Chapter Seventeen: [Cassidy II]

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    Cassidy didn't stop driving until she reached her house. She parked the car in the driveway, staring at nothing as her knuckles white against the wheel. Macy was silent now, tears mixing with cuts and bruises.
    Macy spoke soft, some words making with whispers. "I'm sorry i lied. . ."
    "I'm going to kill him." Was all Cassidy replied, turning her head. Macy's lip quivered as she looked away, squeezing her arm.
    "He's all I got left. . ." Macy's voice cracked, letting out a sob as she shook her head.
    "That's not an excuse for him to beat you senseless." She answered, getting out. Cassidy shut the door and went to Macy's side of the jeep. Macy looked away once more, inhaling shakily as she tried to stop crying, but couldn't. Nothing is an excuse to beat someone senseless, unless they deserved it. Macy did not deserve it.
    She looked down as she sobbed. Cassidy opened the door. The kitten, Peanut, lifted her head, blinking softly as she stood and stretched. Macy squeezed her arm more, trying to stop the crying but it burned, making it worse. Cassidy stared at her. "C'mere. . ." Macy hicked, sobbing as she turned to look at her. Peanut jumped up onto the dashboard and loafed. Cassidy moved closer, holding out her arms.
    Macy slowly got down, holding Peanut. "No, no Macy. I'm not letting you walk."
    "I'm-I'm fine. . . I can walk. . ." Cassidy eyed her shaking knees, sighing.
    "I'm not believing that. I'll have one of the girls grab your bags." She leaned and picked her up, carrying her to the door. Macy winced, leaning into her as she squeezed her eyes.
    She sighed, curling her lip and whammed her foot against the door. "Open up!" She yelled. Macy flinched, going to cover her ears but Peanut stopped her, considering the kitten was in her arm.
    Sadie swung the door open. "You can't —" her eyes widen. Cassidy breathed.
    "Go get her bags from the jeep." Cassidy spoke, walking in. Sadie stepped aside, and ran out. She saw her other girlfriends looking in fear and confusion as she headed into a bathroom upstairs and shut the door.
    She set Macy on the counter carefully, Peanut jumping down and looking around. Macy made a face, sobbing again as she groaned and bared her teeth.
    "Hey, hey. . ." Cassidy cupped her face, lifting it. She kissed under her eyes before moving away and searching. Macy hicked, trying to calm down. Cassidy set a medical kit down on the counter, opening. She grabbed a soft hand towel, wetting it. She noticed Macy grip the counter while she cleaned the blood from some wounds gently.
    "I don't, want that," Macy commented. Cassidy looked to the supplies she grabbed, rubbing alcohol, a box of q-tips, bandage and gauze, cotton balls, and what she assumed Macy was scared of; a needle and thread.
    "I know, hon. . . but it's just in case some of the opened ones are to bad for bandage, okay?" She stopped, looking at her.
    Macy stared at her, the tears mixing with the blood again which rolled down her neck. "I don't want the rubbing alcohol either." Cassidy caught the trickle, holding the towel against it.
    "Hon the cuts can't be clean otherwise. . ."
    "Soap. . . my mother used soap. . ." Macy replied. Cassidy paused, looking at the bottle of rubbing alcohol and grabbed it, putting it back in the kit.
    "Soap, soap's good for wounds," she commented. "So is. . . saline. . ." She searched a lower cabinet. Macy sniffed, wiping her eyes and tucked her hair back as Cassidy raised up holding a bottle of saline. The label read "Wound wash. Saline spray."
    Macy stared at it, trying to move. "What is that. . ."
    "Saline wound wash. It's better then soap. Possibly the best out there to clean wounds." She answered her. Macy looked, holding her knee as she stared at her.
    "Does it hurt?"
    "Only a little," she replied as she sprayed it on a different hand towel, thinner and softer then the last. Cassidy looked at Macy. "This'll hurt only a little, okay? I'm going to spray some on the towel for the first cut and spray the rest, okay?" Macy nodded softly.
    Slowly, Cassidy gently touched an opened, bloody bruise on her thigh, dabbing it, before breathing in and pushing it against the wound. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry," she repeated. Macy quickly squeezed her arm, squinting her eyes shut as she exhaled shakily.
    Cassidy lifted it. "There, over in a flash," she looked at her. "You can squeeze my arm next time instead of your own. . ."
    Macy looked at her, wiping her eye. "Habit. . ." She spoke quietly.
    "It's okay, it's okay. I'm gonna continue this, okay? I need to clean all the cuts and opened bruises. . ."
    Macy nodded softly. "The back of my legs. . . and my feet too. . ."
    Cassidy stared, swallowing. "Alright, I'm gonna do your feet first, and then the back of your legs, alright?"
    Macy nodded softly again. Cassidy moved back and lifted her leg. She gently sprayed the wash on her foot, before pressing the towel onto the wound.
    Macy made a face, trying not to move her foot. Cassidy dried it, lowering it and put gauze and bandage on the foot, and then the same to her thigh wound. "None look, severe enough for stitches."
    "He normally doesn't. . ." Macy mumbled.
    Cassidy looked at her before looking down. 'I'm, er, not sure about the back of you legs."
    "I can. . . turn or something. . ."
    "Do you have any more bruises or cuts before I check your backside?"
    Macy shook her head slowly. "My shirt protected my stomach and back. . ."
    Cassidy nodded. "Okay, turn for me please,"
    Macy slowly, carefully getting down as she exhaled shakily and turned. It didn't look too good. Cassidy eyed them, looking to the needle and thread. "Uh, Macy. I think one of em needs stitching. . ."
    Macy stared into the mirror, feeling her heart drop as she gripped the counter. "That. . . that bad?" tears welled into her eyes.
    Cassidy dipped the towel in saline again, repeating the steps on a cut. "Hon I think this leg took mos' the beating." Macy put her head down, baring her teeth before starting to cry again. Cassidy got done cleaning off the other wounds, looking at the one she said she'd need to stitch, sighing.
    "I'm good at stitching, okay? I won't mess anything up. I promise. This one's to bad to be cleaned and just bandaged, like the others." Fuck I need to calm Maverick.
    Macy looked at her, her lip quivering as she looked away. "Hurry. . ."
    "I can't do — Macy I can't do it correctly when you're standing. . . I need you to lay down. . ." She looked back at her, moving to put most of the stuff away, except the saline, towel, needle, scissors, and thread.
    Macy covered her face, breathing shakily. "Where,"
    "The guest room is okay," she spoke and grabbed the supplies, opening the door. Macy wiped her eyes, slowly walking out of the bathroom. Cassidy followed her. Macy held the wall, walking towards the room. Sadie turned her head, looking. She wanted to say something, worried, but simply turned and headed back downstairs. Macy watched her, tears rolling down her face before opening the door and walked in.
    Cassidy closed the door behind her. "Do you want it open?"
    Macy shook her head. "Closed. . . since I'm not alone. . ." Cassidy nodded, walking over. She set the supplies on the bed. She noticed Macy trying to see the wound, biting her lip.
    "Do, you want to see it?"
    "Yes, please. . ." Macy said. Cassidy nodded and took out her phone, taking a picture and showed her. Macy stared at the picture, covering her mouth. Cassidy looked at her, walking and set her phone on the nightstand. Macy exhaled shakingly, going to the bed and slowly sat down before laying on her stomach.
    Cassidy looked over the wound again. "I'm going to clean it, okay?" Macy nodded and hugged the pillow.
    Cassid grabbed the hand towel, which was already mostly soaked. She sprayed the cut in the wash, cleaning around the cut before slowly pressing it to the cut as she cleaned it, pulling her skin to get all of it. "This, will not be fun for the both of us. . ."
    Macy squeezed the pillow, squinting her eyes shut as she slightly moved her leg. "Fuck fuck fuck." She spoke quickly.
    Cassidy put her hand on Macy's thigh, gently but firm. "If you squirm I can't stitch it dear. . ." She set the towel aside, putting it and the saline near her phone and sighed heavily. "Time for the worst part." Cassidy grabbed the needle, pulling the thread through. "Unfortunately, I don't have the tools to make this easier for you, you're. . . going to feel everything, as opposed to be putting asleep. . ." She talked, her ears picked up the soft click of the door and walked over, pushing her body against it, and locked.
    Macy turned her head, feeling her heart start racing as she breathed heavily. "Why'd the door —"
    "My girls want to know what's going on, obviously, but I don't like distractions if I'm working, especially if it's with a needle." Cassidy answered. Macy's lip quivered as she slowly laid back down. Cassidy walked over. "I'm going to be gentle, okay? I'm sorry you're going to have to feel this. . ."
    Cassidy looked at her once more, before lightly placing a hand on her thigh. "I'm going to start, okay? Just, tell me if you want me to stop. . ." Macy nodded softly, Cassidy could see she was holding in her cries. She inhaled, wincing as she began the process of sewing the wound close, groaning in pain like she was the one being stitched, whispering "Sorry" under her breath.
    Cassidy focused, wincing and whispering sorry, but focused. "I'm halfway dear. . ." Macy let out a sob, digging her fingers into the pillow.
    "I know I know, I'm so sorry Macy it'll be over soon, I promise." Macy bared her teeth, yelling through them and into the pillow.
    Cassidy's brows furrowed in shared pain as she could almost feel the needle stabbing through the back of her thigh, pulling skin together. She kept her composure. "I'm almost there. . . and. . ." She stopped, grabbing scissors, and cut the thread. "I'm done. . ." She then wrapped two layers of bandage, just to keep the stitches intact and safe. "lt's over hon. . ."
    Cassidy reached over. "Sweetheart hey. . ." She lifted her face from the pillow, softly kissing her forehead and wiped her face. Macy sat up, holding onto her arms as she breathed heavily, trying to calm down.
    Cassidy slowly pulled her into her arms, then looked up. "The door. . ." Macy leaned into her, wrapping her arms around her as she slowly calmed down. She sniffed, wiping her face. Peanut sat at the door, scratching under it. Cassidy sat up, moving Macy from her before getting up, unlocking the door, and came back.
    Macy sniffed, looking at the bed and blinked slowly. Peanut tried to swat at her feet but laid there with both her arms under the door. The door opened. Maria, Sadie, Sunny poked their heads like how they would in cartoons, staring in.
    "Is she okay?" Maria asked. "What happened?" Macy stared at the wall, shaking her head as she slowly gripped onto her shirt.
    Peanut trotted in, jumping onto the bed as she rubbed her face against Cassidy, purring. Cassidy pet Peanut, smiling softly. "She's okay. . . I'm not going to talk about what happened, but she's okay now. . ." Peanut loafed next to her, swatting at Macy's hair. Cassidy chuckled softly. Macy gently pet her, sitting up a bit before looking at the three girls. Sadie looked at them, crawling into bed and laid near them.
    Cassidy and Macy both watched her before smiling faintly. Maria and Sunny joined, curling up around them. Peanut's ears went airplane, jumping onto Macy's shoulder and sat. Macy looked up at Peanut, smiling more.
    "Peanut Butter Jelly Belly. . ." she whispered softly. Peanut purred, laying across her shoulders.
    "Peanut Butter Jelly Belly?" Sunny asked.
    "Her name is just Peanut. But I call her that," she looked at Sunny. "PBJB," Cassidy knew she would smile more but her face was too sore to do so.
    "Ohhh, she's cute," Sunny smiled.
    "Thank you. . ." Peanut laid her head down, looking at all the girls. Sunny nodded, Macy made a big sigh, looking down at her own hands. Cassidy rubbed her arm, sighing. Macy swallowed and looked up at Cassidy.
    Cassidy looked at her. "Mm?'
    Macy whispered quietly. "Thank you. . ."
    Cassidy pressed her face to her forehead. "You're welcome. . ."
    Macy closed her eyes, gently holding Cassidy's arms and rubbed them softly with her thumbs. "I really appreciate it. . ."
    "Thank you. . ." Cassidy replied as Macy gently kissed her cheek. Cassidy smiled, kissing her cheek back.

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