Chapter Twenty-Six: [Spark IV]

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    Cassidy turned, driving past the gates and into the parking lot. The fair awoke the sky and ground with music and laughter and the smell of food and excitement. Macy was quite literally bouncing in her seat, so excited. Ollie was baffled that she didn't know what a Ferris wheel was. She pulled into a spot, and then parked, turning off her Jeep. Macy unbuckled, quickly hopping out as she stared around.
    "Woah. . ."
    Spark followed, heading to the back and unhooking Bandit, grabbing her leash and service dog tag, and putting it on her vest. Bandit hopped out, ears raised at the noises but otherwise calm as could be. Ollie got out after them, fixing his shirt. One by one the others got out.
    "It's so, COOL!" She tippy tapped in place, grinning. Spark walked into view, opened a capsule of pills, took two, and sighed.
    "Yep," Macy watched them, going to say something but stopped just smiling at them. Spark smiled back, Bandit sitting by their side watching them all.
    "We ready to head in?" Macy looked at the group.
     "Yes!" Ollie said while he went to Maverick, taking his hand. Maverick kissed his hand. Macy locked arms with Spark, looking around. Cassidy headed for the front, her three at her sides. The others right behind her.
    "Are we paying grouped or? Like I pay for me and my girls, Maverick pays for himself and his two, and Spark pays for themselves and Macy?"
    "I don't mind paying for these two and myself." Maverick answered.
    Ollie grinned up at him. "I like that idea," Maverick chuckled, pulling him in.
    Macy looked at Spark. 'I don't mind paying." she spoke quietly
    Spark looked at her. "I don't mind paying either." they spoke back quietly.
    "No no, save your money." she patted their chest.
    Spark glanced at her hand, rolling their eyes. "Fine fine." They smirk.
    Macy smiled. "I win,"
    Cassidy slowed as she neared the entrance, paying for herself and her girls, paying for the full experience, and getting four wristbands. Spark watched Macy let go of their arm, opened her bag, and grabbed her wallet and her card. Cassidy walked in, all four of their wristbands on as the girls waited nearby.
    Spark stared, Bandit, sitting patiently by their side. "Sir, service dogs get in for free." A man spoke, handing Spark a wristband with a smile. "Have a good day and night sir," Spark looked at the wristband, looking at Macy, and nodded as they put the band on, walking inside
    Hell yeah.
    "Not a sir," she saluted the man and walked with Spark.
    Spark saw the man stare, confused. "Why did you just salute the man?" They whispered, laughing under their breath.
    Macy grabbed her band, sticking her tongue out, and tried to put it on. Spark smiled at the sudden cringed, confused look on her face.  "I have zero idea," she whispered.
    "Let me help," they took her hand, taking the band and putting it around her wrist, tightening just enough. "There you go Mouse," they smiled. Macy looked up at them with a soft smile. They smiled back.
    Spark looked back as the boys were coming in, thanking the staff. Ollie looked around. " Hey, it's pretty big — NO ONE DARE." Macy laughed and Maverick chuckled.
    Macy looked at Spark. "Wanna explore?"
    Spark eyed her. "With or without them?"
    Macy smiled softly, shrugging. "Either or,"
    "Y'all don't mind if we head off, do you?"
    "No, not at all! Have funnnn!" Ollie grinned. Milo then sighed, pulled out his wallet, and held fifty bucks in Ollie's direction. Ollie took it while still looking at them
    "Did you bet on us?"
    "WHHAATTT?! Nooooo."
    Macy raised her eyebrows. Spark looked at Macy. "They really bet on us."
    "Yeah I see it." She smiled softly, taking their arm and headed into the fair more.
    Spark turned, raising two middle fingers to Milo and Olly, mouthing "Fuck you" Ollie smiled at them, waving. "Can't believe them, betting on us."
    Macy looked around the fair, smiling as she giggled. "It was funny,"
    "Not at Milo's expense! He'll be broke before sunset."
    "Soooo?" She looked up at them with a small smile. "It's still funnyyyy. I don't even know what they bet on."
    Spark rolled their eyes. "Still," Macy looked back a bit before holding their hand, turning down into the fair more.
    Spark walked at Macy's side, listening to the music when they noticed her staring at them from the corner of their eye. "Is. . . it okay to ask what the bottle was for?"
    "Oh, yeah. It's for my anxiety. I was prescribed pills to help her and myself," they explained
    "Oh," she nodded softly. "I see now. . ." She stroked their thumb. "Are you feeling okay right now?"
    "Yes, it's just crowds and loud noises, or both, that triggers it. Bandit does good on, managing but it's always good at have backups."
    Macy nodded softly again. "I'll keep an eye out then," she lifted her and Spark's hands, kissing Spark's palm softly. Spark smiled, pulling her in and kissing her cheek softly in return. Macy smiled, closing her eyes.
    She's so fucking cute! Are we official now? We've been basically on for almost half a month now, but she hasn't confirmed anything. . . Spark pulled away, looking ahead. "I think we're near the food stands, wanna get something to eat?"
    She nodded. "Yes please,"
    "Well c'mon then." They started walking over, Bandit at their feet. Macy walked with them, watching them quietly with a gentle smile. Spark looked around, happening to look at her, a wide-eyed, curious look on their face. "Yes, dear?"
    Macy shook her head. "Just admiring you,"
    They smiled at her. "Oh please." They held her jaw, making her look ahead. "Help me find something for us to eat, okay?"
    Macy stared, blinking. "OkaY,"
    "Thank you, baby," they spoke softly near her ear, walking in front of her with a sly smile. Bandit sniffed around, keeping focused on doing her job.
    Spark looked behind them. "You coming Mouse?"
    "Yes! Just —" she broke her sentence with a giggle, walking with them quickly.
    "Whhaattt, did I do somethin'?" They chuckle.
    "No," she held their hand again.
    Spark grinned. "You sure, you're redder them your hair," they teased.
    "IM suRe." She cleared her throat. "I'm sure, yes," she smiled up at them.
    "Alllrightt, now can you help me find something? I see sausage, but I also see a stand with fries, corn dogs, hotdogs, and nachos."
    "Ooo nachos!"
    "Could go for some nachos," Spark replied.
    "Nachos it is!" Macy said, and so Spark headed for the stand, Macy followed after, holding their arm and hand, watching around. Spark squeezed her hand back as they stood in line. Bandit sat beside them, looking at them before scratching her ear.
    "Puppy!" They heard, turning to see a little kid going for Bandit.
    "No no no!" Spark pulled Bandit back, trying to distance themselves. Macy examined the situation before standing upright.
    The kid slowed down, looking up at Spark. "Can I pet it?!"
    "She's a service dog, she's working I'm sorry," they replied, trying to keep their cool and be gentle. Of course there's fucking kids here who want to pet her. Why is it always kids?! Spark turned as Macy put her hand on their chest, turning her back to block Bandit. Bandit's attention was now torn between the screaming and Spark, standing as her tail stood straight.
    "No, you cannot pet the dog. Where's your mom at?"
    "None of your business, I want to pet the dog!"
    Spark heard murmurs of confusion and/or anger, gripping Bandit's leash.
    She sucked her tooth. "Kid, go back to your mom. Now. You're disrupting her work." The child mocked Macy, trying to move past her.
    Macy moved to the side, holding her hand out. "Someone come get their damn kid!" Now this woman was angry. Bandit sniffed Spark, clinging as she gave a little paw to Spark's pants. Spark looked worried, scared of the screaming child as their heart pounded.
    The mother marched over, picking up her screaming child. "Don't even touch my kid again." She pointed at her.
    "Get the fuck out of my face before I make a scene. K?" The lady scowled, marching away with the child. She took a deep breath, turning to Spark. "You okay?" She spoke softly, laying both of her hands on their chest. Bandit pawed them more. Spark shook their head.
    "I think I need. . . to sit down. . ." Their voice quieted, gripping the leash tightly as they walked from the line, Bandit right at their side as they sat down, she wiggled between their legs and planted herself right there. Spark leaned over and hugged her.
    Remember what mama taught you, deep breath in. . . Spark breathed deeply, Bandit occasionally sniffed them as they waited for the near attack to settle down and leave. Deep breath out. . .
    Bandit licked her maw, lifting her head to sniff Spark again.
    "Thank you Bandy," they whisper, smiling softly as they lean back on the bench. Thankfully it didn't worsen to an anxiety attack, Spark disliked their attack, especially in public.
    "You left the line?" Spark asked, now just noticing Macy beside them.
    Macy nodded softly. "Yeah why wouldn't I?" she tucked their hair behind their other ear
    Spark smiled up at her. "I don't remember anyone else doing that for me except my friends."
    Macy held their cheek, smiling softly. "Well, you're welcome Sheep," she leaned closing her eyes, and kissed their forehead. Spark closed their eyes, humming softly. Macy pressed her forehead against theirs. "You gonna be okay?"
    Spark nodded. "It was the tantrum that startled me, I'll be okay. . ." Kind of glad I can't have children. . . but what if Macy wants them? No, no I'm thinking about her like she's my girlfriend. She's not my girlfriend. . . yet.
    "Alright. . ." Macy slowly moved. Spark got up, Bandit moving to stand near their legs. Macy helped brush them off, humming a gentle tune.
    "You don't need to brush me off, I'm okay. . ."
    "Tut tut," she put her finger against their lips.
    "Mac —" they paused, looking at her finger with a surprised look.
    Macy hummed still, making sure they were all clean before moving her finger and sat up. "All clean," she kissed their chin.
    "Wh —" they blinked, taken aback, and buffering a little. Macy simply smiled.
    Spark stared at her, blinking. "Why did you just do that?"
    Macy tilted her head. "I didn't want you to walk around all dirty." She took their hand.
    Spark lifted her hand, kissing her ring finger. "Well thank you,"
    Macy smiled lightly. "You're welcome, Sheep," she kissed their temple. "Come on, let's get something in our stomachs before we wreck this fair to the ground." She grinned, making a fist with her free hand
    Spark smiled. Of course, I'd fall for a woman like this. "Very well, nachos?"
    "Hmmmm," she tapped her chin. "Maaaybeeeee nachos annnndd a yummy churro sundae," she giggled.
    "Whatever that pretty little heart desires," they smile, crinkling their nose. Macy kept giggling, leading them back into the line. Spark followed her, Bandit right at their heels. Macy waited in line, keeping an eye out.
    She then stepped forward, looking at the menu. Spark stood beside her
    Macy looked at them. "Would you like to share a thing of nachos or?"
    "I don't mind sharing,"
    Macy smiled, nodding. "Okay!" Spark smiled. Macy stepped up to the counter, smiling.
    "You paying or am I?"
    "I'm paying, save your money," she grinned at her before inhaling and went up on her tip toes to talk to the vendor. Spark looked at her, scoffing, and leaned, picking her up so she didn't have to be on her tip-toes. When did these damn things get so tall?! Someone her height use to look over these fine before! I hope she doesn't feel embarrassed.
    "Eep!" She giggled and ordered their nachos. Spark smiled, sighing heavily in relief before fixing their arm, as it was rubbing on the stitches.
    Macy smiled at the person. "Thank you," then tapped their arm softly. Spark carefully let her down. Macy exhaled slowly, looking up at them with a smile.
    "You okay?"
    "Yes, I'm okay," Macy turned when she heard their order, moving and grabbing the nachos. She turned back to them, grinning.
    Spark smiled. "Yes!"
    Macy giggled, taking a bite as she rolled her eyes and hummed. "So yummy,"
    "I bet,"
    "Say ahhh," Macy said. Spark stared, opening their mouth and sticking their tongue out. Looking her directly in the eyes.
    Macy blinked, putting the chip in their mouth as she slowly smiled, then took another bite of a chip, nodding. "This is so good," Spark nodded back.
    "Wanna try and find a table?"
   "Uhh, don't think we'll find any except near beer stands if you're fine with that."
    Macy inhaled, rubbing her neck. "No, it's fine uh, a bench?"
    "I don't mind sitting on a bench,"
    Macy nodded. "A bench it is," she smiled.
    Spark smiled back. "Do you want to sit on a nearby bench or find somewhere else?"
    "I don't mind, honestly! Just, sitting down would be nice before walking around some more," Spark nodded, turned, and walked over to the bench that sat at earlier. Macy followed beside them, eating some chips, Spark stealing some. Macy giggled, leaning on them.
    "This is nice. . ."
    "Mhm. . . hey wonder how the boys and girls are doing."
    "Last I saw of the girls they were doing rides. The boys? No clue,"
    Macy leaned her head on their shoulder, eating some more of the nachos before handing them the plate. "Eat the rest," she looked up at them.
    Spark took the plate. "Thanks,"
    Macy heard yelling as she looked around before looking up at the Twister. She squinted. "I want to ride that."
    "Mm?" They turn their head, their eyes widen in horror. Oh my god.
    Macy looked at them, grinning. "Down?"
    Spark looked at her, shaking their head. "No. No no no."
    Macy made a face. "But, but SHheeeeEeeP!" She held their arms. "It'll be fun! Just one time!"
    Spark looked at her. "You must be insane if you want to go on that!"
    "I am insane! PleaaAaassEeee? After gamesssss?"
    Spark blinked, looking frightened, but. . . nodded. "After, after games. . ." Macy held their face, kissing them with a smile. Spark smiled a little. Macy moved back, licking the cheese that they had on the corner of their mouth.
    Spark squeaked, looking at her. "You could've, just told me I had- food, there."
    Macy smirked, whispering. "Oops~l,"
    Spark squinted. "Was that implying something?"
    Macy shrugged. "I don't know, was it?"
    "Oh, you must want something." They smirk. "Well, it's not happening here."
    "Well obviously, Sheep it's dirty here." She kissed their cheek before standing up. "Oh, by the way. . . this lipstick doesn't come off without makeup remover." She smirked.
    "Oh no, such a cruel trick you've played." hey spoke in a dramatic tone, giggling. Macy giggled as well.
    "Weeellll, what do you want to play?"
    "Anything," she smiled, taking their hands.
    "Well, let's walk around and explore," Macy nodded, taking the trash and throwing away the trash, and started walking. They walked through the fair, Macy grinning at all the lights. Bandit was happily trotting. Macy held their hand more, then Spark felt something tug them and turned, looking back as Macy. She was staring at something, following her eyesight. Before the two was a fair game; a classic knock over the pins. The prizes? Another classic. A variety of stuffed animals, some small, some big. That elephant seemed the biggest, not as fluffy as others but fluffy.
    "I . . . need. . . ittt." She whispered, Spark looked at her, then the elephant.
    "Wanna try and play for it?" They asked.
    "Yes." Spark handed her two tickets, the price to play the game.
    "Here hon,"
    Macy took the tickets, looking up at them. "Are you sure?"
    Spark nodded. "Yes! Go on," they smiled. Macy smiled, walking up to the booth.
    "Wanting to try and win a stuffed animal miss? Be my guest!" The woman smiled.
    Macy grinned, handing her the tickets. "Oh absolutely."
    The woman took them, handing her five red rings, and stepped aside. "Get all five you can pick your choice of big stuffed animals! Four, Medium-sized! Get three and you can get any small-sized!" Macy took the rings, nodding as squinted at the pins. She inhaled, tossing one ring. Spark watched her, smiling a loving smile. Macy grinned, tossing another ring as she laughed.
    "You got this Macy!"
    "Oh! Two rings on! Can you get to three? Four? Five?!" The woman laughed. Macy focused, sticking out her tongue as she tossed another one.
    A sound rang off as she struck the third ring onto a bottle. "Am I seeing four?! five?!" Macy laughed, tossing another one.
    "Come on Mace! Win that elephant you got this!"
    Macy looked at the last ring, looking at the pin, and tossed it. A bell rang, the woman laughing. "Pick your choice of big stuffed animals!"
    Macy laughed, turning to Spark. "I did it!"
    "You did it!" They grin, laughing.
    Macy turned to the woman, pointing to the elephant. "Please annnnd thank you miss,"
    "You got it!" The woman replied, grabbing a long hooked cane. She reached it up, unhooking the elephant, it dropped into her arms as she handed it over. "Here! Have fun with your new friend!"
    Macy took it, laughing. "Thank you!" She stepped back, waddling to Spark.
    Spark looked at her, smiling. "Sure you can hold it?" Macy peeked her head over the shoulder of the elephant.
    "Mhm!" she grinned.
    Spark smiled more. "Gosh, you're adorable." Macy giggled.
    "Wait wait waiiitttt!"
    "Mm? Yes?"
    Macy pulled out her phone, and opened the camera. "For my album," she looked up at them, raising her phone with a smile.
    "Album?" They asked with a confused smile.
    "My photo album!" she looked at the camera. "Now smile you big goof!" Spark smiled big, eyes squinting as they laughed. Macy laughed as well, snapping the picture before looking at it.
    "I love it!"
    "It's me of course you do," they ruffled her hair. Macy smiled up at them, and Spark saw her eyes were big, happy, and full of life. For once.

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