Chapter Fifty-One: [Macy XVI]

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    "Guys! Dinner's ready!" Sunny's voice cried from the kitchen.
    Macy tucked their hair back as their hands curled around her stomach, sleeping quietly. She smiled soft, looking at their face as she spoke quietly. "Dinner is ready, my love."
    "Mm. . ."
    "Do you want to sleep or come eat?" She asked.
    Macy gently kissed the tip of their nose. "You can eat after you nap? Or visa versa?" Their eyes slowly open, looking at her. Macy observed their face, gently running her nails up and down the side of their face.
    Spark breathed softly. "M'hungry,"
    "Lets go eat then." She whispered softly as they nod, attempting to sit up but they just leaned at her, trying to wake up. Macy sat up slowly, pulling them up with her. "Come on baby." They move with her, rubbing their eyes, skin warm with sleep. Macy kissed their cheek, rubbing their back.
    Spark smiled softly, moving their legs and stretched, getting up, a little wobbly, but up and standing. Macy watched them with a gentle smile as they turn to her, then looked down for a moment. Spark shook their head to wake up more, yawning. She got up, fixing her shirt before walking up to them and hugged them.
    Spark hugged her back. "Did you just want to hug me or?" They ask, still somewhat sleepy.
    "I needed a hug. . ." She spoke with a soft smile as she pressed her cheek to their chest. Spark hugged her tighter, looking at her before picking her up. She wrapped her legs around them, laying her face in their neck.
    They kissed her cheek, resting their face on hers. "You still hungry baby?"
    She nodded. "Absolutely!"
    "Do you want to be carried, princess?"
    Macy nodded quickly, grinning. "Of course, my knight in shining armor." They grin back, opening the door and did proceed to carry her to dinner, careful with the stairs.
    The others were getting their plates prepared and sitting at the table. Maria and Sunny had made spicy garlic and parmesan pasta, honey and mint iced tea, and passion fruit tarts are a little dessert.
    "I'm about to fuck this uuupp!" Ollie's voice could be heard.
    "I bet." Sunny replied.
    "Oh fuck," Ollie chuckled. "Instant flavor!"
    "Suns always makes good food, despite being a vegan." Maverick joked.
    "Way better than fast food, for sure."
    "Hey you love my food — well hello you two." Sunny looked up at Spark and Macy.
    "Hii." Macy turned.
    "Any reason you're being carried?" Maria asked, both her and Sunny were sat on a counter everyone get a plate before eating.
    "No, just wanted to be." Macy replied, shaking her head and laid her head on their shoulder.
    Spark smiled softly, carrying her to the table and set her down. "Find a seat, I'll get you food."
    "You sure?" She looked up at them, holding their finger.
    They look at her, eyebrows furrowing in confusion, before nodding. "Yyess?" Sadie glanced at her and Spark, before going back to eating.
    "Alrightttt." She went and sat in front of Maverick.
    "Sleep well Mouse?" Ollie looked up.
    Macy looked at him. "Oh, I didn't nap." she chuckled softly. "But I know I will sleep really good tonight!"
    "Ahh, well Sunny makes good food, so I'm sure you will." Maverick gave a little smile, she smiled softly. Ollie looked at her, smiling a bit as he laid a hand on Milo's knee.
    Spark came back, setting down her plate and theirs, before going to get some tea.
    Macy stared at the food, staring before she immediately began to eat. "Woah. . ." She covered her mouth a little.
    "Good huh?" Maverick chuckled, Milo put his hand on Ollie's as he ate.
    "This is. . . this is fantastic!" She added more to her fork, straight up munching.
    "Thanks Macy-Mace." Sunny spoke as she and Maria walk in with their own plates, taking the other two vacant chairs.
    Spark came back and sat beside her, giving her a cup of the tea. "And they have fruit tarts in the oven keeping warm if you want some after."
    Ollie glanced at Spark, inhaling softly as he took another bite. Spark's ears picked up as they glance back at him. Ollie motioned to Macy, raising his eyebrows.
    Macy nodded. "Definitely having one!" She took a sip of the tea. "Oh god I'm going to explode! So many, amazing flavors!"
    Maria snickered. "That's a compliment if I've ever heard one."
    Macy grinned, completely satisfied as she took another sip of the tea. "I'm not a fan of tea, but this-this is just. . . MwAh!"
    "Honey and mint isn't always everyone's thing." Sunny added while eating.
    "But this is amazing!" Macy complimented.
    "The fruit tarts Maria makes are good too, she's a goddess at fruit desserts." Sunny talked, smiling.
    "You're making me blush." Maria laughed.
    Macy finished the glass, looking to Spark and spoke quietly. "More?"
    Spark looked at her. "Of the tea?" They asked, she nodded. Spark nodded back and took her glass, as well as other glasses to refill, and walked to the kitchen.
    Sadie leaned back, sighing. "I am full." Macy was almost finished, looking to Sadie's plate.
    "Enough for the tarts?" Cassidy asked.
    "Never." Sadie replied, Cassidy smiled, Macy smiled too. Spark came back, giving everyone their refilled glasses, giving Macy hers. Sadie got up and went to get a tart, or two.
    Macy took it, smiling as she finished her food and pushed her plate forward as Spark finished off their plate, sipping the rest of their tea. "God I love nights like this." Spark said.
    "You want some tarts Olls?" Maverick asked as he finished his plate, still hungry enough for the tarts.
    "Yes please!"
    Macy finished the tea, exhaled and nodded. "Definitely." She replied to Spark.
    Maverick nodded, getting up. "Anyone else?" Sadie, Cassidy, Milo, and Spark raised their hands, nodding. "I'll get you some tarts Mouse." He spoke as he walked off.
    "Household dinner nights are a staple in this house, and this week it's Sunny and Maria's turn." They explained.
    "Huh, I like that!" Macy replied.
    Maverick came back with all the fruit tarts in a big plate, handing it to Ollie. "Take some, pass it down." Ollie took one, passing it to Sadie. She took two, then passed it to Cassidy. She took two as well, passing the plate to Maria who took one and gave it to Macy with a smile.
    Macy took the plate, taking three then set the plate in the middle of the table and started eating them.
    "Forgot to pass it down hon." They chuckled, picking up the plate and took two, passing it to Sunny, who took two as well, and then to Milo.
    Macy giggled. "Shit my bad," she watched Milo take one, while Maverick took two. There was still a good deal of tarts left, as everyone mostly took two. Milo placed the plate back in the middle.
    "It's okay, your first household dinner night." They smile, eating.
    I missed household dinners. . . Macy already finished off one as she nodded. "These are so gooood what the hell." she laughed softly.
    "Maria got a bachelor's in cooking and works for a kitchen, so she's got a hand at desserts, everyone else learned off her and through trial and error." Cassidy explained, laughing.
    "That's amazing!" Macy looked at Maria, finishing off the second one.
    "Thank you! Dessert's are my speciality, but they did learn to make more then desserts off me so." She smiled, blushing.
    Macy grinned. "Well it's all very delicious." Maria smiled more. She finished off her last tart before standing and grabbed her dishes, Spark watched her head for the kitchen. Sadie followed her, plates carefully piled and stacked.
    Macy set her dishes in the sink, starting to wash the dishes. "Hey there red." Sadie greeted, smiling as she carefully set them down on the counter, waiting.
    Macy turned and smiled. "Hey," she pointed to the dishes. "I can wash those if you need?"
    "No no, usually it's my chore to wash the dishes after dinner." Sadie explained.
    "Ah, makes sense." She smiled, flicking off the water from her hands as she stepped aside. Sadie nodded with a smile and one by one did her round of dishes. Macy wiped her hands off, before heading upstairs.
    Macy walked back into the room, stretching. Unaware to her, Spark was sneaking up behind her, picking her up and shutting the door with a foot while they nibbled her cheek. She yelped, eyes going wide before grinning, grabbing ahold of their arms. "Sparkk! You scared me!"
    "Ha! Good." They giggle, nibbling more. Macy grinned more and giggled, which caused Spark to laugh, letting her go. Bandit looked up, tucked into her bed, ears raised.
    Macy turned, smiling up at them. "I'm so excited for Vegas. . ."
    Spark smiled. "I know you are." She reached and kissed them as they kiss back, closing their eyes.
    Macy then moved away, opening her eyes and looked at them. "One weekk."
    "One weeeekk."
    She grabbed their hand, dragging them to the bed as she dressed down to her underwear and laid under the covers, they smile, getting down to their boxers and crawled in after her. Macy got comfortable, turing her back towards them then lifted her arms for them.
    Spark stared, laying down and pulled her in, kissing the back of her neck. She held their arms, closing her eyes as she smiled softly as they mold their body to hers, sighing as they rest their head on the top of hers. Macy got comfortable, yawning as she breathed softly. "I love youuu."
    "I love you toooo darling." They softly rub her side, as they drift off to sleep.

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