Chapter Twenty-Nine: [Spark V]

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    Macy walked through, holding their hand now as she looked around. "Which one do you want to go on? I still wanna go on Twister," she smirked
    "I don't think, Bandit would appreciate me going on a ride that could uh put me in a panic. . ." They swallowed, Bandit looked up at them. I don't think I myself would appreciate it. . .
    Macy nodded. "I can go on by myself, I don't mind it."
    "Nope, no no you're not going alone."
    Macy frowned a bit. "It's okay. I don't want to force you to go on something that could potentially affect you."
    "But I don't want you, going alone. . ."
    Macy nodded. "Okay, I won't go alone. Find something you want to ride."
    Spark eyed her up and down, smirking. "You. I'm kidding, uhhhh. We could do. . ." They looked around. Macy turned RED, staring. Spark looked at her, noticing her red face and grinned. "Something happened?"
    "You surreeee?"
    "YeS!" She swallowed.
    Spark leaned to kiss her cheek, then got to their knees to love on Bandit. "I'm not so sure you're okay,"
    Macy closed her eyes. "UHhuh I aM!"
    "Then why'd you request the ferris wheel?" They move to stand up, looking at her before looking around for a ride to do.
    Macy gulped. Bandit's head turned, staring at Macy, ears twitching. "Pick a ride!" She poked their arm repeatedly.
    "Alright alright," they smile. "And quit with the poking!" they laughed. Macy raised her hands. Weirdo.
    "I'm sorry! Macy giggled, before taking a deep breath.
    "You're fine you're fine." They pulled her in, kissing the top of her head. "I see a ride we can do,"
    She looked up at them. "Oh?" Spark turn her head to a ride called "Invasion."
    "That one." they grinned.
    She stared at it. "Woah. . ."
    "You wanna go on it?"
    "Uh huh!" She giggled. "It looks cool!"
    "Oh it's cool," they smiled. Macy grabbed their arm, heading towards the ride. Spark walked at her side.
    Sadie had ended up following them. "Hey I could keep Bandit while y'all do this."
    Macy turned, nodding. "That would be nice!"
    "Thanks Sad! Dogs aren't allowed anyways for, safety reasons." Spark said, Macy blinked.
    "Yep, went on this with Sunny, I'll hold your guys' stuff."
    "Okaayy," Spark pulled her into the line.
    Macy stood in the line, handing the stuff to Sadie. "What's this ride even do?"
    Spark and Sadie grin. "You'll find out," Sadie answered.
    Macy blinked. "Oh that worries me." She giggled.
    "You'll be fine dearrr."
    "Stop flirting or I'll tell everyone you're dating," Sadie taunted, holding their stuff.
    Macy side eyed her. "We aren't flirting, excuse you. I was simply asking a question." She raised her chin.
    Sadie eyed them. "Really? That one night. . ."
    "SADIE." Macy hissed, Spark's eyes widen for a minute.
    Macy pointed at her. "You were dreaming. And- I was getting this sick ass tattoo. So." And some good ass sex. "So yeah," she turned away.
    "You did get a sick tattoo," Spark smiled, biting their lip as they reach. "Rightt there,"
    "Yeah, see? See?" she showed it off. "Sick as fuck, bro" she noticed her change in wording as she cleared her throat. "You know nothing! You're coo-coo!"
    Sadie grinned. "It is pretty cool- are you just wearing tights and a dress?"
    ". . . Yes?" Macy raised an eyebrow. Sadie glanced at Spark, looking away.
    "Is that a pRobLeM?"
    "Mmm, nope!"
    "If you're thinking what I think you are, it hasn't happened and it won't happen." Spark replied.
    Macy crossed her arms. "Exactly,"
    "Exactly," Macy looked back towards the ride, making a face as she held her arm. Spark leaned. "You'll be fine Mouse, I'll be right beside you." They neared the front, the door closed after the operator walked in.
    Macy raised her eyebrows. "Why did they walk into the ride?"
    "To operate the ride Mouse." They replied, looking with a grin as the ride started slowly after, spinning and getting faster while the people inside started to scream in fear and excitement.
    Macy went wide eyed. "What the hell is inside." The ride spun so fast, the lights outside flashing and strobing and then cut out. The screaming got louder.
    "Nothing but other people." Spark answered. Bandit's head rose, standing as she walked over, sniffing Macy's leg and sat in front of her
    Macy looked down at her, petting her head. "I'm okay, Bandit." Bandit looked at her, shifting to face Spark, ears twitching. Macy looked at Spark then down at Bandit. The ride slowed after a while, completely stopping before the door opened. Macy looked up at the ride.
    "You ready?" Spark asked, six tickets in hand. It was three per person for the ride. Macy nodded. The operator walked out last, making sure no one else was left. Spark handed the man their tickets, he took them and opened the gate.
    "C'mon Macy," Spark smiled, Sadie whispered to Bandit as their dog walked to Sadie, sitting at her side.
    Spark followed her into the ride, finding a spot and chilled out. Macy went next to them, holding her arm. "Can I know what this ride does now?"
    "It spins you so fast you get stuck to these seats behind you, and alot more fun stuff." They answered, smiling. Macy whipped her head to them, going wide eyed and stared. Other people pile in, and finally the operator, after a good number of people, climbed into the middle section, the door closing. Macy stared around, quickly grabbing their hand.
    "Since you get stuck you can lay horizontally against the seats oh it's so cool!" They giggle as the ride started.
    "I don't know how I feel about this. . ."
    "Nothing bad will happen, it's just playing with friction and speed dear." They laugh as the ride spun faster, it became harder to move as they wiggled higher up the seat, knees curled up and feet planted flat on the seat.
    The other people were screaming with both joy and fear, some doing what Spark did. Macy squinted her eyes shut, huffing. "Holy SHIT!!"
    Spark laughed manically, cheering when the seats clicked, rolling up to the roof as the screams and laughter rose higher in surprise. Macy screamed, gripping the seat. "WHAT THE FUCK, SPARK!" Spark only laughed in response.
    The seats lowered after a bit, the ride still continuing. Macy held onto that seat with her life, not sure whether to scream or cry.
    The ride suddenly cut to black and the seats rose again, screams erupt once more.
    Spark yelled. "I FORGOT THIS HAPPENS!
    Macy screamed. "I DON'T LIKE IT! I DON'T LIKE IT!"
    "FUCKKK YEAHHH!" They cheer, laughing. Macy kept screaming, shaking her head.
    It continued for a little longer, before the lights switched back on and the seats lowered in unison, the ride slowing very slowly. The ride finally slowed to a complete stop. Macy slowly moved off the seat, wiping under her eyes as she made her way to Spark. "You, are, mean, to me."
    Spark breathed, giggling as they head for the exit, pulling Macy in and with them. "I love you too doll." Macy leaned into them, pouting. "Don't pout at me Mousey,"
    "That was scary." Macy looked up at them. "Can we go to the big house looking thing?"
    "Big house look — OH! The Fun House?" Macy nodded. "Yeah sure," they made their way down the steps and to the exit. Macy followed them. Bandit watched them, trotting over, Sadie following.
    Macy walked towards them, dabbing under her eyes with her sleeves. "Alright, fun house now." Bandit then pawed both their legs, pressing her nose and pawing again. Macy looked down at her, tilting her head.
    "Bandit we're okay, we're okay girl." Bandit pawed at their legs again, before shaking her body and sat by Spark's feet. Macy tucked her hair behind her ears, clearing her throat.
    "She must've sensed our heart rates and fear, sweet girl was just worried, weren't you huh?" They play with her head, kneeling with a smile.
    "You want your prizes back, or am I the stuffed animal rack."
    Macy walked up to Sadie, taking her elephant. "Thank you, Sadie." Sadie nodded. Macy looked up at her. "Do you want to stick with us and go to the Funhouse or. . .?"
    "I'm okay, I'm gonna go try and find Cass and the others. I can ask if I can take these back, if you don't want to carry these around the fair."
    Macy nodded. "We would appreciate that." She grinned, handing them back. "And text us when everyone is ready to go."
    Sadie nodded, taking them. "I think we'll head out in an hour, maybe two n' a half. Do as much as you can! Bye guys!" She smiled, giving a little wave as she walked off with their stuff.
    Macy waved to her before taking their hand. "Ready?"
    "I like fun houses," Spark smiled. "Bandit does too, when they let her on, it's fifty-fifty."
    Macy giggled. "Well let's go!" She headed towards the Funhouse, Bandit and Spark tailing her. Macy hummed a soft tune as she stroked their arm with her nails. Spark smiled, looking down. They matched their feet with hers, so they walked in union. Macy giggled as she looked down, looking up at him.
    "I'm really enjoying this. . ."
    "I know you are dear. . . I know. . ." They smile as they looked at her. Macy smiled soft, leaning her head on their arm and headed for the line. They stepped into the line, holding her hand. Bandit sat calm. A kid tried to pet her, but the mother directed the kid away, aware she's a working service dog. Macy and Spark looked over.
    The mother eyed them, mouthing "Sorry," before they vanished into the fair and its crowds.
    The operator watched people go in before looking at the pair with a grin. "Two tickets, Mr. And Mrs." The man held out his hand. Spark handed the man a ticket. Macy laid a ticket into the man's hand, grinning still. "Enjoy! Watch your step." he motioned them in.
    Macy nodded to the man, stepping in as she looked around with pure joy on her face. Spark followed her, Bandit right at their side. Macy walked through, holding the sides as she watched her step.
    Spark smiled, now holding Bandit as their dog did NOT want to step on the metal slabs that teetered with your weight. They watched Macy walk through, squeezing her way in. Spark set Bandit down, squeezing. Bandit fit more easily, beating the both of them and waiting at the other side. Macy looked towards the swinging barrels, blinking.
    Bandit watched. "Army Crawl Bandy," Spark giggled. Even if she was a service dog, she still learned some silly tricks, dropping low and army crawling her way past. Macy suddenly booked it through, laughing. Spark looked, laughed, and followed her.
    They now faced the moving barrels. "Ack!" A barrel whacked Spark but they made it through.
    "Smilleeeee!" Spark heard, looking over at Macy holding her phone, laughing.
    "Aye! Macy!" they pushed at the phone, continuing the course with Bandit at their heels, giggling.
    Macy kept recording, still smiling as she recorded them and the Funhouse. She faced the camera back towards her, looking into the mirror maze as she cursed quietly. "Ah hell,"
    Bandit looked loopy as she trotted. Some mirrors in the maze made her look big, others small, others bendy and wavey, some just weird. Spark scooped her up, standing in front of a bendy mirror, giggling.
    And now came the mirror maze. Spark watched Macy hold her hand out, touching the mirrors before nodding. "This is easy." She then smacked into a mirror, making a started noise and held her face, blinking a few times as she stepped back. Bandit bonked her head, Spark laughing while she bonked her way through.
    Macy walked with them, rubbing her forehead before bumping into another. "Oh. Gosh this isn't easy." She chuckled, pointing the camera forward.
    "Christ oh my eyes!" They laugh, not far behind Bandit. Another bonk, another laugh. "You're gonna hurt yourself wingnut!" They giggle, Bandit looked up at them.
    Bandit raised a paw, racing through a hall, then ran out the exit, barking softly. Macy watched, grinning as she walked quietly to the exit.
    Spark lifted Bandit. "Yayyy, you made it!! Good girl!" They lower her, smooching her head. Bandit trotted her way down the stairs, Spark not far behind. "C'mon Mace!" They stop to look at her, smiling. Macy just smiled, making her way down. "That was fun! What next?" Ferris Wheel! Ferris Wheel! Ferris Wheel! Ferris Wheel!
    "Hmmmm. . . Ferris Wheel?" She took their hand, walking and looked around. "Could be the last stop and then try and find everyone?"
    "Sure!" they smiled, following her. YES!
    Spark followed Macy as they walked towards the Ferris Wheel line, Macy leaned her head onto their arm. Spark looked at her, smiling. Macy melted into their arm, standing in the line. They stared, taken back, tensing up but soon relaxed, holding her hand as they just looked at her. Macy kissed their bicep softly, whispering.
    "I love you. . ."
    "I love you too. . ." They hid their squeak at her kissing their bicep, smiling. I think I'm actually in love. . .

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