Chapter Ninety-Seven: [Oliver XXIII]

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    Ollie shuffled a bit, pain kicking in as he made a face and groaned quietly, starting to wake.
    Spark walked in, whistling quietly. "Bandit, come. . ." They spoke in a loud-ish whisper, then looked at Ollie as he reached for his stomach, exhaling quickly. They look at him, inhaling. "Ollie. . ." They watched him reach for the button, struggling as he bared his teeth. Spark stared, eyes widening softly. "Ollie? Ollie?!" Their voice grew in worry as they hurry over, grasping his hand. "Hey, hey, hey! Ollie."
    Bandit rose her head, ears forward. Ollie breathed quickly, squeezing it as he opened his eyes and looked at them. "Hurts."
    "Hurts? Do you need a nurse?"
    He held his stomach, breathing heavily as he pointed to the button. "P-Push it." Spark looked at the button, face shrouded in worry for their brother, pushing it, hands shaking. Ollie kept squeezing their hand. "It-it hurts, to breathe."
    Spark looked back at him, swallowing thick tears that dared to choke them. "Just-just, try, try." Their voice broke. "The nurses — the nurses will be here!" he breathed with his chest, tearing up due to the pain as he looked down at his stomach.
    Bandit rose, whining as she began to bark, reaching to paw Spark and Ollie, whining more as Spark's throat tightened, their hands shaking more.
    He rubbed Spark's hand, shaking his head. "It's okay. It's okay." their expression and hands said otherwise as they kept looking at the door, monitor, and Ollie.
    Ollie kept rubbing his hand, breathing as softly as he could. Fucking hell hurry.
    Finally, a nurse rushed in, looking in. "What's the matter?"
    They looked over, opening their mouth but nothing came out, eyes glossy. Ollie pointed to his stomach. "Its hurting."
    "Okay, let me get you your pain killers." He rushed to get them as Spark moved to Bandit, petting her. She sat and pushed close, being hugged by them.
    Ollie waited with an outstretched hand. The nurse walked over, handing him a cup of water and the pills. Spark had calmed down, watching Ollie take the pills and drink the rest of the water, exhaling slowly.
    He waited for the medicine to work, keeping his hand against his forehead as the nurse made sure he was comfortable enough, nodding before leaving. Spark watched him go, then looked back at Ollie.
    Ollie breathed softly, swallowing. They now wondered if they should say what they wanted to when they first came in, inhaling. He looked at them, sniffing. "You okay?"
    They swallow, inhaling. Spark tried to talk, but they struggled a bit, now worried and scared of what Ollie will think and how he'd react. Ollie waited, blinking softly.
    "We, uh —" They look away from him, the thought of keeping eye contact itched their being. "Your, mom, she —" Spark inhaled heavy. "Damian and Rebecca decided to take us to the hotel but now seeing you just now scared me and I don't want to leave but everyone needs proper sleep but I don't want to leave you alone because, I just, I don't know!" They blurted, losing breath in the meantime as the inhaled heavy and long after.
    He blinked softly again, staring at them. "Oh Spark. . ."
    They look down. "I don't want to leave. . . me. . . Maverick. . . Milo. . . all of us. . ." Their voice was quiet and wavered after each word.
    Ollie frowned a bit, opening his arms. "Come here. . ." They didn't move for a moment, before walking over and sat down, leaning on Ollie carefully.
    He hugged them, holding the back of their head and put his face into their hair. "I'll be okay, you all need to rest. You can see me tomorrow. . ."
    "Someo-someone should be with you, though. . ." Spark said.
    Ollie stroked their hair. "I'll be okay, Sparkles." He smiled a bit, kissing their head. "I'll be okay. . ."
    Spark's ears twitch as they look to the door. Maverick stood in the doorway. "You called?"
    Ollie looked at Spark then at Maverick. "No. . . one called you?"
    "Spark said my name." He said, walking over, petting Bandit. Ollie blinked and swallowed before looking at Spark and slightly moved, a litttleeee creeped out.
    "They didn't say anything though. . ."
    "They did, I heard 'em."
    Ollie looked confused. "Wh. . . but we —" He blinked a few times, shaking his head.
    Spark blinked. "I did, say his name." They mutter.
    He looked at Spark then at Maverick, the monitor started to beep quicker. "You're freakin' me out. Am I going crazy or something?"
    "No, no you're not going crazy. . . I said his name when talking about someone staying here, either him, or me, or Milo, or all of us."
    He blinked. "Oh, oh that's right." Maverick nodded. Ollie then made a face. "Wait a minute then how did —"
    "How'd I what?"
    He looked at Maverick. "How. . . did, you hear us if they were talking quietly. . ."
    Maverick stared at him, face blank, hands finding his pockets and nestled in. "It's, uhm. My grandmother had it, some sixth sense. Passed to me."
    "What-what is that. . ." Ollie just stared at him, now more freaked out.
    "I know if someone is talking about me. That night, I said I was on the phone with your mom? They were in Damian's house, and I woke from a dead sleep because I got like a twinge in my brain, it's, weird but it helps me, given. . . y'know."
    Ollie swallowed, blinking a few times. He didn't know what to say. "What the hell."
    He inhaled. "I swear someone way up my family line did something with spirits or whatever because this, sounds like some, weird-weird curse/gift. I don't know either. . ."
    "Good, to know. . ." Ollie replied as Maverick nodded, sighing soft. He messed with his fingers. "Honey, you. . . you should go back to the hotel. . ."
    "I don't want to leave you." Maverk looked at him.
    "Baby," Ollie frowned softly. "I'll be fine on my own. . ."
    "No, no I don't trust that." Maverick replied as Ollie kept frowning, looking down as he looked at his hospital band, he watched him.
    Ollie sighed softly. "Okay. . ." Maverick nodded as he messed with the band around his wrist, thinking quietly while Maverick moved to sit in the chair nearest to Ollie. He inhaled deeply. "What about Milo? Is he going to be okay alone?"
    Maverick's expression shifted. "I did. . . forget, that. I could ask him?"
    Ollie nodded softly. "I don't want him to be alone and be not okay. . ."
    That's when Maverick got up, kissing Ollie softly on the lips, then kissed Spark's hair, and left the room to go and ask Milo.
    Ollie watched him leave and slowly closed his eyes. "I hate this. I cannot wait to start walking. . ."
    "I know you do. . . I'm sorry. . ." Spark replied.
    Maverick came back in. "Milo does, not want to sleep alone. . ." he reported, continuing. "We came up with a plan; I could facetime with you? Could pretend you're there."
    He nodded softly. "That works. . ."
    Maverick nodded back. "Mhm."
    Ollie examined his face, smiling weakly before opening his arms as Maverick walked over, stealing Spark's spot and kissed under his lips. Ollie closed his eyes before moving his head to kiss him properly. Spark turned, taking Bandit with them, and left.
    Maverick closed his eyes, moving his body closer, mindful of Ollie's belly as Ollie held his face, still kissing him while his eyes got a bit teary. He inhaled, lifting a hand to hold Ollie's face as he fell deeper into the kiss. Ollie ran a hand through his hair, tilting his head slightly as Maverick sighed, turning his body to stand over Ollie, on his knees and hand.
    Ollie slipped his tongue through, slightly smiling. Maverick gained a smile as well as he curled his tongue with his, hand tightening. He chuckled quietly against his lips, tongue searching his mouth while Maverick smiled more, pushing his mouth closer, inhaling as he got to his knees, sitting mostly on his legs as he lifted his other hand to hold Ollie's face completely.
    Ollie held the back of his head, biting his lip softly and slowly pulled, opening his eyes as he watched Maverick inhal soft, eyebrows furrowing. He let go and looked up at him, whispering. "I've been needing that. . ."
    Maverick opened his eyes, looking at him. "I can tell. . ." Ollie stroked his cheek softly as he examined his face, he leaned to his touch, looking into Ollie's eyes.
    Ollie kissed his nose gently. "Give Milo a kiss for me. . ."
    "I'll give him more then a kiss for you if that's what you want." Maverick smiled, winking.
    He raised an eyebrow. "Can I see that?" He joked, laughing a bit.
    "Mm, mmaaybbeee." He chuckled, sitting back as Ollie smiled, watching him. He looked at him. "Yes dear?"
    "I love you."
    "I love you tooo." Maverick replied as Ollie put his hands in his lap, just smiling. Maverick smiled as well, eyes narrowing. "What're you thinkin' about over there?"
    He shook his head. "Nothing in particular."
    "Ookaayyy. . ."
    "I'll see you tomorrow. . ."
    "You mean tonight, the phone call?" Maverick tilted his head, softly smiling.
    "Oh! Yes, the call." Ollie replied.
    He leaned in and kissed him softly. "I'll see you tonight. . ."
    Ollie kissed him back. "See you. . ."
    Maverick stroked his cheek as he got up, kissed him again, and headed for the door. Ollie watched him, breathing softly as Maverick closed the door behind him.

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