Chapter Eight: [Spark I]

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    Spark turned to look at Ollie and Maverick walking over, smiling as they waved a greeting. Ollie jogged past the group, going straight for the water. Spark watched him, looking at the others, and then Maverick. Ollie ran into the water, grinning before jumping deeper into the water.
    "Anyone care for a swim?" Maverick spoke up with a shrug.
    I do! Spark thought, already getting undressed. Ollie surfaced, moving the hair out of his face as he moved to float on his back.
    Spark threw their shirt off, noticing Cassidy shrug and pulled her up. "C'mon Cass!" They dragged her, while she fought them like a stubborn horse, and then Maverick joined the fray, tugging with Spark. Girl was as strong as him so it was a tug o' war. Spark and Maverick laughed before they jumped out of the way just as she charged at Maverick and ran for the lake instead. Cassidy leaped in, using Maverick as a sort of human shield as the duo hit the water.
    Ollie went wide-eyed, moving as he kicked his legs. "WAH!" A rush of water splashed his face as he scrunched up his face. "Blegh."
    Maverick surfaced, coughing. "Cass!" he yelled, she surfaced with a laugh, makeup smudged. Spark giggled, laughing.
    Ollie wiped his face, turning to Milo and them. "Come on!"
    "Gotcha bitch!" She taunted, going under when he jumped at her and tackled him underneath the water, Maverick yelped.
    Milo watched them. "I'd rather be dry!"
    Spark wrinkled their nose and stood, running towards the lake and jumping in, swimming over and lunged at Maverick, joining the sibling-like brawl, then vanished under the water.
    Milo walked into the lake when Spark lunged from the water like a crocodile and grabbed him, smiling as they dragged him in. "GAH!"
    Maverick surfaced, panting. He looked around. Spark listened to him from nearby. "Come out fuckers!" His hands were curved like talons. "Did you see them!?" He turned to Ollie and Milo, he looked fet al. feral indeed.
    Right there. . . we gotcha right where we want ya.
    Ollie stared, shaking his head. Milo shook his head too. Cassidy and Spark appeared behind Maverick as Spark went back under, and Cassidy leaped, wrapping her arms around him and then Spark leaped, and both of them drove him under. Cassidy appeared, pulling Maverick with her, he was hacking and coughing.
    "Got it all out bud," she said. Spark watched them, off near Milo.
    I think we went too rough. . .
    Ollie swam over, scowling a bit as he cupped his face. "You alright?"
    Maverick looked at him, smiling weakly as he nodded and continued to cough. "Just-just swallowed," he coughed, "water."
    "Yeah I see that," he moved his hair out of his face. Maverick looked at him, nodding as a thanks as his coughing calmed down, he breathed heavily. Ollie squinted at Cassidy. She looked at him.
    "What? We stopped when he was struggling. He held his own just fine until now." Ollie kept squinting.
    Maverick breathed. "Ah, fuck man."
    Ollie patted his chest a bit. Maverick reached a hand around Ollie, the other gripping Cass' shoulder. "Where's- where's Spark?" Ollie blinked, looking around.
    "He's, over here," Milo called out. Ollie turned, exhaling slowly. Maverick breathed a sigh of relief.
    "Phew." Cassidy mumbled.
    "I think — I think I'm done for the night," he spoke.
    Ollie nodded. "We should get back anyway,"
    "Come on," she nudged Maverick towards the shore, Ollie swam towards shore. "Come on Sparks!" Cassidy whispered, Spark swam over.
    Maverick moved, sniffing as he made his way to the share Cassidy at his other side. Ollie walked out of the water, wringing out his clothes.L
    Spark walked from the water, Milo behind them. Their dog was still by the campsite, watching them. Bandit stood, trotting over and sniffed Maverick, then headed for her owner, sitting near their legs. Ollie walked towards the campsite, sitting down while holding his arms.
    Cassidy helped Maverick sit, sitting nearby with Sadie, Maria, and Sunny, who were all somehow asleep, curled up together. She didn't wake them, while Ollie leaned towards the fire, doing his best to dry off. Maverick, instead, leaned on Ollie, absolutely exhausted. Ollie turned, holding him as he stroked his hair. Maverick closed his eyes, breathing now calmed, his throat did hurt a little. Spark watched the fire, leaning on Cassidy.
    I'm sure he'll be okay! He's a strong man. I'm hungry, I wonder if Cass will get us food. Spark perked their ears to listen to the couple.
    Maverick put his arm around him. "I'm sorry,"
    "For?" he stroked his hair again.
    "For what you saw, I'm sorry if you got scared that's just. . . that's just how we roughhouse. . ."
    "No no, you're okay," Ollie answered, Maverick looked down, and then looked at him, his eyes soft and sad. "Mm?"
    Spark watched their lips, squinting. He could make out some words, Ollie tenderly kissing Maverick's nose. ". . . baby I promise. . . it wouldn't have. . . too far. . ."
    Maverick closed his eyes. "We. . . knew if we took. . . too far. . . I'm sorry if we scared you, if I scared you. . ."
    "Baby I said it was okay." Spark read clearly, watching Ollie tuck his hair behind his ear pressing his forehead against his.
    Maverick sighed, Ollie rubbed his nose against his nose, Maverick smiled weakly pulling him into a hug. Ollie hugged him back. Spark could see Ollie's eyes lingering on Milo, who was looking away, staring at the ground, then at his fingers as he toyed with them.
    Spark examined him for a moment before watching Ollie lay his cheek onto Maverick's shoulder and closing his eye. Maverick leaned into Ollie, closing his eyes. Ollie couldn't help but look at Milo again, watching him toy with his fingers.
    Spark curled up at Cassidy's side, staring up at the stars. Spark caught movement and lifted their head and body to lean on their elbows, now couple watching full-time.
    Ollie slowly moved, stroking his cheek a little before looking to Milo and making his way over.
    Milo looked up at Ollie, surprised. ". . . Hi,"
    Ollie waved softly, sitting down next to him as he looked at the fire. Milo continued to look at him, looking at Maverick for a moment. "Uhm. . . you supposed to. . . Maverick?"
    Ollie looked at him, speaking softly. "He said I could come over here. . ." he smiled softly. "Can I, give you a hug?"
    Spark saw Milo's eyes went in every direction as he studied Ollie, from his posture to his eyes. Milo looked at him, inhaling as he fought the shiver trying to snake through him.
    "S-sure. . ." Ollie scooted closer, wrapping his arms around him, and gave him a nice hug, closing his eyes.
    Spark heard Ollie chuckle lightly. "You're nervous. . ." they heard.
    "I, uh. I'm —" Milo stammered, swallowing. Spark held back a little giggle at the man's hard, red, flushed face. Ollie slowly moved, looking at him as he examined his face. Milo didn't make eye contact, his face flushed hotter as his hands trembled.
    Ollie looked down at his hands, fighting the urge as he looked up at him. "Are you feeling okay?"
    Spark looked over at Maverick who had now joined them and Cassidy with stargazing. I wonder if he trusts Ollie so much he won't occasionally look over. . .
    "Uh. I'm-I'm fine, just. . . not feeling well!"
    Ollie frowned softly, nodding. "Alright well. . . I'll leave you be then. . . I'll see if we can go home soon. . ." He nodded again, slowly moving back with a gentle smile. Milo smiled in reply. Ollie moved back to his spot, looking at the fire as his mind raced. Spark got up, walking over and sat beside his best friend's boyfriend, opening an ark quietly.
   Maverick stared at the sky, sensing eyes on him as he pushed up, looking at Ollie. Ollie smiled faintly. Maverick tilted his head. "What's wrong?"
    Ollie shook his head. "I'm just tired. . ."
    "Do you want to go home?"
    Ollie nodded softly again. Spark looked around at them, Bandit made her way over and curled up at her owner's legs. They smiled softly, petting her. "Hi girl," they whispered.
    "Okay, uh Cass can I borrow your keys?" Maverick spoke up, Cassidy looked over. Ollie rubbed his eyes, looking back to the fire.
    "Mm? Oh, goin' back to college?"
    "Well, we can all just head back." She sat up, nudging the sleeping pile of girls. "Hey, y'all, wake up c'mon," she stirred them awake. Ollie slowly stood, rubbing his arms as he made his way to the van.
    Sadie grumbled, sitting up, her hair a braided mess of red. "Wha? Mmph." She dragged herself and Sunny up, and Cassidy pulled Maria up.
    Ollie opened a door, climbing into the very back as he took a deep breath and looked out the window.
    The group followed Ollie, piling into the van. Cassidy and Maverick took the front, the girls curled up in the back near Ollie, and Milo in the middle. Cassidy started the van, Spark appeared beside Milo with their dog. She checked everyone, before driving off.
    Cassidy drove, the van silent. Her girls were fast asleep, along with Spark and their dog who had moved back to lay with them. Maverick was ever the silent, on his phone. Ollie's eyes were open now, watching the road. Cassidy drove into the college lot after two hours. Ollie sat up, frowning a bit as he unbuckled. Maverick looked up.
    Spark could hear muffled voices, woken from the gentle rocking of the road and bumps. They rose, listening sleepily as Cassidy parked in a spot. "Alright you three, arrived at your destination."
    Ollie moved, carefully going towards the middle to get out. Milo unbuckled and quickly got out, Ollie got out after him, shutting the door.
    "Thanks Cass," Maverick leaned and kissed the top of her head, Cassidy only smiled as she watched them get out. "Be safe driving, okay?"
    "I will I will, after all, I gotta get them home safe and sound. Bye guys!"
    Maverick waved as he caught up with Ollie. Milo as well, behind them. Spark watched them, before getting into the front seat and drifted off back to sleep.
    And when they woke, they were tucked in their bed at home, Bandit curled up behind them. It was still dark out, so the young man went back to sleep.

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