.
    "Could just wait for the waiter to come back?" Macy looked over at Sunny, taking another bite of her salad.
    "I will, is your salad good?"
    "Yes! It's very good, fresh too!"
    "That's good, I thought you'd get something more filling but decisions. My food is delicious oh my god."
    Macy chuckled. "Smells delicious too."
    "Want a bite?" Sunny offered.
    "Uhm, sure." She grinned. Spark nudged their empty bowl, sipping their water.
    Sunny cut her a decent slice, putting it on a napkin and gave it to Maverick, who handed it to Macy. Ollie's face softened a bit as he squeezed his mother's hand as well.
    Macy took it, smiling more as she took a bite. "Oh. . . my. . . god."
    "'s'it good?" Spark smiled at her.
    "Yes!" Macy smiled as Spark smiled more.
    Rebecca finished her food, moving her plate and wiped her face.
    "That was good." Milo sighed.
    "Absolutely." Rebecca smiled softly.
    The twins had finished their food, mostly everyone had finished their food.
    Macy finished the last of her food, nodding. "So delicious,"
    Sadie nodded. "Those wings oh my god they were good."
    Cassidy looked at her, then Ollie. She rested a hand on his shoulder as he watched her, blinking softly before looking at Cassidy, he put his hand on top of hers, looking at her as his eyes glossed over and shook his head softly. She pulled him closer as Ollie exhaled slowly, sniffing as he prevented his tears from leaving his eyes.
    Macy watched them but stayed quiet, laying her hand onto Spark's knee. Spark rested their hand on hers.
    Cassidy nudged Ollie up as he turned, sitting up and cleared his throat. Rebecca looked at the table and once again the right side got up. Rebecca sat down, then the other sat down, smiling gently.
    Sadie sighed. "Where to now? More refills, or?"
    "I'm ready to go dancing." Ollie chuckled softly. "Sure there's drinks there."
    Maverick pulled out his phone. "I'll find a nightclub."
    "Ooo dancing! My specialty!" Macy commented, Spark looked at her.
    "Would you guys like to go to the limo and plan it in a suite, or?" Maria asked.
    "I don't mind," Cassidy replied.
    "Yes!" Macy nodded.
    Ollie looked at them all. "Gives us time for our stomachs to settle as well."
    Sunny was already getting up, finishing off her drink. "Well, c'mon then! Mrs. Simmons would you like to come?"
    Rebecca looked up at her, standing. "Oh honey I'd love to but. . ." She shook her head softly.
    "Oh come on mom." Ollie smiled, standing. Spark got up as the girls did too so Macy and the others could get out.
    Dancing. . . lovely place, loud. Really loud.
    Rebecca looked at him, sighing softly before smiling a bit. "Alright alright," she stood, grabbing her bag. Ollie grinned, locking arms with her.
    Macy grabbed her purse, chuckling as she held it as Spark pulled her in, holding her hand as they followed Maria and Cassidy, Milo got up. Bandit trotted at Spark's side.
    Ollie waited for his boys, smiling at them. Maverick smiled at Ollie, quickly kissing his cheek before locking hands with him and holding Milo by his waist. Milo yelped a little in surprise.
    Rebecca smiled at the three, walking. "Cuties, I'll need a picture." Spark looked over.
    "Oh gosh mom." He chuckled, walking as well. Milo smiled, chuckling.
    "Pleaseeeee I've gotta show my work buddies." She pouted, looking up at him.
    "Promise dad won't see it?" Ollie raised his eyebrows.
    "On my life." She held out her pinky. Ollie smiled softly, looking to Maverick and Milo as his boys looked at him as well, smiling.
    "Yes!" she laughed.
    "Takin' the picture here, or?" Maverick asked.
    "Yes, in front of the building!"
    "Got it, c'mon blondie." Maverick chuckled as he pulled them with him as he walked. Rebecca grinned happily.
    Maria and her girls waited for them outside. Spark watched them as Rebecca walked out, moving from Ollie and opened her purse, taking out a camera. "Alright,"
    Ollie grinned. "You still have it. . ."
    "Uhhh duhhhh you gave it to me for my birthday, why wouldn't I?" She smiled at him, turning it on and set it up. Milo looked over, looking at Maverick as they both smiled Rebecca. "Okay, Miillo. . .?" She pointed at him, making a face. "Milo? Right?"
    "Yes ma'am."
    Macy watched with a gentle smile. "This is silly." Spark whispered to Macy, laughing.
    "Okay, Milo move to Oliver's side." She directed them. Ollie stood in the middle, opening his arms as Milo did so, going at his left side. "Annnnnd Maverick hold his waist, Milo lock arms."
    Ollie shook his head, embarrassed but just smiled. Maverick just smiled, doing so.
    Rebecca walked over, taking Ollie's hand and laid it on Milo's shoulder. "Okay now don't moooveeee."
    Ollie grinned, shaking his head. "I feel like a kid again." Maverick glanced at Ollie, and then Milo, smirking.
    "Say cheese!" Ollie laughed, leaning his head back. Rebecca grinned, snapping the picture quickly. "Okay one more!"
    Ollie snorted. "Mom!" He kept laughing.
    Macy pulled out her phone, tilting her head as she recorded this moment, smiling softly. Maverick and Milo looked at each other, smirking. They 'photobombed' the picture; Maverick kissing his neck and Milo kissing his cheek
    "Oooo okay I see you! Scandalous!" She took the picture she put her camera done. "Perfect, these are definitely going in your file on my computer."
    Ollie shook her head. "I'm so beyond embarrassed right now." Maverick grinned, laughing against his neck as he stood up.
    Rebecca laughed, putting her camera away. Macy stopped recording, sending it to Ollie.
    Ollie moved. "Alright alright let's go."
    "Embarrassed? I didn't think that was in your vocabulary dolls." Milo chuckled.
    "Well it is, so." Ollie chuckled, kissing their cheeks.
    Rebecca smiled at them. "So cute, I love it!" Maverick just smiled, Milo and him smushing Olly's face between theirs as they both kissed his cheeks, before standing. "Come on, lovebirds." She went to Mavericks side, raising her arm. Maverick linked his arm with hers as the group walked, once again Maria and Cassidy in the front.
    Rebecca grinned. "Hey, tell your mom to text me every once in a while, miss that girl." she chuckled, looking up at Maverick.
    "I will, I will Mrs. Simmons." He looked down at her, smiling.
    "Macy was right, you and your mom are twins."
    Ollie looked at Milo, smiling. "Where do you think I get her sass?"
    Rebecca looked over. "And dat ass." She laughed.
    "Your sass —" Maverick laughed, wheezing as Milo snorted.
    "Oh my GOD!"
    "Your sa —" Maverick giggled. "Oh my god!"
    Rebecca laughed as well, leaning into Maverick a bit. "No no hear me out, when he was little, FULL ON SAS. He was a DIVA!"
    Ollie face palmed. "Oh my god."
    "Huh, Cass?" She called, grinning while laughing.
    Cassidy was smiling, chuckling. "Yes Aunty."
    "He hasn't changed a bit Mrs. Simmons, and that sassy ass gets him in trouble," Maverick stifled another laugh.
    "Oh I could imagine." Rebecca shook her head.
    "Y'all suck."
    She grinned at him. "I love you too."
    Spark observed them all, walking with Macy. Milo looked at him, smiling with raised eyebrows. "Am I wrong?"
    Ollie raised an eyebrow to him. "No."
    "That's what I thought dolly."
    "Oh here boys." She pulled out a piece of paper and a pen from her purse, writing her number down. "In case you need anything, and don't text me, call me. I have a better chance at answering phone calls then text messages,"
    Maverick took it. "Thank you,"
    "Of course." She smiled. "And I mean about anything."
    Rebecca grinned as she walked after Maria, talking with her and Cassidy up ahead. Ollie watched his mother, worried. He was unaware Spark was eyeing him, the man exhaled through their nose and looked ahead. The limo's lights turned on when the driver noticed them close, unlocking the doors.
    Cassidy held the door for Maria as Sunny and Sadie slid to her other side. Maverick held the door for the others as they all got in, he got in beside Milo and closed the door. The driver then locked the doors, asking.
    "Where we off too?"
    "The hotel?" Ollie looked at them.
    "Yep!" Cassidy replied.
    "Alright." The driver pulled from the spot and drove out of the garage, heading back to the hotel. Bandit curled up on Spark's lap, huffing with a full belly of unseasoned baked chicken in broth.

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