Chapter Eighty-Four: [Oliver XX]

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    Ollie glanced back before quickly making his way outside, holding his chest. He breathed heavily, looking around as he watched cars pass by. He held his forehead, starting to slowly piece things together. He shook his head, making a face and held his sides. No, he wouldn't do that. He wouldn't,
    He replayed what Maverick had said to him, feeling his heart race more. "I would do anything to keep you safe." His thoughts fought each other like a raging war.
    Orlando suddenly was approaching him with three other guys, looking angry. Ollie didn't see him yet, his mind too focused on the different thoughts going on.
    He then grabbed his shoulder, turning him around. "Oliver." Ollie turned, staring before feeling a painful sting course through his face. He moved his face to the side, grunting and squeezed his eyes shut.
    Orlando shook out his hand a little, scowling before dragging him towards an alley. Ollie breathed quickly, trying to move away from him. "No! No no, hey!"
    The men accompanying Orlando dragged him by his arms behind Orlando before throwing and pinning him against the wall.
    Ollie thrashed, baring his teeth. "Get off me!"
    Orlando stood in front of him, glaring. "I just got a fucking call." He then pressed a gun against his stomach. "You knew, didn't you?" He spoke low, eyes full of anger as Ollie stared at him, eyes getting glossy as he tensed.
    Orlando scoffed, shaking his head before moving aside. One of the men who wasn't holding him started hitting Ollie. He watched with his arms crossed.
    Ollie tried kicking the guy away, breathing shakily before nodding quickly. "Okay, okay I did I did!" He felt blood starting to drip from his eyebrow and nose, huffing and kept nodding. "I did. . ."
    Orlando's face shifted. He stepped forward, moving the guy back and stared right at his face. "How? How did you know? You did it, didn't you? You killed him!" He grabbed his face, squeezing.
    Ollie shrunk down, squeezing his eyes shut and let out a soft sob. "No."
    "Don't you fucking lie to me, kid."
    Ollie started thrashing again, breathing quickly. Panic settled in, feeling his throat close. "MAVERICK!"
    Orlando stared, raising the gun and aimed at his stomach. His stare turned to a glare, pulling the trigger.
    Ollie stopped moving, his face dropping as he stared at Orlando. "You. . ." Yet Orlando only made a face, firing again as he jolted forward, furrowing his eyebrows.
    He raised his chin, grabbing a hand full of hair and forced Ollie's head up.
    The pain slowly kicked in as he clenched his teeth, staring at him as his knees slowly gave out.
    Orlando and his men kept him up, eyes searching his face. "Answer the question properly." Ollie tried to speak but his body started stinging and hurting. He bared his teeth, furrowing his eyebrows as tears rolled down his face. He nodded, stepping back. "That confirms it." He aimed the gun at him again.
    Ollie stared at him, shaking his head and let out a sob despite it sending a rush of pain through his body.
    Orlando scowled, finger moving to the trigger as Ollie shook his head more rapidly, moving his arms before yelling out.
    "Say hi to your dad if you see him, will you?" He tilted his head as Ollie stared at him, breathing quickly and heavily. He felt his chest and throat closing as he struggled to breathe.
    A gun broke through the scene, then another shot. Two of Orlando's men staggered, before collapsing. Whoever fired the gun aimed directly for their knees, immobilizing them. Orlando turned, pointing the gun where the sound came from.
    Maverick pointed a gun right back at him, scowling. "Drop him." Orlando glared, hand tightening for a moment before tossing him to the side. He watched Ollie, and for a moment he walked after, but stopped, keeping his guard up he didn't want to lower it, even if he deeply wanted too.
    He kept his gun pointed. "I had a feeling you'd come, Mr. Blackwell."
    He turned his eyes back to Orlando. "Ollie summoned me, why wouldn't I?"
    The man scoffed. "Figured."
    "Mm, boy's gotta have a killer 'round his finger given his father's friends." He cocked the gun, nose crinkling.
    Ollie's breathing grew rapid, the pain only grew worse. He rolled onto his back, blinking a few times as he grunted and yelled through his teeth a bit. He listened, coughing again and stared at the stars.
    Orlando glared, gripping the handle. "Was it you?"
    He looked over at Ollie, walking closer. He stopped. "Slit his filthy throat like a pig to slaughter." He watched him as he neared Ollie, who furrowed his eyebrows, immediately breaking down into tears.
    Orlando glared more, firing but barely missed him. "Fucker!"
    Maverick twisted, aiming and fired at his chest. "Rebecca had other business to attend to, didn't need his abusive ass ruining it." He watched as Orlando stare, dropping the gun and slowly moved to hold his chest. Ollie squeezed his eyes shut, crying harder. Not only because of how much pain he's in and how scared he was, but the information he just received.
    Maverick looked at the other three, aimed his gun and shot three back to back bullets at their heads, just to be entirely safe.
    Maverick looked at Ollie, kneeling and pulled him to sit up against the wall. "Baby, baby hey, stay with me, okay?" That guarding attitude dropped in an instant, voice soft, worried and caring.
    Ollie's breathing started getting slow but remained heavy. He opened his eyes ever so slightly to look at him. "I. . . feel. . . baby. . ." He furrowed his eyebrows.
    Maverick looked at his stomach, then at him. "Baby. . . I'm so sorry. . ." Ollie moved a hand to hold his stomach, feeling the blood soak his shirt which made it cold. He yelled through his teeth again, leaning his head back.
    "Baby, you're going to be safe, okay? We-we'll get you to a hospital." His voice was breaking, with anger and sadness, swallowing thick tears. He saw a shadow, immediately he stood and rose the gun. That gun, burdened with three kills, stared directly at Damian. Maverick lowered it.
    He stared, frozen, but he rushed over when he noticed Ollie. Maverick moved aside as he kneeled, looking at him.
    He looked over at Damian, gripping onto Maverick's arm and swallowed. "I'm scared, m'gonna die. . ."
    "Kid, hey. . . son you're not dying." Damian said as Maverick looked at his arm, holding it and the turned to stare and Orlando, something awakened in his brain when he heard the heavy, staggered breathing.
    Orlando laid there, struggling as well as he tried to sit up. Maverick gently moved Ollie's hand and stood, walking over. Ollie moved his hand to hold onto Damian, grunting and slowly closing his eyes.
    Maverick leaned, grabbing the collar of Orlando's shirt, staring at him. He turned, walking further into the alleyway. Then, once bathed in shadows, he gave a sharp whistle. "Here, boy." Someone tall, almost Damian's height, turned the corner and rushed in, swallowed by the darkness.
    "F-fuck. . ."
    "Where do you think you're going? You hurt my brother."
    "You aren't Rebecca's kid."
    "How'd'ya know I ain't?"
    "Would explain a lot."
    Ollie listened, leaning on the wall, clutching Damian. "James. Want the honor?"
    Ollie looked at Damian, blinking slowly as he whispered. "I. . . can't keep my. . . eyes-eyes open. . ."
    Damian looked at him. "Son, just please keep your eyes open, please. I'm sorry." He pressed the edges of his palms on the wounds to keep the blood from leaking. Ollie yelled out, throwing his head back and gripped his arms as his yells turns to cries, fingers digging.
    His grip began to loosen, eyes slowly closing again and his head stayed leaned back. "S-stop. . . stop." He whispered, starting to grip again.
    Maverick walked out, already on the phone, with the hospital White Petal Hospital. "The Blackjack and Blackcats Casino, Vegas Strip. My boyfriend is wounded, two gunshots to the stomach, please hurry." He walked over and kneeled, softly holding half of his face. "Ollie, Ollie they're on their way, just hang on, please."
    Ollie looked at him, everything feeling slow as he listened to his own heartbeat. Mom. . . where's my mom? I want my mom. . . I feel, warm. He began to close his eyes, swallowing as he let out a pained yell through his teeth. Maverick's eyes widen in fear and his eyebrows furrow. Damian's heartbeat heavied with fear, any day now, ambulance.
    Ollie moved a hand to press against Damian's, his body began to go into shock. The sound of a siren rose, red and blue lights flushed by and stopped at the club. Maverick stood and carefully, he picked him up and carried him from the body-ridden alleyway and to the ambulance.
    "You're safe baby, you're safe. . ."
    Ollie breathed deeply, his eyes, glued to the night sky as he moved his hand to hold his stomach. "I want my mom." He spoke quickly, moving his head to look at him.
    "I'll, I'll get her to ride with you, to the hospital, okay?"
    Rebecca practically threw herself out of the club, staring at the ambulance then the people who were staring around. "Where's my baby?!" Her fear traveled through her voice, heels in hand. Maverick looked over, eyes wide.
    Ollie eyes filled with tears as he looked over and gripped his stomach as Maverick then turned around and headed for the stretcher, carefully and slowly he set Ollie down. He blinked a few times, looking around at the people.
    She pushed passed the crowd, staring around. "Oliver?!"
    Maverick made his way, pulling Rebecca in and to the ambulance. "He's, in there, Ms. Tillie some bad men connected to Martin got ahold of him, I'm so sorry I did what I could."
    She stared at him, cupping his cheek before staring at the ambulance. "Oh god. . ." He closed his eyes for a moment, opening them as he opened his mouth.
    Cassidy rushed over. "Where's my boy?!" She cut Maverick off before he even got a chance to speak, staring at the ambulance with fear, immediately rushing in. "Rebecca, come on!"
    Rebecca went into the ambulance, staring at Ollie as she covered her mouth. "Oh my god. . ." He looked at the two of them, barely keeping his eyes closed. His body shook and his teeth chattered slightly. She reached and held his face, sitting next to him as she stroked his hair. "Hang on, honeycomb, hang on. . . please."
    Cassidy looked at her, tears welled in her eyes as the doors shut behind them, and they were off to the hospital. Maverick watched the ambulance go, face soft and tears rolled down his face.

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