Chapter Thirty-Nine: [Spark X]

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    Spark slept quietly, arms still around Macy, who was breathing quickly, tossing and turning and furrowing her eyebrows. The tossing and turning woke Spark a little, who grumbled and hugged her tighter.
    "Mace. . ." But she did not answer, breathing heavily and baring her teeth as she quickly sat up and shot her eyes open. She stared around, breathing shakily and heavily as she scooted back against the headboard of the bed.
    They woke in a fright, eyes half open. "Macy? Macy are you okay?"
    She flinched to their voice, reaching to hold their arm as she stared around again as she quickly reached for a light, flicking it on and exhaled quickly. "Oh fuck. . ." She whispered in a whine, holding her cheek.
    Spark looked at her. "Macy what's wrong?"
    She turned to them, sniffing. "Just a bad dream is all. . ." She spoke calmly, leaning her head back as she took a minute to calm down.
    That didn't, sound like a bad dream. . . "It didn't sound like it."
    Macy shook her head softly. "It was. . ." She covered her face, exhaling slowly. Spark stared, blinking as they pulled themself up, sitting beside her.
    Macy rubbed her face, sniffing again as she scooted to lean into them. "Lets hope that was the last time. . ." She held their arm, closing her eyes.
    Spark looked at her. Candles, lamps. They remembered as they pull her into their lap, holding her close. "I hope so too. . ." Macy leaned her head onto their shoulder, hugging them as she breathed softly and slowly closed her eyes.
    Spark rested their head on hers, rubbing her back. "I've got you. . ." Macy sniffed one more time before trying to fall back asleep. They kissed her temple. "You're safe here. . . I'm right here, holding you. . ." They turn, seeing Bandit move closer, tucked against the two with her head on Macy's stomach. "We've got you. . ."
    Macy had fallen back asleep, arms slowly falling to the sides of them. Spark watched her, looking up around the room. They looked back at her.
    "I'll keep you safe. . . whatever it takes too." They whisper to her.
    The house was awake with quiet chatter and the near-midday sun. Sadie and Sunny we're enjoying breakfast, Cassidy still in bed and Maria getting ready for work in her bathroom. Spark and Macy were still fast asleep, Spark having fallen asleep sitting up holding her, and Macy fallen asleep curled up in their arms.
    Peanut then jumped onto the bed, purring and meowing. Spark's hands twitch, eyebrows furrowing. Bandit was awake, looking at the kitten with raised ears as Peanut walked up to them, rubbing her head against Bandit then moved to rub against Macy and Spark.
    The dog drew her large tongue over the kitten, then pressed her nose to Macy and Spark. Peanut's ears went airplane as she stared at Bandit and smacked her. The large dog's head moved, alarmed as she gruffed at the kitten, sitting up. Peanut fluffed up, tilting her body to the side. Bandit stared down at the kitten, standing, and lifted a paw to bap the kitten.
    Peanut smacked her again, fluffing up more as Bandit barked, bapping more and hopped off the bed, twisting to fall into a playful bow.
    Macy flinched awake, wide eyed as Peanut jumped down off the bed, flying at Bandit. Spark looked up, jump-scared awake as well. Peanut attached onto her, biting her neck. Macy quickly turned, eyeing around then looked at Peanut and Bandit.
    Bandit tossed around, pulling at her with her paws and rolled over, growling like a puppy. Peanut growled back, jumping off and smacked Bandit a couple times as Bandit rolled onto her belly, smacking back gently. Peanut continued to smack her. Macy sighed softly, laying her head back onto their shoulder.
    "That's one way to wake up. . ."
    Macy groaned softly, shaking her head as she tried to go back to sleep. Spark looked to her, smiling soft. Peanut then scurried off, Bandit followed.
    Macy rubbed her eyes. "I guess I'll wake up then. . ."
    Spark kissed her softly. "Good. . ." Macy kissed them back, severely struggling to stay awake.
    "Maaccyyyy, come on, wake up. I'm not showering alone. . ." They whisper.
    Macy sat up. "Okayyyy okayyyy. . . I'm awakeee. . ." Spark smiled, moving her off their lap and stretched out, grunting. Macy blinked softly, slowly closing her eyes.
    Spark patted her leg. "Wake up hon. . ." They spoke, moving off the bed and yawning as they started the shower.
    Macy blinked a few times, rubbing her eyes before moving off the bed. She stretched, groaning as the sound of the shower moved through the room. "I'm starting without youuu," they spoke in a sing-song voice.
    Macy waddled towards the shower, starting to wake up a bit. Spark was already in, humming soft. She shut the bathroom door, undressing slowly as she yawned, inhaled, and got into the shower slowly. She waited for Spark to get done washing their hair, washing her body for now. They finished up, looking at her.
    "Need me to wash your hair?" Macy looked up at them, smiling before nodding. They smile at her, kissing her cheek. "Time to test this shampoo."
    "Absolutely." She grinned, turning.
    Spark put a decent amount in their hand, humming as they rubbed their hands and began washing her hair. Macy hummed a soft tune, holding her arms. Spark scrubbed in rhythm as they reach the full length of her hair, chuckling. "Yeah. . . you need a haircut. . ."
    She grinned. "One of these days."
    "You got two months till summer, maybe then?"
    She nodded. "That works. I'm thinking to the bottom, of my ribcage.'
    "That's good hon, I can work with that." Spark replied, Macy giggled.
    Macy smiled up at them before closing her eyes again. "You know, my mom used to sing to me while she washed my hair, it went — oh what was it. . ."
    "You want me to sing for you, is that what I'm hearing?" Spark asked, Macy shook her head, grinning as she started singing the song quietly.
    Spark listened, smiling while they started to rinse out her hair, now humming quietly. "I think I got out all the soap."
    Macy stopped singing, nodding. "Thank you," they smile, pulling her closer and hugging from behind as they kiss her cheek. She held their arms, smiling. "I love the way your soap smells. . ."
    "You want some?"
    Macy looked up at them. "If it makes me smell like you." She grinned.
    Spark mirrored her grin, looking at her. "It's a strong body soap hon. . ."
    Macy raised her arms, her eyes gave them a look. "Scrub away." Spark smiled, putting some in a loofa before scrubbing it soapy, they start to tenderly scrub it around her body, kneeling to get her legs. They look up at her, grinning more as a hand snuck up her leg to her inner thighs. Macy looked down at them. Spark smiled slightly when she moved her hands to their head and held the side of it. They press their cheek to her thigh, staring up at her with those grey-brown doe eyes.
    Macy examined their face, slightly moving her legs as she tilted her head. "What are you thinking?"
    "Eating you until you're empty baby." They move their body, kneeling before her, hands around her legs and pulling them further apart, keeping eye contact.
    "Fuck. . . be my guest."
    Spark looked down at her, licking their lips as they press their head between her thighs, breathing onto her as they pushed closer, pushing their tongue in and groaning heavily, pulling her legs fully apart and carefully onto their shoulders. Macy leaned against the wall, breathing deeply and holding their hair, moaning softly as they push closer. Spark looked up at her, pulling their tongue out to toy with her outer lips, parting them with the edge of their tongue before flattening their tongue and brushing over her entrance.
    Macy exhaled shaking, her knees buckling a little before breathing heavier. "Oh fuck. . ." She spoke quietly.
    Spark pulled away. "I'm fucking you against this wall after this. . ."
    She nodded quickly. "Please." Spark heard her inhale when they pushed their mouth back between her thighs, groaning softly as they toyed, teased, and edged her all with their tongue and a sly grin. Macy moaned softly again. "God."
    Their nails press into her legs, moaning sweet and heavy into her while she whined a bit as she covered her mouth and looked down at them. Spark was in heaven, nails digging into her legs, moaning, eyebrows furrowing. Their closed eyes open to stare up at her.
    Macy made eye contact with them, leaning her head back and moved her hand from her mouth and rested it onto her chest. Spark stared at her, doing a full body shiver, moaning into her, louder this time as they lower a hand, lifting two cum-slick fingers and ran them between her thighs, and then into her with a grin as they stood.
    She gasped softly, letting out a gentle moan before furrowing her eyebrows more. "Oh fuck. Fuck, Spark." She spoke in a whiny voice, holding the wall.
    They press against her, kissing her neck. "You want it baby? It's so ready for you."
    Macy nodded. "God yes. . . yes I want it."
    Spark held her thighs, pushing in with ease as they moan into her cheek. She wrapped her arms around their neck, moaning softly into their shoulder as they lift her, putting her legs around their waist as they start slow but get quicker and heavier, panting and groaning. Macy leaned her head against the wall again, huffing and moaning as her wet hair stuck to the wall with every movement.
    Spark moaned more, whining. "Fuck I'm already close again!"
    Macy breathed deeply, tightening her legs around their waist as she whispered softly. "Fill me." She looked at them before her eyes rolled back with a moan. Their lips part, nodding as they chased their pleasure with each quick and heavy thrust, skin clapping as they bit into her neck, moaning.
    She held the back of their hair, breathing quicker as she groaned. "Just like that baby, oh fuck." They melt into her as they bit her more, nails gripping her legs. She kept groaning and moaning, smiling as she only melted against the wall more. Spark gave a heavy moan into her skin as they climaxed and filled her per request, eyes squeezing shut as they slow down.
    She gripped their hair more, shaking her head. "No no don't stop. Please." She huffed, looking at them with her eyebrows furrowed. Spark looked at her, nodding as they started up again. She moved her hand to hold their cheek, moaning as she kept her eyes on them. They stare at her, eyes fluttering as they continued to fuck her, panting.
    God she's pretty. . . I could kiss every mole and freckle. Spark leaned to kiss a few of her freckles, Macy smiled.
    She didn't break eye contact, huffing and moaning as she nodded. "You like that, don't you Mr. —" she got cut off by a moan. "Mr. Fox?"
    "Oh if I could I would fuck you tired —" They whimper, hands gripping. "Ms. Bunny. . ."
    Macy held their cheek tighter. "God I would even let you." She inhaled deeply, letting out a long and soft moan before nodding. "I'm so so close, baby."
    "I-I am too, again. Holy fuck you get me so, so close. . ."
    Macy moved to hold the side of their neck. "With me. Finish with me." She said, moaning as they look up at her, eyes rolling while they grunted with every deep thrust. She gripped the side of their neck. "Oh fuck fuck fu —" she gasped deeply, squinting her eyes shut as she reached her climax, and bit back a loud moan. Spark gasped sharply, not far behind as they push their waist closer, not wanting to let a single drop leave.
    She pressed her head against the wall and breathed heavily. "Mmm,"
    "God I don't want to move. . ."
    Spark looked up at her, blinking as they softly caress her thigh. Macy slowly grinned, looking at them with a sloppy smile. "That woke me up. . ."
    "Mm," they chuckle, moving away to set her down, lighting pushing her belly. "So what I'm hearing is my dick does wonders for you." They said as they leaned down, pressing down on her lower belly, hearing her moan softly while they drink up her pleasure and theirs from her.
    Macy nodded, sighing sweetly. "Oh absolutely. . ."
    They smile, standing. "Now, you smell like me sweet girl. . ." They trace their fingers around the bite marks, smiling more.
    Macy grinned. "Good. . ."
    "Wonder what they'll say when they see these beauties. . . mm?" They looked at her neck.
    She just grinned. "I don't even care. . ." she chuckled lightly. "I want them to see."
    She giggled. "You heard me."
    "You wanna say that again, pretty thing?" They tilt her head up while smiling with a tilted head.
    "I want them to see."
    "Oh I like this version of you." They kiss her cheek, turning to clean themselves off.
    Macy kept herself against the wall. "It feels. . ." She looked up at the ceiling. "What's the word. . ."
    Spark looked over to her, smiling soft. "Free? Relieving?"
    "I feel free," she looked at them with a smile, Spark bathed her off again. Spark turned off the shower, looking at her. Macy wrung out her hair, looking at them with a smile. "Hey uhm, I have a few things to uhm, do. . . today, I'll only be like, ten minutes, can you last that long?" She grinned.
    "Oh, uhm, I guess I could. . ."
    Macy reached at kissed their cheek. "I promise I'll only be a little okay?" She opened the door, stepping out. "It's. . . kind of important. . ."
    Spark watched her, following as they grabbed two towels, handing one to her. "Alright. . . do you need me to take you there?"
    Macy shook her head, drying off. "No, no I'll be okay,"
    "Okay. . ."
    She smiled at them, covering herself with the towel. Spark reached and softly kissed the top of her nose, wrapping the towel around their waist as they leave the bathroom.
    Spark listening to the hair dryer going while they searched for some comfy clothes to wear. The bathroom door opened after a while, Macy walked out with her hair up. "I'll be right back, going to get my clothes." She smiled softly, heading for the door.
    Spark looked up at her, sitting on their bed with Bandit. "Oh, okay," they smiled sweet at her. Macy left, hurrying to her room. Spark watched the door, looking down at Bandit and smiled, petting her.

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