Chapter Forty-Three: [Macy XIV]

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    Two weeks after, and two weeks closer to summer, Killer Queen was playing in the kitchen, the house was alive with chatter and complaining of the oncoming heat. Ollie walked into the house, wiping his sweat from his forehead. "I'm dying." Macy walked down with a smile, looking alive and genuinely happy.
    Sadie lifted a hand, pointing at herself. "Me too!"
    Macy held up an envelope. "Guyysssss!" The household turned to look at her, Sadie pushing up. She stood at the bottom of the stairs, smirking. "Guess who sold my house. This redhead." She pointed the envelope to herself. "Three-hundred and fifty-thousand to my name."
    Sadie smiled. "You go Red!"
    "Hell yeah, cheers to that!" Cassidy laughed.
    "Annnnd I got another fifty-thousand from my mothers will, I'm stacked right now!" She chuckled.
    "Guess you don't need to find a job." Sunny looked over, sitting on the counter with Maria, both near Cassidy.
    "Atta, redhead." Ollie grinned, hugging her. He picked her up, dragging her to the living room as Macy laughed.
    The garage door opened, Spark walked in as Macy turned, grinning. Ollie set her down as Spark looked at her. "Somethin' happen doll? I just heard muffled cheers."
    Macy ran towards them, jumping at him and giggled. "Guess who just made bank." she hugged them tightly.
    Spark held her, surprised at first but caught her, smiling wide. "You go baby!" Macy kissed their cheek.
    Ollie smirked, crossing his arms. "Four-hundred thousand to say the least." Spark looked at Ollie with a surprised look, grinning more as they kissed her cheek back, looking at her.
    Macy just grinned and whispered. "My aunt is coming down to see you, I finally told her about you."
    "Oh?" They tilted their head at her.
    Macy nodded. "She's excited."
    "I'm excited to meet her."
    "Annnddd I just finished our photo book!"
    "I'm glad dear." They kissed the corner of her mouth, chuckling. Macy chuckled as well.
    Best. Day. Of. My. Life!
    "Macy dear, if you don't mind I need to borrow Spark, oh and the twins too." Cassidy looked up as Ollie looked at her.
    "Oh! Yeah for sure," Macy snuck a kiss, grinning. Spark looked at her, then at Macy and smiled, setting her down.
    "Just gonna. . . go find Milo." Ollie made an awkward smile, turning and headed outside.
    "Have fun Olls!" Cassidy spoke as Macy went to the kitchen.
    Spark turned. "Mave! Cass needs us!" They called in the garage.
    "Huh? Alright then," Maverick walked in after a bit, mid wiping his forehead, dropping his shirt. "There a reason we're being called?" He asked, Maria was already standing by Cassidy.
    "Yes, and it needs the four of us." Cassidy looked at the two men. "It is private though, so either you all head outside or you two go down the hall." The three blink, nodding and headed down the hall, Cassidy followed them as they all walked into her bedroom.
    Macy stood at the counter, opening the envelope again and recounted the money before getting a phone call. She took out her phone, answering it
    A woman's voice came through the speaker. "Hi, is this Macy Hicks?"
    Macy blinked. 'Yes?" she set the money down
    "Hi! I was just calling to talk to you about your fathers funeral service? I believe your grandmother associated it? And she told me to talk to you."
    Macy raised her eyebrows. "I'm not interested."
    "Oh. Uhm. . . she said she had talked to you about, associating —"
    Macy cut her off. "I'm not interested. My grandma is delusional and never talked to me about it. Goodbye." She hung up. Can have his funeral alone for all I care.
    It was a little while, before the door opened as the four walked back out and into view.
    Macy heard Sunny ask. "What'd you three talk about?"
    "Mm, that stays between us, sorry Suns." Maverick replied, Macy walked over as Maverick ruffled her hair, Sadie frowned. Maverick and Cassidy were grinning at each other, doing a little dance.
    "Do I need to call my grandad?" Maverick asked, Cassidy nodded as Maverick again went down the hall and back into the bedroom to call him. Macy looked up at them, putting the money away with a raised eyebrow.
    Spark looked at her, smiling as they leaned over the counter. "Whatcha plannin' to do with the money, honey?" They rhymed, giggling.
    Macy chuckled, looking at them. "Save it for now, until we really need it."
    Spark reached, kissing her square on the lips before pulling away. "I'm, going to go hop in the shower. I smell like gasoline and bike parts and sweatier then a sinner."
    "Yeah I smell ya," she made a face, chuckling. Spark mocked the face, smiling. Cassidy looked over as Spark looked to her, she mocked their smile, they grinned wide in response with a crinkled nose, Cassidy chuckling. Macy smiled at them before staring at their lips.
    Spark licked their lips, tongue running over their teeth before looking back at her, surprised as she grabbed their face, staring. "Since when!"
    Spark squeaked in surprise. "Hawt?!" They looked at her, genuinely surprised.
    She let go of their face and lifted their lip, leaning closer. "Your teeth!"
    "Oh! You've never seen my canines?"
    She looked up at them, shaking her head. "Never."
    "Sparky here has natural vampire teeth Macy-Mace," Macy glanced at Cassidy then slowly looked at Spark. "I and Maverick do too but we got our canines sharpened. Spark was just born with em, has em filed sharper." Cassidy commented
    Macy whispered. "Bite me." And she looked serious. Spark frowned at her, before looking at Macy with a shocked look. Macy blinked, smiling innocently.
    "Oh, and to answer your "Since when?!", Spark's always had them! But they usually hide their teeth in their smiles; you just happened to catch a wide grin, which always shows off those dog teeth of theirs." Cassidy laughed
    "Are you ever gonna stop calling them my 'dog teeth' they aren't dog teeth."
    "I love them."
    Spark looked at her, smirking and leaned to whisper. "If you wanna hop in the shower with me I can bite you wherever you desire." She then grabbed her money and ran upstairs. Spark watched, before following after her. "C'mere Macy!"
    She laughed, running upstairs. "Catch me first!" Macy's laughter echoed.
    "Oh I'll catch you alright!" they yelled after her.
    A while later, Macy stepped out of the shower, humming sweetly as she tightened the towel around her. Spark weren't far behind, licking their teeth like earlier as they grabbed a towel, drying themself off.
    Macy stood in front of the mirror, running her fingers through her hair as she smiled at herself, they watch her with a smile, putting the towel around their waist once completely dry.
    She looked at them, turning her body to them and smirked. "What're you thinking about, Ms?" They smirk back, looking at her again.
    "There's a shocker."
    Macy jumped up on the counter, sitting on it as she leaned back a bit. "Is it now?"
    Spark walked over, leaning into her. "I'd say so." She sat up, wrapping her arms around them and started gently kissing their neck as they inhaled softly, closing their eyes as they nuzzle her shoulder, nipping her while she started kissing their neck more, opening her legs fully. "You want me again darling?"
    "I crave you all the time."
    "And I'll satisfy those cravings. Pick your poison doll." Their hands run up the towel. "Hands? or," they grip her legs and pull her to their waist, "dick?" Spark looked at her, eyebrows raised.
    "Your hands. . ." She whispered softly as they grin, pushing a hand between her thighs, fingers lifting as they played with her, giving little circles, rubbing, swiping, brushing over.
    Macy leaned her head back, closing her eyes as she hummed. "Mmm." They watch her, then eyed her neck fashioned in bites, some breaking skin as they leaned in, head turning to bite around her adams apple as they pushed their fingers in fully
    She gasped softly, grinning as she chuckled low. "Mmmm, just like that." They pushed against her in reply, chuckling as they worked her, smiling all the while.
    Spark nodded, it's been a little of their quick yet slow finger fucking and they could tell she was close, smiling. "Y'know, I dream about fucking you, specifically in this one position, but I'd consider it to good to tell you, so." They lift up, giggling.
   Macy grinned. "Why don't you share with me then?"
    "Oh, I will," they grin, winking. "But not now, but soon, soon sweet girl."
   Macy giggled. "I'm prepared then." She then moaned as she came onto their hands.
    "Oh, I don't think you are." They stroke her chin, pushing their towel under her while they pull their fingers out.
    Macy leaned her head back, humming with a smile. Spark leaned to kiss her cheek, cleaning them both off as she watched them with a gentle smile, stroking their cheek.
    Spark leaned into her touch, pressing on her belly as they rubbed circles, reaching to kiss, specifically the wounded spot, soft and gentle. Macy looked down, smiling softly and pressed her hand against theirs. They smiled, looking up at her, eyes looking into hers.
    Macy examined their face, stroking their cheek still. "Hey, I need help hanging stuff up, can you do it for me?"
    Spark nodded. "Macy, I killed for you, I'll do anything for you."
    She tilted her head, smiling. "Okay," they pull her in and onto the floor. She fixed her hair, grabbing her towel and wrapped it around herself.
    "Why the towel doll?"
    Macy looked up at them. "Do you want me to walk out there naked?"
    "In my room darling, clothes aren't an option." They grinned as she raised an eyebrow, smirking. Macy dropped her towel and walked out of the bathroom. They bit their lip, grinning and followed her. She pulled off the hair tie from her wrist, tying her hair up in a bun while she made her way to the bed.
    Spark eye-stalked her, smirking. Macy turned, looking at them as she tilted her head. They mimicked her, tilting their head as well.
    Macy grinned. "You knowwww. . . there has been something on my mind." She crossed her arms. I could kiss every "imperfection" on them. They're so beautiful.
    "Aaannnnd, what's that?" They looked at her, walking closer and stood in front of her.
    Macy looked up at them, gently holding their waist with her finger tips. "You know how I've done dance like, most of my life, yeah?" She tilted her head again. "And I was just thinking. . . whhaaaat if I got back into it?"
    Spark eyed her hands, before looking at her. "Like dance classes?"
   Macy made a thinking face before smiling. "More than just the classes."
   She took their hands. "Going to the auditorium and dancing with a team. . . type, thing."
    "A, dance group?"
    She nodded. "Mhm. And it's seasonal, I've already checked." She chuckled.
    "Ah, well I'd have no worry, but who's paying for the classes to do it?"
    "Well, I wouldn't do it right now. It was just a thought." She smiled softly
    Spark nodded. "Well, you'd get a personal driver to and from the classes." They smiled soft in return.
    Macy leaned up, kissing their cheek. "Sounds good to me."
    "Of course it would." They chuckle, kissing her back as she sighed happily, grinning and flopped onto the bed. Spark's eyes trail down her body slowly, studying every bite mark imprinted in her skin.
    Macy closed her eyes, a soft smile resting on her face as she breathed quietly. "I feel you staring, Mr. Fox."
    "Good. I'm just looking at what's mine."
    Macy slowly lifted a leg, keeping her eyes closed as she slowly smiled. "Is that so?" their skin burned with excitement as they grin more, looking at her. She lifted her arms over her head, tilting her head to the side while she inhaled deeply, raising her chest.
    "Oh you're so evil tempting me little bunny."
    "Am I tempting you?" She lifted another leg.
    "You're tempting something alright dear."
    "Do you want something more darling? Huh? Is that why you're exposing yourself for me doll?"
    "Is that what that is?" She inhaled softly as a hand slid to under her knee, smiling Spark crawled towards her, she slowly smiled, turning to look at them.
    "Well, I did say I'd fuck you like I did in my dream somewhere special, but I think with the way you're tempting me you must want it now, honey." She leaned up on her elbows, looking at them with those eyes
    "Is that so?" She opened her legs more.
    Spark matched that look, curling her legs to her chest. "Would you like to find out?"
    Macy grinned. "I think. . . yes."
    "Are you sure dear?"
    "If I wasn't so sure, i wouldn't be opening myself up to you."
    "Oh you're my girl, you open these legs for me anytime." They laugh soft, pressing their waist to the back of her legs, letting it sit. "Are you ready to be fucking pressed into the bed?"
    Macy blinked a few times. "Pressed?" She tilted her head softly to them, holding their face.
    "Mating press doll. This is what this position is called." They lean in close to whisper while pushing her legs to her chest, hands digging into the back of her thighs. "It lets me go deeper, so much deeper."
    Macy inhaled deeply, smiling. "Oooo,"
    "It gets us closer doll as well."
    "Yeah." They inhale softly as they push in slowly. "Fuck this angle, oh." Macy closed her eyes, gasping softly as she hummed. Spark groaned as they start, hands tight around the back of her legs.
    Macy furrowed her eyebrows, moaning softly as she held their arms. "Oh baby. . ." She whispered as Spark's mouth opened in quiet whimpers while they quickened.
    Macy leaned her head back, arching her back as she breathed quickly. "Oh god I feel it, in my stomach."
    "I ca-can feel it, hit-hitting your — oh god." They continued, moaning soft.
    She gripped their arms, groaning/moaning quietly. "I like this. Fuck, no I love this."
    "God I'm touching parts of you I did-didn't before. Oh, god baby!"
    Macy breathed heavily, furrowing her eyebrows again. "Oh god oh god!" She whispered, whining.
    Spark watched her, eyebrows wavering as their eyes screw close, moaning through their teeth as she reached up to hold their face, whispering again. "I'm already so fucking close."
    "Me-me too." They lift a hand, holding hers and licked a thumb, breathing heavy and panting.
    Macy whimpered, holding their face more. "Oh fuck baby. Oh fucckk." She started feeling tears well in her eyes, smiling. Spark gently bit on her thumb, pressing their tongue to the underside as they watched her, grunting and moaning with each heavy and deep thrust, once again chasing both of their pleasures. Her throat turned red as she swallowed deeply and let out a long, soft moan.
    Spark's eyes flutter as they came, jaw tensing as they felt themself touch every part of her, moaning through their teeth and onto her thumb as she cried out, quickly covering her mouth as she moaned into it, eyebrows furrowed and eyes squinted.
   "Oh my fffuucckinngg godd. . ."
    Spark looked at her. "Look at youm Fucked by me daily. God imagine I told him I fuck you daily and fill you up." She inhaled deeply before huffing as she groaned and finished, arching her back as they whimper, smiling. "Fuck you feel amazing, I'll never get over it." They began to pull out, she breathed heavily, dropping her hands as she groaned softly with a gentle smile. Spark fully pulled out, then laid it on her belly, smiling. "Baby, look at me, covered in you."
    She looked at them, grinning. "I love it."
    "I bet you do, it's all yours." They kiss her, cleaning themself with their hand and then pulled away, locking eyes as they licked their fingers and palm clean, she bit her lip, smiling. They sat up, looking down. "Do you want my tongue or not darling girl?"
    She slowly sat up, breathing through her parted lips. "Kiss me." She smirked.
    "Kiss you? You don't want me down there?" They tilt their head with a small smile.
    Macy shook her head. "Just kiss me." They were quick to lock their lips to hers, hands rounding her jaw. She kissed them back, holding the sides of her neck and pushed her tongue through. "Mmm. . ."

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