Meeting His parents (Gilisnky)

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Y/n P.O.V.
I was beyond nervous.
I wasn't the best at meeting new people and sometimes end up making a complete fool of myself, I ran the flat iron through my hair one more time wanting it perfectly straight.

"Babe your hair can't get any straighter" Gilinsky said leaning on the door, I looked over to him. He was wearing a red button down shirt and black jeans with black vans.

"I just want tonight to go great without anything falling apart, what if they don't like me?" I pouted turning back around to face the mirror. "Oh trust me they will" I finished my make up ad went over to the closet to get dressed "How are you so sure about that?" I pulled on a red leather skirt, a beige sleeveless top tucked into the skirt, and beige heels to top it all off.

I grabbed my bag and grabbed Gilinsky's hand leading him out to the door "Yes because your amazing and wonderful, and your the best girlfriend I've ever had." I looked down as my face got hotter "Aw, I love you" I lifted my head up and pressed my lips to his giving him a slow and sweet kiss.

I got in his jeep as he opened the passenger door for me and jogged ar I understand to the other side. He started the car and started to drive.

"So are you ready to meet them" He grabbed my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze calming me down a little bit, "Yeah I was going to have to meet them eventually" I got out taking a deep breath.

'Okay Y/n you can do this it's only your boyfriends parents' I said to myself, we walked into the resturant and looked around until we spotted his parents sitting at a table in the back.

"Hey mom, dad" Gilisnky greeted taking a seat beside me "Hi I'm Y/n" I held my hand out to shake theirs and they pulled me in for a hug. "We've heard so much about you, everytime we call Jack he goes on and on about you. It's nice to finally meet you" Gilinsky started to laugh nervously making me smile. The rest of the dinner went great, we laughed and talked about Baby Gilinsky. I was happy that his parents like me.

"So was that so bad?" "No it was amazing actually and your baby pictures are so cute"

"Okay, okay I admit I was a cut baby." We drove home and watched movies until we both fell asleep.

°Update. Hope you like°

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