Chapter Sixty-One: [Spark XV]

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    Spark watched him, narrowing their eyes before just observing their friends being drunk idiots, sighing that they'll have to walk them home, well if they can find an uber or something.
    She walked to the bar, fixing her shirt as she ordered another drink. Spark looked over, narrowing their eyes at her as well.
    Macy rubbed her belly a bit, watching them all with a smile as they reached without looking, holding her hand. She looked down, holding their hand.
    Spark looked over at her, smiling softly. "How's your stomach?"
    She shrugged a bit. "Off, I suppose."
    They blinked. "Do you want to go? I think everyone's way past their limit. . ."
    Macy shrugged again. "I'm not sure, actually. Everyone's having fun. . ."
    "Yes but we also watched Maverick spit a cocktail in Ollie's mouth. . ."
    "Yeaahhh that was gross. Just, you and I can head back? I have, yet to uh do. . ." She looked around before signing "the test"
    Spark nodded. "Milo can we trust you?" Macy turned and looked at Milo.
    "Yep I was gonna call a car if you weren't gonna." Milo replied.
    "Got it! You want me to call a taxi or something to take us back to the hotel?" Spark asked, looking at her.
    Macy nodded. "Yes,"
    "Okay, well let's go. . . uh if they ask where we are Miles, just say we went back." They shrug, Milo gave a thumbs up as they stood and grabbed their stuff.
    Macy stood up, smiling at Milo before kissing the top of his head. "Be safe okay?" She grabbed her purse.
    Milo nodded, reaching to kiss her cheek. "I will, don't worry." She squeezed his shoulder, smiling more before heading towards the door. Milo watched the pair leave, looking back at the others, silently praying this night ends well.
    Spark rushed to open the door for her. Macy laughed. "Thank you, thank you." They smile as she stepped out, holding her arms.
    Damian stepped aside as the door opened. "Be safe you two."
    She grinned. "Thank you Mr. James!"
    He nodded. "And you keep her safe ye wee lamb." He ruffled Spark's hair with a smile.
    "Awwww wee lamb! I call him Sheep!* She covered her mouth, laughing.
    He smiled. "Ye really are my future daughter-in-law!" Macy grinned up at him as he lightly ruffled her hair, keeping that fatherly smile.
    The day I marry her. . . my father will cry, I know it. Spark look over at the two, smiling as the stood at the steps, waiting patiently for the uber they paid for as she stood next to them, looking around.
    Damian watched the two, head turning as he noticed a couple guys walk past the club when one turned his head to Macy and smirked, whistling.
    "Shit girl, where you headed?"
    Macy turned a bit, blinking then looked around. They looked over, then looked at their father, who had also noticed before looking back.
    "Yeah you." He crossed his arms. Spark watched them, glaring.
    She looked at him. "Home?" she made a face. They frowned, pulling her closer.
    The man chuckled, eyeing before tilting his head. "This a bodyguard or something?" He raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you a bit too young to be out here, cupcake?"
    Macy inhaled, now mildly uncomfortable as she reached and held their elbow. "I'm just fine thank you, and no. My boyfriend."
    The man examined Spark, making a face. "Uh huh." Spark glared, scowling as their hand moved to curl around her stomach as the man stepped closer. "Come on, I could take you home." He smirked. "My guys are waiting."
    Macy looked up at Spark, frowning. Spark moved her to the other side of them. "My girlfriend said she's fine, drop it."
    Damian watched them closely, eyes narrowing. He raised his eyebrows. "Oh, it speaks." He crossed his arms again, chuckling. "I can get her home just fine, brother." He tilted his head.
    "She's not moving an inch." They replied in almost a growl as the man rolled his eyes, waving his hand at them before walking off was a huff, following his friend who was up ahead.
    Macy made a face. "Ew." Spark watched him, glaring as their hand curled to a fist. Macy also watched him and sighed softly, gently rubbing her stomach out of awkwardness. Spark then left her side, following that man as a hand fell in their pocket, curling around a metal object.
    Macy stared, slowly going wide eyed. "Babe —"
    "Hey, bitch!" That thick Scottish accent came forward.
    The man turned, scowling a bit. "The hell you —" Spark's nose curled as the object clicked, a double bladed pocket knife. They slashed a blade across the man's face, hand tight. Macy covered her mouth, eyes wide as she exhaled quickly.
    "Shit." Damian walked over to Macy. "Spark!"
    The man stumbled back in surprise, holding his face. His friend was nowhere to be found, promptly running off soon as Spark drew the blades. Damian pulled her behind him. She held onto his shirt as they stared, fist tight around the handle as they looked at a slightly bloody blade.
    "Spark!" Macy cried as the man glared before tackling them, they bared their teeth as they hit the ground, lunging the blades for him again.
    He man hit their wrist, baring his teeth. "Little fucker." Spark glared.
    "Spark, damn it!"
    The man went to hit them as they acted quick, dodging and used their free hand to hit him back, but he as well moved his head before scowling and raised his fist to their face.
    Macy took off her heels. "Aren't you going to do something?!" She stared up at Damian.
    "Damn it Spark." He cursed under his breath as he hurried over. Spark pushed at him, growling. They went to lunge the blade before Damian pulled the man off. The blades cut through air. They moved to sit up as Damian set the man down, standing between the two.
    He scowled, brushing himself off. "Tell that psycho of a guy to get his shit checked out! You see this?!" He pointed to his face. "I could press charges!"
    "Sir I apologize, but that's barely enough to press charges for." He sighed. "I'll get him under control, you just have a safe night, okay?" his tone was calm but stern.
    "He drew a blade out on me!"
    Spark stood, flicking the blood off. "You were asking for it!"
    Rebecca stepped out, biting her lip with a smile as she looked for Damian.
    "Hey! You, cut it out." Damian looked at Spark, who huffed.
    "Fuck you. You should tell your girl to keep her tits in her damn dress then! She's asking for it!" Spark lunged the blades for the man again, their dad pushing them back.
    "You fucker! Say it again!" Spark hissed as the man crossed his arms, glaring.
    "Oh good god." Macy breathed, Rebecca turned her head towards the arguing, blinking a few times as she fixed her hair and walked over.
    "What the hell is going on?" Rebecca demanded in a heavy stern motherly tongue.
    "Sir, I advise you just, leave. Have a safe night." Damian spoke. Rebecca held Macy's lower back, scowling a bit as she examined the scene.
    "Nah. Nah, I'll leave when the damn cops come and take this psycho!" The man barked as Rebecca rolled up her sleeves, walking over.
    "Oh shit." Macy whispered as Spark broke from Damian, landing a punch to the man's face before they were practically dragged away.
    The man stumbled back, going wide eyed as he held his face. "LITERALLY ASSAULT!" he pulled out his phone. "I'll even sue the club! Don't tempt me!"
    "Damnit son I can't bail you out!" He barked. "Sir, no! No!" He set Spark near Macy. Rebecca scowled, slightly dragging her hand along Damian's waist before approaching the man. Damian looked at her. "Becca, don't get involved!"
    The man glanced back at Rebecca, rolling his eyes. "Oh beat it lady, this ain't any of you —"
    She socked the shit out of his face, watching him fall before dragging him away from the club. "I got it!"
    Macy blinked a few times, slowly moving to Spark. "'Be —" He sighed. "God fucking damnit."
    Spark watched, exhaling heavy as they wipe the blood from the blades off. Damian sighed, looking at Spark as they looked at him. Rebecca walked back, nodding. "Done." She wiped off her hands. The two looked over at her, she blinked. "He isn't dead, gosh he's just at the bus stop." She fixed her hair.
    Macy looked up at her. "I didn't know you had the punch of kangaroo. . ."
    She smiled softly. "I have my reasons to be able to have that sort of strength dear." Spark looked at Macy as they blinked a few times, leaning her head on Spark.
    Rebecca looked at Spark, putting her hands on her hips. "You better keep that blade away, kid before someone actually reports you." They push the blades back in, sliding it in their pocket, nodding. "No one is hurt though?” She asked, Macy shook her head.
    "Except that guy's ego. . ." Their voice was back to that normal range.
    "Definitely. Okay well, where are you two going?"
    "Oh uh, back. . . I'm not feeling too good." She nodded softly.
    "Back to the hotel." Spark replied.
    Rebecca nodded. "Alright, you two be safe okay?" She held both of their cheeks before smiling at Damian and headed back.
    He watched her, looking at the two and breathed. "I dislike what you just did. Regardless, you did good son, usin' the blade for it's reason I gave it to you." Spark looked at him, slowly nodding. Damian walked after Rebecca as their uber rolled up. Macy turned, adjusting her dress. Rebecca stood at the entrance a bit, holding her hip while watched Damian but kept her eyes on the two kids.
    Spark opened the car door for her, she stepped in, sitting down. Damian walked up, standing beside her as he looked at the two as well as Spark followed her, shutting the door, the car drove off.

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