Chapter Seventy-Four: [Rebecca IV]

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    Rebecca waited for them, pacing back and forth as she rubbed her lips. A familiar black car drove into view after what felt like forever, pulling in right beside Damian's truck, shutting off.
    She looked out the window, seeing it as she stepped outside, holding her arms. Ollie got out, blinking away his tears again as he rushed over to her. She opened her arms, pulling him into a tight hug and held his head to her.
    "I'm here. . ."
    Milo and Maverick got out, standing near the other, before Maverick walked off and to Damian, the two walked a short distance away, talking. Milo watched them, leaning on the car with his hands folded in his pockets.
    Rebecca looked at Milo, motioning him over, while Ollie put his face into her, holding onto her tightly. He stared, walking over. She opened an arm for him. "Is everything okay?"
    He side-hugged her. "I'd say yes, but that'd. . . well. . ."
    She rubbed his back. "Can I know what happened?" Ollie shook his head, lip quivering.
    "I don't know if, Ollie wants to relive that. . ." He turned his attention to Maverick and Damian, before looking back at her.
    She blinked softly, looking down at Ollie before stroking his hair. "You don't have to, baby. . . It's alright. . ." Ollie bared his teeth, reaching to hold Milo's hand as he held his hand, lifting to kiss his palm, rubbing with just his thumb. She kissed Ollie's head, looking towards Maverick and Damian.
    The two just stood there talking, and Maverick turned as he reached for something beneath his coat, revealing it to Damian, but kept it out of sight from the others. She frowned a bit, taking the two boys inside.
    The two followed her shortly.
    Damian stood near the door, Maverick sitting at the other end of the bed. Rebecca sat Ollie down in a chair, tucking his hair back before going to the mini kitchen and started making tea. Ollie zoned out, eyes fixed onto the carpet. Milo sat on the ground beside him, then Maverick walked over and sat on the other side, resting his head on Ollie's knee. Ollie put his hands in their hair instinctively, still zoned out. The image wouldn't leave his head.
    She held the counter, watching the water as she bit at her lip. Both Maverick and Milo looked up at him, he then turned as he watched Damian walk over to Rebecca. Damian stood at her side, resting an arm at her back and rubbed her shoulder blade.
    She looked at him, whispered quietly. "I think I know what happened. . ."
    Damian looked at her, eyes wavering as he looked down. "Sorry. . ." She cupped his cheek, shaking her head before kissing his forehead softly. He closed his eyes softly, opening them to look at her. "I'm not surprised you're not. . . mad. . . but I really feel like you should. . ." He whispered.
    She examined his face, eyes searching as she shook her head again. "It had to be done. It was either that or I deal with him harassing me and/or Oliver and I wasn't about to risk that. I would have done the same thing." She started tearing up. "I just hope nothing will go wrong since, he. . . hit my belly. . ." She closed her eyes for a moment.
    Rebecca watched him look down at her belly, lifting a hand. He softly placed his palm to it, rubbing with his thumb before he curled his hand, stroking over her belly button with his index finger. "I hope nothing goes wrong too. . ."
    She sighed softly, resting her head onto his shoulder, watching the water again as he let his hand stay on her belly, looking at her watch the water.
    Damian looked down once more at his hand, face soft and saddened as his palm pressed, then lightened as he rubbed again before he pulled his hand off and set it on his hip.
    Rebecca turned a bit, grabbing three cups and started making the three boys tea as he stepped aside, turning his body to lean on the counter, looking over at Ollie. He noticed him looking, raising a brow. "Need somethin' boy?" He asked in a kind tone.
    Ollie swallowed, shaking his head before looking down and held his arm. Damian stared, pushing up and walked over. He extended a hand, ruffling his pale-blonde mess of hair, smiling soft. Ollie looked up at him, eyes a bit glossy, and Damian looked down at him too, eyes soft and fatherly, glossy as well.
    Rebecca's son examined his face before standing, and hugged him. She turned, holding the cups as her face softened. A gentle smile rested on her face as Damian stared, hands frozen. He didn't wait before wrapping them around him and squeezed, head resting on his head. "Oh, kid. . ." He muttered, blinking away those tears.
    Ollie buried his face into him, starting to cry as Maverick moved over to Milo, both watched with Rebecca. Rebecca set Ollie's cup down, walking over to the other two boys and gave them their tea. Damian watched Rebecca, looking away as he turned his head and rested his cheek on Ollie's hair, rubbing his back. Maverick took a cup, Milo doing the same.
    He squeezed the back of his shirt, trying to quiet his crying. Damian kissed his hair as he let him cry. Ollie moved a hand to wipe his face, exhaling shakily before letting out a quiet sob.
    Rebecca turned to Ollie and Damian, mainly looking at Damian, who looked down at him, moving a hand and brushed his hair out his face. "Little sheep. . ." He spoke soft, Ollis sniffed and looked up at him, eyes puffy from all the crying as his lip quivered softly. Rebecca couldn't help but smile, sitting on the bed. Damian wiped under his eyes. "I am, so sorry. . ." He whispered. "But I'm here. . . I'm here. . ."
    Ollie's eyes searched his face before moving to rest his head on his chest as he rested his hand on his face. "I won't. . ." He tried to find the words, but couldn't, staying quiet.
    Ollie whispered softly. "Just don't hurt my mom. . ." He asked, blinking.
    He looked down at him, blinking. "Oh. . . kid, I've known your mom longer then your dad, actually no, no we knew her both. . . anwyays; I didn't hurt your mom as teens, I haven't now and I never will, she means the world to me. . . and her son."
    Ollie looked up at him, blinking softly. Rebecca teared up, listening. He smiled softly. "Really?"
    "Well yes, I was as excited for you as I was for my own kids, well, a little more excited for Spark and Sadie." Damian smirked.
    Ollie kept smiling, wiping his tears. "Soooo. . ." he turned to Rebecca. "Are you two likkeeee. . . daaatinnnggg?"
    Damian looked to her. "Well, are we?" she nodded, smiling as she looked at Damian. Ollie between them, smiling more
    He smiled. "Hey, Ollie, can I tell you a secret?" He asked, Ollie looked at him, nodding. Damian stepped back and slammed in, looking at him with a grin, opening his mouth, and whispered something, though Rebecca knew it had to do something with the possible kid in her womb.
    He stared, slowly processing before tilting his head. "Spark is gonna be my brother? Y'all getting mArRiEd?"
    Damian stared, blinking. "Oh, that wasn't what I. . ." He looked at Rebecca for an answer. "Sadie, too, her and Spark are siblings."
    Milo and Maverick watched this, smiling. Rebecca chuckled, standing as she shook her head and walked over. She faced Ollie, smiling. "A younger sibling. . ."
    "Way younger." Damian added.
    The two watched Ollie. It then hit him as he gasped. His face lit up as he raised his hands a bit. "Shut the front door! Really?"
    "Now, we aren't sure just yet but yes." Rebecca grinned.
    "Haven't given the, babe, time to grow to be sure." He grinned as well.
    Ollie at the both of them. "Well. Well keep me updated!" She chuckled, kissing his cheek.
    "We will, we will." He did a scoffed smile, then his phone started buzzing, he grabbed it. "Speak of the devil, hey kid." He answered the phone, walking outside to talk to his eldest kid.
    Rebecca watched him before looking at Ollie and tucked his hair back. "I'll be staying with Damian." She nodded. "Annnnd. . . that means, I'm staying in Vegas." She held his cheek, her son inhaled softly and nodded.
    He walked back in. "Ol' lamb just wanted to check on me, said they're out and about shoppin'"
    She turned to him, smiling. "Not with Macy?" Ollie looked between the two.
    "Shopping for her, actually." he replied. "She's in the suite, probably sleeping, did say they had something to tell me if either I can drop by the hotel or head home."
    Rebecca nodded. "Well, why don't we stop by the suite and say hi to all the kids then, hm?" She smiled at them all.
    Maverick stood. "The casino's expecting us." He said with a cheeky smile.
    Ollie chuckled, looking back at them. "Do you want to join us?"
    She looked at Damian, tilting her head. "I haven't gone gambling in quite some time."
    He rose an eyebrow to her. "Didn't know you gambled, Blondie, did I rub off on youuu?"
    She raised an eyebrow, smirking. "Maybe."
    Damian scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Dirty." He taunted.
    She held Damian's hand. "We will meet you three at the suite then."
    Ollie smiled at then before kissing Rebecca's cheek. "See you soon." He smiled at Damian before following behind Milo. He smiled back, then reached and yanked Ollie back and planted a soft kiss to his hair.
    "Alright, now you can go." He said as Ollie blinked, looking at him before chuckling and ran out. He watched the three, then looked at Rebecca.
    She inhaled deeply, looking up at him. "We got time for a quickie?" She joked, laughing.
    He rolled his eyes. "You actually jokin' or offerin'?"
    She tilted her head, smirking, and he smirked as well. "Maybe offering, maybe joking, who knowss."
    "Oh bless me." He scoffed, chuckling as she wrapped her arms around his neck, chucking too. Damian slipped a hand around her lower back.
    She reached and kissed his cheek before whispering. "Your choice. . ."
    "Can't keep the kids waiting, can we?"
    "Mmmm, it'll take me a minute to get readyy and then to get thereee. Sooo. . . they'll have to wait." He smirked, walking away and shut the door. She watched him, already taking off her shirt. Damian turned back to her, already doing the same the minute he locked that door.

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