Chapter Forty-Nine: [Oliver X]

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    "This does look expensive." Spark commented. The group was staring at a jewelry store. Ollie walked up to the store, looking around.
    "You three sure you wanna be in here?" Maverick asked.
    "This place is gorgeous so." Ollie turned to him. "Duh justttt to look aroundddd.'
    "'Just to look around' he says." Maverick spoke.
    "Oi, don't be mean." he pouted, and then walked towards the necklaces, examining them. Maverick rolled his eyes, grabbing his card. He sneakily slid it into Ollie's back pocket as he walked further into the store with Milo.
    Ollie's eyes explored the chains, tilting his head softly as he started picturing outfits in his head. Milo was looking at the rings, eyes studying as he also pictured what they could go with. Macy looked at the earrings, tilting her head softly. Spark stood by Macy, turning when they noticed Ollie near the necklaces and walked over.
    Ollie glanced at them, smiling a bit as he looked back at the necklaces. "You squeak when you're excited or what?"
    "Squeak?" They looked to him.
    Ollie nodded. "Yeah, you squeaked earlier." He chuckled, looking at them again. Squeaked like a weird dog toy.
    "Oh I squeak when surprised, or — flustered." They cleared their throat. "Thanks for the compliment earlier by the way." They continue, looking at the necklaces.
    Ollie smirked. "You're welcome." he looked down at the case. "Hey there was, something I wanted to uhm. . . mention." He looked at them again, kinda serious now.
    Spark turned their head, then their eyes followed. "Private?"
    Ollie looked over at Macy and lowered his voice. "Possibly, yes." They glanced, pushing Ollie as they then headed out of the store, Ollie went with them.
    Spark slowed as they walked from view of the others. "How private is this? Bathroom private, orr?" They looked down at him.
    Ollie shook his head. "It's fine here." He glanced around before keeping his voice down. "Now, don't call me crazy or, weird or anything. . . but I think you should consider getting tests." He fixed his sleeves, looking up at them.
    "Tests? What fo — no." They spoke low as well.
    "Spark." He rose his eyebrows.
    "Why would we need tests?" They stare. "We can't have, or carry." They whisper.
    Ollie then whispered. "I don't know about you, but I have never ever seen that girl eat that much before. Now that I say it out loud that sounds really really bad but it is just for precaution."
    Spark stared, looking back, their nose crinkled as they sighed. "Fine. I don't see the reason since I can't give, but fine." Give, that fancy word they spoke in replace of sterile. "Is that all you wished to ask, Olls?"
    "Yeah, that was it." he looked back towards the store. "Just keep an eye on her, yeah?"
    "I always keep an eye on her." They nodded, still looking at Ollie.
    Ollie smiled softly. "Alright. . ." He nodded, heading back in and towards the necklaces, they followed him.
    Macy held a couple pairs of earrings, now talking to Milo about them with a grin. Milo smiled, talking with her as Macy giggled. "You think I should get them?" She held the silver chains hanging by an X up to her ears, giggling again. Beside her she had picked out a flashy diamond dangling earring. Ollie turned to watch them, smiling still.
    "They go good with your redhead, compliment it actually." Milo replied.
    "Yeah?" She nodded, Milo nodded. Maverick was listening as he looked at another case of earrings.
    Macy held them. "I'll get these two then and let's see. . ." She looked around.
    Spark walked to her side. "I can see a friendship coming on." They smile.
    She looked up at them. "Oh! There you went!" She laughed softly, showing them the earrings. Ollie held a simple silver chain, walking towards Maverick and Milo. Milo turned to him.
    "Sorry, Ollie wanted to show me something — Oo! Those earrings really do compliment your hair." Spark looked at her, smiling.
     Macy couldn't stop grinning as she grabbed another pair. "Oooo what about these?" She held up another dangling diamond, this time there was four lines, holding onto a half crescent shape that connected to another half crescent shape.
    Spark tilted their head. "Hmmm."
    Ollie nodded. "It'll be pretty with that red outfit you've got."
    She turned, looking at him. "Yeah?"
    Ollie chuckled, nodding. "Hell yeah."
    "Silver and gold are good colors for red." Maverick commented, looking over.
    She looked up at Maverick. "Gold clashes with my hair, so I've noticed." Maverick smiled. She grinned at him. "So, this a yes?"
    Ollie nodded. "Oh yeah, definitely. You're gonna look sexy over there that's for sure." He chuckled.
    Maverick nodded back. "Macy you're gonna have competition; Ollie."
    Macy chuckled. "Oh Lord."
    "Hey, no competition here when you're hot just standing there." He raised an eyebrow, grinning. Spark smiled as they move their hair just as their ears twitched, looking up.
    "Cassidy's nearby."
    "I know."
    Ollie looked at them, blinking. "Bruh how do you know?"
    "My ears wiggle when she's near, Maverick's hand twitches, Cassidy's hair frizzes up. It's our sixth sense for each other." They explain with a smile as Macy blinked a few times, both Ollie and Milo stared.
    "Don't give away all our secrets now Sparky." Maverick spoke, Spark grinned.
    "I'm not even gonna question." He waved his hand, going to the counter to pay. "Milo, did you pick something out?" Ollie looked at Maverick.
    Maverick looked at Ollie. "I found some necklaces and earrings, I'm not the ring kind of guy." Ollie nodded, standing near the counter. Macy walked next to him, smiling.
    Maverick slowly placed his three necklaces and two sets of earrings down by Ollie. One necklace was a triple set, all gold. One had a gold ball, the other little opal squares, and the last and biggest had a oval of black gemstone surrounded by gold like the opals. His second necklace was silver with a spiked moonstone, and the third was a gold choker with a dangling crescent moon and teardrop. His earrings were both metal/silver. One set dangled pendants connecting dangling daggers, and two chains with dangling daggers as well. The other set was a cuffed earring with dangling chains as well holding a star and moon.
    Decked himself out I see. What does he even do for a job that pays for all of this? Ollie set his stuff down, smiling up at him. Maverick smiled back. "Check your backpocket for me doll."
    Ollie blinked, doing so before pulling out his card. "Oh what the — I thought I gave it back to you?"
    "You've gotten so used to my hand on your ass you didn't notice I gave it back." Maverick smiled, Ollie grinned before turning and waited for the cashier, Milo eyed them, laughing soft.
    "You paying or am I?" Spark asked.
    The cashier came up. "Apologies, will this be all?"
    "Yes this'll be all." Maverick smiled, the cashier nodding and began scanning the jewelry, carefully putting it in it's respective boxes, and into a small bag.
    "Either, I don't mind." Macy replied to Spark with a chuckle.
    "I think I'm paying for you, oops." Maverick spoke 'oops' in a lying, joking tone, smirking.
    Macy looked up at him. "Oh?"
    "Mr. I-got-money-to-kill spoiling everyone." Spark chuckled. Macy glanced at Spark, heart stopping for a second before chuckling.
    Ollie shook his head with a smile. "I'm just now learning he has a lot of money." He chuckled.
    "I got enough from my casino wins I'm borderline millionaire." Maverick remarked.
    "Alright, your total is three-hundred and forty dollars and fifty-four cents. Will that be cash or card today?" The cashier asked, looking up at Maverick before looking at the others gradually. Ollie laid the card down, Macy turned and smiled to Cassidy and the others when Ollie noticed them.
    She took it, doing her thing before putting it in the reader. "Okay, put in your pin please." She turned it towards Olly.
    Ollie blinked, glancing at the lady before doing so he leaned and whispered to Milo. "She's scary." Maverick watched Ollie, smiling soft.
    "How so?" he whispered.
    "SHe's jUst sCAry."
    "Thank you, have a great day folks." She handed the card back as Maverick took it and slid it into a back pocket.
    "Thanks," he grabbed the bag of their jewelry, walking out, Ollie and Milo followed him. Macy smiled as she held Spark's hand and walked out, Spark at her side.
    "How'd your trip go?" Maria asked, smiling. The girls also had a successful trip to a different jewelry store.
    "It was perfect, I found cute earrings to go with my outfits!"
    "You have got to show me when we get home!" She smiled almost exactly like Maverick, except her dimples gave a difference.
    "I definitely will!"
    "We could all do a little fashion show when we get home if y'all want." Cassidy offered.
     Macy grinned. "Now that would be cool."
    "I don't mind, I'd like to see what everyone got." Maverick said.
    "Me too!" Macy agreed.
    Ollie linked arms with Maverick. "Last stop, the shoes." He nodded.
    Maverick smiled. "You're having fun using my card, aren't you baby?" Maverick looked at him.
    Ollie slowly grinned. "Maybe,"
    "Mhm," he reached, kissing his cheek.
    Macy turned to Spark. "I need a few things from Target before we head home." Spark nodded in reply.
    Ollie turned. "I don't see why not." He looked at Cassidy.
    "Yeah sure." Maverick answered.
    "Y'all ready to go find shoes?" Cassidy spoke up. Sadie nodded with a smile, Sunny linked arms with her and then proceeded to pull her as Sadie shrieked.
    Macy nodded, grinning as she headed off. Maria followed after her, Spark and Cassidy not far behind. Maverick nudged Ollie forward, smiling as Milo started walking. Ollie walked with them, talking to Milo about something random, while Milo listened and nodded, adding onto it.
    Macy looked at Maria, grinning as she linked arms with her. "What's Vegas like?"
    Maria smiled. "Oh it's delightful hon. It is however very loud and full of drinks and gambling and games. Vegas comes alive at night, but we could still go about during the day. The Sin City has everything you could dream of." She smiled more. "I'm so glad to go back."
    "Very loud. . . got it." She smiled. "I'mma take SO many pictures!"
    "You better share them with me!" She continued to look at her. "And oh the Bellagio, it's breath-taking! In photos it's amazing but nothing compares to seeing it with your own eyes, gosh." Maria chuckled.
    "Ahhh I'm so excited! And trust me, it'll be in our photo album!"
   Maria looked at her. "I can see what Spark sees, gosh you're bubbly." She crinkled her nose with a sweet grin, nudging her elbow with Macy's. Macy grinned wide, nudging her back. Maria giggled. Macy looked at a store, eyeing a pair of heels as she immediately walked in.
    Maria followed her in. "Oh this is us and Sunny's store." She then reached for Sunny, and of course Sadie and Cassidy were dragged in, laughing. Macy laughed too.
    Ollie watched them before squinting and raised an eyebrow. "Don't mind if I do." he followed.
    "Oh dear." Maverick chuckled, Milo laughed softly. Spark followed after Macy, surprised but smiling soft. Maverick immediately headed off, seeing dress shoes, dragging Milo with him.
    Ollie watched them all spread out as he quietly went towards some heels. He bit at his lip, grabbing a pair before looking at them. "Hm. . ."
    "Didn't think you'd be looking at heels." Cassidy smirked.
    Ollie flinched a little, looking at her. "Oh uhhh — I was uhhh,"
    "Ollsie, don't get your panties in a twist I'm not gonna lecture you."
    Ollie made a face. "Well- duuhhh."
    Cassidy rose a brow. "Anyway, what kinda heels you looking at? I like wedges or one's not to tall."
    Ollie looked back at the heels. "I don't know uhm, like a. . . boot? I guess?"
    "Hon I don't recall there being boot heels. But you could always try wedges, or no wait — yes boot heels yes, uh." She looked around, then moved to a different aisle. "This is the closest you can get to a boot in heel version." She held up a black suede, looking at him, continuing. "There's other versions, but the closest to boots you'll find is over here."
    Ollie walked over, staring at them and then nodded. "Cool, thanks. . ." He spoke quietly, Cassidy nodded. He grabbed a pair, looking at them Never thought I'd wanna actually wear these. . . He inhaled, looking around before taking a seat on the bench and tried them on. Cassidy looked over, smiling before continuing to find a pair or two.
    He looked down at them before slowly standing. He blinked a few times. "Okay woah." He whispered, laughing softly while he slowly walked in them, his face lighting up a bit as he walked back and forth in the isle.
    Cassidy looked up, watching. "Get it Ollsie!" Maverick looked over an aisle, watching and chuckle.
    Ollie looked up at her, grinning. Maverick nudged Milo, who looked up and over, smiling. Ollie walked back towards his shoes while looking down.
    "You're doing great Dolly." Milo called, Maverick whistling as he started laugh at the whistle, snickering.
    Ollie looked up, staring as he flushed a deep red. "Oh QUIT." He covered his cheeks, sitting down.
    "Never!" Maverick yelled. Ollie was slightly embarrassed now as he took them off before rubbing his cheek.
    "Oh those look good on you." Milo looked down, and the two went back to being absorbed in their own little world. Ollie watched them, smiling softly as he looked down at them, he heavily debated on getting them.
    "Cass! Cass Cass Cass! Can I get these?!" Sadie slid into view two aisles over, smiling. Cassidy looked up. Ollie turned.
    "Yes dear." She smiled, Sadie smiled wide and jumped up and down.
    "She said yes guys!" She then ran off to Maria and Sunny. Ollie set the shoes to his side and out of her view as he rested his hands onto the bench as he sucked his tooth, looking over at the shoes while biting at his lip.
    A young girl, about fourteen, walked over to him and gently tapped his shoulder. Ollie turned, blinking a few times. "Oh, hey there." He smiled softly.
    She gave him a warm smile. "I saw you walking in those boots." She was holding her shoes she was going to get; a cute pair of beige flats.
    Ollie blinked a few times. "Oh uhm, yeah. . ." He rubbed his neck. "Was just having fun." He grinned.
    She then gently took his hand and whispered. "I think you should get them. You looked really really cool."
    Ollie stared at her, feeling his throat close up as he gently squeezed her hand. "I'm, thank you. . ." He whispered back.
    The little girl grinned happily then let go of his hand and waved, "Bye bye, Mr!" She then walked away. Ollie watched her leave, blinking a few times as he sat up right and felt his eyes starting to get glossy.
    "Olls?" Cassidy looked up.
    Ollie raised his finger, inhaling deeply as he held the bench. "Hold ON."
    Cassidy walked over. "You alright? Do I need to get your boys?"
    Ollie looked up at the ceiling, his leg bouncing as he exhaled quickly. "Wow," he chuckled softly, sniffing. "No. I'm, fine." he smiled, wiping under his nose as a small tear rolled down the side of his face. "A little girl just called me cool. She saw me walking in the boots." he looked up at her.
    Cassidy smiled. "All the more reason to get them."
    Ollie smiled more. "Looks like I'm going to now." He chuckled, looking down at the boots.
    Cassidy chuckled. "Hell yeah," Ollie put them away properly before tying his shoes and grabbed the box, standing as he held the box close, walking out of the isle. The little girl looked over to him again on her way out, Ollie looked up and smiled at her. She grinned big, waving quickly before running out with a giggle.
    Cassidy watched Ollie, then turned. "Oh she's adorable." She laughed.
    Ollie blinked softly, smiling a bit. "That was the sweetest thing a stranger has ever told me. . ."
    "I agree, and didn't she kinda look like Spark and Mouse?"
    "Yeah I see it now."
    Macy walked over to them, holding three boxes. "I could not decide." Macy chuckled, smiling as she set them down on the bench.
    "Hm?" They look at her, smiling. "More break on my card." They teased, setting their two boxes down.
    Macy rolled her eyes with a smile. "If I need to pay then let me know, you know I will."
    "Sh sh sh sh no." they put a finger at her lips. "No."
    Macy smiled, biting their finger gently. Spark blinked, squinting as they slowly pulled their hand away, Macy went with them, grinning.
    "Oh-kay then. . . uh y'all ready?" Cassidy asked.
    "It definitely looks like it." He chuckled.
    "Aye no let go of my finger you dog jeez." Macy giggled, shaking her head. Spark looked at Cassidy and Ollie, then Macy.
    Macy smiled innocently, still biting their finger, then Ollie went over to them, tickling her. Macy laughed, letting go as she shrunk down. "Hey!" Ollie stepped back, smiling.
    Spark put their hand in their pocket. "Swear she's never bitten me before."
    Macy tilted her head. "Well now I'mma do it all the time because you mentioned it." She grabbed her shoes, grinning. Ollie looked down at her then back up at Spark, raising an eyebrow.
    Spark scowled with a weird face. "You're, weird." Macy's face dropped as she looked at them. "I didn't mean it, like, that. . ." Spark spoke, Macy simply blinked.
    Ollie made a face, quickly walking off. "Oop,"
    Cassidy slowly followed Ollie. "Uh, good luck."
    Ollie walked towards Maverick and Milo, chuckling.
    Maverick looked up, mid tying a pair of shoes. "What happened,"
    "Oh nothin'" Ollie answered.
    "Nope, nothin'" Cassidy replied.
    Macy raised her eyebrow, blinking again as Spark looked at her. Macy raised both eyebrows, looking right back at them. Spark put their hands on their hips, looking right back at her, mirroring her.
    Macy looked around, squinting a bit as she inhaled. "Now where's my boyfriend. . ." She tapped her chin.
    Spark frowned. "Macy."
    "Hmmm. . ." She looked behind her. "Where O' where could they have gone. . ."
    "Seriously?" They tilt their head. "Macy I didn't mean it like that."
    Macy looked at them, squinting. "You're lucky I can't give you the silent treatment for too long because I'll start missing you."
    "Yeah I figured." They smirked. Macy rolled her eyes, smiling a bit as she turned and headed for the counter. Spark linked a finger around a belt loop and yank her closer, smooching her cheek all over.
    "Ggh sPaRk!" She giggled, holding their face.
    Spark laughed near her ear. "Ugh nooo!" they push at her hands, grinning before standing up as Macy just grinned, looking at them as she shook her head.
    "Oh please, go to the counter."
    Macy tilted her head. "Or else what?" She left her lips parted, slowly smirking.
    Spark stared at her, squinting before smirking. "Just go to the counter so I can pay." Maverick squinted, having watched them a little before looking at Ollie. Macy kept smirking, turning and headed towards the counter. Ollie waited for him, looking around quietly.
    "I got the shoes I wanted." Milo commented.
    "Me too," Maverick tied his shoes, grabbing his soon to be new shoes.
    Ollie looked at them, blinking a few times as he inhaled. "Same," he smiled a bit.
    "Alright, counter go." Maverick waved his hands.

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