Chapter Eighty-Five: [Isiah II]

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    Isiah jogged out, breathing heavily. "I tried — to keep them in." He ran a hand through his hair.
    Maverick looked at him, he tried to answer but his throat felt tight as he closed his mouth, looking away. "We did what we could." He mumbled, grabbing his phone, calling someone. "Grandfather, I need the —" He inhaled. "I need the cleanup crew, at my casino." His grandfather's voice came through.
    "Yes, I'm fine, it's Ollie. He's going o the hospital. Just get the crew, please?"
    Isiah stared at him, standing near. He looked over at Damian, raising his hand a bit. "Ay, señor. Should head to the hospital with him." He rested his hand on Maverick's back before texting Calypso to tell the others.
    Damian nodded, Spark not far behind, blood stained lines down the collar of their shirt but otherwise they looked unharmed. "I'll get my truck."
    Isiah nodded. "I can take someone on my bike." He looked at Spark, eyes widening a bit and raised his hands a bit. "Compañero," he examined him.
    They look at him, ears raised. "Mm?"
    He motioned to their hair. "You changed."
    They look at him. "Heh, so did you."
    Odd way to meet a friend after so long.
    It didn't take Calypso long to come out with the others, struggling to put his jacket on as Milo wasn't far behind, Maria and the girls at his side. He somewhat helped Calypso. He nodded to him, Milo nodded back. He jogged over to Maverick, quickly hugging him as Maverick wrapped his arms around his cousin, tears streamed down his face but not a single noise left his lips, hands tight as his nails dug.
    Isiah jogged over to his bike, starting it. He revved it a couple times, throwing his jacket on. He looked towards the group. "I got room for one!" He grabbed the spare helmet from the back, setting it on the seat.
    He watched Calypso hug his boss tighter as he began to cry heavily. He rubbed his back, shushing him as he waited for Damian. Maria looked at her brother, face soft but she also didn't wait before rushing over to Isiah and grabbed the helmet, sitting down behind him.
    He revved the bike again. "What hospital?" He yelled over his bike.
    "Uhm. White Petal Hospital!" She yelled back, hands finding his waist and hugged. He nodded, kicking up the stand and quickly drove off, scowling a bit.
    Damian rolled up, unlocking the doors. "Come on kids!"
    Sadie and Sunny hurried in. Calypso let Maverick go in first, waiting for Milo as he wiped his face, inhaling as he got into the truck. Milo right behind him.
    Milo held out his hand for Calypso as the man took it, climbing in and shut the door. Damian locked the doors, and followed behind Isiah's bike.
    Isiah skid in front of the hospital building, quickly turning off the bike and took off his helmet. "Go find Ms. Tillie, I'll meet you in there." She nodded, taking off her helmet. She did, sneak a quick cheek kiss as a thank you before hurrying off inside as he watched her, smiling faintly before getting off the bike and waited for the others.
    Damian parked beside Isiah. He looked at the truck, rushing over and waited for the doors to unlock so he could let them all out.
    Sadie and Sunny got out the other side and hurried to Isiah. "Where's Maria?"
    "Inside." He opened the door, holding his hand out for Calypso, who took it, getting out. Milo followed, Maverick behind and closed the door. Isiah looked over at Maverick, who's eyes were red in pain and agony.
    Calypso held Maverick's arm, taking him inside the hospital. Spark followed Calypso, now in a new shirt, having changed out of the blood-stained one on the way there. The others weren't far behind. Isiah watched them all.
    Rebecca turned to the door, seeing them all as she ran her hands through her hair. She was keeping herself from breaking down. Calypso held the door open for them, looking in. Spark was the first one in, immediately rushing and pulled Rebecca in with a hug. "Mom! Mama!" He could hear them call out as the doors closed. He walked the parking lot of the hospital, thinking over and over, panic seeping deep into his bones.
    Isiah finally walked in the hospital a little after, inhaling deeply as he looked around at the group. Rebecca was comforting Maverick, who kept whispering it's all his fault; the girls were huddled together. And everyone was just, so tense. Milo looked over at Isiah as he came in. He looked at Milo, frowning softly. Milo offered a hug, one arm open as he walked over, hugging. Isiah hugged him, rubbing his arm.
    A doctor came out of the hallway, taking off his gloves while sighing deeply. Milo looked over, Isiah perked up.
    He cleared his throat, holding his hands together. "Are you. . . all here with Oliver Simmons?" Rebecca quickly turned, staring as Isiah nodded, looking around.
    "Yes, all of us. Is he okay? What's wrong?" Damian questioned.
    He inhaled deeply, tapping his index fingers together. "He is stable but. . . he has lost, a tremendous amount of blood and the bullets went through which. . . is quite risky. As of right now, yes he's okay."
    Maverick's hands clench as he listened, biting back any noise as Rebecca covered her mouth, furrowing her eyebrows.
    Isiah rubbed his lips. "Oh, mierda. . ." Sadie covered her mouth, squeezing Sunny's hand.
    The doctor looked at the group. "He's in the middle of surgery as we speak and, will need to perform a blood transfusion. Any. . . questions while I'm here. . .?" He frowned.
    Isiah held his forehead, Rebecca rested her lips onto Maverick's head, listening.
    Milo looked at them all. "No, no I don't think so sir." Subconsciously, his hand reached for Calypso's by means of needing comfort, swallowing.
    Calypso looked at him, inhaling and held it back, placing his hand over Milo's and lightly squeezed, he squeezed back as the doctor nodded, walking away. Isiah bit at his lip, closing his eyes and prayed in a whisper. They looked at Isiah before swallowing and closed his eyes out of habit as he sighed, whispering a prayer as well, staring at the ceiling, eyebrows furrowing and leaned his head onto Milo's shoulder, biting at his lip as well.
    Rebecca looked over at Spark, sniffing. "Spark, honey, have you contacted Macy?"
    "I, I left in a hurry, I. . . oh dear. . . dad can I —"
    Damian handed them the keys, kissing their brown hair. "You be safe." Spark nodded, hurrying out. She watched him, looking at Damian as he looked at her. He walked over, leaning and softly kissed her hair. Rebecca lip quivered as she furrowed her eyebrows again, closing her eyes, sniffing as she rubbed Maverick's back. Sunny then walked from the group, up to the front desk, talking with the lady.
    Isiah kept praying, rubbing Milo's arm still as he listened, head bowed. He watched Sunny quietly, biting the inside of his cheek. She nodded, thanking and headed back to the group. "Sorry, had to ask about the blood transfusion."
    He nodded, stroking Milo's hand softly as Milo squeezed his hand, looking up at Sunny. "Do you have his blood type?"
    "No, but I've been a universal donor since I could vote, so I offered to do the transfusion."
    Rebecca looked over at Sunny, holding her chest. "Oh honey. . ." She sniffed.
    Calypso smiled a bit. "You're one cool chick. . ."
    Sunny smiled, then looked at Rebecca. "Mm? What's wrong? Hospitals seek universal donors for either unknown blood types or no matches. . ."
    "That's amazing. . ." Rebecca nodded.
    Sunny stared. "Do, you not know his blood type. . .?"
    Rebecca nodded again. "I do yes. . ." Sunny nodded back, walking over and sat on the ground beside Rebecca. She reached for her hand, smiling softly as Sunny held it. Rebecca closed her eyes, comforting Maverick still.
    A nurse walked out with a clipboard, speaking quietly. "Sunny Henderson?" Rebecca turned, blinking softly.
    Sunny looked over, standing. "Yes?" Sadie, with Damian, watched.
    She looked up. "He's ready. . ." She nodded. "If you could just come with me." Sunny nodded, walking over as Maverick watched her. Rebecca watched as Sunny left with the nurse behind closed doors, exhaling slowly while Sadie picked at her nails.

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