Chapter One-Hundred and Two: [Macy XXII]

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    Macy breathed softly, her body had slowly started waking up. Spark was sound asleep beside her, looking a mess with their ruffled clothes and hair.
    She slowly opened her eyes, stretching as she groaned a bit, feeling a bit sick as she sat up and held her stomach as they grumble, resting a hand on her leg as they slept. She swallowed, making a face as she moved her legs off the side of the bed.
    "Mouse. . .?" Spark grumbled, voice husky.
    "Mm. . ." She replied as their eyes barely open, looking at her. Their hands reach out and softly hug her waist, moving closer as they sigh deeply. She held their arm. "Blegh, I don't feel good. . ."
    They nuzzle their face into her leg, then lift to look up at her, opening their eyes more. "The baby. . .?"
    She shrugged softly. "I'm not sure. I feel. . . sick and everything just feels. . . blegh. . ."
    "Probably the baby." They mumble as she groaned a bit, closing her eyes. They move to sit up, huffing as they yawn. Spark pulled her in, head resting in the crook of her neck as they rub her stomach.
    Macy swallowed again, moving fairly quickly. "Uh oh," she covered her mouth a bit, rushing towards the bathroom. They watch, yawning again as they force themself to stay awake.
    She pushed the door open, kneeling and held her hair, holding the toilet and puked, furrowing her eyebrows as she coughed. "Oh fuck me."
    They get up and followed her.
    Macy gripped her hair, scooting closer to the toilet and threw again. "Babeee," she called, sniffing and wiping her mouth.
    "I'm here, I'm here." Spark hurred over, kneeling at her side. She groaned again, reaching up and grabbed the hand towel, wiping her mouth with it while they rub her back. "Got it all out?"
    She shrugged, closing her eyes. "Get water, please. . ." They get up and left to get water. She held her forehead, groaning quietly before laying her head against the counter.
    Spark came back, nudging. "Mace, hey, I got the water." She reached and took it, taking a sip.
    Macy exhaled softly, looking up at them. "Do you think it's safe to take medicine. . .? Should I be having sickness so soon too?"
    "I don't, I don't know. . ."
    "Can you look it up?" She leaned her head into the counter again. "Or, ask, your dad. . .?" They nodded, leaving to get their phone.
    Spark paced near the bathroom, mumbling "Pick up" as she exhaled deeply, wrapping her arm around her stomach before making a face.
    "Dad! Hi, hi uh I have, a question?" Damian's muffled voice came from the other end, Spark walked in and put their phone on speaker. She turned her head a bit.
    "What's your question son?" Damian's voice came through.
    "Is, Macy good to take medicine. . .?"
    Macy sat up a bit, inhaling. "Is it safe for me to take anything. . .?"
    "That, depends. Spark's mom, medicine didn't work for her, except this very specific medication. I wouldn't say test it, but if the pain's bad, try and take medicine." He explained.
    "It won't hurt the baby. . .?" Macy asked as Peanut slipped her way into the bathroom, purring and rubbed against Spark then Macy.
    "No, no no, no it won't hurt the baby, BUT. I would recommend getting prescribed medicine when you're this far in, that's what Spark's mom did."
    "Okay. I was just wondering because, I feel super sick. And my, body feels. . . bleh."
    "Ah, yeah. . . that's normal, morning sickness I believe. Woof, it's not a fun thing, I know secondhand."
    "Suffering," she grumbled, laying her head down.
    "Yeah, I bet, sorry kid."
    "It's okay, thank you,"
    "You're welcome. Hey! I can pass the phone to 'Becca if you want."
    Spark listened, looking at Macy and tucked back a piece of hair then softly touched her belly, looking. "Yes please."
    "Got it," there was silence for a little, before Damian's voice rose again. "Bec, Macy's on the phone, wants to talk to you."
    It took Rebecca a minute before taking the phone. "Hello darling,"
    Macy then groaned, taking the phone from Spark. "Is it normal to feel this awful?" Spark hopped up on the counter, Bandit now sitting at their feet.
    "Yes darling, it is. Do you know how far you are?"
    "Mmm. Not exactly, no but it's definitely recent."
    "Why don't I set up an appointment for you so we can get you checked out, okay?"
    Macy smiled softly. "You'll do that. . .?" Spark listened, smiling.
    "Of course, honey. I'd do that just for you."
    "Thank you Rebecca. We'd appreciate that."
    "Hi Rebecca,"
    "Oh! Hi, Sparky!"
    They smiled childishly. "Hi mom!"
    "You ready to see Oliver? He texted me earlier, he's feeling better today."
    She smiled and looked up at Spark.
    Their smile quivered. "Y-yeah, yeah,"
    "He said, and I quote, he ate the fattest meal of his life." She then chuckled.
    They chuckled. "Well finally eating after a few days, yeah I'd do the same."
    "For real. Well, I'll let you guys go and get ready. Love you guys!"
    "Bye byee mommm."
    "Love you too, Rebecca." Macy hung up.
    Macy looked up at Spark. "I think, I'll just let it pass, I don't want to risk anything. . ."
    "Are you sure?" He nodded and slowly stood as they got off the counter, sliding their phone in their pocket. She tied her hair back, taking a deep breath. "Gonna shower before we head there?"
    She nodded. "Would be a good idea." They nodded back, walking around her, stealing a kiss before going to start the shower. Macy smiled at them softly before undressing. The shower ran as she turned to face them, crossing her arms while she eyed them, watching them undress near the door. They rolled their shirt as they pulled it up and off their upper body as she eyed their lean but well-muscled back and arms.
    Macy walked over, reaching around their waist and leaned, kissing the middle of their back as Spark squeaked in surprise, looking back at her with a look of surprise and confusion. She looked up at them with a certain look, blinking softly as she smiled.
    They stare, giving back that look as they turn around, keeping their eyes on hers. Macy examined their face before shifting her smile to a slight smirk. She trailed her nail up their lower stomach then up to their chest. Spark looked down at her hand, watching before their eyes return to her face, smirking.
    Spark watched her walk into the shower, still smirking as she started rinsing herself off. Their head followed her, smiling as they hurry to throw off the rest of their clothes, joining her as they closed the door behind them.
    Macy breathed deeply, legs shaking more as she twitched and whined, slightly moving her waist. The pair had just spent most of the shower fucking, with Macy getting them off via finger fucking, oral sex, and hand jobs, while Spark fucked her against the wall and is now between her legs, entirely pleasuring her with their mouth, face so close to Macy's pussy they couldn't breathe, so they begin to move their head away, licking up all the cum that didn't get in their mouth.
    She shook her head, holding their head there as she whimpered. "No, don't stop. Don't stop, daddy, please."
    "Please," she looked down at them.
    They look at her, smiling. "I could never say no to you." They return their head to its rightful place, going right back to what they were doing. She kept looking at them, watching them as she groaned and moaned. They moan, looking up at her, keeping her eyes to hers.
    Spark moved their head, lips hovering over hers. "You taste, so good sweet girl. I wanna just. . ." They drop their head to her lower belly, biting around her clit. "I wanna fucking eat you out until you're begging me to stop."
    "Please-please do."
    "Sweet girl we'll be very late. You don't wanna miss out, don't you?" Spark looked at her and lifted a hand, playing with a nipple. "They look so, fucking good." She swallowed, whining. "What's the matter baby? Where's that talkative mouth?"
    Macy parted her lips, furrowing her eyebrows. "Babyyyy. . ."
    "Baabbyyy. . ." They mock. "What's wrong?"
    "It felt so goooood." She pouted.
    "Ah ah, don't pout sweet girl." But she continued to keep pouting. They lift up, propped up on their arms. "I can either fuck you or eat you out when we get back, how's that sound, mm? You can wait a while, can't you?" They look at their hand, tenderly they pinched and rolled a nipple.
    She bit her lip, watching as she nodded. "Mhm."
    "There's my good girl. I was afraid you'd keep pouting." They smile, she breathed softly, tilting her head with a smirk. Spark watched her, leaning in and pushed her head up as they nuzzled her neck, kissing and teasingly pricking her skin with their teeth. She wrapped her arms around their neck, turning her head slightly to kiss behind their ear while they wrapped their arms around her, lifting up and placed her in their lap.
    Macy moved her head to kiss them deeply, hands moving to hold their face as they inhale, pushing their face closer, tongue pushing into her mouth. She let their tongue through, humming quietly as she curled hers around theirs and lightly sucked. Spark moaned into her mouth, huffing and took a breath, before pushing their lips back to hers. Spark jolted at a heavy knock on the front door.
    Macy stopped and turned before looking at them. Spark looked up, breathing soft.
    "Spark?! Macy?! We're gonna leave without you!"
    "Shit." She cursed before starting to move as they moved as well.
    "Fuck," they got their hair wet. "Do we even have enough time?" They question as they scrub shampoo into their hair.
    "gGh — I DoNt knoW!" She scooted them over and hot her hair went again. They look at her, continuing to scrub their hair while she reached and started washing her hair quickly. They waited to rinse their hair, she then moved aside, huffing as she scrubbed.
    Spark moved under the water and rinsed their hair, which flat and straight, ran down to the beginning of their ribs. Macy watched their hair, eyes widening a bit as she blinked a few time.
    They scrunched it, noticing her, blinking. "Yes Mace?"
    "Your, hair is so long." She reached and touched it before scooting in to rinse her hair. They step aside, still looking at her. "Why don't you let it be long?"
    "Don't like it long, why, do I look good?" They shake out their hair, lifting their head.
    "Yes." She looked at them, now standing in the water.
    Spark smiled. "It puffs up like how I always wear it when it's dry." They explained. "Could try and keep it this length, if you want it to princess." Macy grinned, nodding. They look at her, leaning and kissed her soft before grabbing their towel off the door and left to dry off.
    Macy watched them with a gentle smile, thinking to herself quietly while they hummed as they dried off. She looked over at them, turning off the water before opening the shower door, they look over, towel around their waist.
    She grabbed a towel and started drying herself off quickly. Spark dried out their hair again, looking at their hairdryer, thinking while she stood next to them and started doing her hair, they turn and watch her. She hummed a soft tune, trying to be hasty, then Spark left the bathroom, hurrying to get dressed. They'll worry about their hair after.
    She reached for her phone and played music, humming.
    Macy finished her hair and walked out, taking her phone with her and grabbed her clothes. She decided to wear a white tank top tucked into black shorts fitted with a belt. She completed the outfit with a fluffy leather jacket, a key necklace, boots, and earrings with little skulls.
    Her boyfriend had thrown on a black crop top which fit them well and high-waisted velvety black pants painted in floral and fauna patterns of gold, green, orange, and white, completing the look with rings dotting their fingers, and two golden necklaces as well as a black choker with a golden rose charm.
    "Macy?" They call out.
    "Yeah!" She called back.
    "What should I do with my hair?"
    "Uhhhhh, I'm not sure!"
    "Can you, come look?"
    She jogged over, zipping up her jacket. "Alright, let's see the product." She stood behind them, looking at their hair as they look at her, eyes searching her before kneeling to give her a better look. She giggled. "Thank you," she then grabbed a hair tye and her brush, combing out their hair as she hummed. Their eyes close, hands resting around her waist to steady themselves.
    She started doing their hair, focused. Macy tilted her head, sticking out her tongue slightly and styled their hair before grabbing hair spray and covered their eyes, spraying down their hair. "Tadaaa,"
    The end product was Spark's hair dried and fluffed, two thick halves of their hair pulled back to a ponytail, framing their face beautifully was strands Macy let hang as their "bangs."
    They open their eyes, looking up at her, and then stood to check themselves out in the mirror, leaning over the counter. Macy watched them with a grin. Spark smiled, looking at her and walked over, pulling her in and kissed both cheeks.
    "Thank you princess."
    She giggled. "You're welcomeee. Okay, let's go!" She grabbed her stuff and raced out. They follow her, stopping to put Bandit's vest on and feed the others, and was right back to following her, Bandit in toe. She walked out with a skip in her step, they followed her, closing and locking the door behind them.
    Once in the hallway, Macy looked around, shoving her hands into her pockets while Spark waited beside her, ears perked for the sound of a door opening. She turned as Maverick walked out, looking at them, and waved. Milo wasn't far behind.
    Maverick wore almost the exact same outfit, swapping the ripped blue jeans for high-waisted flared black jeans, a shorter crop top, a hat which Sadie wore, and small sunglasses with iron rings along his fingers; Milo wore cream-colored overalls, a mismatch colored jacket underneath, and sneakers.
    Macy went over and hugged them both. "How you two today?"
    Maverick hugged her back. "Doing, okay, excited and scared to see Ollie again." Maverick chuckled nervously.
    Milo side hugged her. "Same, a little scared."
    Macy held both of their cheeks. "I'm sure he's just as excited to see you." She grinned.
    Maverick and Milo smiled back. "Cass and the girls out?"
    "Mm, no." Spark replied.
    Macy shook her head. "I'm unsure." She went back over to Spark, leaning into them as she set her hands on her stomach. They wrap an arm around hers, resting their hand over hers, rubbing her stomach, she looked up at them with a smile.
    Her phone started ringing as she blinked and grabbed it, checking the name. Ollie again! Her face lit up as she answered it. "Well look who it is! The star of the show!"
    Ollie smiled softly, waving to the camera slowly. "You guys coming. . .?"
    "Yep! Why wouldn't we? Mavis and Milo are excited but scared to see ya." Spark replied.
    "Hey!" Mavericks voice came up, laughing.
    Ollie's small smile grew. "I've been patiently waiting. . ." A nurse's voice came through the speaker.
    "You mean asking every five minutes when they'll be here?"
    He just stared at her from behind the screen with a disappointed look. "Mean."
    Macy grinned at the camera, watching him. Spark smiled, leaning their head on her. "Mav, wanna say hi?"
    "I'll say hi when I get there, trust me."
    Ollie chuckled lightly. "Where's Milo?"
    "With me."
    "Hi babyy."
    "There he issss. . . I miss you both. . ." Ollie replied.
    "I knoww, we miss you too." Maverick appeared in view. Then came Milo's voice.
    "Felt weird not having you sleeping with us, did not like that at all,"
    "Nope!" Maverick agreed.
    Ollie looked at them through the screen, inhaling softly as he nodded. "Agreed."
    Maverick looked ahead of them, smiling softly. "Hi Cassie!"
    "Heyy! Olls on the phone?"
    "No, it's the Grim Reaper." Maverick shared a look with Cassidy, smiling. "Yes, its Ollie."
    "Hi hon! You doing okay? Excited for us to see you?" Cassidy asked.
    "Mhm, I'm doing a bit better. I'm pretty excited, it's lonely."
    The nurse spoke up again. "Wooooow, my company means nothing to you?" He looked at her, squinting.
    "I never said that Ms. Green."
    Maverick chuckled. "We'll see you soon!"
    "Bye babes! Bye lovebirds." He smirked. Spark smiled, kissing Macy's cheek in response. Ollie then looked up, blinking as a knock came on the door, followed by a voice introducing/greeting his arrival. "Okay, bye guys." He smirked softly, hanging up.
    Macy put her phone away. "Alright to the hospitalll — wait, where's Maria?" She raised an eyebrow, looking around.
    "Oh! Spent the night with Isiah."
    Maverick glanced at Milo, who shared the glance. "She, spent the night?"
    "Yes? She got permission from me."
    Macy blinked as well. "Huh. All right then." Cassidy looked at Maverick, then walked away for the elevators, Sadie and Sunny right at her sides. Macy looked at each of their outfits.
    Sunny wore a pale pink maxi skirt with a white lacey crop top and a matching pale pink sleeved cape, pretty white sandals, and two golden rings with a metal moon necklace; Sadie stood beside her, wearing a top with flowy sleeves and a low set, large v-neck that matched her hair color, with flared blue denim jeans and thick brown sandals.
    Cassidy wore a white turtleneck with a plaid skirt that reached her knees, wearing a brown-ish burnt orange colored trenchcoat over it, white sandals, and a two tiered golden necklace and rings to complete the look, frizzy hair pulled back into a low ponytail, Sunny's hair braided and Sadie's hair almost identical to Spark's.
    Macy followed after her, holding Spark's hand, they followed right behind her, lifting her hand and gave a big obnoxious wet smooch, laughing soft while she giggled. "Oh quiTtttTtt." They look at her, eyes sparkling and glancing up and down, before moving their head away and let their hands drop to her waist.
    Macy grinned and leaned into them, so fucking in love. Spark smiled, kissing under her eye. Maverick shared a look with Milo, smiling as he hooked a hand around his waist, Milo putting an arm around his shoulder.
    Macy saw Isiah and Maria waiting in the parking lot, smiling. Isiah was leaned against his bike, waiting for them with a smoke in hand. Maria sat on the bike, cross legged and leaned against the head of the bike, on her phone. He looked around with a stern face, popping his neck and took a hit, seeing the truck and quickly put out the cigarette he was puffing. Maria looked up as Damian parked nearby. Rebecca got out and fixed her ponytail before reaching over and grabbed a new pair of clothes for Ollie.
    Maria wore high-waisted ripped blue jeans, a checkered grey and black cardigan, and a black crop top; Isiah chose a loose fitted black jacket with black flared pants with stitching and chains around the waistline, with matching chain necklaces, chunky boots, and rings on his fingers; A snake, flower, and opal. The pair seemed to of matched aesthetics.
    Damian and the others got out as well. Maria and Macy both eyed their outfits. Rebecca wore a velvety red shirt tucked into high-waisted blue jeans with a matching red belt and reddish-brown boots. While Damian wore blue jeans, a black shirt, black belt, and a simple necklace.
    Maria saw Cassidy, smiling and hopped from the bike. "Cassie!" She squealed, almost tackling her as Cassidy laughed while hugging her. Isiah watched, staying leaned onto the bike.
    Maverick seemed to stop and stare at a car, eyes slightly wide. He looked to the hospital. Calypso hopped out of the truck, skipping over to Isiah and hugged him. Isiah hugged him back with one arm, smiling down. Maverick looked at them all, blinking.
    Macy already started heading inside, smiling softly. "Come on, kiddies." Spark followed after her and their dad, right at dad's side, Macy beside them. Cassidy, her girls, and her two boys followed right behind them.
    Bandit trotted beside Macy, unleashed since Bandit was trained to walk unleash in public. Rebecca walked in, holding the clothes close before making sure she had his socks; she did. She nodded to herself, smiling.
    The "kiddies" grouped up nearby; Cassidy, Sunny, Sadie, Maria, and Milo grouped up near a wall like last time. While Maverick. . . Maverick paced at the doors, as if waiting. Cassidy watched him, nudging Milo who looked at him as well, both equally confused.

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