Chapter Thirty-Two: [Macy X]

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    Macy put her face into their neck, lips lightly pressed against their skin as she breathed softly. Spark carried her upstairs quickly into their personal bathroom, not wanting to get the floors wet, much. Macy giggled quietly. Spark opened their bathroom door. Macy looked into the bathroom, moving her arms. Spark set her down, grabbing a towel, and began to strip and ring out their clothes over the bath tub and hanging them. Macy watched them with a gentle smirk, slowly taking off her boots, them her tights. They breathe softly, drying off most of themself.
    Macy set her boots in the bathtub. "Those will take a while to dry." She then took off her dress, doing the same thing Spark did.
    "Mhm," they smile, now sitting on the edge of the tub watching her. Macy hung up the dress before looking at them with a gentle smile.
    "What're you lookin' at?" she spoke quiet. She watched Spark's eyes slowly run down her body, then back up at her eyes, grinning.
    "My girlfriend, who else?"
    Macy grinned. "I like that," she whispered. Spark grinned and reached, pulling her in by her arm, grinning up at her.
    "I know you would dear." Spark replied. Macy held their face, smiling softly as she leaned her head down and kissed their cheek. Spark reached up, hands roaming her body as they kissed her jaw. "Let's go to bed, mm?" they asked, a hand running through her hair. "I can kiss you so much more, any and everywhere."
    Macy she bit her lip, nodding softly. "Okay. . ." She whispered. Spark pressed a hand to her chest, pushing back slowly so they can stand, looking down at her with a smile. Macy slowly looked up at them, still biting her lip as she grinned and turned, heading towards the door. Spark followed her, biting their lip. Macy opened the door, heading to their bed. Spark smiled, watching her with a smug grin.
    They then reached a hand and grabbed her hips, jerking her back. Macy gasped a bit, grinning as she looked up at them
    "Why'd you gasp, hm?" They smile, rubbing circles on her hips.
    Macy melted into them a bit, staring up at them. "Wasn't expecting it. . ." she whispered breathlessly. Fuck. . . god I want them, so bad. . .
    "Oh?" They whispered back. The rain still poured, the house quiet with sleep and calm. Macy smiled weakly, reaching up and kissed their cheek Spark breathed. "Get on the bed for me dear and I can do more of this for you." They whisper, kissing the skin between her neck and shoulder. Macy nodded softly, moved and went to the bed, turning and sat down.
    Spark looked at her, walking forward and pushed her further into their bed, crawling after her, lifting a hand to cup her jaw, staring into her eyes. Macy breathed softly, staring back.
    "Can you keep quiet for me Mouse?" They whisper.
    Macy nodded softly. "I can try. . ."
    "Good," they reply, leaning closer and kissed her, hands falling to unhook her bra, sliding a knee between her legs.
    Macy kissed them back, exhaling through her nose as she laid her hands on the bed. Spark breathed, now kissing her neck as they toss her bra, hands finding her's and squeezed, Macy inhaled deeply, making a breathy moan as she tilted her head to the side. Spark kissed more, reaching around her neck before holding her sides. Macy was flipped over, their hands tight to her sides as she held the blanket, cheek flat against as she looked at them, feeling their lips around the top of her spine and shoulder blades. Spark eyed her.
     Macy smiled softly, exhaling. "That feels nice."
     "You're going to feel a whole lot better when I fuck you senseless baby."
    Macy moaned softly, putting her face into the blanket. "Fuck. . ." Spark's hands reach, hiking up her ass to their waist, hands slipping past her underwear. She gripped the blankets a bit, butterflies everywhere as she exhaled deeply.
    "M'gonna take those teases and moments we had the fair and give you everything you wanted; Me and this fuckin' dick baby. . ."
    Two hours later, Macy breathed quickly, slowing down. Spark pushed from her legs, panting. Macy moved a bit, a small tear rolled down her cheek as she smiled a bit. "Fuck. . ."
    Spark's face was soaked in not just tears, looking at her with a stupid satisfied smile. Macy looked at them, laughing softly as she turned and sat on them. Oh gosh. . . Spark stared at her, taking her hands and smiled more, licking up a finger before pulling, licking the skin between her fingers, eyes locked with hers.
    Macy watched them, grinning as she bit her lip. Spark continued to stare at her, eyes trailing her before looking back into her eyes. Macy leaned forward, moving her hand as she started kissing them. Spark squeaked, giggling as they kissed her back, holding her hand.
    She put their hands above their head, humming softly as she pushed her tongue through. Spark moaned soft, pushing their tongue. She curled her tongue around theirs, squeezing their hands. Spark inhaled, rolling over and pinned her to the bed.
    Macy yelped a bit, chuckling as she looked up at them and whispered. "I feel. . . fucking amazing right now. . ."
    Spark looked at her. "I bet you do. . ." They study her, smiling soft. Macy grinned up at them, squeezing their hands a bit. Spark stared at her, smile wavering for a moment as they lean back. Macy slowly sat up, sighing deeply as she smiled l. Spark looked at her.
    Macy looked back at them, examining their face. "Are you, okay?"
    "Can. . . can I tell you something?"
    Macy face softened as she took their hand. "Oh of course, My Sheep. . ."
    Spark looked at her, lifting to cup her face. "Can you promise you wont. . . look at me differently, please?"
    Macy stared into their eyes, nodding. "Of course, I promise."
    Spark stared, looking down before stealing another look. "I. . ."
    Macy held their arm. "It's okay honey. . . take your time. . ."
    "I'm. . ." They swallow, hands holding hers, staring at their legs. Macy could yell their throat was threatening to close and stared, squeezing their hands as she spoke softly. "Baby, it's okay, it's okay. . . take your time."
    Spark nodded. "But I- I want to tell you. . "
    "Baby, don't force yourself." she kissed their hands gently. "Take as long as you need. . ."
    "I haven't told anyone this before, please I want to, to tell you. . . since we-we're together." They look at her, eyes glossy and heavy.
    Macy furrowed her eyebrows, staring at them. "Please don't cry. . ." Her own eyes got glossy as she moved to cup their face. "It's going okay, just tell me. . ."
    Spark stared at her, looking drained suddenly as they relaxed in her touch, closing their eyes. "I'm. . . s-sterile. . ." They confessed in a whisper.
    Macy examined their face as her heart sunk a little as she nodded. "It's okay. . ." she whispered back, pulling them into a hug.
    Spark leaned into her. "I'm. . . I'm so sorry. . ."
    "Please don't be sorry." she closed her eyes, holding them close as tears formed in her eyes. "It's okay, My Sheep, it's okay. . ." she rubbed their back, furrowing her eyebrows more.
    "But I — what if you. . ."
    Macy shook her head. "It'll be okay," she smiled, moving to look at them.
    Spark stared up at her. "But I-I can-can't give." their hands twitch, lips quivering. "I can't give you — Macy I'm sorry. . ."
    Macy took their hands. "Baby, breathe. I promise, it is okay. . ."
    Spark inhaled. "But I can't give you-you kids. . . I can't-I can't fulfill what you want. . ." They spoke low, tears down their cheeks. "I'm-I'm sorry Mouse." Macy stared at them, cupping their face as tears rolled down her cheeks as she whispered.
    "I'm just happy to be with you, Spark. If that means we can't have kids it's okay."  She wiped their tears.
    Spark sniffled, looking up at her. Their reaction was to wipe her tears in return. "Please don't cry, please don't cry, please don't cry. . ." While they themself was crying, holding her face.
    Macy shook her head. "I'm not crying baby, I'm okay. . ." She whispered, closing her eyes. "Everything will be okay," she smiled softly.
    "Will-will it?" they looked at her. "I-I can't give. . ." Their voice trailed as more tears rolled down their cheeks, leaning to curl up at her lap, hugging her stomach. "I — part of me. . . still worries I can-can give you-you children. .  so that's, that's why I. . ." Their throat closed as they curled up more.
    Macy shushed them, stroking their hair as she pulled the blanket over the both her and Spark. "Breathe, Sheep, breathe," Spark whimpered, staring into nothing, hands now shaking. The door fiddled, opening. Macy rubbed their arm, shushing them still.
    Bandit rushed in, leaping up into the bed and wiggled her way into Spark's arms, whining as she laid down right beside them, their arms wrapped around her.
    Macy kept the blanket over the both of them, blinking softly as she closed her eyes again. If I have to give up my dream of having a family, to stay with them, so be it. There's always banks, or adoption. . . but both are pricey. . . Bandit inched closer to Macy, whining as she placed a leg on her. Macy looked at her, petting her head with a smile.
    Spark hugged her tightly, putting their face into Bandit as their hands violently shook. Macy leaned down, kissing their head softly as she ran her fingers through their hair. "It's okay. . ." She whispered softly into their hair. "Deep breaths,"
    "What-what if you want kids?" They ask. "I can-can't give you. . . kids."
    "It's okay baby, it is." Macy closed her eyes, holding their head as her lip quivered ever so slightly. "I promise. . ."
    Spark closed their eyes. "You don't sound. . . you don't sound, promising. I'm so sorry, I-I should've told you at the beginning, but I-I didn't know if we were gonna get-get together or not." They choke on tears, inhaling. "I-I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I'm so so sorry. . ." They talk, blaming themselves so heavily. "I'm so sorry. . ."
    "Stop. Stop," she whispered shakily, holding them tighter. "Please stop, blaming yourself for something you can't help. . . please." Her lip quivered more as she furrowed her eyebrows again. Spark went quiet, tears falling. They just laid there in her embrace and Bandit's.
    "Even. . . even if I can't. . ."
    "Yes. Yes, I still love you much." She whispered, letting out a quiet sob.
    "I love. . . I love you too. . ." They whispered back. Macy moved to lay down with them, sniffing as she closed her eyes and continued to cry quietly.
    "Please don't cry. . . it's not your fault. . ."
    "I don't know why i'm crying."
    "Because you want kids and I can't give you them. . ." They whisper, hands still around Bandit but they move, Bandit jumping up to lay nearby. Spark pulled her in.
    Macy buried her face into them. "If-if I have to give up kids just be with you then-then fuck it, I don't care. I just want to be with you. . ." She hicked. She could see Spark's heart sink in their eyes, lip quivering.
    "I just want you." She buried her face into their chest, crying more as she tried to quiet her cries. Spark hugged her tightly, Macy hugging them back, squinting her eyes shut.
    Spark glanced, hearing. Macy heard the voice as she pulled the blanket up more, covering herself as she sat up, trying to stop the crying as she wiped her face. The door opened more, Maverick looked in. Macy wiped her eyes as she looked at Maverick.
    "Oh, hi."
    "I heard crying. . . are you okay?" Macy nodded, smiling.
    "Yes, I'm-I'm fine," but Spark didn't answer, staring at their friend. They knew how they looked, and didn't try to lie, not even nodding. Macy tried to keep her lip from quivering.
    Maverick looked at them, walking in. He sat down near the bed. Macy slightly put her head down, holding the blanket tightly so it didn't fall and expose her. Spark looked at him, stretching out a hand. Maverick took it without looking, holding their hand while he kept his head down and away.
    Macy inhaled shakily, picking at her thumbs. Again. Spark looked up at Macy, their other hand holding one of hers and cupped it to their chest. Macy closed her eyes, feeling their heartbeat as she exhaled slowly. Some more tears rolling down her face. Spark looked at Maverick again, squeezing his hand which made Maverick turn his head slightly.
    Macy looked at Spark. 'Do you mind if. . . I go into your bathroom?"
    "Mhm. . ." They replied. Macy nodded slowly, looking at Maverick. Maverick looked away, hiding his face in his arm.
   "Won't look, I promise. . ."
    Macy slowly moved, quickly grabbing another blanket and wrapped it around her and headed towards the bathroom. She slowly shut the door, taking a deep breath and went to grab her dress and checked to see if it was dry, shaking her head as she hesitantly looked into the mirror. She closed her eyes, leaning her head onto the counter and started crying again.
    Quit. . . She told herself, sitting up, covering her mouth as she looked into the mirror again and swallowed, looking around for something to slip on but couldn't find anything as she just sat down on the ground and put her face into the blanket and cried.
    Macy leaned her head back against the wall and covering her face. "What the fuck. . ." She couldn't stop crying, wiping her face. Just, stop crying. She closed her eyes.
    Macy hicked. "Come in," Spark walked over, sitting beside her. Macy moved to lean into them. "I don't know why I'm crying so bad. I can't stop."
    "I. . . is — Macy is it because you, want kids?" Spark asked in a quiet voice.
    Macy shrugged. "I, think. But I don't, I don't exactly know." Spark leaned their head on her.
    "I'm sorry Mouse."
    "No, please don't, be sorry. . . I never thought I'd have kids anyway." She chuckled softly, sniffing. Spark listened, lifting an arm and pulled her in, sighing soft. Macy closed her eyes, listening to the rain. "I'm sorry I was so emotional. . ."
    "You're okay, I wouldn't, expect any other emotional reaction. . ."
    Macy sniffed again. "I'm still sorry. . ."
    "Well then I'm sorry too." Macy looked up at them. Spark looked down at her.
    Macy whispered softly. "We can just forgot this all happened." She smiled faintly. "So we're not sad anymore. . ."
    Spark nodded. "I just wanna fall asleep holding you like nothing happened. . ."
    Macy nodded. "Okay. . . let's do that. . ." Spark moved to stand up. Macy stood up slowly, looking in the mirror and took a deep breath, putting on a smile.
    Spark peeked their head out, looking at Maverick. Macy held the blanket and looked towards Maverick.
    "Should I leave?"
    Macy nodded again. "Thank you, for checking. . ." She spoke quietly.
    "I always check on my friends. . ." He smiled soft, walking over and placed soft kisses to the top of their heads. "Goodnight guys."
    "Goodnight Mav. . ."
    Maverick left the room. Spark closed the door softly, looking at Macy walk out of the bathroom, sighing as she went to bed.
    "Don't you, want clothes?"
    "Yes please," she sat on the bed, looking at them. Spark smiled softly as they what to their closet to find clothes. Macy set the blanket down, watching as they came out in a shirt and boxers, holding the same for Macy. She held out her hands. Spark handed it to her, tossing the blanket back on the bed as they crawled, getting under the covers.
    Their bed was nicely tucked in a corner, the corner walled with pillows so it was extra comfy, Bandit was at the foot of the bed snoozing. Macy slowly got dressed, her mind still thinking about that conversation. Are they really okay with what I said? I do want kids, I mean I don't? Maybe? I was so sure before, we could always adopt! Go to a bank, but again they're pricey. I guess I'll have to keep taking those. . . those pills. What else can I do? I don't wanna be a mom yet! Not so young! But. . . She sighed heavily and crawled into bed with them as Spark pulled back the covers for her. She got under, scooting close to them as she closed her eyes.
    Spark pulled her closer, sighing softly. "I love you baby. . ."
    "I love you too. . ." She turned over so her back was facing them, pulling their arms around her more, holding them as she slowly closed her eyes, Spark pushed closer, molded around her as a hand lowered to her stomach, softly rubbing and caressing.
    Macy moved a hand to where it was under her chin as her lip quivered slightly, a small tear rolling down the side of her face. She tried to force herself to sleep, feeling them breathe softly against her neck, the other hand hugging under her chest. They were content and dozing off. She let the tears roll down her face, and eventually fell asleep against them.
    The rain had gone throughout the night, stopping in the morning. The warm sun hit their window, filtering through the potted plants and lighting up the room in an orange-ish glow. Macy was fast asleep still, Spark peacefully sleeping against her. Both drained from last night.
    She inhaled deeply, the sunlight started waking her up. Macy rubbed her eyes, exhaling softly as she sat up slowly, Spark's arms moved with her. Her eyes were still closed as she made a face, her upper back and neck were slightly tense and sore as she groaned quietly.
    She rubbed her neck, looking at them as she slowly moved from the bed. She covered them up more, lightly rubbing their forehead before making her way towards their door slowly.
    "Maceeee." Spark groaned, no longer feeling her embrace and warmth. Macy stopped, slowly turning.
    "I'll be back baby, go back to sleep hon. . ."
    "Come back t'bed. . ." They grumble, face smudged into the pillows.
    "I will baby. . . I will. I'll be back, my neck is sore. . . must of slept wrong." She mumbled softly before opening their door and walked out, leaving it crack as she quietly made her way down the hall.
    The house was quiet and full with the rising sun's glow as she walked into the upstairs bathroom, opening the cupboard and looked for some medicine. Macy sighed softly, grabbing a bottle of pain meds and grabbed a couple, just flat out taking them. She then walked out, looking around the quiet house before walking into the kitchen and silently started making coffee for the others in the house.
    Macy's mind was elsewhere and didn't notice the sound of a door opened down the hall beside the kitchen, then half-awake shuffling feet.
    Macy felt someone near her, the hair on the back of her neck stood as she quickly turned to look at Cassidy. How'd I not notice? I'm usually more alert. . . "Oh, good morning. . ." she spoke softly, smiling faintly.
    Cassidy looked at her. "What do you think you're doing, taking my job of making everyone coffee, no no go back, go back to bed."
    "Oh I. . ." She looked down at the coffee grounds in her hands before laying it down. "Sorry. . ." She stepped back, holding her forehead and slowly headed back to the room.
    Cassidy huffed, pulling her back gently. "I was only kiddin'"
    Macy blinked, looking up at her. "Oh. Sorry, just. . . got a lot on my mind. . ." She shook her head a little.
    "It's not all about Spark is it?" Cassidy asked, getting four specific mugs. One was red with little deers; another soft lavender with white dots; the other two were black with stars and blue with silver foxes.
    "No. No." She leaned on the counter, crossing her arms. "Definitely not. They're good," she smiled softly. "Just. . . other things."
    Cassidy looked at her, even sleepy she had that "Mhm" expression on her face, smiling. "You're horrible at lying. So, how was your night?"
    Macy blinked softly. "It was nice,"
    "Nice? How nice? The rain was beautiful last night." Cassidy spoke, her voice was different, an accent almost.
    Macy looked around the floor. "Yeah it was beautiful,"
    "Yeah. . . so, you get a shower in last night or just go straight to bed? Because I can smell the rain on you like a wet dog hon."
    Macy chuckled lightly. "Just went to bed. . . I was too tired to shower," she held her arm. "Do I really smell?" She quietly sniffed her arms
    "Probably not as much as Spark's bed smells." She shuddered.
    Macy looked at her. "What's that supposed to mean?"
    "The smell of rain tends to hang around. Plus the rain smell just, yeesh it's gross. Why, y'all do somethin' last night?"
    "No, we didn't do anything last night Cassidy. I just didn't know what you meant. . ."
    Cassidy looked at her, narrowing her eyes. "Alright, well I'd suggest a shower sometime soon, I got errands to run." She turned, counting off with her fingers. When she got to one, two doors opened, and the other three appeared. Macy turned a little, frowning a little as she held her arm more and started heading back to Spark's room.
    "Morning Macy. . ." Sunny spoke with a sleepy smile as the three of them hung around Cassidy with their mugs. Sunny's was the lavender with white dots, Sadie's the red with deers, and Maria's the blue with foxes.
   "Morning." she whispered, walking upstairs.
    Spark was still in bed, tucked into the corner like an infant. Macy walked into their room, closing the door as she sighed quietly and walked to the bathroom, shutting the door softly as she went to tub and started the bath. Bandit's head rose to the noise, ears up. With a little wag of her tail, the service dog jumped off the bed and followed her into the bathroom.
    Macy rubbed her forehead, leaning over the bath before standing and started undressing. Bandit sat at the door. She looked at the door, hearing the tip taps of Bandit's claws as she slowly opened the door and looked at her. She watched Bandit nudge her way in, tilting her head softly as she shut the door and got into the bath. She slowly closed the curtain and took a deep breath, staring at the ceiling as she laid in the tub.
    Bandit sniffed the curtain, pushing her head past, sitting and sniffed her. Macy side eyed her before petting her head softly. "I'm okay right now." She whispered, Bandit rested her head on the tub in reply, looking at her and blinking. Macy took a deep breath again, now trying to figure out how to get all her hair wet without having to get her whole head under water. She swallowed, sitting up as she looked around for something. Bandit seemed to understand the looking around and moved from view, coming back and nudging her arm with a hand towel.
    Macy looked at her, taking it slowly. "Hm. . ." Bandit let go, ears raised and sat.
    Macy slowly laid it down, thinking before exhaling shakily. It's quick. Just real quick. She slowly dunked her head down, plugging her nose and held her arm. Her heart began to race. Bandit looked at her, head tilting as she lifted a paw, lightly papping the water, reaching for her arm.
    Macy stopped, tensing as she squinted her eyes shut. Really fast. She then went down again, surfacing with a gasp as she breathed quickly. She reached for the side of the tub. Bandit was there, head nudging her, trying, to get closer to the edge, sensing the panic.
    Macy held her head, closing her eyes as she slowly calmed down. "I'm fine. I'm fine. . . I'm, fine." Her hands shook a bit. Bandit sat in front of her, licking her face gently. Macy felt her cold nose press against her chest, her specifically, before sitting back down. Macy grabbed shampoo and started washing her hair.
    Macy started breathing heavily as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath again, going under and quickly started rinsing off her hair. Her heart continued to race. Bandit continued to survey Macy, not leaving the side of the tub. How. She thought. How can I handle showers? I should be afraid to come into contact with ANY water. Is it because Spark showers with me? Are they my safe place?
    Macy sat up quickly, gasping again as she coughed and gripped the side of the tub. Water dripped down her face as she bared her teeth and breathed quickly. Bandit tilted her head, reaching her head to nose her again, lifting her arm and letting it lay on her head. She held her head, swallowing as she started making short breaths. "I'm fine, I'm fine. It's done."
    Bandit pulled away, lightly tugging the curtains back before trotting off. There was a towel on a cabinet door, to which she reared and grabbed it, pulling open the towel cabinet and grabbing one for her. Macy wiped her eyes, leaning against the tub wall. Bandit sat with the fluffy towel in her mouth.
    Macy took it, wiping her face as she exhaled shakily. Bandit stared, ears raised, waiting for her next task. Macy nodded softly, looking at Bandit as she moved and reached for her as Bandit stood, leaning her head in and gradually stepped a paw in so she could get closer. Macy held onto Bandit's head, breathing heavy as Bandit softly bit on to her shoulder. Gently, the large dog slowly pulled her back, her now wet paw dragged out and placed on the ground. Macy shook her head.
    "I'm-I'm not done. . ." She whispered shaking, furrowing her eyebrows as she breathed slowly to keep herself calm. "Get your dad." She pet her head, slowly letting her go. Bandit pulled her head from her, and then ran from the bathroom. Macy ran her fingers through her hair, seeing that there was still soap in her as she sniffed. I should have grabbed a cup.
    Macy turned to their voice, shaking slightly. She couldn't tell if it was because she was cold or just scared. Spark walked over, kneeling. "What's wrong? Bandit came and got me."
    Macy sniffed, holding her knees up to her chest and held her arms. "I can't rinse my hair." She spoke with a whisper. Spark stared, nodding softly as they left for a little, then came back with a cup, kneeling at the tub once again.
    "I-I forgot a cup. So I tried rinsing, by putting my head — my. . ." She choked up, gripped her arms a bit. "I couldn't do it properly, and-and I didn't wanna you wake up."
    "Hey hey hey it's alright." They spoke, filling the cup and slowly rinsing her hair. Macy closed her eyes, holding her arms still. "You're alright, if you ever need me just wake me up, okay? Whether by call or voice, baby I'll answer you."
    Macy's lip quivered as she leaned her head back so they could get it all. "Okay. . ."
    Spark kissed her cheek. "Hey I might go out and drive around if Cass doesn't have anything planned for us to do, wanna come with?" Macy nodded softly. "I figured you would." They smiled softly, reaching to kiss between her eyes. Macy kept her eyes closed, smiling lightly.
    "Thank you. . ."
    "You're very welcome hon, and this shampoo smells nice. Y'know, since you're living here now. . . I can ask if we can stop by some place and get you hair products."
    Macy looked at them. "Really?"
    She looked at her, smiling. "You didn't think I'd let you ruin those pretty curls, huh redhead?" Macy's eyes get glossy as she smiled more and moved to hug them. Spark smiled. "Needed a bath anyways." They laughed soft, hugging her back.
    She kissed their cheek. "Thank you. . ." Spark kissed her back.
    "You're very welcome, now why don't we say we get dried off and see what's on today's agenda, okay? Of course after my shower,"
    Macy nodded softly. "Okay,"
    Spark smiled. "Shall we get you up and dried before I hop in the shower?" Macy nodded, slowly getting up and she held her arms, shivering as Spark grabbed the towel Bandit had given her, unfurling it and began to dry her off. Macy watched them, giggling.
    "What's so funny?"
    "It ticklessss,"
    "My hands, or the towel hon?"
    "Uhh, all the above." Macy answered with a grin. Spark looked up at her, grinning and scoffed, going back to drying. Macy grinned, wringing out her hair as Spake stood, smiling at her. Macy stepped out. "I'm going to go to my room to grand my outfit for today."
    "Alright, you might see the boys though."
    Macy nodded. "It's okay, I'll slip on what I wore last night and then come back here."
    "You sure? It probably stinks with rain."
    "Oh no, I mean the shirt."
    "Alright then, I'll go get an outfit and shower."
    Spark started the shower, letting it get warm enough, before undressing. Macy glanced at them, looking back at the mirror. They then tossed their sweats along with their shirt, stepping in the shower. Macy watched them before looking in the sink, leaning on the counter. "Hey babe?"
    "Yes love?" Spark opened the door.
Macy looked back at them. "I've been, I've been meaning to ask since our first shower together. . ." she lightly pointed to her chest, frowning a bit.
Spark stared at her.
    "Oh. Motorcycle accident with a reckless asshole four years ago. Bitch swerved into me and escaped the explosion and crash unharmed but I didn't. I checked on him and we just, stared at each other in shock, before I was driven off to the ER." they explained. "But, that prick looked angered like I'd done something."
    Macy stared, slowly sitting up right as her stomach twisted.
    "I was more concerned for him, but I think that asshole was angry he had no car and trial the week after, heh. I admit I laughed after his trial because he got sued for destruction of property, reckless driving, and the damage he did to me." Macy swallowed, just staring.
    "I haven't seen him since, and I'm glad for it. I don't want to see that prick's face again unless it's on the news or six feet under."
    Macy slowly turned to the mirror. "That's, awful. I'm so sorry that happened." She stared into the sink.
    "Mm, it's fine. Watching him drain his wallet and get his life destroyed was therapy enough." They answered, the shower turned off shortly after.
Macy suddenly felt sick as she swallowed again. She felt her heart racing as she cleared her throat and threw her hair up in a bun.
    "I'm going to, get my clothes." She chuckled, going out of the bathroom.
    "Alright hon,"
    Macy shut the door, her face as white as a ghost as she left their room in a rush, shaking her head as she knocked on the door.

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