Chapter Thirty-Five: [Spark VIII]

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    They fit their helmet on, adjusting the straps and flip the visor. "Ready to head home?" They asked, holding her new helmet to her.
    She took it. "Yes please," she slipped it on, adjusting her strap before getting on and held onto them tightly. Spark made sure everything was right, nothing would fall from their hands, before putting the key in. The engine roared once more as they ran down the street, heading home. Spark slowed as they turned a corner, and back to speeding home. Macy inhaled, looking around, worried about something.
    Spark noticed a familiar car began to follow them, but slowly. They hold Macy's hand for a moment, putting it back on the handles. They looked at her hands tight around their shirt, looking back to her before looking back. Macy laid her head onto their back, closing her eyes again. The car was now gone.
    Spark turned down a road, disappearing from view. That car was just gone, as if it just poofed in midair.
    Or did it?
    It was well into the day and near sunrise as Spark pulled into the driveway and into the open garage. They flipped the stand, turning off their bike. They sit up. undoing the strap and took off their helmet, again shaking out their hair.
    Macy slowly took off her helmet, fixing her hair as she exhaled slowly. Spark looked behind her, turning on the light and doing the keypad as they watch the garage door close.
    She set the helmet down, getting off the bike as she put her hands behind her head and inhaled deeply. Hearing the garage door click shut, they walk over and set their helmet on a handle.
    "Are you okay?"
    Macy nodded, leaning down as she held her knees. "I'm just, calming down."
    They stare at her. "Come on. . . lets go to my room and decorate your helmet, okay?" She nodded, grabbing her purse and ran her hand through her hair. She slowly walked towards the door. They grabbed her jacket and shampoo, following her.
    "Oh, hello you two! You're back quite late, what'd you do around town?" Cassidy spoke up.
    Macy looked up. "Oh, we just drove around, grabbed a few things." She nodded.
    "Got her a helmet." They smile, lifting it up. Cassidy smiled. Macy smiled, starting to head towards the stairs.
    "Oh oh, wait Macy! You wanna show her?" They looked at her, hand on the rail.
    She turned. "Oh? Show her?"
    "Show me what?"
    "Hey you yourself wanted to see their reactions."
    Macy went wide eyed, suddenly laughing. "Oh my god!" She opened her purse, pulling out the baby jacket. "Look how cute it is!"
    Cassidy stared, eyes wide then a curious but shocked smile fell onto her face. "Oh my, that is really cute! I forgot they made jackets that small."
    Macy nodded, laughing still before looking at it. "I don't know how a human can be this tiny, and I thought I was little!" She joked. Cassidy smiled, laughing. Spark looked at them, smiling. Macy looked at Cassidy. "Like, can you believe a little human can fit in this?!"
    "I can believe it." She smirked, sitting back with crossed arms. "Now did you show me for, anything orr?" She squinted at them.
    Macy stared, her smile slowly fading. "Oh, no. . ." She shook her head softly.
    They looked at Macy, swallowing. "Because-because we're too young Cass!"
    Macy glanced at Spark then looked at Cassidy and straightened up before looking back down at the jacket. "Yup," she nodded, putting it back in her purse, smiling softly.
    Cassidy's eyes glance from Spark to Macy. "Alrightt, well uh I'm making sandwiches for dinner, sloppy joes to be specific. Do y'all mind eating it?"
    Macy nodded. "I could eat."
    "Mavis should be home soon with the groceries to make em, just waitin''
    They smile. "Haven't had those in forever, now c'mon Mace c'mon!" They laugh, racing up the stairs. Macy looked up, smiling softly as she jogged after them.
    "Don't you two have too much fun now!" Cassidy called after them, laughing.
    Spark opened the door as Macy jogged up to them, slowing down and slipped into the room. Spark closed the door behind her, eyeing. They then charged, pulling her up by her waist with a laugh.
    She couldn't help but laugh, holding around their neck. "Oh by the way, who won?" They teased, looking up at her. "Because I think I was pretty close."
    She tilted her head. "Mmmm I think I did."
    "Oh no how cruel UGH how will I stand the kisses."
    She giggled. "You will be devoured in them."
    "Oh such a cruel fate! How can you be so evil."
    She held their cheek, kissing their neck tenderly as she smirked. "Because I can." She looked at them, Spark bit their lip, smirking. She smirked softly in reply. "I love you."
    "I love you more." They stared into her eyes, smiling.
    She leaned, kissing them gently as they kissed her back. She held the side of their neck, smiling into the kiss. "I love you I love you I loooveee you. . ." She whispered softly.
    "I love you more. . ." They replied as she kissed their cheek gently, hugging them tightly. That tickles! Their hands roam, softly digging into her lower back as she wrapped her legs around their waist, breathing softly.
    "Such a shame I didn't win." They whisper against her lips.
    She whispered softly back. "I'll make it worth it. . ."
    "How're you gonna top being fucked sweaty and sore?" They tilt their head.
    She slowly looked up from their lips, giving them a look. "I've done it once. I'm sure this little bunny can do it again."
    "Oh you feisty little bunny." They spoke as she slowly let go of them.
    Spark smiled, watching her as she looked up at them, slowly going down to her knees. They stared down at her reaching to cup her jaw. "Oh? Is this your plan Ms. Bunny?"
    She grinned, holding their sides. "Half of it. . ."
    "Oh? What do you mean by that?~"
    "You'll see," She started undoing their pants, keeping eye contact. Spark kept eye contact, smiling as their hand ran through her hair. They watched her pull their dick from their boxers, smiling cheekly as she slowly ran her tongue around the tip. Spark bit their lip, inhaling heavily.
    Macy wrapped her lips around it, closing her eyes and slowly moved forward. Spark leaned their head back with a soft groan as she curled her tongue around it, furrowing her eyebrows as she went down further before putting a rhythm to it. She sucked and hummed softly, hearing faint footsteps as she stopped and looked up at them. "Why-why'd you sto. . ." They turned.
    Then came a soft knock. "It's Ollie!"
    Macy moved, looking towards the door, Spark fixed themselves, trying to not draw attention as they faced the door. "Yeah! Come in!" They called. Macy sat on the floor. They stared down at her, standing beside with an "Oh fuck." look.
    Ollie opened the door, peeking in as he grinned. "Hey lovebirds, dinner is going to be ready soon,"
    Macy smiled innocently. "Thanks Ollie!"
    "Thanks Olls," they reply, smiling. Ollie nodded to them softly, leaving. He shut the door, heading downstairs.
    "Really? Sitting on the floor beside me?"
    Macy grinned up at them. "Sorry," she then moved, motioning them over. "Now hurry, I wasn't finished."
    They stare, grinning. "Fuckin' or suckin' darling?"
    Macy tilted her head. "Suckin'" she got back on her knees. Spark smiled, slowly unzipping their pants.

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