Chapter Seventy-Seven: [Oliver XVIII]

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    Maverick looked at Ollie and Cassidy walking into view, then at his vibrating pocket, pulling out his phone, on speaker.
    "Yes Ms. Tillie?"
    Ollie looked at Maverick, blinking softly as he tilted his head. "Wait how did. . ." His voice trailed out.
    "Hi hon, what Casino is it again?"
    "Oh! It's 'Blackjacks and Blackcats: Blackwell Casino'" He answered. "But just putting in Blackjacks and Blackcats will give you the directions." Milo listened.
    "Okay thanks! You boys ready?"
    "Yep! We all are, well, all except Spark and Macy, got a couple of no-shows."
    "Oh? Are they okay?"
    He glanced at the others. "Uhh, I have no clue, Ms. Tillie."
    "I'll have Damian call Spark then, alright well we'll see you over there — Can the other boys hear me?"
    "Yes ma'am." Maverick replied and walked over. Ollie looked up at him, walking with Milo.
    "How are you boys?"
    Ollie smiled a bit. "I'm fine now, mama."
    "Doin' fine ma'am." Milo said.
    "Good, tonight just stay busy, okay? I love you threeeee!"
    Maverick smiled. "Love you toooo,"
    "Love youuuuu,"
    Ollie chuckled. "I love you too, mom,"
    Maria looked over, her and Sunny leaning on Sadie. "Can we go nowwww? Pleaseeee??"
    "I wanna get drunkkkk." Sadie complained, Sunny agreeing.
    Ollie looked over smiling. "Me too girl so LeTs go." He laughed, already jogging out the door.
    Rebecca chuckled through the phone. "Alright, meet you there"
    "Olls," Maverick chuckled, saying bye and hung up, sliding his phone back in his pocket. "Ollie wait," Ollie waited in the hallway when Maverick reached and pulled him back in.
    "Olls you can't waltz in my casino without this," he reached and slipped a lanyard around his neck. The lanyard was black, with a gold-and-black card dangling that read
    "Blackwell Vip Exclusive."
    Ollie raised an eyebrow. "Oooo fancyyy~"
    "My family only does vip clubs and casinos. Maria actually has a club that's in her name, this casino is mine and mine only." He smiled.
    "Don't forget the strip club we co-own." Maria added.
    "Oh, yes! Yes can't forget that!" The siblings smile and giggle.
    "Strip club you say, hm?" Ollie smirked, keeping his eyebrows raised.
    Maverick looked at him. "You said you wanted to be a stripper, dear." He grinned.
    "I sure did." Ollie agreed.
    Cassidy walked off, coming back with six other passes exactly like the one Ollie wore, handing them out to the others before slipping hers around her neck. Ollie grinned, starting to walk again as Maverick followed him, and the others did the same, Cassidy the last to leave, shutting the door. He looked at the others, smiling.
    Milo was sexy, wearing a full black suit and dress shoes. Sadie matched Cassidy in a satin-silk gold "Steph's Design Hestia" dress, and gold heels.
    Maria wore a black silk dress with a chiffon overdress beneath a black corset with gold accents, black wedges.
    Sunny dressed in a white crop top with a brown floral mini skirt and a chain accessory dangling around her waist and down her left thigh, an array of necklaces on her neck, and a thin fluffy shawl-like cardigan with white wedges.
    Ollie jogged towards the elevator. "Someone's excited!" Maverick called, laughing as he jogged after him. "Wait up won't you?" He grinned, shaking his head as Maverick chased after him, scooping him up. Ollie screeched before laughing, holding onto him. "Gotcha!" Maverick said as Ollie leaned his head back, laughing. Sunny scoffed, smirking as she pressed the button.
    The elevator doors open after a little of waiting as the girls walk in, Milo dragging Maverick and Ollie in by their collars.
    Ollie followed along, grinning as he bit his lip a bit. He started feeling the couple of drinks he already had and leaned into Milo, who rested an arm around him, rubbing with his thumb. Ollie smiled up at Milo, kissing his chin as he smiled, looking at him. Ollie turned a light red, blushing a bit as he grinned more. Maverick eyed them, slipping a hand around Ollie's waist.
    Ollie looked at Maverick, biting his lip a bit. "Hiiiii." He said in an almost tipsy voice, chuckling.
    He rose a brow. "Pre-game's hittin', aye?"
    "Yeah, it is," he snorted. "Just you wait until I get my little fingers on a bottle,"
    Maverick smirked. "I got a different idea you can do tonight."
    "Oooo do you now."
    "Mhmmm. It involves you being sober, but you'll love it."
    The elevator door opened as the group walked out. Ollie walked out. "Ugh, I have to be soberrrr? Fine, I'll drinkkkk after then." He grinned.
    "It'll be worth it, honey don't worry." Maverick replied.
    "Alrightttt I trust ya."
    A familiar face walked in, smiling. Ollie looked over, blinking as he grinned. "Oh heeeyyy!" He pointed, moving from Maverick and jogged over.
    "Oh dear." Damian stared, opening his arms as he headed over. "You tipsy already kid?"
    Ollie hugged him. "Mmaaybbe, a little." Damian kissed his hair, hugging back as Ollie closed his eyes. "My mom in the truck?"
    "Yep, chillin' in the front seat like a princess."
    "As she should." He chuckled, moving as he looked up at him. "Are you taking us to the casino?"
    "Yep," he looked at him, smiling that same fatherly smile.
    Ollie examined his face, smiling as he nodded. "Okay let's go!" He jogged off.
    Damian laughed a little, pulling Maverick in and ruffled his locs, hearing him laugh.
    "Uncle!" Maverick complained.
    "Just cuz' you're taller then me doesn't mean you're immune to this, kid!" He chuckled.
    The group followed Ollie, Damian speeding up to get in his truck as Rebecca watched them all, grinning. Maverick held the door open as the girls climbed in, but Milo climbed into the bed of the truck, offering a hand to Ollie.
    He smiled, taking it. "Why thank you."
    Milo flexed as pulled him up. "For being lightweight you sure can be a struggle to pull up." Ollie bit his lip, looking at his muscles as he got in, giggling. Milo pulled him into his lap with his flexed arm. "Eyeing my muscle."
    Ollie leaned against him, looking back at him with a smirk. "Absolutely," Maverick closed the door then hoisted himself up and in.
    Rebecca looked back at them all. "We all good?
    "We all buckled?" Damian added, looking back as well.
    Ollie nodded, yelling. "Yeah!"
    Damian then began driving. Ollie held his arms. He wiggled his feet as Milo spread his legs a little to trap Ollie's legs, lifting his feet to touch his.
    Ollie looked down at their feet, smiling as he turned to look at him, who glanced at him, smirking.
    "So, Maverickkkkkk, what is this thing you have for me hm? Annndddd how soon can I get it?"
    "A little after we get to the casino, need to get it set up." He grinned he looked at him, just smirking away, HOPING there'd be some bump in the road.
    "Ahhh okay." He grinned, wiggling his feet again, well attempted too. Milo looked at Ollie's wiggling feet, resting his head on his shoulder, scrolling through Instagram on his phone.
    Maverick leaned in, leaning on Milo. Ollie leaned his head against Milo's, watching his phone as Milo hummed, opening the camera. He smooched his cheek as Ollie took a picture, chomping on his cheek. Maverick didn't take long to do the same thing, both munching on Ollie's squishy face with smiles. Ollie laughed, grinning with his eyes closed.
    Damian followed the gps, keeping the very loud music low so it didn't blow anyone's ears out.
    Ollie went back to watching Milo's phone as Damian turned a corner onto the Vegas Strip, Ollie looked around with an awed smile.

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