Chapter Nine: [Oliver IV]

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    Ollie took out his keys, went to the room, Maverick put an arm around him. Ollie closed his eyes, exhaling slowly.
    "We're almost there Olls."
    Milo headed for their apartment, just wanting to sleep and forget this fucking night. Ollie looked at Milo, his face softening. Milo opened the dorm, glancing at them, at Ollie. He looked upset, and tired, just tired. He walked into their dorm, and undressed, curling up in his bed. He'd have to shower tomorrow.
    Ollie walked in, setting his key down as he frowned softly as Maverick walked in behind him, sighing as he yawned and headed for his bedroom. "Coming to bed?" He looked at Ollie.
    Ollie looked at him. "Yeah, in a minute I'm. . . going to shower and get into fresh clothes."
    Maverick nodded. "I'll shower tomorrow. . ." He undressed like Milo, stretching his back. He laid flat out, arms tucked under his pillow, and was out like a light. Ollie watched him before slowly exhaling and walking to Milo's bedroom, looking at Milo.
    Milo was curled up, dozing off slowly. Ollie glanced at Maverick, debating as he inhaled and quietly walked over to Milo, kneeling by his bed as he lightly tapped him and whispered quietly. "Milo. . ."
    Milo looked at him, eyes half closed as he stretched out. "Mm, yeah?" He spoke low.
    Ollie looked at him, still whispering. "You looked upset after we talked. . . did I say or do something to upset you? If I did, I'm sorry. . ."
    Milo's eyes softly widen. "No, no no. You did nothing it's just. . . I'm-I'm tired, and this night wasn't the greatest."
    Ollie frowned still. "Oh. I can agree. . ."
    "I'm, glad and not glad we agree on that. Look, everyone's alive and breathing,"
    "Yeah. . ."
    Milo smiled softly, moving closer but paused and moved away. "Get some sleep, okay?"
    Ollie examined him for a moment before sighing softly and got up, walking towards the bathroom. "Night Milo. . ."
    "Night Ollie. . ." He turned over, letting himself relax as his bones gave way. He dozed off immediately.
    Ollie shut the bathroom door quietly, looking at the door for a moment before inhaling and leaning on the counter. Ollie took a deep breath before leaning his head down and choking up. Now why.
    Ollie sat on the floor, covering his face as he leaned his head back and started crying softly, overwhelmed by all the emotions he was feeling as he looked up at the ceiling and wiped his face. Why am I crying? He tried to stop, sniffling and letting out quiet sobs. Ollie inhaled shakingly, unable to stop crying as he melted into the wall and groaned quietly, annoyed by his own crying.
    Ollie wiped his face again, moving his hair out of his face as he just lay on the bathroom floor and cried quietly.
    "Olls?" Ollie heard Maverick call softly.
    Ollie sniffed. "What?" he spoke loud enough for him to hear.
    "Are you alright? Can I come in?"
    "Yeah," he stayed on the floor, melted into it.
    Maverick opened the door and stared. "Olls. . ." He closed the door behind him and sat down, pulling his boyfriend into his arms. "Ollie my sweet boy what's wrong?"
    Ollie melted into him, sniffing. "Ugh, I don't even know. . ." He started crying again. Maverick held him.
    "If you don't know I can't help. . . can you try?"
    Ollie wiped his face. "I guess I'm just overwhelmed,"
    "Of? Was the night too overwhelming? I'm sorry baby. . ."
    Ollie shook his head. "No no, it — I don't know, I-I'm just overwhelmed suddenly,"
    "Alright, I'll just hold you. Okay?"
    "Okay. . ." Ollie curled up into him, closing his eyes as quiet tears rolled down his face.
    "I'll hold you until you're okay, my sweet boy," Maverick whispered as he held him tightly. Ollie nodded, sniffing as his tears slowly stopped. His eyes closed and his breathing calm. Maverick ran his fingers through his hair, nails running down and up his scalp as he whispered sweet nothings, just to speak soft and sweet. Ollie slowly started falling asleep, his lips parted while he breathed.
    Maverick looked at him, smiling softly. "Just sleep my baby. . ." he leaned and kissed his cheek, before picking him up carefully and carrying him out of the bathroom and to bed, turning off the lights.
    Ollie breathed softly, asleep on him. Maverick got into his bed, carefully. He tucked Ollie and himself into the covers, pulling him in. Ollie breathed into his neck, sleeping like a baby. Maverick held him, falling asleep.
    Long into the night, Ollie sat up quickly, gasping a bit as he touched his chest and stared around. He exhaled quickly, his heart racing as he turned to hang his feet off of the bed, staring at the ground. He had a very not-so-innocent dream about Milo. He rubbed his jaw, the dream kept replaying in his head.
    Milo was on the bottom, him on top riding away like a damn cowboy. Moans echo through his head, words of affirmation going through his ears like sweet music.
    Ollie exhaled slowly, rubbing his forehead. Oh fuck. . . He bit his lip softly, looking down slightly before looking at Maverick and got out of bed quietly, tiptoeing to Milo's room.
    Milo had an arm hanging off the bed, his face squished into the pillow and looking like he tossed and turned. THIS is the man from the dream? He looks like a stringed puppet tossed away.
    Ollie couldn't help but smile faintly, shaking his head, looking at him for a moment before going to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge, he opened it and sat on the kitchen floor, processing. Ollie looked at the two bedrooms, blinking softly as he started thinking about the project yet again.
    He listened to Milo sleep talking, saying something very familiar, before he quieted.
    Ollie tilted his head softly as he blinked a few times, getting up and investigated. Milo's hand was curled like a bird's foot, then softened. His face squished as he dragged the blanket further up, now covering half of his face as he huffed loudly.
    Ollie blushed a bit. He's so, cute. . .
    Milo whined, making complaining noises as he seemed to argue with someone, though he murmured muffled nonsense into the blanket. Ollie smiled faintly. Adorable even. He then looked towards Maverick's room and headed over, leaning on his hand.
    Maverick slept on his side, hand resting where Ollie was. He looked comfortable, not as noisy or moving around as much as Milo.
    Ollie grinned, "My peaceful baby. . ."
    "Ollyyy. . ." Both the men then groaned, almost in unison.
    Ollie went wide-eyed, he slowly looked at each of them, tensing as he held his water close. "Oh shit."
    Maverick's hand dug into the empty spot, eyebrows furrowing. Ollie swallowed, flushing red as he continued to drink his water. He suddenly felt butterflies in his stomach as he quickly held it. Oh.
    Maverick continued to sleep and talk about Ollie. Ollie looked at him then Milo's room, looking at his empty water bottle and then back at them. He was now thinking about getting fucked by the both of team, going wide-eyed as he smacked his forehead but froze, staring at his boyfriend.
    Maverick still looked the same, but he had stopped his mumbling about Ollie, instead clutching a pillow, burying his face as he breathed heavily.
    Ollie looked at Maverick. So he's dreaming either about fucking me or he's having another bad dream. Milo. . . Milo I think is just dreaming about me because we talked right before he went to sleep. Nothing too deep.
    Maverick tightened his hold on the pillow, huffing as he moaned. A pained moan. Ollie stared at him, getting up as he set the water bottle down, and kneeled beside the bed, gently touched his face, and spoke quietly. "Baby?"
    Maverick twitched, sleepily reaching a hand. "Ollss. . ." He groaned into the pillow, grasping his arm and pulling lightly.
    Ollie stroked his cheek, crawling back into the bed. "I'm right here baby. . ." Ollie spoke, Maverick soon replaced the pillow with him, burrowing his face into his chest as he clutched him tightly.
    Ollie stroked his hair, closing his eyes as he listened to him breathe. Maverick relaxed, his grip loosened, but he didn't move, quiet at last.
    Ollie was now fast asleep after an hour of keeping Maverick company, snoring quietly. Maverick was asleep beside him, one arm stretched over Ollie and snoring quietly.
    Ollie inhaled softly, slowly waking up as he blinked a few times. He jolted as Milo's distant alarm blared through the apartment. Ollie sat up, rubbing his eyes. Maverick breathed slow and steady into Ollie's side, arm moving with him. He sighed heavily as he started to wake up.
    Ollie yawned, stretching big as he looked at Maverick, who turned his head up, eyes halfway open. He looked up at Ollie through slanted hazel eyes. Ollie leaned down, kissing his forehead.
    "Good morning. . ."
    "Morning. . ." He moved his arms around him, hugging his waist. Ollie laid on him, hugging him.
    Maverick pulled him, now lying on his back as he lazily sighed and kissed between his eyes, sighing. "God I don't wanna get up. . . might check my classes, see if some are different."
    Ollie nodded softly, stroking his hair. "I just have Art and English today. . ."
    Maverick reached to grab his phone, opening it. Maverick scrolled through his classes. "Just got Astronomy and Art, all my other classes are either no-shows or canceled," he smirked. "You get me aalllll day. . ." Maverick chuckled.
    Ollie grinned, moving to sit on top of him as he cupped his face. "Oh no,"
Maverick smiled, looking up at him. "Such a shame,"
    "Such." He leaned down, kissing him softly.
    Maverick pushed up to kiss him back. Ollie stroked his cheeks, slowly kissing him more passionately. Maverick breathed, hands reaching up his back as he pushed himself up into a sitting position. Ollie held onto the side of his neck, pulling away slowly with a gentle smile.
    Maverick's eyes opened slowly, looking at him. "Over already?" He cocked his head to the side, whispering in a playful tone.
    "Not my fault you've got morning breath,"
    "Like you've got better morning breath."
    Ollie examined his face, smirking before kissing him again. Maverick pulled him closer, trapping Ollie against his body with his arms. Ollie passionately kissed him, humming quietly.
    Maverick ran his nails back and forth against his sides, pressing his face closer, and pushed his tongue in, but only for a moment. Ollie curled his tongue around his, running his hands up his chest and onto his shoulders.
    Maverick inhaled, hands reaching down Ollie's sides, smiling against his lips as a finger slipped past his boxers.
    Ollie smiled against his lips as well, wrapping his arms around his neck. Milo's alarm blared once again as Ollie got up, closing Maverick's door.
    Maverick grinned. "You don't know the advantage you just gave us," he whispered.
    Ollie whispered back. "I'm fully aware." Maverick continued to grin as he pushed towards Ollie, sending him back onto his bed as he pushed his mouth onto his throat. Ollie's closed his eyes, parting his lips as he exhaled slowly.
    Maverick squeezed his waist, huffing as he once again had him trapped, nipping him.
    Ollie bit his lip, lifting his leg a bit as he breathed calmly. Fuck. . . Maverick pushed against him, sighing into his neck as he pressed his teeth to his skin, gently. He held the back of his head, exhaling slowly again as he tried to stay quiet. Maverick dragged Ollie's legs up closer to his own, deciding to bite down, but not enough to bleed. Ollie gasped, and Maverick covered his mouth, nails digging into his legs.
    Ollie raised his hips to touch his, whispering softly. "I like that. . ."
    "Do you now?" He questioned. Ollie nodded, and Maverick scoffed. "It's taking all my willpower to not bite harder and fuck you senseless hon."
    Ollie smirked. "What's stopping you?"
    "Mm, our first classes. . ."
    Ollie rolled his eyes. "Blegh," Maverick laughed, lifting up. He hovered over Ollie on his elbows, smiling. Ollie smiled at him. "Why. . . don't we go to the lake tonight?" He examined his face.
    "I don't mind it, just us alone, no one to bother us. . . it sounds like a delight," Maverick replied, smiling.
    Ollie nodded. "Okay," Maverick chuckled as he leaned in and kissed him. Ollie kissed him back, holding his face.
    Maverick slipped his hands under Ollie and pulled him up, hugging his waist. Ollie moved to hug around his neck, smiling softly. Maverick furrowed his eyebrows as he pulled them both up, removing the blanket as he tossed it to the side. Ollie held onto him, sighing softly as he laid his head on his shoulder.
    Maverick kissed under his ear, sighing as his hands reached down and down, slipping fully past the seam of Ollie's boxers, firmly squeezing. Ollie inhaled sharply, straightening out his back as he moved his head to look at him.
    Maverick looked back at him. "Yes?"
    Ollie bit his lip softly. "You're turning me on."
    "I am? Hmm, didn't realize. I'm sorry," he talked, hands reaching further into his boxers, rounding his ass, a hand pushing closer up against his entrance.
    Ollie closed his eyes, pressing his forehead against his as he whispered. "God just fuck me."
    "We got class in a little dear," he teased, kissing the bridge of his nose. Ollie whined a bit, holding his arms. "Don't give me that sweet boy. You can last two classes without my dick, can't you, puppy?" He removed a hand and tilted his head up, smiling as the other crept further to the inner of his legs, just brushing his entrance once more.
    Ollie melted a bit, parting his lips. "Please?"
    Maverick looked at him, eyes moving up and down. "Now who's the bottom, darling?"
    "Oh please just fuck me, Maverick. I'm dying here. . ."
    "But that'd ruin all the fun we'd have at the lake. You can hold out, can't you?"
    Ollie pouted. "I guess I can wait," he kissed his cheek. "Tease."
    Maverick smirked. "Mm," he kissed his cheek back. "Now go get ready for class."
    Ollie moved, getting out of bed as he adjusted himself. Maverick looked down at him, chuckling. Ollie looked at him, squinting before getting dressed for the day.
    Ollie huffed. "I'm all hard now,"
    "Aww, so sad. . . too bad I can't do anything, could if I would." He sucked his teeth, trying to find an outfit.
    Ollie looked at him, blinking. "I could just take care of it myself in the bathroom, right now." He raised his eyebrows, holding back his smile.
    "Do that," Maverick started, "I won't fuck your brains out." He looked over at him.
    Ollie rolled his eyes, put his shirt on, and walked towards the mini-fridge Maverick bought. "Fine,"
    Maverick smirked. "Good boy," he replied as he turned his body to his closet. He had got a shirt, now he just needed the pants and socks.
    Ollie sat on the floor, drinking a soda. Maverick slipped his boots on, zipping them. Finally after a little getting ready, he turned to Ollie. "So?"
    Ollie looked at him, mouth full of soda as he blinked and swallowed, nodding. "You look good,"
    "Thank youu."
    Ollie got up, finished the soda, and went towards Maverick's bathroom. He walked in, shut the door, and did his business.
    "Ready?" Maverick asked when Ollie walked from the bathroom, offering the energy drink. Ollie nodded, took it, and stepped out. Maverick grabbed another from the fridge and followed after. Ollie opened his bag, putting the drink in it.
    Maverick looked at him, having weaseled past him and now standing outside the dorm. Ollie headed towards the door, humming. Maverick followed right behind him like some live shadow. Ollie pulled out his phone, went on his socials, and checked them.

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