Chapter Forty: [Macy XIII]

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[TW: This chapter will feature abuse, murder, PTSD, breaking-and-entering, and hostage on a family member.]

    Macy walked into her room, looking around before stepping in and shut the door. She went through her clothes, looking for clothes to wear. She grabbed a big tea and pants, frowning softly she inhaled, mentally preparing before taking off the towel as looked at all the scars, taking them in before getting dressed.
    She sat on her bed, tying her Converse. Macy looked at herself in the mirror, nodding as she went back to Spark's room to say bye. She walked back into the room, walking to her phone on the floor and stared at her cracked screen. "Damn," she put it in her pocket, walking towards Spark. "Okay, ten minutes, time me." She grinned.
    Spark smiled, grabbing their phone. "Ten minutes. . . got it, go!"
    She kissed them quickly. "Bye love you!" she ran out the door.
    "Bye love you too!"
    Macy shut the door then jogged down the stairs, no longer smiling.
    Cassidy turned, seeing her jog down. "Goin' somewhere red?"
    Macy slowed down, looking at her as she headed for the front door. "Yes, I've got a few things to do. Be back in ten!" She opened the door, about to leave.
    "Need me to drive you?"
    Macy shook her head as she stepped out. "Nope!" And shut the door behind her, walking into the driveway, looking at the house before starting to run.
    10 minutes.
    She ran for town, running and running. She ran from the neighborhood, looking both ways, whispering the address to herself, before running across the street. She slid past people, doing her best not to hit them. "I'm sorry!" She replied to the unlucky few she did run into.
    Macy ran down to a cross walk, breathing heavily as she stared around and bounced in place. Come on come on come on. . . She thought to herself quietly as she watched the sign turn from red to the walking sign as she bolted across. Wishin' I asked someone to drive me right 'bout now.
    She huffed with a scowl as she shook her head, slowing as she walked into a neighborhood.
    Macy slowly walked towards her house, staring at it. Her legs ached, the sides of her stomach clenched. That car sat in the driveway. All the blinds were closed, even the upstair blinds. He never closes those blinds. . .
    She pulled out her key, looking at it before walking up to the door and stared at the door, swallowing and inhaling deeply as she put the key in and unlocked the door, opening it slowly. A figure stood tall nearby in the kitchen, hunched over the counter like it was making something.
    Macy stared, swallowing as she slowly closed the door.
    Julian turned a cheek to her. "You actually came."
    She stared, slowly putting the key away. She hasn't noticed any of the blood yet. "I told you I would. . ." Her father stood tall, boots tapping the linoleum as he slowly approached her. The sunlight hit his face for a meer moment before cowering from him, letting the darkness cover him once more.
    Macy went wide eyed, staring up at him as she breathed shakily. "Is that. . . is that blood?" Her voice cracked. Her father didn't answer, instead walking past her, holding the door knob as a click echoed the room. He locked the door and slowly turned to her. Macy turned, staring at him as her face went white. "I thought you stopped. . ." She covered her mouth a bit.
    Julian's eyes planted onto her as he slowly walked closer to her. "I did. Until. . . I saw my daughter. . . with the one person. . . who completely. . . ruined. . . our lives." He spoke low, voice trailing, and cold. He loomed over her, looking down at his small shell of a daughter with disdain. Macy's breathing picked up as she froze, staring up at him.
    Julian examined her, grabbing her jaw and squeezed as he yanked her face to the side and lightly moved her shirt with a knife. "Tsk — you reek." He scoffed, scowling hard and glared at her and then the bite marks. "That's fucking fresh. Isn't it?" Julian scowled more, shaking his head. "What did he do, drown you in that filth? God you fucking reek. And what'd he do? Try to fuckin' eat you? What is he, a fucking animal?" He scoffed and tossed her down.
    Macy's lip quivered as she whispered. "No. . ." He scowled more before tossing her down. She landed on her hands, quickly staring up at him.
    "For extra. . . precautions. . ." He lunged the edge of his foot into her stomach, kicking with a force she'd carry a bruise, or worse. Macy made a face as she gasped before coughing and immediately curled up, tensing. He grabbed her by her hair, crouching as he glared at her.
    "I don't know if I could trust you to keep my secret anymore. . ." He whispered, examining her face. "Your mother didn't keep it, and faced her unfortunate and unforgettable end. . ."
    Macy bared her teeth, squinting her eyes shut as she gripped his wrist. "What the fuck." She spoke shakily, quickly opening her eyes to stare at him with wide, fearful eyes. Julian leaned in close, lips near her ear, whispering.
    "I killed her."
    Macy continued to stare, shaking her head as she tried to push away from him. "No. no!" Julian grabbed her hand, pinning it to the ground as he glared. She stared, shaking her head more as she pushed at him. "NO!"
    Julian raised the knife, stabbing into her hand before slowly standing. He no longer looked liked the father she thought she knew. Macy stared at him, her breathing staggered as she made a gut-wrenching scream. He glared, kicking her in the side. Her scream cut off sharply with a gasp for air, tears running down her face as she slowly turned, baring her teeth.
    She watched her father — No, stranger. He's no longer my father. — grab her and start to drag her towards the garage. Her wounded hand shook as she tried to grab onto anything she could.
    "NO. NO NO!" She sobbed, kicking her feet. She looked back, raising her foot as she kicked his wrist in. Julian yelled in surprise, letting go. Macy scrambled up, trying to find somewhere to hide. She stared into the living room, dropping down into the fireplace as she covered her mouth.
    Julian breathed heavily, glaring around. "Macy." He called low, grabbing his bloodied knife and walked slowly around the bottom floor.
    Macy looked at her hand, focusing on trying not to try and onto her breathing. She pulled out her phone quietly, making sure to not make a noise before slowly dialing Maverick. Julian listened around, his eyes glaring around the kitchen.
    "Macy? Hello?" Maverick answered in a quiet voice.
    Macy waited to speak, turning down her phone volume. Her voice was extremely shakey. "I-I need. . . I need help. . ." She whispered as quietly as she could.
    "Where. Are you."
    "Maverick. . ." she stared outside of the fireplace, seeing Julian walk into the living room as she covered her mouth and cried so silently you couldn't even tell she was crying. "I — He-he might kill me. . ." she whispered quietly again. "Please. . ."
    "Right. Don't make a single noise. Text me your location. Don't. Move."
    Julian slightly turned his head towards the sound of whispering, gripping the knife. "Macy." His voice echoed throughout the house.
    Macy squinted her eyes shut, shaking as she let out a silent sob. "Maverick. . ." she whispered again. "He's gonna find me. . . he-he stabbed my hand. . ." She couldn't help but let out a quiet sob for she went cold, staring out.
    "If you need to, run."
    Julian shot his head towards the fireplace. "Gotcha." he made his way towards her.
    "No! No no!" She tried to scurry out of it, kicking up ash as she slipped and grunted. Julian grabbed the back of her throat and lifted her to her feet. She squinted her eyes shut, letting out a sob as she dropped her phone.
    "Get off me!!" she yelled as he dragged her back towards the garage.
    "Macy? Macy?! Macy!"
    She cried out, holding the doorway to the open garage. "NO!" Julian gripped her neck, pushing her in. Macy fell, landing onto her knees and hands as she stared around the garage then looked up at him. "Non No no no dad please!!" She tried to get up as he slammed and locked the garage door.
    Macy sobbed loudly, banging on the door. "No no! No! Dad! Dad please!! Please I won't tell I won't! I promise!" She leaned her hands and head against the door, slowly sliding down it as she felt her chest and throat close up. She held her chest and her throat, her breathing staggered. She stared around the dark garage, unable to control her crying. Her entire body shook as she slowly crawled towards the garage door. I have to get out. I have too! I don't wanna be in here! Please open, please open.
    Macy sobbed more as she bumped into something. She stopped, staring into the dark as she shakily reached. She touched what felt like skin. Her body flushed cold, her breathing heavy before a blood curling scream left her, quickly crawling back. She sliced her hand on some glass as she moved away. Macy sat somewhere, sobbing and yelling from the pain she felt in her hand.
    Macy looked to the garage door, gasping through her sobs as she hurried over blindly and tried to pull it open, yelling through her teeth. It was like it was completely bolted shut as she hit against it. "FUCKING HELP ME!" She yelled, leaning her head against the door as she slid down it, unaware she was sitting next to two bodies.
    Macy's hand ached and throbbed as she held her wrist, leaning her head back as she coughed and just cried. She moved to hold her stomach, curling up as she shivered like a terrified dog trapped in a corner.
    She could just hear what sounded like the sound of boots outside, the doorknob jiggled before cursing. And it was quiet again, before picking up from other corners of the house. There was that familiar voice, and a new one. A deeper one. Maverick. Spark. She listed the names. Please.
    Macy slowly sat up, tears streaming down her face when suddenly a hand grabbed her ankle. She turned her head quickly, screaming again as she kicked at it. "WHAT THE FUCK!" She sobbed loudly, crawling away from it.
    A man's voice rose but it was. . . not pretty. "Call. . ." And then nothing. Macy covered her mouth, yelling again as she crawled away from this, thing.
    She could hear the pair more, and then a "Fucking!" followed by a sharp yell, and a window breaking. Then came silence once more. Dead quiet. Too quiet. Next, came the sound of glass crunching underneath heavy boots, and that dreadful sound of something dragging against the wood. She could hear it all, listening in fear. Please kill him. Please kill him. Please kill him. She begged in silence.
    Outside the garage, her father slid his hand off the door, slowly turning. At the end of the hall, stood a tall and large figure, shrouded in darkness. It stared down at Julian, wielding a bat. Of what? The sun caught only the bat; wooden, decorated with barbed wire and rusted nails stabbed into it. His face slowly dropped as he stared. The figure sounded angry as it yelled, "Where is she?!"
    Julian glared, gripping the knife. "How the fuck. . ."
    Macy slowly stood, slightly limping towards the door as she leaned against it. "Dad. . ." She whispered before hearing Maverick and Spark's voices as she tried to crawl back towards the garage door, crawling in glass as she winced and cried out. Moving around as she tried to find somewhere that did have glass, hitting on the door with the back of her hand.
    God please help me. . . She started sobbing again, resting off of her knee, moving to lean against the wall, her stomach, arms, hands, and her knee was throbbing in pain. She hiccuped, shaking her head slowly.
    "You bastard! I know you have her, where is she?!" Macy heard Maverick demand. "Where is Macy?!"
    "Who, the fuck, are you."
    "Bounty hunter, Julian. Your daughter was nice enough to put a bounty on you, I've just come to collect the money. Now tell me where your daughter is and I won't bash your fucking skull in!"
    "I should have known my whore of a daughter knew you. . ."
    "She is. Don't be actin like you know that bitch. And you wouldn't kill me. They'll come lookin' for you."
    "Who would come looking for me if they'll be busy finding your scattered body in the woods for three months." Maverick growled.
    Macy's knee gave out as she fell on her knees, catching her fall with her hands as she gasped shakily, squinting her eyes shut, clenching her teeth as she yelled through them, lifting off of her hands, leaning forward a bit as she put her hands near her face. She inhaled before making yet another gut wrenching yell. Her eyes had adjusted to the darkness, just for her to see bodies, scattered.
    "Macy? Macy I'll get you out, okay? That disgusting corpse infested garage! You really need to clean up the place."
    "How the fuck did you know?"
    "A good killer never leaves clues. I should know, and so should they." Macy heard the sound of something hitting her father. "Sick em boy." Then came heavy boots on wood as Spark lunged for the man like a rabid dog, barreling into him.
    "GGH!" Julian fell. Then came the beating. Macy could hear Spark land punch after punch worth four years of repressed anger and revenge.
    Macy reached up to the door knob, pounding on the door. "GET ME OUT OF HERE!" She ignored her pain, feeling a panic attack rising as she breathed quickly. "I don't wanna be — I don't wanna see it anymore!"
    "Macy step back!"
    Macy kept pounding on the door. "God get me out! Get me out!"
    "I'm going to kill you! I'm going to watch you die with pleasure!" Spark's voice was heavy in repressed anger raising like a great fire. Maverick rose a foot, and kicked at the door, kicking and kicking until it gave way. Macy listened to Spark as she sobbed louder, guilt running through her body as she stumbled back, tripping over her feet as she landed on her poor hand again.
    Julian spit a bit, his hits started to slow down as Spark growled, eyes glancing as they reached for the knife. Maverick stood in the doorway, walking in and extended a hand, pulling her up. Macy went limp, just sobbing as she dropped her head down as Maverick picked her up over his shoulder, walking from the garage.
    Julian tried to get up, looking at the garage. "Nmph —" He struggled as Spark pushed him back down, hands tight around his throat. Julian squinted his eyes shut, gripping their wrist.
    Macy, the poor girl, was covered in dirt, ash, blood, and glass. Tears stained her face as her whole body began to shake once more. She could only listen to the violence her boyfriend was putting her father through, somewhere deep in her felt grateful. She tried to curl up, too afraid to open her eyes as she used her bloodied hands to cover her face.
    Maverick stopped, turning back to the two, before setting the bat down, moving Macy carefully into bridal style, whistling. "Here Spark, a new toy." He continued walking, heading outside. Macy kept her eyes squeezed shut, her hands unable to stop shaking as she breathed quickly. She kept whispering something.
    "He-he ki —" she couldn't get it out as she tried to talk. She letting out another sob.
    "You're safe. . . I've got you Macy, Spark's handling your father. . ." Macy flinched to his voice, letting out a sob. She was now stiff.
    Maverick set Macy carefully in his Mustang. She slightly looked towards the house, eyes meeting Julian's eyes as she covered her mouth
    "Stay, here, okay?" His voice was gentle as can be. "Macy, hey," Macy couldn't look away from Julian as she breathed quickly again, Spark walked into view, blocking as the door slowly closed. "Macy. . ." Macy just stared at the door before quickly turning to Maverick and shrunk down. "You're safe, Macy. . ."
    Macy clenched her teeth as crying as she looked down at herself. "He killed her. . ." She finally spit out.
    Maverick stared, gripping the door. "Fucking bitch." He looked up.
    "Don't! Don't leave me don't leave me!" She quickly grabbed him, staring down. Her hands had gotten blood on his clothes. "Please don' leave me,"
    Maverick looked at her, his eyes soft. "You — I need to do my job. . ."
    "No no no please. Please please!" She cried out, gripping his shirt. "I don't wanna be left alone!" Maverick let his arms rest on her, before moving and took off his coat, a black leather trenchcoat. Macy refused to look at him, still shivering as she just cried and cried. Maverick put his trench coat around her with a sigh and picked her up. She moved her face into him, trying to calm down but absolutely nothing worked, Maverick began to walk back.
    Macy squeezed her eyes closed, whispering "He killed her." over and over again. He moved his coat to cover her face, opening the door and walked in. He looked around, setting her down at a table.
    Even Macy's ankles shook as she listened to everything as Maverick turned, blocking her sight. He and Spark were now staring at Julian.
    "You want her. . . to see me?" Macy heard her dads voice as she covered her mouth and stared at the linoleum.
    "You shoved her in a garage full of corpses and you're surprised she'll see yours?"
    Julian coughed, slowly trying to sit up. "She. . . was about to be. . . one." He glared at Spark with an open mouthed smirk. Macy sunk down, furrowing her eyebrows. Macy gasped a bit, hovering her hands over her mouth when she heard the heavy hit of an object, her father's head hitting the floor. She looked at her hands, tears rolling down her face as she hicked and tried to pull the glass out.
    "She didn't wish I leave her alone." Maverick spoke up. "So, why not?"
    Spark then slammed their boot into his arm. "M'not giving you the pleasure of fighting back you cunt." Julian yelled out, squinting his eyes shut as he quickly reached for their leg, Macy flinched to the sound, instinctively covering her ears.
    Maverick turned, kneeling and reached out a hand, now holding tweezers and a small flashlight. "Here, Macy let me help, okay?"
    Macy watched Spark shrugged his hand away, staring down at him as they moved off, pressing their boot to the knife and simply kicked it away while Maverick took care of her hands.
    Julian laid there, huffing as he looked at them. "Thank god. . . she can't have kids." He whispered, trying to get up again.
    Maverick froze, turning. Macy yanked away, crying out as she shook her head quickly.
    "She told you that?" They turn to stare at her, looking away. "M'sorry to inform you, but it's me, who can't have em. Yeahhh, no condom." They reply with a sucking teeth noise, tilting their head. "Anything else?"
    Macy sobbed, holding her hands to her as she leaned her head on the table. Maverick looked at his friend, blinking.
    Julian chuckled lightly. "At least those kids won't end up fucked. . ."
    "Like you?"
    Macy shook her head slowly, suddenly apologizing.
    "Worse." Julian hissed, scowling.
    "Oh, sir. I'm just the biker you ruined four years ago, who, in your words; took your daughter, when in reality she came to me." They walked over, toying with the bat.
    Julian looked towards her. "Macy. . . my sweet girl. . ." He tilted his head, slouched.
    Macy quickly covered her ears. "No no no no no. . ." She whispered shakily, baring her teeth.
    "You know. I wouldn't hurt you for no, reason. . . right, my darling girl?"
    "Sorry, she only responds to 'darling girl' if it's from me." They lunged the bat into their side as Macy cried, gripping her ears.
    Julian huffed, baring his teeth and fell over. "Macy-Macy are you seeing this? Are you just going to let them-them hurt me? After all I've ever done, for you?" He coughed, gripping his side.
    "Don't listen to him. . ." He whispered as he continued to pick glass and clean her arms. Macy moved her knees up to her chest, breathing heavily as she gripped her hair.
    "Make this shit stop." She whispered.
    Maverick nodded. "Yes Ma'am," He stood. Julian wheezed, watching Maverick. Macy rocked a bit, unable to get the images and sounds out of her head. "Give me the bat Spark, Macy wants this over with." He reached his hand.
    "Bullshit. . ." Julian muttered as Spark stared, looking at Julian, before handing the bat over and traded places.
    "She loves her dad. . ." He chuckled. "She told me so. . . last night. . ."
    "Macy, if you have anything you'd like to say, say it now will you?" Maverick gripped the bat.
    Macy laid her hand onto the table, breathing through her teeth. "Mom didn't fucking love you. Mom hated you. I. . . fucking hate you with every ounce of my fucking —" She cut herself off. Her father's face slowly dropped as he looked at her.
    "That's a send off, I'm intrigued; anything else?" Spark watched, kneeling beside Macy.
    "I never fucking wanted you in the first place." Julian glared at the back of her head.
    Macy dropped her head, crying quietly now as she leaned her forehead onto the table. "Fucking end it already." Spark looked at her, looking back.
     "With pleasure ma'am." Maverick faced Julian, raising the bat.
    Julian stared up at him. "Oi. Nah, Macy! Macy you can't be serious!?"
    "She's serious if she's got the bounty hunter himself on speed dial." Spark spoke, Macy just cried.
    "Macy?!" Julian stared at her then at Maverick. Macy stared at the floor, completely stiff.
    "Just another name on my list." Maverick then lunged the bat directly at his face.
    Macy flinched as the sickening rip of flesh rose, followed by crunching bones as she gasped shortly, covering her ears and mouth. She stole a glance, her eyes widen in horror and fear; Maverick had swung with such a force the single blow split skin and bone directly down his face, caved in and splattered on the floor. Macy let out a trail of sobs, her body would not stop shaking, but the sound made it worse.
    Maverick stood, shaking the blood from the bat as it flung, but his clothes couldn't be shook off as he stared. "Take her home Spark, I need to make a call."
    Spark watched him unlock his phone, nudging Macy. "Mace. . . come on. . ." Macy flinched to their touch, quickly looking up at them. She slowly moved, staying off of her knee as she just stared at their face. Her eyes were horrified and her skin was as white as a ghost.
    Spark stared at her, leaning and picked her up, carrying her. Macy buried her face into their shoulder, refusing to look up.
    "Hello?" A gruff voice came from the phone, nearly sounded like Julian but this voice was older, softer. Macy just wrapped her arms around her neck, not letting her hands touch anything on Spark.
    "Hello Grandfather, I need a favor; can you send the clean up crew? Yeah it's, a nasty one." His boot nudged Julian's body, glaring. "The location is. . ." His voice quieted as Spark closed the door.
    Macy suddenly bursted into apologies, her voice shaking and slightly hard to understand. Spark set her in Maverick's car.
    "Why are you apologizing hon?"
    Macy shook her head quickly. "Im-I'm so-sorry. . . I said-I said I was, ten minutes because I was-I was just —" She breathed quickly, staring up at them. "I'm sorry. . ."
    Spark looked at her, moving to sit beside her. "Don't apologize, don't apologize. . . I'm not mad I'm not mad dear. . ."
    "I didn't know he was going to try and kill me." She spoke, before bursting into harder sobs, laying the back of her hands onto her thighs. Spark pulled her in, hugging as they stared at the house, Macy flinched to their touch, shrinking into them.
    "He killed my mom. . ." She covered her face.
    "He won't kill anyone, ever again. . ."
    "There were so many." She leaned her head back, hiccuping as she shook her head. "I can't-I can't breathe!" She looked around, another attack starting up.
    It was a little, when a black car drove past them and slowed to the front of the house, followed by a van that read "Blackwell Pest Control."
    Macy watched men pile out like a hoard of hornets, holding her chest as she shrunk down. Oh god. . .
    Maverick walked out, heading towards an older man. The older man stood near his height, dressed in a black trenchcoat like Maverick, a black hat, glasses, and gloves with a steel tipped dark oakwood cane. He spoke something, and the two shook hands, nodding.
    Macy looked around. "I just wanna go home, I wanna go home." She was absolutely hysterical.
    The older man looked to the car, pointing the cane. Maverick spoke, his lips moving to speak "Yes sir," as the man walked towards the car, Maverick not far behind.
    Macy saw him walking over as she quickly moved from Spark and went towards the other side of the car. The poor baby was just scared. "No no —"
    "Baby. . . baby Mr. Blackwell will not hurt you. . . trust me, please. He just wants to apologize. . ."
     Macy breathed heavily and deeply gripping her chest as she pulled her legs closer to her. She left bloody hand prints on herself.
    The man, Mr. Blackwell, looked in. He looked similar to Maverick, if Maverick was much older. He tapped his cane, Spark rolled down the window. "Are you the Macy I heard about?" He asked, his voice soft and warm, like a grandfather's. Macy flinched, gripping her chest more as her lip quivered. "Macy you have no need to fear me, I'm much nicer then your father." Macy nodded slowly, about to cry out again. "I see your friendly with my grandson and his dear friend. The name's Leon Kennedy Blackwell, but you can call me Leon or Mr. Blackwell, whichever suffices. Can I see you dear? To see what I need to patch up?" Mr. Blackwell spoke, Macy stared at him with fearful eyes as she refused to move. She looked like a deer in headlights.
    "Dear, I have a nurse in the back who would like to help you." He continued.
    Macy quickly moved her eyes to Spark, who looked at her and nodded, holding out their hand. Macy shakily took their hand, very slowly moving out of the car. They followed her as she tried to stand up right but her knees were all busted up from crawling and glass.
    Mr. Blackwell looked at her, moving aside and pointed his cane to the van. "She's just back there, do you need anything dear?"
    Macy shot her eyes to Mr. Blackwell, her lip quivering again as she glanced at the house. She was wanting to speak, but no words could come out.
    He looked to the house as well. "Something in there you need?" Macy nodded slowly. "Mind telling me dear?"
    Maverick stood somewhat behind his grandfather like a guard, listening and watching around them, that bat no longer in his hands. Is it evidence? Am I a witness? Is he going to jail!? Macy felt tears well in her eyes.
    She blinked, speaking in a hush voice. "Stuff from my room. . . and my. . . my mother's stuff. . ."
    "Ah, I can order some men to come by and collect it all, do you mind tell me where it is?"
    "Upstairs. . . far corner room. . . is my room. . ."
    "And," he walked closer, that cane tapping the asphalt. "Anything you need, broken? Cleaned up?" Macy stared at him, sinking down a little.
    "Grandfather, you're scaring her —" Maverick spoke, his grandfather tapped the cane to his boot, he closed his mouth, nodding. Macy's lip quivered again, the welling tears dripped down.
    "Do you need anything else in that house taken care of or cleaned up?" He asked her.
    Macy whispered softly. "The garage. . ."
    "The garage? Hm. I'll have it cleaned up. Maverick?"
    "Yes grandfather?" He looked down, his grandfather turned.
    "Take her home once she's cleaned up and don't tell a soul of this, you as well Ms. Hicks." Maverick and Macy both nodded in reply. "Good. Now go get cleaned up Ms. Hicks."
    Spark watched, fiddling with their fingers as Macy slowly limped towards the van, still stiff as can be as she tried not to cry anymore.
    The woman turned. "Are you the Macy I'm to pa —oh dear you are, okay dear just sit and I'll work around you, okay?"
    Macy stared at her, stopping as her eyes scanned her, seeing the woman had a good deal of medical supplies. She went still, eyeing the supplies.
    "Dear, are you alright? I'll only use a handful of these." She spoke, Macy went to say something but stopped. Both men watched her, Mr. Blackwell gone from view. Maverick stood tall, hands behind his back, Spark leaning on their bike.
    Macy slowly stepped towards the nurse, reaching her hands to her, the nurse gingerly took them, "Just sit dear," Macy slowly sat down, making a face.
    She didn't starting working until Macy was fully sat and semi-comfortable. Gently, she cleaned and bandaged her wounds one by ones. Macy completely zoned out, exhaling slowly and deeply.
    "Dear, dear you're alright, you're alright."
    After tender care and a patient process, she reached her hand, staring. Macy just sat there, spaced out and tense.
    The nurse, who's name Macy discovered was Dr. Sinclair, moved away for a second, and then came back with more bandage, ointment. "I'm going to clean your hand, okay?" Sinclair got no response, inhaling as she began to clean the wound. Tenderly she carefully stitched, then dressed the wound.
    Macy didn't move. Her body slowly relaxed as silent tears rolled down her ashy face. Once the nurse handled her wounds, she wet a rag and began to clean her face and legs of the ash and dirt and debri. Macy flinched, going wide eyed as she shrunk down.
    Maverick's head turned to the heavy sound of something being knocked over, staring. Macy flinched again, her head now whipping around to scan her surroundings.
    Spark stared at the house with Maverick. Macy turned to stare at the house, her heart racing. "What are they doing?" She spoke quickly.
    "Cleaning the garage, like you asked them too." Mr. Blackwell's voice came as he walked into view. "How you didn't get some disease in that house is beyond me."
    Macy flinched yet again, turning her head to his voice as she exhaled shakily, suddenly disliking she was around strangers, shrinking down into the chair.
    "I've ordered they're to not touch the upstairs, and to wait, like again, you asked."
    Macy's heart rate and breathing picked up within seconds as she stayed sunken into the chair. I wanna go home.
    "Maverick? How is Oliver?" He turned his attention.
    "He's, good. College is good and we're doing good."
    Dr. Sinclair stepped back, reaching out her arms. "Here dear, let me help you to the car." Macy got up, holding onto her. The nurse moved closer to her, just incase as she began walking, taking it slow. Maverick stepped back towards his Grandfather.
    Spark stared as Macy walked with her, keeping her head down as she clenched her teeth. Spark walked, opening the door.
    She held Macy's back and arm. "Here dear, lean down." Macy slowly got into the car, trying not to use her hands as she whimpered in pain, slowly sitting down.
    The woman made her way back to the van as Spark closed the door, Macy flinched slightly to the door closing, slowly laying down in the seat as she held her hands close to her and shivered.
    "We'll be going now Grandfather, apologies we meet again in these circumstances." Maverick's voice was sort of muffled by the car. Macy listened to their voices, the tears hitting the seat of the mustang.
    "It's fine son, but you better visit for the holidays." He waved his cane like an angry grandpa, Maverick grinned with a laugh. "Alright, get her home safe, alright?" Maverick nodded, leaning to kiss his grandfather on the cheek as he spoke goodbyes, going to the car and got in.
    Macy zoned out again, still shivering as Maverick put his trenchcoat over her again, reaching to pat her shoulder gently as he started his car. Spark wasn't far behind on their bike, and as Maverick drove Spark was right there keeping pace.
    Macy whispered softly. "Thank you. . ."
    "Anything for my loved ones. . ." Maverick replied, smiling soft as he focused on driving.
    Spark lifted a hand, knocking on the window for a moment, before it went back to the handle.
    Macy flinched slightly, looking towards the window as Spark looked over, lifting both hands and made a heart with their fingers, pointing at her, and repeat before their hands went back to the handles, Macy couldn't help but smile as she tried to do it with her hands but it wasn't as good.
    Spark did a heart again, matching it with hers before making a kissy motion, and then speeding forward. Macy watched them, leaning her cheek against the window as she laid her bandaged hands in her lap. Maverick slowed as Spark circled the car, speeding up when Spark was right back to the left of the car.
    Spark raised a hand, touching her face through the window as Macy smiled softly, looking at them before lifting a hand and very lightly pressed it against the glass. They watched her, pointing down. Macy moved her hand, rolling down her window.
    "Hi there pretty girl!" They call through the visor, laughing. "You got a boyfriend?" Maverick scoffed, smiling.
    Macy smiled faintly. "Yeah, actually I do!" She yelled through the wind.
    "Aw damn! I was gonna ask you out but, oh well!" They then slowed their bike, rounding, and appeared on the other side.
    Macy turned her head, smiling a little more. Spark grinned, lifting their hands and made a hole with their index and thumb, then put their other index in and out, in and out. Macy made a face.
    "Spark James!" She couldn't help but laugh. Maverick laughed and smiled, Spark then slowed and drove back to the left side. The laughing made Macy's stomach hurt as she winced and wrapped her arm around her stomach. Spark grinned, raising up on one wheel as Macy stared. "Spark, no wheelies! Excuse you!" Spark's helmet moved like they groaned, going back on two wheels.
    Macy squinted before smiling softly as she reached a hand to lay on the door face up. "I love you!" She yelled.
    "I love you more!"
    "I believe it!" She smiled softly. The two slowed as Maverick got a red light, Spark lifted their visor.
    Spark smiled at her. "How's it feel to be free, like actually free?"
    Macy inhaled, smiling more. "I'm fucking free. . ." She reached her hand for them. Spark held it, leaning to kiss it. Macy watched them, leaning her chin on the door. "You saved me," she reached another hand and held the side of their helmet.
    Spark smiled, bonking the visor gently on the car. Maverick listened, smiling warmly as he watched the light.
    Macy looked at the light before climbing carefully halfway out the window. "Kiss me before it turns green." Spark looked up, quickly taking off their helmet and kissing her deeply, Macy kissed them back, smiling softly.
    "Green light lovebirds!" Maverick called as Spark pulled away with a smile, putting their helmet back on and fixing the strap, lowering their visor. Macy laughed, holding their face before sliding back into the car. Maverick pulled forward, Spark right beside him. Macy leaned her head back, rolling up the window while she took a deep breath.
    "So, Ms. Macy Hicks, or should I say James, how is your first day of freedom?" He talked like an interviewer.
    Macy paused a moment before nodding slowly. "It feels. . . good. . ."
    "And with a biker as a partner who wouldn't agree." Maverick laughed.
    Macy smiled softly, afraid to close her eyes. "Yeah. . ."
    "We'll be home soon Mace. . ."
    Macy swallowed and slowly closed her eyes. "Good. . ."
    Maverick watched Spark turn down Twin Pines, not far behind.

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