Chapter One-Hundred and Ten: [Isiah IX]

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[~] CW: This chapter depicts implications of rape, murder, and gore.[~]

    Isiah practically raced home, eyes glancing at his watch every now and then. He approached the parking lot, cursing to himself quietly and parked. He turned off the bike, got off of it and took off his helmet. He grabbed his belongings and raced towards the gate. Come on. . . come on come on.
    He fiddled with his keys, bumping into the gate and quickly unlocked it. He glanced up, eyeing a small group watching him. Isiah opened the gate and stepped in, shoving his key in his pocket and raced towards the stairs. But what he didn't know, was two other guys we're standing at the top, waiting for him. He went wide eyed and stopped, stepping back as he turned to the group of men.
    "Oh, fuck you Felix. You were waiting for me huh?"
    Felix raised his chin, cigarette sticking out of his mouth and his hands were shoved into his jeans. "Maybe."
    Isiah swallowed and put his keys in his pocket. "What do you want?"
    Felix scowled, taking the cigarette out and pointed at him. He made his way over. "I didn't appreciate how you were speaking to me yesterday, kid. I was being nice." Isiah watched him approach and slowly stepped back.
    Felix stood in front of him, scowling. He glanced up, motioning down. One man behind Isiah reached and put him in a headlock and scowling. "GGH." Isiah squinted his eyes shut, holding his arms and tried to get out of his grasp.
    Felix started walking up the stairs. "Come on." The man dragged Isiah after Felix.
    Isiah choked a bit, struggling as he thrashed. "Aye!"
    Felix pointed towards Isiah's door before crossing his arms. "Open it."
    Isiah went wide eyed, shaking his head as he started pushing at the man. "Come on man! I have places to be tonight." He huffed. Does he always need these bastards with him?!
    He shook his head. "Don't care, open it."
    Isiah swallowed, breathing heavily. "Felix, listen, you don't understand, okay? I've got shit to do tonight I can't —"
    Felix cut him off. "Open. . . the door."
    Isiah tensed, feeling his eyes get glossy as he swallowed again and took out his key. The guy holding him let him go and shoved him towards the door. He stumbled a bit, looking back at the three before standing in front of his door. He hesitantly unlocked it, making a face.
    Felix waited for the door to open before grabbing his arm and forced him into his home. "Move your fucking legs, Isiah."
    Isiah stumbled yet again, grabbing a hold of his arm. I'm fucking walking, Perra! Felix chucked him into the couch, glaring at him. Isiah crashed into it, wincing as he covered his face before looking at him. "What the hell?!" Guerrero started flipping out, screeching, cursing, flapping his wings against his cage.
    "Where the fuck is it, Isiah? You told me you'd have it for us today."
    "You're stupid! I told you I wouldn't have been able to get it for you today!"
    "Don't fucking bullshit me right now."
    "I'm-I'm not! You really think I'd bullshit you?"
    But Felix didn't believe him, standing over him and grabbed his face, leaning and pressed his hand into the wall. He got real close to his face, speaking quietly. "Where. Is. It."
    Isiah pressed against the couch and looked up at him. He pushed his hand into his chest, feeling a lump form in his throat. "I said. . . I don't have it."
    Felix moved back, nodding to himself. "Mm. Do it." He motioned towards Isiah, watching the two men walk up to them. One pulled up his sleeves. Isiah watched, feeling his heart race as he attempted to get off of the couch; he failed. The one man grabbed his collar and socked him once, then again, then again. He pushed at his face, baring his teeth as he grunted. Felix watched with his arms crossed.
    Isiah breathed quickly, starting to kick as he hit at the man. "Get —"
    "Are you ready to give it up now?"
    "Get off me." He stared up at the man who had stopped, breathing heavily as he licked his now bloody lip.
    "Answer the question Isiah."
    "I don't fucking have it!" He turned his stare to Felix. "I seriously don't have it on me!" But Felix only sucked his tooth and looked down at his feet, nodding to himself before walking over. Isiah watched him, slowly moving to look up as his eyes grew glossy. "You aren't going to take no as an answer. Are you?"
    Felix shook his head and threw a punch, reaching to hold his throat. He slightly squeezed and glared at him. "And until you talk. . ." Another punch. "I'm going to beat the shit out of you."
    He held his wrist, breathing heavily as he leaned his head to the side. "I really don't have it. . ." Get off me. Get off me and go beat someone else for a change. Why is it always me?
    Felix squeezed his throat more, reaching down. . . and down. "Yeah? You don't got it? Who does then huh? Your imaginary friends?"
    Isiah slowly turned to stare at him, body freezing. "They aren't imaginary." He whispered shakily.
    "Right," he hovered his hand over him, getting closer as his lips barely grazed against his. "So who has my shit then, sweet Isiah?"
    Tears formed in his eyes as he stared at him. He moved his head back, clenching his jaw. My friend. He swallowed. "My friend has it."
    "You pawned it off on a friend? You know how risky that is?" His hand squeezed as he pushed his head to the side and pecked the side of his neck. "You couldn't hold it? Why, to impress the lady?"
    Isiah squeezed his eyes shut. "No. Just — he, wanted — to hold it for me while I was away."
    "That so? Well, what's his name?" Felix moved to look at him, fingers digging into the sides of his throat.
    Isiah's face throbbed as he looked at him, tears slowly rolled down his face. "Uh, his. . . name is. . ." His mind thought of a name. Maverick. "Maverick."
    "Maverick, alright." Felix smirked and went back to kissing on him, whispering near his ear. "You better contact him so I can get my shit. . ." Isiah furrowed his eyebrows a bit and turned his head away, licking his lip again. Felix reached into his pocket and grabbed a cloth. He reached and wiped under Isiah's nose with the same smirk. "See, was that so hard?"
    Isiah exhaled shakily, looking down as he reached to make him move his hand. Felix kept his hand there, eyes searching him as he spoke quietly. "What, can't have my fun now?"
    Isiah shook his head, keeping his face turned away from him. Get it over with.  Maybe I can watch your head get bashed in.
    "Tch — unfortunate." Felix leaned and continued what he was doing.
    Isiah moved a bit, shaking his head. "Felix —" Felix reached, quieting him as he moved him to lay down.
    "Oh shut it."
    After, Felix got up and fixed his shirt. Isiah laid there quietly, spaced out onto the ceiling. Felix looked at him for a moment, brushing off his hands. "Come on, not even a thank you?"
    Isiah didn't reply. Felix frowned a bit. "Well, you're welcome." He buckled his belt, fixing his hair and made his way towards the door. Isiah blinked softly, snapping back into reality as his eyes searched his ceiling. Guerrero had quieted down, now saying soft sentences to get Isiah's attention.
    Felix opened the door, pulling his sleeves down. Isiah slowly sat up and took his hair out, sniffing as he reached to touch his cheek. It had already started to bruise as he closed his eyes and dropped his head down.
    A man stared down at Felix, tall and heavily built, eyes wide with a craze to them, in his right hand; an axe that's clearly had it's share of being used, rusted along the blade's handle and edge.
    Felix blinked and looked up at him. He glanced at the axe then back up at him. "Oi, this the friend?" He turned, raising an eyebrow.
    Isiah turned slowly before going wide eyed, quickly covering himself in a blanket. "I. . ." Maverick towered over Felix, nose curling. Isiah could see his grip on the axe tighten. Oh no. . .
    Felix waited for an answer. "I'm fucking talking to you, is this the friend that has my shit?" Isiah suddenly felt shame course through his body as he swallowed.
    "May I come in." Maverick said in a angered tone, and that wasn't a question.
    Felix looked at him, scowling as he stepped aside. "Yeah, please do. I want my shit, I paid him for it." He crossed his arms.
    Isiah felt his throat start to tighten up as he covered himself more. You didn't pay me anything. He wanted to say, swallowing.
    Maverick ducked to walk in, slow and paced, his grip on the axe creasing his leather gloves. "Right." He looked at Isiah.
    Isiah looked up at him, furrowing his eyebrows slightly as Maverick walked closer to him, stopping within the axe's length of Isiah. His lip slightly quivered. "Boss. . ." He whispered.
    Felix's face shifted a bit.
    "Mm?" He questioned, lifting the axe, jumping it so his hand settled beneath the axe's blade. "Yes?"
    Isiah glanced at Felix then back up at him. He tried to maintain eye contact but couldn't, wrapping his arms around his stomach. "How did you —"
    "You called me. I'm here to do my job." Isiah blinked softly, remembering what Damian had said as he paused. He slowly looked back up at him.
    "Now what the hell is this." Felix hissed.
    Maverick lifted a gloved hand, holding his face tenderly, studying his face. "My sister won't be pleased." He commented. "So," he turned, eyes falling to Felix. "You the fucker who took my best employee and beat 'em senseless?"
    Felix's face shifted again. "Employee?"
    Isiah looked down, pulling the blanket over his shoulders to hide his body.
    "You didn't think you held the reins here? Did you?" Maverick questioned.
    Felix's eyes turned to Isiah, glaring. "You set me up, didn't you? You little shit." He stepped forward.
    Maverick lifted the axe, pushing it to his chest. "'Nother step, one of those bastards dies."
    He glared up at Maverick. "Who the fuck are you, huh? Because clearly, you ain't got my supply."
    Isiah felt tears roll down his face as he reached a hand and wiped them quickly.
    "No, but I can supply something else. Isiah?" Isiah looked over at him.
     "Nah, I want my supply not whatever the fuck you got, hear me?" Felix poked his chest.
    Maverick stared at him, then his chest. He made a face. "Get your filthy hand off of me before I cut them off." Felix moved his hand, scowling. Maverick stared, frowning. He turned to look at Isiah. "Mind giving the honors? Don't got all day."
    Isiah swallowed before nodding softly and looked away, closing his eyes.
    "Do it,"
    Felix looked confused, looking between them, his two men also looked confused. Maverick began to walk away, heading for the door. He then twisted, his hand now at the end of the axe, and swung the axe through one of the men's skulls, lodging it in the cabinet door in the process, cursing and yanked it out.
    Felix went wide eyed, stumbling back as he exhaled quickly. Isiah flinched to the sound, furrowing his eyebrows and kept his eyes closed. Maverick turned to stare at the other man. The man stared, slowly stepping back. Guerrero managed to knock off his blanket, now watching.
    "Oh I ain't leaving witnesses." Maverick rose the axe. The man stared up at the axe, frozen in horror.
    Guerrero opened his beak, tongue clicking as he made kissing sounds against the cage. "Tranquilo, Guerrero."
    Maverick lunged it, nose curled. He hacked into the man's neck, yanking, and continued one last time before clearing through to the other side. Isiah flinched again, tensing as he squeezed his eyes shut.
    Felix stared in absolute fear, dropping to the floor as he crawled back quickly. "What the FUCK."
    Maverick let the axe hang at his side, staring at the bodies, before he turned to face Felix. "Oh I've seen this before. This pathetic little drop to the floor."
    Felix turned and started crawling towards the kitchen, breathing heavily. "Isiah!" But Isiah's lip quivered as he slightly turned his head to look at the bodies. His blood ran cold as he just stared.
    "Don't call for him. You hurt him. You hurt my employee. You hurt my little sister's boyfriend. And by the look of him, you did something so much worse." Isiah looked at Maverick, furrowing his eyebrows a bit.
    "Nah fuck you, get away from me!" Felix searched for a way out, staring around. "Oh god," he whispered.
    "No way out from death. Just another name on my list." He walked closer, raising the axe as he did so. Felix turned, staring up at him as he scooted back against the wall. Isiah pulled the blanket around him more, eyes going back to the bodies as he looked at them, silent.
    Maverick rose the axe more, lunging it for his stomach, aimed on torturing him. Like he did Isiah. Felix let out a blood curling yell, squeezing his eyes shut.
    Isiah's face was neutral, spaced out onto one of them men as he listened. He swung and swung, both hands now gripping the axe as he continued. Felix's yells went silent as Maverick finished with the axe lunged for the middle of his head, slicing through with a grunt.
    A small and quiet tear managed to leave Isiah's eye. He slowly leaned back into the couch, turning to the kitchen. Guerrero tilted his head, climbing up his cage as he chirped. Maverick huffed, sighing.
    Isiah licked his bottom lip, still facing the kitchen while Maverick wiped the blood on Felix's clothes. He was looking at Felix's body, before slowly looking up at Maverick, who let the axe drop and walked over. Isiah looked about ready to cry, watching him walk over, and kneel.
    Maverick's face was surprisingly soft, for what he's done and how's he treated Isiah, in regards to Maria. "Did he truly hurt you further then this?" Isiah blinked softly, clenching his jaw, biting back tears while Maverick stared at him, blinking.
    Isiah inhaled deeply, whispering shakily. "It's been going on since I got here. . ."
    "It won't anymore, not anymore."
    Isiah lifted the blanket a bit to cover his mouth, furrowing his eyebrows more as he looked down and leaned against the couch. Maverick stood, leaning to kiss the top of his head before walking away to make a call. He closed his eyes, slowly curling up onto the couch. He allowed the tears to fully leave his eyes.
    "Yes, I need the crew. Can you, can you also send Maria with them, Grandfather? I think she'll help. . ." He turned to look at Isiah.
    Isiah exhaled deeply, closing his eyes as cried silently into the blanket. Maverick ended the call. He pulled the blanket over his head, curling up tighter. Guerrero looked at Isiah, clicking his beak against the cage. "Dadddd, open." He flapped his wings. "Snack please" but Isiah didn't respond to him.
    Maverick looked at the bird, then to Isiah. "My car's outside, you can't stay here." He didn't respond to Maverick either.
    "Daddddd." Guerrero kept tapping against the cage.
    Maverick sighed, lifting up. He tucked him into the blanket, then leaned, and picked him up, carrying him from the apartment to his car, that's when Isiah finally spoke. "I don't. . . have clothes on. . ." He tried to speak outside of a whisper, leaning into him. Guerrero watched them leave, starting to freak out again.
    Maverick tucked the blanket more, holding him tighter as he made his way down the steps, out the gate, and to his car, putting him in the back. He closed the door and left to get the bird, and the axe. Isiah laid there quietly, blinking softly.
    He opened the door, carefully nudging Guerrero in, and closed it, locking. Guerrero hopped on Isiah, making sure it was him before calming down while Isiah blinked slowly, slightly turning his head to look at him. Maverick leaned on the trunk, looking around. Isiah sniffed and looked away from Guerrero, holding around his own stomach.
    A van slowed behind Maverick's car. Maverick stood and walked over, it jiggled a bit as men climbed out and headed for the apartment, their backs said "Blackwell Pest Control." with the picture of an ant head. He listened to the van and car doors shut, closing his eyes. He also picked up Maria's voice from nearby, her brother's right behind, the two talking. His body tensed as the tears started again.
    "In here?"
    The car unlocked as Maria climbed into the passenger seat, closing the door. The car locked again. Isiah didn't open his eyes.
    "Issi. . . baby. . ."
    Isiah furrowed his eyebrows and suddenly bursted into tears, shaking his head as he tightened the blanket around himself. Maria's face softened, climbing over the console and moved him to sit in his spot, pulling him in.
    He leaned into her, trying to stop as he whispered. "I should have just stayed."
    "You didn't know baby. . . you didn't know. . ." He buried his face into her, exhaling quickly as he reached a hand out of the blanket and held onto her. She held his hand, lifting it to kiss. "Baby. . ."
    He moved his head to look up at her, lip quivering. "Yeah?" Maria looked at him, leaning. She kissed the tip of his nose and the right corner of his lip. He closed his eyes, leaning into her more. "I'm sorry. . ."
    Isiah shrugged softly. "I-I just — I don't know." Maria rubbed his back, kissing his forehead softly. He sniffed and reached, gently wiping his face before looking up at her. "Is it bad. . .?"
    She looked at him, gently holding his face. "It's. . . not, good. . ."
    Isiah exhaled slowly, lip starting to quiver as he closed his eyes. Her face softened, then she looked up as her brother made an appearance, getting in the front seat.
    Maverick sighed, closing the door. "Isiah, be honest." He looked over. "How many in that complex, were like the three in your apartment?" He took a moment of pause, continuing. "Because Maria told me the incident that happened when she came over and I'd prefer if my baby sister wasn't harassed."
    Isiah looked down and leaned his head into Maria. "Seven. In total. . . one guy is in the hospital for uh. . . a broken back. . ." He bit at his lip.
    Maverick went quiet for a moment, putting his face into his hands. "Alright, well here's what I want you to do for me, okay?" Isiah looked back up at him. Maverick turned around to face them, looking at Isiah. "Off topic but you're lucky you have my approval, anyways. I want you to, if you can, send a text to each one, or in a group chat, and tell them to meet at a location, okay?"
    "I. . . don't, have their contacts anymore. I can —" he sighed, rubbed his cheek gently, "can meet up, with them. And tell them I've," he sighed again, not wanting to say it. "Got their supply they've been asking for. . . and have them meet in the back alley of the apartment. That's where. . . you know, where shit happens. . ."
    "Mm, mhm."
    "When. . . do you want that to happen?"
    "The latest. Grandfather has contacts I can get a hold of."
    Isiah nodded softly.
    "What now? Where, exactly will he go? His apartment's being cleaned out. . ." Maria asked.
    Isiah looked between them. "I could just. . . get a hotel room for the night or, take up that offer on a suite. . ." He looked up at her.
    Maria looked down at him, tucking back hair. "Take the offer please, want you near."
    Isiah blinked softly, nodding. "Alright then. Just. . . my stuff. . ."
    Maverick looked away from them, back at the apartment. "What stuff,"
    "My clothes. . . Guerrero cage. . . my bike. . .Guerrero's food." Guerrero hopped onto the middle console, looking at Maverick and pecked his arm. He watched him, blinking. "Oh, oh no Guerrero." He leaned forward slowly, wincing slightly and grabbed Guerrero. "Bad bird."
    Maverick looked at the bird. Guerrero flapped his wings a bit, tilting his head to look at Maverick and swayed. "Gonna bite him."
    Isiah shook his head. "No, no you will not bite him, Guerrero."
    "Bite me I'll bonk you." Maverick rose his eyebrows. Maria stifled a laugh.
    The bird gasped. "Mean, he's mean!" He bobbed his head around.
    Isiah blinked softly, faintly smiling. "So mean, huh?" He kissed his bird's head, sitting up properly against the car seat. He made sure the blanket didn't fall.
    Maria watched him, looking away. Guerrero reached over and made kissing sounds against Isiah's cheek, leaning back before doing it again. Isiah closed his eyes, letting him as he kept petting his head. "Qué lindo, Guerrero. . ."
    Maverick looked back at the apartment, sighing. "How many pairs of clothes do you need?"
    Isiah looked at him, shaking his head. "I'm not sure. . . I don't really have much so." His voice trailed out, frowning softly.
    "So your whole closet. . .?"
    "Yeah. . ."
    Maverick nodded, getting out and headed back to the apartment. Isiah watched him through the window, frowning softly, while Maria looked at him. His neck was red and had started bruise, his jaw had small cuts from what looked like nails and his cheek started to bruise more.
    He could feel her looking at him as he spoke quietly. "This. . . is very normal. . ." Maria blinked, eyebrows furrowing. "Just, this time was. . . worse." She went to speak, closing her mouth. Instead she tucked close at his side, head resting on his lap, going back to tracing her nails around his knee and leg.
    Isiah looked down at her, blinking softly as his hair fell down his shoulders. He reached and gently tucked her hair back. Guerrero sat on Maria, getting comfortable as he made kissing sounds. Maria stared up at him, lifting her hands, and did the same for him. He closed his eyes, leaning into her touch while she held his face, rubbing gently. She moved her body, sort of sitting in his lap and softly kissed around his face, holding and kissing him gentle and sweet.
    Isiah kept his eyes closed, inhaling deeply as the blanket slid off of his shoulders. He let it, leaning into her kisses. Maria kissed his forehead and hair, rubbing her thumbs in circles, lifting the blanket back up and held it there.
    He opened his eyes to look up at her, eyes soft. "This is so embarrassing. . ." He whispered quietly.
    She opened her eyes, looking down at him for a moment before continuing her gentle kiss parade. "Why?"
    He closed his eyes. "Because. Look at me. And I wasn't expecting any one to see my place. . ."
    "The crew doesn't judge, Maverick doesn't judge, no one judges you. . . their job is to clean up Maverick's finished jobs and clean and that's all."
    Isiah sighed quietly. Guerrero made his way into Maria's sweater, kissing her cheek before shuffling closer. "I'm hungry."
    "He's getting your food Guerrero, be calm birdy." Guerrero ruffled his feathers before getting comfortable on his shoulder. Maria leaned, lifting Isiah's head to kiss him soft and sweet on his lips, holding his face tenderly and went back to kissing around his face.
    Isiah breathed softly, mind wandering as he leaned against the seat. Maria moved off his lap, still softly kissing him before stopping, right back to tucked at his side. He looked down, quiet again as a gentle frown rested on his lips. She looked up at him, he messed with his hands under the blanket, closing his eyes.
    "Hm. . ."
    "What baby. . . what's wrong..?"
    Isiah shook his head softly. "Just thinking. . ."
    "About. . .?"
    He looked at her, just frowning. Maria stared, face softening and turned to look away from him. The sound of gravel crunching rose, then the trunk opening, bags rustling, and the door closing with a man's grunt behind it.
    Isiah turned slightly, looking out. Maverick stood near his trunk, talking with another man, their incoherent muffled voices raising.
    The two shook hands, nodded, and went separate ways. The cage going with the man as Maverick got into his car. He watched the cage then Maverick, pulling the blanket up again. Guerrero hopped onto the console again, making his way to the front seat. Maverick sighed, groaning about something before looking at the bird, blinking.
    Guerrero looked up at Maverick, raising his crest and slowly made his way towards him. "Give me a snack."
    Isiah watched Guerrero. "Please,"
    He waited a moment before clicking his beak. "Please."
    Maverick still stared, glancing at Isiah, then back to Guerrero. Isiah watched Guerrero as he hopped onto the dashboard, leaning down as he walked towards Maverick, who watched Guerrero as well.
    He grabbed onto the steering wheel and jumped onto Maverick's shoulder, wings flapping a bit before getting comfortable. Maverick lifted a hand, running his index finger on his beak before getting buckled, started the car, and drove off, deciding they've spent long enough here. Isiah leaned back against the seat, looking out the window.

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