Chapter Twenty: [Macy V]

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    Macy hummed, starting to unpack, then her phone rang. She grabbed it, smiling. Ollie! "This is Mouse speaking?"
    "Hey you." Ollie's voice came through. "Maverick just wanted me to check in on you guys. How are you?"
    "Oh! We're all good here!"
    "I'm glad to hear! Are you feeling better?"
    She giggled. "Yes, I'm doing fine thank you!"
    "Good good. How's Spark and all them?"
    "Oh yeah, they're good too. Spark actually. . . is talking a lot more."
    "Mhmmm, I was doing my puzzle and they talked a little to me and then I asked if they wanted to help and then they sat next to me, and then — yeah!"
    "I'm very glad to hear that, so they're okay?"
     "Mhm! I think they've warmed up to me,"
    "Awwww I'm glad,"
    "Oh! One more thing, I think we should go to the fair! There's one in town, I saw a sign on my way to my d —" she stopped. "to get my clothes! As one large group, you down?"
    "I don't mind." "Neither do I," "We would love to, Mouse. When is it?" Milo, Maverick, and Ollie's voices came through.
    "Oh not until next week is when it opens"
    Her door opened. "You comin' Mouse?" Spark asked, then looked at her phone, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Who is it?"
    "It's the boys,"
    "Where we goin'?" Spark whispered, walking in and closing the door.
    Macy whispered back. "The fair next week," Spark grinned, leaning.
    "So deal? I'll talk to the girls after this." Macy smiled, replying.
    "Uh yes! So down, I might see if we can stop by to have dinner or something. I'm finishing my project right now,"
    "Hi guys," Spark spoke up, not in the quiet tone, in their full, real voice.
    "Oh shit, hey Spark,"
    "How're you guys doing over there?"
    "We're all good here, Milo just got over a cold."
    "Aww, tell 'em I'm sorryyy, hope Milo's okayy."
    "He's alright now. Sooo, you coming to the fair with us?"
    "Oh hell yes!"
    "Sweet! We'll see you there then!"
    "Byeee guys,"
    "Bye byee,"
    Spark glanced at Macy, hands sliding around her belly. Macy smiled up at them, examining their facial features. "Yes, Mouse?"
    "Just looking," she whispered, smiling.
    "Just lookin'? You sure?" They raised an eyebrow, whispering. Macy nodded softly. Spark smiled. "Alright then, your bags unpacked?"
    Macy nodded. "Yes, see? Didn't take me long," she smiled more, booping their nose. Spark smiled, chuckling.
    "Did you forget to hang up?" Ollie's voice came through. Spark eyed the phone, laughing. Macy stared at her phone, blinking a few times before laughing as well.
    "Oops," she then hung up, walking out of the room and towards the restroom, quietly though, and opened the door, Spark followed behind her.
    Macy stepped aside for them, Spark walked in. Macy looked around before shutting the door and locked it. She looked at the mirror, examining herself for a moment. Spark stood near, smirking, eyeing her through the mirror. Macy looked at them through the mirror, smiling softly. "What're you looking at?"
    "A very pretty girl covered in me. . ." They spoke, looking at her.
    Macy's face softened as she blinked a few times. "I'm. . . I'm pretty?"
    Spark walked up, resting their head on hers, hands lazily around her. "Oh, Macy. . . you're beautiful. . ."
    Macy held their arms, smiling as her eyes got a bit glossy. "Yeah?"
    Spark lifted a hand, softly cupping her jaw. "Look at you. . ." They whispered. "You're beautiful. . ."
    Macy leaned into their touch, staring up at them as her eyes began to water. "Aw," she chuckled before sniffing.
    Spark turned her head back to the mirror. "Darling. . ." they stared at her through the mirror, smiling and leaning, whispering in their full voice. "And I get you all to myself. . ." Macy leaned into them, grinning as she tilted her head and nodded.
    "Absolutely. . ." She turned her head slightly, kissing under their jaw before looking back at the mirror. They lowered their hand, holding her neck as they continued to stare at her through the mirror, kissing her cheek before walking away to start the shower. Macy stared into the mirror, going RED.
    Macy turned to them, slowly taking off her shirt. She then carefully unclipped her bra, her hair falling in front of her which covered her chest as she looked up.
    Spark got the shower warm enough, lifted, and took off their shirt. Near the top of their belly button, was barely visible red fuzz that ran down into their pants.
    Macy looked at the giant scar again, wondering what happened. She wondered if a fire had caused it, or being dragged, both looked a viable answer as she set the bra aside, her eyes traveled down their torso, from the scar to staring at the happy trail. Spark unzipped and unbuckled their jeans, hands toying as they focused. They pulled their pants off, and more of that red fuzz slithered down, vanishing into their boxers. It was darker and wider. Macy quite literally couldn't look away, covering her chest.
    "You're a redhead. . ." She slowly looked up. Spark looked over, then at the red fuzz, and nodded.
    "Yep. Natural, born with it."
    Macy smiled. "Cute," Spark looked over, smiling, eyeing her arms.
    "Covering your chest why?" They smiled more.
    She stared before looking down. "Oh. . . uhm. . . just self-conscious, is all. . ." She chuckled nervously. Spark raised an eyebrow.
    "Noted," they smiled, taking off their boxers and stepping in the shower, wetting their hair. Macy watched them before fully undressing. She inhaled softly, glancing at the mirror before stepping in after them, swallowing, watching them as she examined all of their body art and lighting bolt-covered scar, gently running her fingers along one. "Do they hurt?"
    "First couple did, but I got used to the pain," Spark answered. She slowly moved her arm off of her chest, her hair falling in front again as she touched another one.
    "Where do you recommend getting your first tattoo?" She looked up at them. Spark didn't seem self-conscious she was seeing their scar, looking at her with a smile.
    "Yours truly, baby. I'm a master at tattooing and went to school for a bit on it. But I got mine done at a tattoo place, Inky Rose Tattoos."
    Macy smiled. "Can you do one on me?" She titled her head. Spark smiled, leaning and pulling her in, hands reaching around her lower back.
    "Oh, I'd love to,"
    Macy grinned, wrapping her arms around their neck. "Okay, sometime tomorrow? Orrrr before the fair?" She tilted her head still. "Whenever you want?"
    Spark smiled, looking down at her. "Tomorrow. I can drive you to my shop before opening time and give you some private tattoo time," they pushed back the hair from her face. "Or, actually, I have a small studio in my room. I can do ya there. Does that sound good?" They questioned, smiling more.
    "Yes, yes it sounds perfect," she nodded quickly, keeping her large grin. Spark lifted her chin by their index finger, making a "Mm" noise and kissed her softly.
    "It's a deal then,"
    She kissed them back with a smile. "Deal," she looked up at them. Spark looked down at her, hands roaming her body, soft and gentle before they lifted their arms and began to get their hair soapy and wash it. Macy watched them, observing every part of their body. She simply smiled, nails traveling their body.
    Spark inhaled, having their head leaned back in the water they smiled and eyed her. "And, what are you doing?"
    Macy giggled. "Just looking at all your tattoos,"
    "Looking at my tattoos. Right. That an excuse to have your hands all over me?" They teased, smirking. She smirked.
    "It could be,"
    Spark rolled their eyes. "Naughty,"
    "Says you," she booped their nose.
    'Oh? How so." They smiled, leaning to look her in the eyes.
    "Oh you know what I meannnn," she giggled again, kissing their nose.
    "Mmmm, no I don't think so," they laughed.
    Macy rolled her eyes. "The bedroom silly, now that was naughty," she raised an eyebrow
    "Mm, could be naughtier," they smiled, leaning closer as they touched their nose to hers. "Boop," Macy grinned, cupping their face.
    They lean, brows furrowing as they picked her up, then set her down. "Bad idea in a shower. . ."
    "Says who?" She tilted her head.
    "Says me! I could slip,"
    Macy giggled. "Oh yeah," she wrapped her arms around their neck. "You could,"
    They smirked. "But that doesn't mean I can't, out of the shower." Spark smiled and gently nudged her away, switching place so she can shower, grabbing body soap and a loofa, cleaning their body, scrubbing their red fuzz, which was much wider and darker now with the water. Macy watched, rinsing herself off. She leaned her head back, her long hair touching the back of her legs. It'd take forever to wash it. Spark eyed it, lifting her hair and letting it fall through their hands.
    "Could do something with this. . ."
    She looked at them, wiping the water from her face. "Like what?"
    "Mm, well first could trim it," they offered, continuing. "I could ask one of the girls to, style it. Maybe braids?" Macy pulled her hair to the front, looking at her long hair.
    "Well I like it long. . . how much would we trim?"
    "Up to your stomach could be good. I can't imagine wanting to sit down and accidentally sitting on hair."
    She nodded. "Like, my lower stomach?"
    Spark nodded as well. "Up to here," they held her sides, just above her waist.
    Macy tilted her head before nodding softly. "It's still long so yeah, okay," she smiled. They smiled back, finishing up their shower.
    Macy watched them again, not feeling so self-conscious at the moment as she grabbed soap and cleaned her body. Spark scrunched out their hair, moving, and got out to dry off. Of course, not without stealing a kiss. Macy kissed them back, smiling as she rinsed herself off. She eyed all the shampoos, grabbed one, and didn't think before scrubbing her hair.
    Spark dried off nearby. Macy finished showering and turned it off, opening the curtain. "Towel?" She asked, Spark turned, towel around their waist, and went to the door. There was a knock at the door.
    "Are you good in there?" Sadie's voice asked. "Been a while,"
    Macy turned, staring. Macy took the towel, wrapping it around her waist quickly. Spark looked over, looking back at her. "Yes! I'm fine! Just took a longer shower this time! You know, to —" she swallowed. Think! "— clean," She facepalmed. Spark hid their little laugh. Macy stepped out of the shower.
    "Alrightttt, well Cass said the boys are coming over in a bit to hang out, so."
    Macy grinned. "Yeah alright!"
    "Do you want to open the door, or?" Spark whispered. Macy shook their head, holding up her hand. Spark nodded. Macy whispered.
    "Wait until she leaves," she took down her hair, shaking it out as her curls started coming through, she stared at the mirror, pausing. Spark eyed her. She glanced at them, running her fingers through her hair.
    "I wanna run my fingers through it," they
replied. Macy went wide-eyed, putting her hands on the counter.
    "Really? I, go ahead," Spark moved over, leaning in front of her, and carefully ran their fingers through. Macy looked into the mirror still, watching them as she slowly smiled. Her heart fluttered. They leaned, pressing their forehead to the top of her head.
    "Fuck you're, beautiful. . ."
    Macy closed her eyes, holding their arm gently. "Thank you. . ." Suddenly, the tears started coming back again as she chuckled lightly. Spark looked at her through the mirror, leaning to look at her from the side.
    "Darling. . . why're you crying?. . ."
    "I don't know," she shook her head, chuckling again, and wiped her nose and eyes. Spark blinked, turning her around so they were face to face. Macy opened her eyes, smiling as a tear rolled down the side of her face. "I don't know why I'm crying. . ." Spark smiled wiping under her eyes.
    "Because you're pretty. . ."
    They then leaned down and quietly and carefully undid the wrap around her stitches and other wounds. "Need to get these re-bandaged," they murmur. Macy watched them before nodding and wiping her face.
    "I'll have Cassidy re-wrap them. . ." Spark nodded, standing and trashing the wet bandage and gauze.
    "May we. . . go to my room?. . ."
    Macy nodded. "Yeah, we can," she tied her hair back up, grabbing her clothes. Spark grabbed their clothes as well, opened the door, and peeked out. Macy waited.
    "Coast clear, c'mon," they whispered, slinking out. Macy slipped out as well, turning out the light. Spark saw headlights through a window, perking up. "Boys are here," they commented, now lightly pulling her to their room. Macy looked around, eyes lit.
    Spark's room was directed in shades of white, orange, cream, and green. The colors were specifically picked and chosen what to go on, so their room didn't look out of place or hard on the eyes. The white walls feature hundreds of posters and paintings and anything that piqued their interest. Little flowers were placed around, mostly on their window-sill. A polished oak desk nearby was littered with notebooks and sheet music. Their bed looked soft and comfy, with a white comforter and orange throw blankets with some leaf pillows and specifically; A green anole plush. To the other side of the big room, was their tattoo stand, complete with a chair and the supplies, and a big book of sketches.
    She walked around. It's beautiful. . . Spark smiled, turned, and opened a nearby door swwet away and near their bathroom, a walk-in closet. Macy watched them, slowly sitting on their bed.
     Spark walked back out in some pajamas; Long white sweats and a loose comfy black shirt. They walked into their bathroom, set the towel on their door rack to dry, before walking back out.
    She looked around the room some more. "I love your room. . . it's so comfortable," Spark smiled. Macy noticed a new thing in the corner of the room, tucked away near the desk, which was a medium-sized cage. Macy looked at it, tilting her head before standing and walking over to it. The cage was black and decorated with vines, walled in glass. Inside, were a pair of two female Green Anoles, looking back at her. One settled on a propped-up set of branches, and the other on the other wall of glass, looking over at her. Macy's face lit up as she crouched.
    "Hey. . ."
     The pair looked at her, then looked up as Spark walked over. The one on the glass shimmed over, revealing a missing hind leg, body pressed to the glass Macy was looking into, Macy's face softened. "Its leg is missing,"
    Spark opened the door, the three-legged anole scurried onto their hand. "Found her as a baby. I was afraid she couldn't survive on her own so I. . . took her in, she's like my little kid, more friendly than her roommate," they explained.
    "Named her Leaf," they smiled. "Her roommate is named Annie."
    "How sweet,"
    Leaf looked at Macy, licking her eye before climbing over Annie, who preferred to be in the cage, but she did move closer, head peaking out, and cautiously moved onto Spark's hand. Macy put her hands in her lap, watching them.
    Leaf looked up at her. Macy glanced at Leaf and then at Spark. Spark looked at Macy, sitting down beside her. "Told you she was friendly. . ." they smiled
    "Can. . . I hold Leaf?" Spark nodded, holding out their hand. Annie and Leaf both eyed the little hand bridge, Leaf stepped closer and made her way into Macy's hand, licking her eyes again. Annie moved further up Spark, sitting on their shoulder, content.
    Macy carefully cupped her hands. "I don't know how to properly hold a reptile. . ."
    "You're doing good for now," Macy nodded softly, watching Leaf. Leaf hung out in her hands, then began moving around, climbing up her arm.
    Macy stared, not moving. "Spark. Spark! Sparrkkkk," she spoke quietly so she didn't scare Leaf.
    "It's okay, it's okay. She's just exploring, all lizards do that. . . " They spoke. . . as Annie was in their brown fluffy hair. Macy eyed Annie before swallowing, watching Leaf again.
    Annie climbed down Spark's face, jumping when they laughed. She lifted her head to look at Macy, before taking a leap of faith towards her. Spark went wide-eyed.
    "GH," they held out their hands, just catching Annie.
    Macy went wide-eyed. "Oh god," Leaf then hopped onto her knee, looking around with a tilted head. Macy watched. "Is-is. . . can she?"
    "Umm," Spark stared, reaching for Leaf but the lizard scurried and hid under Macy's leg. Spark blinked.
    "Uh-oh," Macy lifted a left, holding the towel down. There was a knock at the door, causing the lizards to bolt for Spark, hiding together in the leg holes of their sweats. Macy turned, staring. Spark stared at the door as well.
    "Who is it?"
    Macy swallowed, whispering. "Should I hide?"
    "I- I don't know."
    "It's just me." Cassidy's voice raised. "The boys are here."
    Macy covered her mouth, tensing which made her wound sting.
    "O- okay, thank you,"
    "Can I come in for a moment? I need to ask you something," she asked.
    Spark glanced at Macy. "Hide, hide, uh. . . closet, go to my closet," they whispered, picking up their girls carefully, and setting them on their right shoulder. Leaf and Annie chilled out there, unbothered.
    Macy got up quickly, holding her towel, and did so. Spark winced, really hoping Cassidy didn't hear some boards creak. Macy covered her mouth, squirming her eyes shut as Spark called "Come in!" and heard the door open, Cassidy walking in. The door closed. Macy listened carefully, swallowing.

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