Chapter 194: I Wish to Work Together with Like-Minded People

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"Don't mention that Mu Mu didn't provoke her at all. If Wangyou Xiaojie really has no background, it is just a small shop opened by an ordinary merchant. She wants to destroy a shop just because of her random suspicion. It's too overbearing." Li Zhiyin said.

"I don't know if she has learned from Su Zhier's daily behavior, or if Su Zhier doesn't know that Su Zhier has such a personality." Li Zhiyin said, "But no matter what, we have to make this trip. In this way, there should be some constraints on Su Zhier's future words and deeds, so that she won't dare to act recklessly again. Mumu should also be more relaxed."

Li Mumu stood up and bowed deeply to Li Zhiyin, "Thank you, Miss Li."

"Why are you still so distant now?" Li Zhiyin quickly pulled her up, "I thought we were all friends, and we opened a Forget-Sorrow Rest together."

"We have similar personalities. In addition to Forget-Sorrow Rest, we will definitely do other things together in the future." Li Zhiyin raised her head and said, "In fact, in my heart, I want to do as much as possible for women all over the world."

"In fact, Chong'an is close to the border, and the constraints on women here are much smaller than those in other places. If you go to the capital, you will see how many constraints the women there are. The constraints on women in Chong'an are relatively small, and it's still like this, let alone other places."

"I followed my grandfather to guard the border. Although the conditions there were difficult, life was happy." Li Zhiyin's eyes were filled with reminiscence. "The women there are strong and never think of being thin and weak as beauty. When the enemy attacks, they can even pick up weapons to fight the enemy."

"On weekdays, the streets are full of men and women talking. Regardless of gender, their voices are so hearty and loud. Although their skin is tanned, they walk freely on the street and never cover their faces. After work, they will ask friends to go hiking, set up wooden racks to roast mutton, and sing around the charcoal fire. They can ride horses and deliver babies for horses. They can chat and laugh with other guests while dining in restaurants."

"When the male guests chat, they will join in when they hear topics they are interested in." Li Zhiyin said with a smile, "But, that's all. It's different when I come back to Chong'an."

"I know that my ability is limited, so I want to gather a few like-minded friends to complete it together. What we do may not be big, and may not change the status and life of women in one go, but even if it is a small improvement, it can add up to a lot, and accumulate into a tower." Li Zhiyin said.

"Besides, someone has to start something first." Li Zhiyin said, "As long as someone starts it, there will definitely be people who follow up and continue this thing."

"In the past, few women went out on the street. If a woman lost her husband, she would have to be a widow for the rest of her life. If a woman got married, even if she met a bad man, she had to bear it herself and dared not say a word."

"But now, women can go out on the street, although they have to wear a veil. If a woman loses her husband, she can remarry. If a woman meets a bad man, she can divorce and remarry." Li Zhiyin said.

"Before, women felt it was inconvenient to eat in restaurants because they were full of men. But now we have our Forget Your Worries and Relaxation, a place specifically for women to eat and relax, which is a progress."

"In the future, I want women to be able to go out on the street openly without covering their faces. I want women not to have to get married. If they can't meet the man they love, it's also great to be alone and free for the rest of their lives. I want women's final destination to not just be at home taking care of their husbands and children and being trapped in a small inner house."

"I want women to be able to do what they want to do. I want women to be able to study and become great scholars. I want women to be able to fight on the battlefield and serve as officials in the court. I want women to be able to do things in the world that men can do."

Li Zhiyin exhaled, "I know it's hard to do these things. Even if I spend my whole life, I'm afraid I can't accomplish even one tenth of them."

"But I hope that we can at least make this start, improve little by little, start with small things, and let the world slowly accept what more women can do from the subtleties. Lay a good foundation for future generations to continue to work hard."

Hearing Li Zhiyin's words, Li Mumu's eyes lit up.

She didn't expect that in this era, there would still be someone like Li Zhiyin.

Her thoughts are infinitely close to modern thoughts.

Li Mumu even had a moment of doubt, whether Li Zhiyin was also a time traveler.

But looking at Li Zhiyin's performance, it doesn't seem like it.

She seems to be simply ahead of the times, thinking that women should be the same as men.

In this era, there can be such thoughts.

Li Mumu admires her very much.

This time, she bowed more deeply than before.

"Although Mumu is not talented and has limited ability, she is willing to work with Zhiyin to fight for this ideal." Li Mumu said deeply.

"Me too." Madam Shang said.

"Me too!" Min Huilan came over.

The four of them stood together, and Li Zhiyin smiled with emotion and relief, "It's worth my grandfather's naming me Zhiyin to meet three soulmates."

"Even if we can't do what you just said in this lifetime, we can do it step by step. Whatever step we can do, we will do it." Madam Shang said, "It's good to have a little progress."

Li Zhiyin stretched out her hand, and Li Mumu put her hand on hers.

Then, it was Madam Shang who put her hand on hers.

Finally, Min Huilan joined.

At this time, a maid said at the door: "Miss, the housekeeper Wang sent someone to say that the general has returned to the mansion."

The four of them let go of their hands, and Li Zhiyin said to them: "I will go to find my grandfather now."

"Do you want us to go together?" Li Mumu asked.

Li Zhiyin thought for a while and said: "If you go together, you will be too conspicuous. The one in the backyard has been watching, and I'm worried that she will find something. I will send someone to tell you after I discuss the results with my grandfather."

"Okay." Li Mumu nodded.

So Li Mumu and the other two left the general's mansion temporarily.

When Li Mumu returned home, the Gu family had been waiting.

They heard today that Li Mumu was taken to court, and they have been worried.

Later, they were relieved to hear that Li Mumu was fine.

But they have been waiting for Li Mumu to come back at home.

Gu's mother was worried about Li Mumu, so she asked Gu Shangyong to go to the military camp and tell Gu Shangqing about the matter.

When Li Mumu came back, Gu Shangqing had not yet returned home.

Now as soon as Li Mumu entered the house, she was surrounded by Gu's family.

"Mumu, how are you? Are you okay?" Gu's mother grabbed Li Mumu's hand and asked, and checked Li Mumu's fingers.

She heard that torture would be used in court, such as pinching fingers and so on.

"Were you embarrassed in court? Were you beaten?" Wang Cuizhen asked anxiously.

"When we heard that you were in class, we hurried to find you, but just as we left the house, we heard that it was over. We didn't know where you were going after the class, so we had to wait for you at home." Zhang Caiping explained, "What happened?"

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