Chapter 180: Leaflet

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"For the first part, just draw what happened just now, villain A tells villain B what he wants. You don't have to draw what he wants, just draw the villains." Li Mumu said.

"For the second part, villain B brings something to villain A, and villain A gives villain B a copper coin."

"For the third part, draw a big table with five, six, seven or eight villains sitting around it. Draw as many as you want."

Gu Baiyuan nodded, indicating that he understood.

Li Mumu said to Gu Xiuxiu again: "Xiuxiu, what you want to draw will be more complicated. Just draw according to what I wrote on the paper, there are food and supplies."

"If you choose food, then draw the same food on a piece of paper. For example, Little Person A tells Little Person B that he wants to eat the pot from Gu's Snacks and the stuffed tofu from Baiweixuan. Then you can draw the pot and stuffed tofu just like in this painting. In the second part, draw Little Person B handing the pot and stuffed tofu to Little Person A. In the third part, draw a pot and stuffed tofu on the dining table."

"I'm just giving an example. You can draw more different foods, but the food in the three parts of this piece of paper must be the same."

"For example, Little Person A tells Little Person B that he wants to buy a book, a pen and ink, and a fan. Then draw these in the first part." Li Mumu explained.

"The second part is that Little Man B hands over the books, brushes, ink and fans to Little Man A." Gu Xiuxiu continued, "Then you can draw a desk, and the little man sits at the desk and reads, with brushes, ink and fans at hand."

"Yes!" Li Mumu praised happily, "Xiuxiu is so smart!"

"Aunt San, what are you drawing these for?" Gu Baijin asked.

"To make flyers." Li Mumu said to the three of them, "I plan to open an errand shop."

Li Mumu did not think that the three children were young and did not know anything, so there was no need to tell them.

When Gu Baijin asked, Li Mumu told them in detail.

"When the time comes, if we can really make this business, everyone can eat all the delicacies in the city at home. Those who are too busy to go out to buy things can also ask errand runners to buy them for them. And those disabled soldiers will also have work to do and can earn their own money."

"This is good for the soldiers!" Gu Baiyuan nodded.

"They are defending the country, we can't let them get hurt, and throw them aside without the ability to work and earn money." Gu Xiuxiu said, "If it really works, Third Aunt has done a great thing."

"But now, we have to let the people of Chong'an know that we have such an errand shop, let them know what errands can do. If we only write, we are worried that many people are still illiterate. So we combine paintings and words, even if they are illiterate, they can understand by looking at the paintings."

"I understand!" Gu Baijin nodded and said softly, "Then I will be responsible for writing! After my sister and brother finish painting, I will write the rest."

Li Mumu nodded, "Baijin is right."

"However, you must not fall behind your homework when helping me." Li Mumu said, "You must finish your homework before painting this."

The three kids nodded in unison.

The three kids were responsible for the production of flyers, and Li Mumu went to find a suitable shop.

The shop needs to be bigger, so that the guys can rest in the shop at ordinary times.

As for other registration points that are convenient for customers to reach without having to walk far from home, Li Mumu has no plan to rent a shop for the time being.

One reason is that if she rents a shop, it would be a waste to have only one or two employees in it, leaving such a large shop empty.

Another reason is that she doesn't dare to set up a stall too big now.

The funds on hand really don't allow it.

So she just set up a stall on the street, usually with an umbrella, and ask the employees to wear more clothes.

Although it is to accommodate the wounded and give them a job, it cannot guarantee that they will be comfortable.

Moreover, who can really work comfortably when most people work now?

Even those who buy vegetables in the market have to work outside regardless of the hot summer or cold winter, all for the sake of living.

To put it bluntly, if you really want to make a living, you will find that life is no longer possible.

No matter how hard or tiring the work is, you have to keep doing it.

If you don't do it, it means you haven't reached the point where you can't survive, and you don't need help from others.

If conditions can be improved in the future, those registration points will be moved indoors. But there is really no way now.

Li Mumu also discussed this matter with Li Huailin.

Li Huailin meant that there was no problem at all.

The conditions of those soldiers in the army were much worse than now.

Especially after going to war, they had to sleep in the open air and experienced the coldest weather.

"The most important thing now is to solve their livelihood problems first." Li Huailin said, "This also follows the principle of their voluntariness. If they don't want to, no one will force them to do it. If any of them feel it is hard and don't want to do it, then they can find other jobs by themselves."

Li Mumu nodded, "What I think is that the guys who stay at the registration point will be those who can't use their legs or hands."

"Because if you ask them to do anything else, they really can't do it, and I'm afraid they won't be able to find other jobs." Li Mumu said, "So let them stay at the registration point, and they don't need to do anything else, just be responsible for registering the guests."

"There are two people at each registration point. Those who have lost their legs have hands, so they can sit there to register the guests. Those who have lost their hands have legs. Put the registration form in their arms and send it to the errand shop. These are things they can all do." Li Mumu said.

Li Huailin nodded, "You've thought it through very carefully."

"For wounded soldiers who have lost both legs or both hands, it's really hard for them to find other jobs. If we can give them a stable job to do first, they should be happy. If they really don't want to, I'll find a way."

In Li Huailin's opinion, soldiers who were injured to this extent had no other choice.

For them, when they were desperate, a road was suddenly dug out for them to go.

Li Mumu was also trying his best to find a solution.

The business of running an errand shop was risky.

Li Mumu took such a risk just to solve the survival problem for the wounded.

If this business doesn't continue, Li Mumu will suffer the most in the end.

"Just do as you say." Li Huailin said, "As for the registration point, you have chosen a place, no matter where you choose or how many places you choose, just tell me, I will solve it for you, and I won't ask you to pay for the stall rent anymore."

"As for the shop..."

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