Chapter Sixty-Two: [Macy XIX]

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    After half an hour of driving, the driver slowed at the front. Macy adjusted her dress, waiting to be let out as the man unlocked the doors. "Have a nice night you two."
    She got out. "Thank you, you too." She smiled softly. The man nodded as he watched the two get out, then did a friendly wave before driving off. Macy headed for the doors, holding her arm, they follow her as she opened the door, stepping in. They held the door as they follow her as she hummed softly, heading for the elevator. Spark watched her. "Aren't your feet tired?"
    Macy shook her head. "Not really, kind of." They tilt their head as she chuckled. "I'm ready to get off my feet though."
    "Oh?" They look at her, she nodded, smiling at them. Spark smiled back, before leaning and picked her up the same way Maverick did to Ollie, then changed their mind and carefully put her in bridal style as she giggled, holding onto them. They chuckle as they walked to the elevator, she leaned her head against them.
    "You're doing more then staying off your feet sweet girl." They commented, kissing her eyebrow.
    "Whaaaats that supposed to mean?" They glance at her, smiling as she raised an eyebrow, smiling. "No context?"
    The doors opened as Spark stepped in, hands tight around her and pressed the number thirty. "Nope no context at all. Buns can you get the key card from my back pocket?"
    She nodded, reaching into his pocket. She grabbed it, smiling as she handed it to them. Spark smirked, reaching a hand up her dress, bunching up the dress as they reached her thigh before pulling it away and fixed her dress as they watched the numbers, grabbing the key card. "Thank you dollface."
    She blinked a few times. "Wh — You did not just do that."
    "I did."
    She scoffed. "If you're going to tease me at least do it right." She smirked, leaning her head against their shoulder. They grin, the elevator dinged, announcing the thirtieth floor as they walked out and to their suite.
    Spark opened the door, Macy looked in with a smile. They set her down, hand tight around her waist as they close and lock the door, hugging her from behind.
    She held their arms, closing her eyes as she leaned her head back against them and spoke quietly. "Hear that?" Peanut purred/meowed, stretching and crawling out from under the couch before trotting over to the.
    "Hear what? Peanut?"
    She shook her head. "The quiet. . ." They smile as she turned her head and looked up at them. "Let me get into some comfies annnnd. . . we can pick up from where we started, how does that sound?"
    They look at her, reaching and slowly dragged their hands up her legs, bunching up the dress. "It sounds good dear. . ."
    Macy grinned, biting her lip softly before slowly walking towards her bags and got her jams then walked to the bathroom. Spark watched her, attention turning as Bandit came into view. They smile, "Hi Bandy." They speak soft, sitting down as Bandit crowded them, they laughed.
    Macy shut the bathroom door, undressing as she took a deep breath, slipped the jams on, sliding the silk robe over her shoulders, and then grabbed a makeup pad and started taking off her makeup. She then tied up her hair in a bun, examining herself in the mirror before looking down at a test. She examined it, tilting her head. After. she nodded to herself, opening the door.
    Spark got up, walking in the bedroom and began to undress, seeing Bandit walk by the bathroom and sit. Their ears pick up the sound of the door and looked over, fully in their jams, she smiled at them, walking over.
    Spark stared at her, opening their mouth. "I. Uh — you — " They stumble, watching her crawl onto the bed, wrapping her arms around their neck and sat directly on their lap.
    "Spit it out. . ." She spoke. They continued to stare at her, hands finding her waist. Spark did try and spit it out, but they couldn't, just continuing to stare at her and delicately tracing their fingers. She examined their face. "I'm what?. . ."
    Spark finally looked up at her, eyes searching hers. "You, feel different. . ." They whisper. "A-a good, different. . . I think. . ."
    "Oh?" She tilted her head softly, she kept eye contact. They nodded, hands still roaming her body. They shove their hands up her robe as they push in, head nuzzling into the crook of her neck as they inhaled her scent.
    "You. . . smell different, too. God it's, doing something to me. . ."
    Macy leaned her head back, putting her fingers through their hair as she smirked and looked down at them. "Well I definitely can do something to you. . ." They look up at her, eyes heavy in a new hunger. They push her back on the bed, hands tight around her waist. Macy parted her lips, breathing softly as she moved to open her legs a bit more. Spark looked down, lips parting as they dove down and didn't think before pushing their face between her legs, deeply inhaling.
    "Fuck, what is that, smell. . .?" They breathe against her, pulling her closer.
    She sat up on her elbows, biting her lip softly. "I'm, not sure. . ." Spark rose their head from under the robe, looking at her and squinted, as if trying to figure it out. She watched them, blinking softly. "Is it my perfume?"
    They shook their head. "No this. . . god this smells. . . more, god it just smells more."
    "Well I-I don't know." She chuckled softly, making a somewhat confused face. God they're weird. . . I love them so much, my weird boy.
    They looked at her, blinking as they crawled over, leaning over her, connecting their waist to hers. "Whatever that smells is, is doing something to me. . . like a-a natural, something. . ."
    She just chuckled. "Are you. . . sure you didn't have anything to drink?"
    "Just two weak cocktails. . ." They shook their head, looking at her still.
    "Huh. . ." She examined their face. "I don't, know what you could, be smelling then. . ." She shook her head slowly.
    "I'm smelling you. . . but it's something so much stronger, like a musk, odor. . ."
    Macy shook her head. "I don't. . . know. If I stink you could just say so." She chuckled lightly.
    Spark rolled their eyes. "You don't stink, hon. . . but the smell, smells, stronger further I go down."
    She slowly laid back down. "Okay well, could just, be my clothes. . ." She slowly moved her legs.
    "I. . . I could, look it up?" They looked at her. "And I don't think it's your clothes. . ." Macy sat up, moving her legs aside as she looked down at the floor. Spark looked at her. "Macy?"
    She inhaled. "I guess I should just take a test." She muttered, getting off the bed.
    Spark sat up, watching her, hands twitching, sitting with their legs crossed as they waited, quiet and patient. Macy rubbed her neck, heading to the bathroom. They get up, letting Annie and Leaf wander around the bed since the carrier cage was much smaller.
    Macy walked in and grabbed the test, looking down at it as she exhaled slowly. She pushed the door enough to where it was cracked and opened the box slowly. Peanut watched, ear flicking. Macy read the instructions, suddenly feeling emotional as she leaned on the counter and took a minute before taking the test.
    Once she finished, she flushed and then laid the test on the counter and waited, setting a timer for three minutes, taking a deep breath, she sat on the floor as she waited.
    "Mace?" She heard Spark call out in a soft voice.
    "I'll be out in a minute!" She called, closing her eyes. After a long, worrying three minutes, her timer went off. She stood, slowly looking at the test as she stared. Her face dropped as she slowly reached for it. Macy's hand starting shaking as she stared down at the test.
    She breathed quickly, not sure what to do as she set it down and covered her mouth. She fanned herself, huffing. "Babe!" She grabbed the test again, staring at it and made sure she wasn't seeing anything.
    "Yes? Yeah? What's wrong? Is everything okay?"
    Tears rolled down her face as she turned to them and let out a sob, grinning as she faced it towards them. Spark stared at her, then the test. Their breathing heavied as they walked closer and looked at the test, then their expression dropped, a look of surprise fell on their face. The test showed two lines, positive.
    She started crying as she leaned her hands on the counter. They look at her, then the test again, then her, as if they couldn't believe it. "Is. . . I —" They rushed forward and picked her up in their arms, hugging her tightly as they spun, sobbing. "I'm not-not sterile oh my god!" Their voice was a broken tone of relief and excitement as she hugged them tightly, sobbing into their shoulder.
    Macy put her head on theirs, unable to stop crying as she rested her forehead on their cheek. Spark fell to their knees, the joyful tears unable to stop as well. Macy tried to say something but couldn't as she grinned and just sobbed.
    "I'm. . . I'm gonna bE A DaD!" Their voice quivered.
    Macy laughed, moving to hold their face. "I'm going to be a mom." Her voice cracked as she cried and laughed.
    They looked at her, inhaling. "I'm not sterile. . ." They whisper as if they couldn't believe it.
    She examined their face, stroking their cheeks. "You're not sterile. . ." She shook her head quickly.
    "I'm not. . . oh my god. . ." Their hands return around her, hugging her so tight as they tried to stop the tears as she hugged them tightly, kissing their head over and over again.
    Spark laughed. "Mouse! Quit that!" They giggled, trying to wiggle away from her but they were kind of trapped, giggling. "It tickles!" Macy laughed as well, holding their face tightly as she pressed her forehead against theirs as they smiled, chuckling. "Now we know why you smell strong down there."
    "YeAh I do." She grinned, kissing them quickly.
    They smile. "If you didn't get up to take the test I think I would've had my head down there again."
   "Fuck, who says you can't?" she raised her eyebrows.
    They look at her, raising their eyebrows as well. "Want me in the bed, living room, shower? Your choice."
    "Bed," She grinned, Spark smiled.
    "We have the whole suite to ourselves doll." They spoke, grinning. "Why don't we play a little? But, who am I to deny you?" They tilt their head with a wide grin, picking her up and stood.
    She held onto them. "Why don't we just, do it everywhere."
    "That's a good girl. We have two weeks in this suite darling, think of all the places I can fuck you without being caught." They speak near her ear, grinning.
    "Sounds good to me." She giggled.
    "I bet it does when I can bend you over the dining table and fuck you without being caught."
    She bit her lip. "That sounds better then the bed." She then felt cold, polished wood under her as Spark set her down on said dinging table, grinning at her.
    Macy slipped her robe off, wrapping her arms around their neck as she tilted her head, as she watched them watch the robe, grinning more as they looked at her. She leaned forward, kissing their neck as they inhale, biting their lip.
    "Move, lay down."
    She nodded, whispering in their ear softly. "Yes, daddy. . ." She slid her hands down their chest before laying down as they smile, face flushing as they pushed her further up the table, biting her thigh before curling their lips around her clit, brushing their tongue over her entrance, once again drawn in to that heavy scent as they pushed their face closer and tongue in.
   Macy gasped heavily, arching her back as she moaned. Spark rose their hands, pinching her nipples, flicking them, all while staring at her.
    She furrowed her eyebrows, holding their wrists softly as she whined and moaned. Spark yearned for her in their pants as they groaned, pinching more.
    She leaned her head to the side as she moaned louder, opening her legs more. "Fuck!" They push their head closer, obsessed as they abandoned her nipples, clawing at the sides of her boobs, pulling her.
    She reached and held their hair. "Fuuucckkk! Yes!" They whine, looking at her as she huffed, arching her back again.
    Spark pulled their mouth. "I want. . . I need my dick in you. . ."
    "Fucking hell I need you too."
    Afterwards, Spark turned on the His Bath light, setting her on the counter and walking away to start the shower. Macy watched them, gently rubbing her stomach as they test the water, shaking off their hand and nodded, walking over. They look at her hand and gently press their hand to hers.
    "God I still can't believe I actually got you pregnant. . ."
    She smiled up at them. "What a miracle. . ."
    They smile. "Well, after the baby is here, we might have to use a condom." They look down at her, making a grimacing face, smiling as she laughed, leaning her head into them. They laughed as well, stroking her hair as they kissed the top of her head.
    "Or else we'll be popping babies left and right." She snorted, they laughed harder, smiling.
    "Uh huh, well the shower's waiting, c'mom." They undressed in front of her. She smiled, slipping off her nightgown as they watch her get down and head for the shower.
    They smile, leaving the bathroom door a crack and followed her closing the shower door behind them. She got in, turning to look at them as they smile, looking at her. She raised her arms. "God I love you so much. . ."
    "Really? I didn't know." They pull her in, kissing the top of her head.
    Macy wrapped her arms around their neck, closing her eyes as she grinned. "God I never thought I'd," she shook her head, "be with someone. Let alone have my own kid."
    "Well, dreams come true."
    She looked up at them, her eyes glossy as she smiled. "Absolutely." they smile back, softly kissing her lips, she kissed them back just as soft, stroking their cheek.
    Spark held her hand. "Let's get you cleaned and looked after okay?" They ask in a gentle voice against her lips as she nodded softly, slowly opening her eyes. They open their eyes, looking at her with such tender love in those grey eyes, she stroked their cheek more before sliding under the water and rinsed off as they rinse off as well.

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