Chapter Fifty-Seven: [Oliver XIII]

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    Cassidy walked with Maria linked around her arm, Macy walked, thinking of what to eat. Ollie had his hands in his pockets, walking behind her a bit. Maverick and Milo walked near Olly, sort of behind him. Spark walked beside Macy, Sadie right at their side, mirroring their walking to the point the two were moving in unison.
    Macy moved to hold Spark's hand as they pull her closer. "I have a feeling I should've brought Bandit."
    "It'll be okay." She looked up at them. "You let me know if you feel off and we'll walk somewhere to calm you down, okay?" They nod as she kissed their hand, smiling softly.
    Sunny walked to Macy's side. Cassidy clicked the down button, once she and Maria reached the elevators, looking at the others. Spark then stopped the doors from closing fully and left quickly. They came back a while later with Bandit in her vest.
    "Need her, sorry." They said, pushing the button.
    Ollie watched Macy, suddenly thinking as he rested his hand on her back and leaned down a little. "How you feeling?"
    Macy looked up at him. "I'm, doing good." She smiled.
    Ollie grinned. "Good," he rubbed her back, standing up right.
    Spark glanced at Ollie, ears twitching like an annoyed dog. Cassidy stepped into the elevator. "Hurry up Snails!"
    Macy laughed. "I don't wanna break my ankle!" Maria stood in the door, laughing.
    Cassidy watched as everyone stepped in, Spark at Macy's side. Maria, Maverick, and Milo stepped in last as Maria pressed the number one button, the doors closed not long after and began it's descend. Both Sadie and Ollie eyed the numbers, he watched leaned on the wall, and she watched from the corner of her eyes.
    Gradually the numbers lowered until reaching number one and stopped, the doors opened as Cassidy and Maria stepped out. Macy and the group stepped out as the doors closed behind them.
    Maria looked at them. Macy was laughing and talking to Ollie about dogs randomly, he chuckled, nodding along. Spark was stuck to her side, Bandit sitting at their side, watching Cassidy and Maria as the group headed outside for the limo.
    Macy watched her step. "Hey, what does this place even have to eat?"
    "I can check?" Ollie pulled out his phone.
    "Cocktails, liquor, good food, nothin' to worry about hon." Cassidy replied.
    Ollie put his phone away. Noted.
    Maria walked out as they neared the limo, a man stood beside a door and opened it, she thanked him as her and Cassidy got in. The group and Bandit got in after her, Ollie waiting for the girls before getting in after. Maverick and Milo were the last to get in, shutting the door as they all buckled.
    "Where to Ms. Blackwell?" The driver asked.
    "Mandalay Bay Restaurant." Maria answered, smiling. The driver nodded as he started to drive. Spark closed their eyes and enjoyed the breeze, aggressive breeze.
    Ollie held his hair down. "Good grief," he laughed.
    Maverick snorted. "Maria this was a bad idea."
    "Too late to turn back now."
    Cassidy placed her jacket on both Olly and Macy's heads, laughing soft. Ollie laughed, holding the jacket. "This is gonna blow away!"
    "Then hold onto it!" Cassidy laughed, Macy also held onto the jacket, leaning her head back while laughing. Sadie smiled, giggling.
    "Do we have reservations yet?" Ollie asked.
    "I made one, yes." Maria replied as Ollie nodded. It was a while of driving, before the driver slowed in a parking garage near the restaurant.
    Macy stared around. "Woah,"
    The doors unlocked as the others began to get out. Spark stood near the door for Macy, looking at her as she moved, getting out.
    "It's just up ahead." Maria informed.
    "You guys be safe now! Have a nice night!" The driver spoke, before driving a little and parked in a spot. Maria walked, leading the way with a smile. Ollie held Milo's arm and Maverick's hand, looking around, Maverick smiled, looking at him. Ollie turned, looking at him with a smile.
    "You look like a kid at christmas Mouse." Spark smiled, looking at her stare around in awe.
    "Well I would imagine! Look at this place! God my mother would just, eat this place up!" Her eyes were huge and bright, scanning everything around her. Cassidy walked ahead and opened the door to the restaurant.
    Maria thanked her with a cheek kiss, walking in and waited for the others.
    Macy walked in a little after her, staring around. "Holy shit. . ." She whispered.
    Ollie stepped in slowly. "It's huge. . ."
    "Gosh it's like seeing it for the first time again." Maverick smiled.
    "Hello? Do you have a reservation?" The woman at the front asked. Maria nodded. "Name?"
  "Maria Blackwell, party of nine." She walked up, the woman checked, and checked, then looked up.
    "I apologize. I'm not, seeing your name. Is it under a different name?"
    Macy made a face. "Whaatttt?"
    "What? No, no it's under Maria Blackwell, I —" She sighed.
    Ollie blinked a few times. "Are you sure? Because I know Maverick didn't make one?"
    "Yes," she turned. "I made one, I called, I made sure I don't know why it's, not, there. . ."
    Ollie rubbed his cheek. "What the hell." The group was as confused as Maria.
    "I apologize for wasting your time ma'am, we can just —"
    "No wait." The woman spoke, Maria turned. "I have a reservation listed; Party of ten, under the name Mrs. Rebecca Simmons: Did you nine perhaps get with her?" The woman looked up.
    Cassidy stared, eyes widen as she looked at Ollie. Ollie's face dropped as he stepped forward. "Hold on, can you repeat that?"
    "Mrs. Rebecca Simmons, it says so here." She turned the book around, pointing.
    Ollie blinked a few times, staring down at it. "That's my mother." he muttered before looking around. "Yeah, that's — yeah."
    Macy chuckled. "So much is happening right now."
    The woman looked at them all. "Are you with Mrs. Simmons?" she asked.
    "I didn't even know she was here. Yes, we're with her." He turned to the woman.
    "I assume so." Maria spoke.
    The woman nodded, grabbing nine menus. "If you'd kindly follow me." The woman walked them to Rebecca's booth as Ollie fiddled with his hands, palms starting to sweat. Macy held Spark's hand, looking around, Spark squeezed her hand.
    Rebecca sat at the table, arm on the headrest with her legs crossed as she sipped her glass of wine. The woman walked into view, setting down the nine menus. "Enjoy your time, a waiter will be out shortly." She smiled and left.
    Maverick looked at Ollie's mother, licking his lips nervously. Milo squeezed his hands as he squeezed his back.
    Rebecca looked at Ollie, eyes wide as she moved forward and about choked on her wine. She grabbed a napkin, dabbing her lips. "Oh my gosh. . ."
    Ollie stared at her, swallowing. Rebecca got up quickly, walking over as she hugged him tightly, Ollie grinned, hugging her back just as tight.
    Macy felt awkward as she scratched her neck. Cassidy watched, her girls sort of. . . tucked close to her.
    "Hey baby. . ." She whispered, kissing his cheek
    "Hi mom," his voice shook as he moved to look at her.
    Rebecca cupped his face, grinning before looking at the others. "Oh don't be shy, come sit." She chuckled, moving out of the way with Ollie.
    Macy, without hesitation, did as Spark sat beside her, Bandit tucked close to them. Cassidy sat down, her four sitting directly beside her as she looked at Maverick and Milo, who sat beside Spark.
    Rebecca grinned at them all, holding Ollie's arm. "Now I know you." She scrunched her nose while grinning, looking at Cassidy as she pointed a bit. Cassidy nodded, smiling and gave a little wave.
    Rebecca looked at Maverick and Maria as she gasped softly. "Could it be?"
    Ollie smiled softly. "Mom, this is Maverick and Milo, my boyfriends I was talking about." Maverick gave a little wave, trying to give his best smile but nervousness burned off him. Milo really didn't, do anything, just gave the tiniest wave and stared at his feet.
    Rebecca reached for their hands. "I'm Rebecca." she nodded. "Please, call me mom." She kept her grin. Maverick took her hand, doing it for mostly Milo who was stuck in "I'm staring at the floor in panic" mode as Ollie then introduced the rest of them.
    Rebecca then sat next to Sunny. Ollie sat next to Milo, looking at her. "Thought you said you were in Florida?" Sunny looked at her.
    "Surpriseeee," she chuckled.
    Ollie smiled, shaking his head then looked around. "Dad here too or?" Spark slowly pulled Macy closer, hand around her waist. Macy made an awkward smile.
    "Oh hell no." She scoffed. "Left his ass in Boston." She looked at Maria and Maverick, "I knew that last name was awfully familiar." Ollie blinked.
    The twins look up at her, both wearing that wide-eyed curious look. Rebecca pointed at them. "I went to school with your mother."
    Ollie went wide eyed. "EH?!"
    They looked at each other, looking back at her. "Huh?!"
    "Miss Juno Judith Blackwell." She smiled, grabbing her glass and took a sip. "No, Mrs. now, I remember when you were witttlleeee." Ollie was in too much shock to even say anything. Spark watched her, hand tightening. Macy rubbed their knee, looking at them. Spark look back at her.
    "I have a vague memory of you. . ." Maria spoke up.
    "Rightfully so, we stopped talking once I married Martin. Went separate ways when you were both around two."
    "What. . . a coincidence," Ollie replied. His mother then grabbed his hand, squeezing a bit. "You have a bunch of beautiful friends. Ugh, so glad you left when you did, Honeycomb."
    "Yeah, not here, 'kay?" He smiled softly, nodding.
    Rebecca closed her eyes. "Yes, right sorry I'm just so, happy to see you. . ."
    Ollie rubbed Milo's knee, nodding as he kept his tears down with a smile. "Yeah well it's been, three-four years?" He tilted his head.
    Rebecca nodded. "Something like that, yes."
    Ollie smiled softly, looking down at the menu as he slowly moved his hand and inhaled. "This drink menu looks amazing."
    "Mhm," Spark finally spoke, and it was to reply to Ollie. "It does."
    Rebecca chuckled. "Forgot you're old enough to drink now. Well, you should try this." She pointed to the TKeto drink. It consisted of vodka, elderflower, blackberry, cucumber, lemon juice, lime Juice, and sparkling water.
    Ollie tilted his head. "Hm." It sounds interesting.
    Macy turned, chuckling. "Ollie cannot hold his liquor, trust me."
    Ollie turned, making a face as he blinked. "Thanks."
    Maverick chuckled. "I can agree to that."
    Macy grinned at him as Ollie looked at Maverick. "Really?" Milo leaned on Maverick, still holding his hand. Maverick only smiled, crinkling his nose before looking back at the menu.
    Ollie rubbed Milo's knee, looking down at the menu. "I'll just have a drink then since y'all are being mEaN!"
    "Oh you love me be —" Maverick cut himself off.
    Rebecca looked at Cassidy. "He's not just going to have one is he?"
    "Ollie?" Cassidy asked
    "Yes," she chuckled.
    Ollie looked at her with a disappointed look. "I am right here."
    "Mean I could share my blackberry lavender lemonade with him." Cassidy offered.
    "Good idea," Rebecca nodded, grinning.
    I'm not five!
    Cassidy looked at him, mouthing "I'll get you your own" as Ollie raised an eyebrow to her, flipping the menu and looked at the food.
    Rebecca's phone started ringing as she grabbed it and looked down at the contact. "Ah shit. One moment." She looked up at him then walked off to the side and took the call Ollie's small smile faded as he watched her then looked at the menu.
    "Sorry I didn't say anything Ollie. . ." Milo spoke.
    Ollie turned to him, grabbing his hand. "It's okay," he smiled. "I wasn't expecting her to be here at all either. She may see a little, much right now but. . . that's just because she's away from my dad. . ." Milo looked at him. "So don't worry." He whispered, reaching and kissed his cheek.
    "I'm right here you rats." Maverick whispered, smiling.
    Ollie looked at Maverick. "I was comforting him."
    Macy leaned, looking at Ollie. "You and your mom look like literal twins! She's gorgeous!"
    Ollie looked at her, chuckling. "Thank you."
    "I agree." Sadie replied.
    Ollie looked at Sadie, chuckling some more. "With her being a producer she's always gotta look her best for, some reason." Sadie stared at him. "Even at night, looks like she's from one of those perfume commercial, huh Cass?! That one time when you stayed over after my birthday and she came out in this long ass nightgown and robe with hella fluff on it?"
   "Oh dear god. . ." Cassidy snickered.
    Macy giggled. "Love that,"
    "Can't believe I missed that." Sadie muttered, but not low enough as Cassidy turned her head. Her eyes widened as she looked away. "Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry."
    Ollie stared at Sadie. "WHAT."
    "Nothing!" She whispered, hiding her face in the menu.
    "Are you hitting on my mother?" He made a betrayed face.
    "NO. . . maybe. . ." She whispered the last part.
    Oh good god. He face palmed, Cassidy sighed and Macy laughed.
    Rebecca came back, looking slightly irritated before putting a smile on her face. "Well, are we ready for food?" She sat back down.
    Just then, the waiter came around. "Apologies for the wait, can I get you folks started with drinks?"
    "I'll take a blackberry lavender lemonade." Cassidy smiled.
    Ollie looked up, leaning back in his seat. "Oh uhmmm. . ." he thought about it.
    Macy looked at the waiter, smiling. "I'll just have a water please."
    "Oo, I'll take a Eden's Orange please." Sadie spoke up.
    "'Nother refill on the wine, darling." Rebecca said.
    "I would like a Passion Fruit Smash." Sunny ssid with a smile.
    Ollie watched around, waiting as he listened. Maverick ordered a Hail Rosemary, Maria a Desert Heat, and Milo and Spark both ordered waters same as Macy's.
    The waiter nodded as he wrote down all their drinks, smiling. "I'll be back with those shortly."
    Ollie looked back down at the menu, inhaling. Rebecca's noticed, asking. "You want anything?"
    He shook his head. "Nah I'm good for now thanks." Maverick glanced at Ollie, rubbing his knee as he looked at the menu.
    Rebecca squinted a bit before looking up at the waiter and nodded with a smile. "Yeah thanks," the waiter then walked off.
    Ollie looked at all the food, putting his hands in his lap and messed with his sleeve. "The sliders look good."
    "They sure do!" Macy agreed.
    "That what you want hon?" Spark looked at her with a soft smile. "They do look really good."
    "I think I'll go with that!"
     Ollie bit the inside of his cheek, not sure what to eat.
    "Goin' with my favorite; lobster rollll." Maverick chuckled.
    "Ooo that actually does sound good." Rebecca tapped her chin.
    "Lue's Hot Wings are so good too!" Sadie commented.
    "Spicy Cigars are deLICIOUS." Maria giggled.
    Rebecca looked at Ollie. "Anything hon?"
    "It all looks good. Not sure what to get." Ollie smiled, shaking his head.
    "You might like the steak tartare, it's just a filet with parmesan and herb aoili." Maverick commented, looking at him.
    He looked at him and nodded. "I'll try that then."
    "What are you getting Milo?" Sunny asked.
    "The polepetta sounds good, I think I'll get that." Milo replied.
    "I am going with the Ceviche." Spark said.
    "I've changed my mind, that Seasonal Salad looks very yummy." Macy gasped, pointing. "Oh my god, I need this! The Crème Brûlée!"
    They look at her. "Alright,"
    The waiter came by with their drinks, setting their respective drinks down. "Here you go, and are we ready to order?"
    Ollie nodded, looking at Maverick again. Maverick looked at him. "You want me to order for you?" Ollie nodded, Maverick nodded back.
    "Yes," Cassidy looked to the girls. "You can order first hon." she nodded to Sunny.
    Sunny smiled. "I'll take the Calabrese Flatbread."
    "I'll take the Lue's Hot Wings." Sadie spoke. Rebecca smiled softly, hands folded onto the table while she watched them order.
    "I'll take the Tartare Flambee and Maria," Cassidy touched her shoulder, "will take the Spicy Cigars." Rebecca's smile grew.
    "I have the Ceviche, do you want me to order for you aa well?" Spark looked to Macy.
    Macy shook her head, looking at the waiter. "Seasonal salad and the Crème Brûlèe."
    The waiter nodded. "And you four?" He motioned to Rebecca, Maverick, Milo, and Ollie,
    "I'll take the Polepatta, please." Milo replied.
    "I will get the Lobster Roll, and he," Maverick motioned to Ollie, "will have the Steak Tartare."
    "Tarte Flambée." Rebecca smiled up at the waiter. "And can we get a plate of sliders? Oh and something dog-friendly, if you have it?"
    The waiter nodded. "Alright! Well I will get these to the chef and I will have these out for you in time." He smiled and walked away.
    "Thank you,"
    Cassidy took a sip of her cocktail, smiling. "Olls, want some?" He looked at it, shaking his head with a chuckle. "Your loss kid." She shrugged.
    Rebecca looked at him, examining his face before holding her hand a but. "I'll be right back." She grinned, standing and shimmied out of the booth with Maverick, Milo, Spark, Macy, and Ollie, adjusting her pants before walking off. Ollie watched her, blinking a few times then everyone slinked back into the booth. Sadie glanced, looking back at her drink and sipped some more and watched as Rebecca walked towards the bar, adjusted her suit jacket and leaned on the counter, waiting.
    Macy blinked at Sadie. "Bro."
    "Mm?" She looked over at Macy, who couldn't help but laugh, shaking her head.
    Sadie watched her, then turned her attention to Sunny as she was talking about something, listening.
    Macy looked at Spark, getting an off feeling as she tapped them, they looked at her. "Yes mouse?"
    "I just. . . had this odd, feeling. But I don't know what it is."
    Spark stared at her. "Do, we need to step outside?" She nodded as they got up. Macy got up as well, fixing her dress as they lightly nudge her, she started walking. Cassidy glanced at the two, then looked at Ollie, he was watching them, rubbing his neck.
    Cassidy looked worried and concerned, but went back to her drink. Ollie sucked his tooth, tapping the table a bit. "Why don't we go dancing after this?" He turned and looked at the group.
    "Yes!" Sunny smiled as Rebecca again got everyone up and lot of the booth and sat back down, the tokers sitting beside her. She slid the drink to Ollie and leaned back in her seat, twirling the drink.
    Ollie looked at her, blinking a few times before taking the drink. "Thanks," she smiled, nodding as she looked around at them all.
    Milo noticed they were two short, eyebrows furrowing. "Did Spark and Macy go to the bathroom?"
    Rebecca tilted her head. "Nnnooo I watched them walk towards the doors?"
    "The, door?" Cassidy questioned.
    Ollie took a sip of his drink. "Outside?"
    Rebecca nodded. "Yeah, that." Sunny and Sadie looked at each other, before looking back.
    Ollie made a face, looking confused. "They just, left?"
    "Oh well. I don't know if they exactly left but —"
    "Huh. . ."

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