Chapter Seven: [Maverick III]

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    Maverick felt his phone buzzing. He picked it up. "Yeah?"
    "We're outside, get your boys and come on!"
    "They're not my boys, only one of them. I'll see you out there, byeee." He hung up. "You good Olls?" He looked at him.
    "Yes!" Ollie grinned, getting up.
    Milo stood, heading for the door, and opened it. "Y'all got your dorm keys?" Ollie held them up, heading for the door. Maverick did the same, following behind Olly. Maverick walked through the hall, occasionally looking out the windows. Ollie walked beside him, skipping a bit.
    Milo walked beside them, looking over. "I can tell you're both excited."
    "'course I am. I haven't seen them since high school," Maverick answered.
    "I haven't seen Cass in a while!" Olly spoke.
    "Haven't seen Spark in a while specifically, I wonder if they got their service dog, you think so?" He looked at Ollie.
    "They're getting a service dog?"
    "Yeah!" Ollie smiled at Maverick. Maverick smiled back at him. The three walked into the parking lot, and Cassidy saw them.
    "There's my boys!"
    "Oh! To answer your question, Milo, yes Spark is getting a service dog."
    "Really?!" Ollie spoke, Maverick nodded at him with a kind smile.
    Maverick smiled at Cassidy as well. "Love to reconnect, but Spark and the girls are waiting at the lake! Come on!" She urged. Maverick slid into the passenger seat, bucking. Cassidy got into the front, Milo and Ollie seated in the back. She started the car, left the parking lot, and headed for the lake.
    She finally reached the spot after an hour, or three, putting the van in the park before she got out. Cassidy got out, opening the back as she reattached fairy lights to her doors and trees. There was a small hang-out spot at the lake, and the girls and Spark were there. Spark greeted them.
    Ollie looked around, his eyes lighting up. "Oh my god. . ."
    Maverick climbed out. "And you've never taken us here before why?" he looked to Cassidy. Milo looked around, equally as in awe as Ollie.
    "Just found this so," she looked over, Maverick narrowed his eyes.
    "Mav!" was all Maverick heard before a blur of brown hair barreled into him, falling against the side of the van with a grunt. Spark bear-hugged him, clinging like a koala. Milo looked over, hearing the thump. Ollie got out, going wide-eyed.
    Maverick huffed, pushing up from the van and gaining his footing before he put his arms around his friend. "I missed you too bud, I missed you too. . . but you didn't need to make me fall." Spark then climbed off Maverick, looking to Ollie with a smile, and walked over, arms outstretched.
    "Want a hug?" they asked.
    Ollie smiled, walking over and hugged them. "Hi, Spark."
    Spark returned the hug, moving their head. "Hello," they squeaked, showing that happy Spark smile. They didn't seem to acknowledge Milo as much, only giving a wave and a smile, before jogging back to the others at the lake.
    Ollie grabbed Maverick's hand, walking towards the area as he looked around. "It's so cute,"
    "It is, this would be a great spot to take you for a date." He admired everything. "You two coming?" He called to Cassidy and Milo, who followed behind them. Sadie, Maria, and Sunny were there.
    Maria stood, went to Maverick, and hugged him. "Haven't seen you in forever,"
    "Well yeah, someone didn't follow after their big brother and go to the same college," he answered, Maria rolled her eyes.
    Sadie stood, lifting her hand as she and Maverick locked hands and bumped shoulders. "How's my right-hand man?"
    "Doing good, how's my right-hand gal?"
    "Fine as can be," Sadie replied, both laughed. Sunny smiled and waved at Maverick, he waved back.
    "Alright, well. Now that Cassidy's back I'm gonna go in the van," Maria spoke up, leaving without letting the group get a word in. Sadie and Sunny looked over.
    Ollie let go of Maverick and decided to sprint towards the water.
    "Olls?!" he watched as Ollie grinned, running onto the dock.
    "WOOHOOOO!!" He dove in. Maverick sighed, discarding his socks and clothes, down in his boxers and followed after Ollie, and jumped in. He surfaced with a gasp, still grinning as he laughed.
    Maverick surfaced not long after, looking at Ollie, who smiled at him. "You look disappointed," Ollie said.
    "Because you jumped in fully clothed, and we don't have a change of clothes," he replied.
    "So?" Ollie tilted his head before swimming away from him. "Not gonna go naked!" Milo sat on the dock, watching them. Ollie looked over at Milo, making a devilish grin "Too cold for you?" He splashed towards him.
    "You three aren't getting in my seats wet!" Cassidy yelled.
    Milo looked at Ollie, pulling his legs in, and stood. He took off his shirt, tossing it onto the dock behind, he gradually began to undress. Maverick was behind Ollie, about to pounce at him when he too stared.
    Milo revealed his tattoos and sleeve before turning, back to them showing that twisted spine tattoo, two large tigers stretching over both shoulders and down his back, tails coiling down his spine, and fell back into the water, back curling as he went under head first.
    Ollie swallowed, blinking a few times. "Woah," he whispered quietly. Maverick looked at Ollie before he resumed what he was going to do, pulling him in once more and falling back into the water. Ollie screeched, falling back with him. Milo surfaced, looking over, he laughed loudly.
    Ollie surfaced, gasping as he turned. "MAVERICK!"
    Maverick tugged at him underneath the water, before surfacing and chuckling. "What?? I can't have fun?" Ollie splashed him before going under and swam off. Maverick scoffed, swimming towards the dock, and pulled himself up, sitting. "Olls?" He looked around, looking at Milo in confusion. "Ollie? Dude, you gotta surface at some point."
    "I didn't even notice he went under," Milo commented.
    Maverick swam out farther from the dock. "Ollliieeee!" He called, looking around. He noticed Cassidy get up. "Ollje come on babe, you're starting to worry me. . ."
    "Where in god's name even is this idiot," Milo mumbled.
    Maverick looked around again, now hoping something would at least brush his legs. "Ollie!" He called aloud. "Babe you're scaring me, surface please!" He begged.
    Ollie was way out there, gasping for air as he coughed and flipped his air out of his face.
    Maverick spun around, staring with a relieved but angered expression. "Ollie!"
    Ollie turned and waved. "Hi babe! You see how far I got?!"
    "I thought," he huffed and swam over, Ollie swam towards him. He slowed halfway, looking at him. Ollie wiped the water out of his face, slowing down as he grinned at him.
    Maverick looked at him, not returning the grin. "We thought you drowned! I thought you drowned. Didn't you hear us calling you?!"
    Ollie blinked a few times, immediately dropping his smile. "I'm — no I. . ." he shook his head.
    "You can't just, go under like that! I-I was scared that you were, like," he cut himself off, huffing. "I thought I was going to lose you. . ."
    "Shit. I'm sorry, I thought you saw me go under."
    "I did, but when you didn't surface I got worried."
    Ollie frowned softly.  "Well, I'm sorry,"
    "Don't do it again."
    His face softened. "Okay," Maverick turned and swam towards the others. Ollie watched him, now quiet.
    Milo watched them. "Is he okay?" he asked Maverick.
    "He's fine." He finally spoke. "He just wanted to see how far out he could go and didn't hear us."
    "Oh," Milo replied.
    Ollie walked up the shore, wringing out his shirt, and walked towards the van. Maverick watched him, before looking back at the lake. He got up, grabbed his clothes, and headed for the van.
    Ollie then took off his pants, laying them down too. Maverick was near, ringing out his clothes and hanging them over Cassidy's van doors, cursing himself for at least not bringing something to dry off with. Ollie glanced at him, frowning before turning and rubbed his arm.
    Maverick didn't say anything except cursing himself under his breath, huffing. He finally spoke up. "Ollie,"
    Ollie stayed turned, pretending to be doing something. "Hm?"
    Maverick licked his lips. "I'm, sorry. . . for my reaction."
    Ollie shrugged. "It was valid."
    Maverick looked up, looking down. "I really did think I was going to lose you. . ." He spoke low, almost in a broken whisper.
    Ollie blinked a few times before looking down. "I said I was sorry. . ."
    "I-I understand that. . . but please don't be upset with me, please."
    "Why would I be upset? I'm not upset,"
    "Olls I can practically see you through the van walls."
    "I'm not upset," he chuckled lightly. "I don't have a reason to be upset."
    Maverick stood, making his way to the other side of the van. Ollie kicked at a rock, keeping his head down as Maverick looked at him. "Then why are you kicking a rock."
    "'cause I wanted to," Ollie responded, Maverick raised his eyebrows, he was still upset at the experience, but he pushed it down. He opened his arms. Ollie glanced up before slowly moving into his arms. Maverick pulled him in, holding him tightly, and put his head on his shoulder. His hands curl, squeezing.
    Ollie leaned into him, closing his eyes as he whispered. "I'm sorry. . ."
    "I forgive you, baby I forgive you. . ." He whispered, Ollie hugged him back. He looked at the ground, moving his head, and softly kissed his cheek, Ollie smiled softly, looking up at him. Maverick looked down at him, moving his hands and cupping his face. Ollie went on his tiptoes, kissing him softly.
    Maverick leaned down a little, kissing him back. Ollie held his arms, kissing him slowly. Maverick breathed through his nose, leaning down to pick him up.
    Ollie wrapped his arms around his neck, deepening the kiss as Maverick groaned, tightening his hold on Ollie's legs. Ollie curled his tongue with Maverick's, humming quietly, Maverick pushed his face closer, nails digging into his legs. Ollie exhaled through his nose, leaning into him more.
    Maverick moved his head, looking at him. He smiled sly, eyeing his already-covered neck from the day before. Ollie looked at him, tilting his head with a smirk.
    "I'd put us in the van but I don't think Cass would appreciate that." He whispered, chuckling.
    Ollie whispered. "I don't think so either,"
    "Bummer." Maverick watched him trail his finger down his chest.
    "It's not stopping me from giving you. . . something special,"
    "They're gonna wonder Olls. . ." He spoke, but he didn't look like he wanted to stop either
    "So?" Ollie kissed his neck gently.
    Maverick breathed. "Oh fuck you," he huffed out, ears burning as Ollie held his cheek, sucking on one spot, Maverick whined as Ollie hummed quietly, moving to another spot. "Fuck. They're gonna wonder Ollie. . ." He panted, his legs shaking as he went to his knees and moved against the van.
    Ollie spoke against his skin. "It's alright." He held his hair, moving again
    Maverick leaned his head against the van, pushing him down onto his legs. He bit his lip, eyes squeezing. Ollie kissed under his jawline, sliding his hand down, and gently cupped him. Maverick moaned, biting his tongue hard and squeezed his legs, groaning. His body flushed hot as Ollie gently squeezed, kissing all over him, whimpering a soft cry, breathing heavily.
    "Let me give you something special please,"
    Ollie shook his head. "You first," he smirked up at him, slowly moving his boxers down and wrapping his hand around it.
    Maverick looked at him, whimpering loudly. "Ollie!" he moaned, doing his best to keep quiet, the fear of being caught rushing through his veins, huffing.
    Ollie covered his mouth, going down on it slowly as he hummed. Maverick jumped, opening his mouth to gasp. "Oh, baby! Oh, fuck. . ." Ollie looked up at him, trying to keep him quiet as he continued.
    Maverick whispered Ollie's name like a prayer, hand finding its way through his hair and curled into a fist, groaning and breathing heavily as he teetered over the edge. Ollie went down on it more, holding his leg with one hand, and hummed quieter.

                                   • • • •
    Maverick moaned loudly, broken and husky. His nails dug into his thighs, his eyes rolled back into his head, biting his lip as he came heavily.
    Ollie came not long after, huffing strained moans into his neck. Maverick swallowed, huffing. Ollie stopped, sitting there for a moment as he caught his breath. Maverick licked his lips, feeling himself twitch as he loosened his grip on Ollie's thighs, rubbing them in slow movements. "Are-are you okay?"
    Ollie nodded, looking at him with a smile. "Are you?" He stroked his cheeks.
    Maverick closed his eyes I need to jump in the lake he laughed. "Yes, I'm alright babe." Ollie kissed his cheeks softly
    "Ready to join them?" he lifted a hand, tracing the marks he left on his boyfriend's neck. "Hope no one points these out," he gave a sly smile. Ollie grinned.
    "Eh it'll be fine."
    Maverick smirked. "Whatever, now get off my dick," he teased in a joking manner.
    Ollie chuckled, getting off of it. Maverick pressed his hands to the grass and pulled himself up, mumbling under his breath as he grabbed his boxers and cleaned off with those, as there were no towels he could snatch.
    Ollie leaned against him, smiling up at him. Maverick smiled back, leaning to give him a quick kiss on the lips. "Mm you still taste like me," he laughed under his breath.
    Ollie laughed softly. "Maverick," he stroked his cheek before changing back into the wet clothes
    "Whattt?" He looked at him, quickly leaving to grab his clothes and came back.
    He shook his head. "I love you,"
    Maverick smirked. "I love you too,"
    Ollie kissed his cheek before twirling around. "Am I good?"
    "You're always good," he replied, smirking.
    "Aye! Y'all done fucking!?" Cassidy called over. Maverick looked over, scowling. Ollie looked over, eyes a bit wide.
    Maverick looked back at Ollie. "She's done this before, I'm sorry."
    "Mm," he nodded, looking up at him.
    "You ready to go back out? Might wanna hide this," he spoke, trailing his fingers over his love-bruised neck, smiling with satisfaction.
    Ollie tilted his head. "How?"
    "There's gotta be something," he looked at the van and then climbed in, "in here," he continued as Ollie watched him, chuckling.
    "What's he lookin' for, exactly?"
    Ollie looked over at Cassidy leaned on the side of her van, looking back at him. "Somethin' to cover that neck, damn was he hungry?" She teased. Ollie kinda frowned, holding his neck.
    Cassidy's expression shifted, turning to look at Maverick. "Bud you're not gonna find anything to cover it, except makeup."
    Ollie looked to Maverick. "It'll wash off in the water," Maverick looked at Cassidy, and then Ollie, sighing. He made his way out, jumping out beside Ollie. Ollie looked up at him, blinking.
    Maverick looked at him. "Yes?"
    Ollie smiled innocently. "Nothing, just looking at a pretty, tall, and handsome whore,"
    Maverick stared, eyes wide as he quickly glanced away, his face burning. Ollie kept smiling, reaching up and holding his face. "Cassidy is right there Ollie." He spoke, yet he didn't move away, instead leaned down a little subconsciously.
    Ollie nodded, whispering. "Oh I know,"
    Cassidy looked at them, eyebrows furrowed. "Do I need to leave?"
    Ollie shook his head. "Nah, we're just about to head over." He turned to her.
    Cassidy turned her body. "Alrightt, and with that," she turned and headed for the others.
    Ollie watched her before looking up at him. "Oops," he smirked, stepping back and started walking towards the others.
    Maverick huffed. "You live to embarrass me," he spoke in a taunting tone, not far behind.
    "Oh absolutely, whore,"
    Maverick pulled him in. "Don't act like you aren't one too, dear," he spoke low in his ear.
    Ollie shuttered, holding his arms as he bit his lip and smirked. "Mmm, you're a bigger one than I am."
    Maverick smiled. "Do you want me to fuck you sore or something?"
    Ollie shrugged. "I'm not sure," he made puppy eyes at him.
     Maverick looked at him, smirking. "Keep making those eyes at me, I'll reward you,"
    Ollie smiled, still doing it. "Really?"
    Maverick's smirk turned into a smile. "Yes, sweet boy," Ollie leaned up and kissed him, holding under his chin, Maverick kissed him back. Ollie wanted to kiss him longer but slowly pulled away, smiling at him before letting him go and jogging towards the others. Maverick chuckled, walking after him.

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