Chapter Twenty-Two: [Macy VI]

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    Macy opened their room door, looking in before grinning, and went towards the tattoo area. Spark closed the door, smiling. Macy sat on the bench.
    Spark grabbed gloves, fitting them on. "What we thinkin'?" They asked, moving the sketchbook to her.
    Macy tapped her chin. "Hm. . . my thigh?" She tilted her head.
    "Alrighty, which one? What kind of tattoo?" They tapped the book. Macy looked down at the book. Spark went off to grab their supplies stashed carefully in their closet. They came back, setting their ink gun on the table, along with some pots of ink, bandages, wipes, a razor, shaving cream, and numbing cream.
    Macy pointed to one. "This one,"
    Spark stared, looking at her. "Are you sure you want that as your first tattoo?" She was pointing at a very detailed thigh tattoo of vines and flowers.
    Spark looked at her, then the tattoo, and sighed. "Very well, this will take a while, so get a comfortable position," Macy slid off the sweats, setting them down before laying on her side and getting comfortable. Spark took out the page, setting it near as they got ready, shaving a massive part of her thigh bare before wiping it down.
    "You ready? This might sting," Macy nodded, closing her eyes. Spark held her thigh, and began the session, listening to the buzzing of the gun. Macy breathed slowly, listening to the buzzing as well.
    Nearly four hours later, Macy was starting to fall asleep while they were nearing the end of the session after a long three hours, just working on the shading. Macy was holding their leg, humming a gentle tune to distract herself.
    "Just feels like a horrible rash," she smiled, doing that scoff-laugh type thing so she didn't move.
    "Uh-huh," they answered, focused. Macy watched them, smiling softly as she made a face with each stroke of the tattoo pen. "It'll be over soon, the shading's the hardest part pain-wise." They spoke.
    "Yeah, noted," Despite how she felt sleepy, the itchy, muscle cramp feeling was scorning. Thank God, this is starting to get agitating and itchy. So so itchy. How did Spark tolerate all this? Well. The nerves are dead, so. She rubbed their thigh, closing her eyes again as she took a deep breath. "It's not, too bad, luckily, but it still — yeah,"
    Spark grumbled in agreement, wiping off excess ink from a shade, moved back and eyed it, then the picture, and fixed a part, before moving to the next section. Macy inhaled slowly, squeezing their leg again as she moved her head to look at the ceiling.
    "Squeeze the chair hon, not my leg," they commented, wiping another shade, and continued. "M'almost done Mace." Macy moved to the chair, squeezing it as she huffed and turned her face back to the side. Spark stopped for a minute, patting her leg before finishing up.
    Macy looked down at the tattoo, smiling softly. Spark added finishing touches, wiped off the ink, and pushed back, reaching to grab something. Macy watched them and then looked at her tattoo. Spark grabbed Sandirem, a medical adhesive wrap and carefully wrapped it around the tattoo. Macy continued to watch, sitting up a bit. They looked up at her, smiling.
    "All done,"
    Macy grinned. "Absolutely love it. . ."
    Spark stared, biting their lip with a smile. "Oh! Can we ask if Cass can re-wrap your stitches?'
    Macy nodded. "Well of course,"
    Spark nodded back. "Well Mouse, your session is done. . . be careful with your leg, k?"
    Macy nodded again, grinning as she leaned and kissed their cheek. "Thank you,"
    Spark smiled, kissing her back. "You're welcome. . ." They then stood, putting the supplies back in the closet carefully.
    She admired the tattoo while putting the shirt back down. "It's so cool. Ugh, I love it so much,"
    "And my payment?" They joked, laughing as they closed the closet door.
    Macy put her hand on her hip, raising her eyebrow with a smirk. "What's the price?"
    "For you. . ." They walked closer, sneaking a hand around her waist. "It's free dear, unless you have, other plans?" they eyed her, smirking.
    Macy looked up at them. "Hmmm. . . I think. . ." She used her index and middle right fingers to "walk" up their chest. "It should be that offer you made earlier." She watched her hand before laying it on their chest and looked back up at them.
    "Oh?" Their eyebrows rose.
    Macy smiled innocently. "Mhmmm. . ."
    Spark grinned. "Gosh you're adorable," they chuckle
    Macy giggled. "Yeah?" She ran both her hands up their chest, moving around their torso.
    "Tooth rottingly adorable." They laughed. "Where do you want my payment?" they whispered, nose crinkling.
    Macy leaned forward, whispering back. "Down unda'" she put on an accent, grinning as she crinkled her nose.
    "I meant where in my room Macy-Mace," they smirked, laughing a little at the accent. Macy giggled, covering her mouth.
    "Oh. Anywhere, you choose," she booped their nose. Spark smiled, leaning and picked her up, carrying her to the bathroom. Macy wrapped her arms around their neck, grinning as she watched. Spark walked in, closed the door with a grin, and walked to the counter, setting her down.
    Macy kept her arms around them, giggling quietly as she moved her hands, running them down their chest and resting them on their sides. Spark ran a hand up her thighs, toying with her tied sweats, sneaking a hand up the leg hole. Macy grinned wide, watching them as she bit her lip softly. Spark smiled, looking at her as they undid the tie, slowly sliding her sweats down as they glanced down. Macy helped, lifting the shirt a bit
    Spark looked up, watching her as their smile flinched, grinning more. "Oh? Am I getting more than I'm being paid for?" they whispered.
    Macy whispered back. "It's a tip," she giggled softly, holding her shirt up to her mouth. Spark grinned more, giggling as they leaned in, looking up at her as their lips met her belly, kissing and going up and up, giggling more, their hands ran down her legs, pulling her sweats with them as they kissed around her chest and upper body. They listened to her breathe with a smile. Spark's kisses got lower and lower as they kissed down her body, her hands in their hair while they got on their knees. They moved her legs apart, kissing her thigh, still, they didn't take their eyes off her.
    Macy looked down at them. "It tickles," she kept her smile, moving her legs open more.
    "It tickles?" They move further, taking her with them, and placing her legs on their shoulders. "How so?"
    Macy got comfortable, leaning her head to the side as she still looked at them with her smile. "Your lips are so soft. . . it feels good. . ."
    Spark smiled. "Does this feel good?" They licked her inner thigh slowly, eyes squinting with their smile while Macy inhaled deeply, turning her head to the ceiling as she closed her eyes. She nodded.
    "Oh absolutely." She exhaled, holding the counter. Spark giggled into her thighs, kissing and licking as they neared closer, hands holding her thighs. Macy arched her back a little.
    Spark ran their tongue over it, breathing. "I told you my tongue isn't complaining."  They said, before pushing their tongue in.
    Macy gasped a bit before letting out a moan, moving her arm over her mouth, back arching. "Mm." She hummed, holding the edge of the counter. Spark's eyebrows furrow, moaning. Macy furrowed her eyebrows, holding back her moans. Spark swallowed, groaning as a hand traveled down their body into their loose sweats, whining as their lips quivered.
    Macy huffed, moaning as she leaned her head back more. "Fuck. Fuck fuck. Oh Spark!" Spark pushed closer, concealing their moans. God how long is their fucking tongue?!
    Spark groaned, while Macy did her best to keep herself as quiet as possible, whining and moaning.
    "Fuck it feels so so good. . ."
    Spark moaned loudly, tensing as they could feel she was close, face flushing red and burning as they practically suffocated themselves in desperation.
    Macy whimpered and moaned, tensing more. "Shit shit — oh shit!" Spark looked up at her, eyes purely hungry and desperate. Macy arched her back more as she suddenly went quiet, finishing as she gasped and moaned out. "Fuck!"
    Spark moaned, body giving a little jerk as they finished right behind her, panting. Macy whined, leaning her head to the side as she groaned a bit. Spark breathed, slowly moving their face from between her legs, closing their mouth. Macy breathed heavily, catching her breath as she looked at them with a sluggish smile.
    Spark sluggishly smiled back, exhaling heavily. "Fuck I'll never get tired of how you taste." They lifted, still holding her legs and pushing their wet pants between her legs, leaning in to whisper. 'Feel what you've done to me."
    Macy inhaled deeply, grinning as she bit her lip. "Oops. . ." She whispered. Spark grinned, looking down at her. They leaned their head into her chest, opened their mouth, and drew their tongue over a breast, kissing above it. Macy hummed, holding their head softly as she watched them. Spark eyed her, chuckling. "Do you want more?"
    "I could do this all night if I wanted to." she whispered again, grinning. "But, we should see the boys before they go and then, I should have Cassidy wrap my leg and then I've gotta sleep because I've got one class tomorrow," she tilted her head
    "Awww," they made a pouty face, pulling her up, and then checked the stitching. "Nothing happened with it, yayyy,"
    Macy giggled. "It's still okay," she leaned, kissing their forehead as Spark huffed. Macy cupped their face. "Don't huff at me, Sparky,"
    Spark huffed again, smirking. "You wanna see the boys or not."
    "Well, yes," she started moving
    Spark moved back. "I'm changing my pants," they chuckled, grabbing a hand towel and shrugging down their sweats, cleaning themselves off before setting it down and heading off. Macy watched them before turning and looked at herself in the mirror. She tilted her head, running her hands down the sides of her body, and smiled faintly
    Spark changed their pants to just black with little painted lizards on, walking out. "Comin'?" they called, looking at her with a small smile.
    Macy slipped the sweats on, turned, and looked at them before skipping out of the bathroom. "Coming!" Spark smiled as they turned their head, pulling her in and nudging her in front. Macy walked in front of them, grinning. Spark followed right behind her. They headed downstairs, finding Cassidy with Maverick and Ollie in the living room.
    Cassidy looked over. "There's couple number two."
    Macy walked out, looking at her. "Huh?"
    "I heard everything."
    Ollie looked up with a smiley face. Macy stopped, going quiet. Cassidy eyed the four of them.
    Macy chuckled nervously, looking at her thigh. "He was just doing my tattoo,"
    "I will admit, I did not care at that moment," Ollie raised his hand.
    "I've never heard a patient scream their tattooer's name, especially moaning — put your hand down," Ollie slowly put his hand down.
    Macy shook her head. "Well, it hurt, so, duh." Cassidy looked at her. "Was just gonna ask if you could re-wrap my stitches but never mind." She walked to the kitchen. Spark stood there, swallowing before slowly following her.
    Cassidy watched. "Spark can wrap them," she spoke, looking at the other two. Macy opened the fridge, looking for something to drink with a slight frown while she listened.
    "Must I repeat myself, Do NOT have sex in my house unless you live here and help." Cassidy's tone was firm and strict.
    "His fault." She heard Ollie say.
    "Wh — AYE!" Maverick snapped.
     Macy walked into her room, shutting the door as she put her hands on her hips and thought to herself quietly. She bit the inside of her cheek, looking around the room before going to the window and sitting on the windowsill. She pulled her knees up, looking out the window.
    "Oh I don't know uh maybe take my advice and be —"
    "ENOUGH!" Cassidy cut him off, he looked over.
    What else happened after, Macy didn't hear, except for short thanks you'd and the front door opening and closing, a car starting up, and driving off. Macy picked at her hand, looking down at her thumbs, blinking softly as she slowly got up, went to her bag, and kneeled. She grabbed two bandaids, wrapping her thumbs in the bandaids.
    Spark knocked. "Macy? I've-I've got bandage. . ."
    Macy went wide-eyed, looking at her hands before throwing the wrappers into her bag. "Yeah! Come in!" Spark walked in, closed the door, and walked over, sitting. Macy smiled at them. "Thank you,"
    Spark smiled slightly. "Wait uh, shouldn't you be going with them?"
    Macy shook her head softly. "I don't, exactly got anywhere to go so. . . I'll. . . just, I don't know." She shrugged softly.
    "I'll drive you there tomorrow, okay?" they moved closer, cupping the right side of her face.
    Macy bit at her cheek, leaning into their hand, and looked down. "And go where. . ." she muttered quietly.
    "The college? You have a class tomorrow," they spoke, softly holding her leg as they felt the stitches, wrapping it in bandage carefully, mindful of her wrapped tattoo.
    "Oh. Oh yeah." She held her forehead. "Sorry,"
    Spark looked at her. "What're you sorry for?"
    Macy blinked, looking at them. "Oh, I don't know," Spark stared, cupping her face. Macy swallowed, staring back at them. "Sorry," she whispered.
    "Say sorry for no reason again I won't cuddle with you," they spoke, fighting a smile as they carefully finished wrapping.
    Macy went wide-eyed. "Okay," Spark smiled, kissing her cheek, and left to get scissors, coming back and cutting and pinning the bandage as Cass did. Macy watched them quietly.
    Spark sat in front of her, head tilting before opening their arms. "C'mere. . ." She crawled to them, leaning into them. Spark held her, hands softly rubbing her arms.
    Macy slowly closed her eyes, exhaling. "Is Cass always, like that?"
    "No, the opposite, she's rarely like that. . ." Macy curled up a bit. "What's wrong hon?" They pulled her closer.
    "I don't know," she shrugged.
    Spark sighed. "I'm sorry,"
    "No, don't you be sorry." She looked up at them. "I'm just, odd, weird," she chuckled.
    Spark rolled their eyes. "That made me cringe a little, but you're a lot more than weird," they chuckled, kissing her head. Macy smiled, giggling. Spark smiled. "I'll never get tired of your giggles,"
    "Awww," they mocked her, laughing. "You ready for bed?" they questioned.
    Macy nodded softly. "Yes please. . ."
    "Okay, my bed or this one?"
    "Mmm probably, probably this one. . ."
    "Alright. . ." They scooped her up, carrying her to the bed. Macy leaned into them. Spark pulled back the covers, setting her in before crawling into bed beside her.
    Macy exhaled slowly. Spark pulled her closer, hands wrapped around her. Macy closed her eyes, getting comfortable as Spark rubbed her back, breathing soft and slow as they started drifting to sleep. Macy listened to their breathing, quiet as she started falling asleep Macy exhaled softly, and both she and Spark fell asleep in the other's arms.

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