His Girlfriend doesn't like you (Sammy)

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"Babe can we leave?" I held the basket ball in my hand, about to shoot it.
"But the games not over yet" Sam said, his eyes looking at me then down at the ball.

"Come on we can go home and do something else" She twirled her light brown hair, batted her eye lashes, and pouted sticking out her bottom lip. I gagged out loud sticking my finger in my mouth.

She rolled her eyes at me and reached out, grabbing Sams hand.
"Hey you can leave, but your gonna loose" I teased dribbling the ball. "No I want that 20 bucks. Jennifer just wait like 10 minutes"

"Ugh! I'm just going to leave" She stomped away. I doubled over in laughter as she walked back outside.

"If you love spending so much time with this bitch why don't you just date her?"

I threw the ball down in anger. "Did she just call me a bitch, No that's-" I was about to run after her when sweaty arms wrapped around me. "Let me go this shit has gone too far I'm drawing the line here"

"I'll get her, here" he handed me 20 dollars and ran into the house.

"I guess it's just me" I sighed after calming down. I crossed my legs and threw the ball at the wall.

"I'm back, I can play with you" "I'm not in the mood anymore sorry, Nash"

He came over and picked me up and swung me around. "What's wrong when I called you sounded so happy"

"Sams girlfriend call me a bitch, she's said worse before and I couldn't do anything. She doesn't like me and of course he's gonna pick his girlfriend over a friend I mean who wouldn't" I caught the ball as he threw it.

"I wouldn't, well I mean if she was saying those thing to your face and I saw. Mostly because your an amazing girl and Jennifer kinda bitchy"
I smiled "Thankyou so do you want to help me cook something" "I'm not sure if I have anything here, maybe we can go shopping?"

I took out my phone to check the time.
"Anything to get my mind off what just happened" He swung his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close.

"That was too much milk. This is not edible, that's the last time I let you cook" He chuckled as I picked up his plate and throwing the "macaroni and cheese" away.

"So pizza it is?"
"Hey guys" Sam walked back in with his arm around Jennifer's waist.

"On second thought I have to go, it's getting late and I wouldn't want anything bad to happen" I zipped up my hoodie and pulled on my shoes.
"See you tomorrow Nash" I said hugging him bye.

"Bye" I moved out the way as Sam tried to hug me.

Lmao. He thought.
Anyways, it's finally an imagine not really long but here you guys go. Hope you like it.
Oh ma gawd look at him♡

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