He cheats on you with your bestfriend part 3

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Jason has really been the best through whatever this is we have.
We've been hanging out more and more and he spends the night...sometimes. Tonight was just one of those nights, I just want to stay in and watch movies all night long.

Jason was over again and we were laying in my room watching spongebob. I was laying my head down in his chest and texting my sister on my phone.

Jason leaned over and looked down at my phone, I quickly turned my phone off and threw it off the bed onto the thankfully carpeted floor. "What we're you guys texting about?" He asked holding me down and straddling my waist.

"Nothing, just catching up life"
"Who's life? Mine." His hands were getting ready to start tickling me. "Okay! She was just asking me what's been going on between us and I said nothing, besides the fact that we hang out, text everyday, and you basically live here"

He nodded "Okay well there is more to it."
"She also asked when are we gonna um..do the dirty"
He  paused and started to smile "Wait I didn't hear you correctly, tell me again"

"She wants to know when we're gonna get down and dirty between the sheets. When were gonna be little freaks and piss off the neighbors" I said smiling at him and wrapping my hands around his neck.

He was still on stop of me and things were getting heated pretty fast and I had no idea where this was going, I was going to take his shirt off when my phone rang ruining the mood.

"Aren't you going to get that?" I shushed him up by kissing him again. Then it rang yet again.

I pushed dhim off of me and he landed on the floor "I'm so sorry I just have to-" I said pointing to the phone, Jason nodded and got back up.

I told him to hold on while I go answer the call.
"Johnson what could you possibly want this late" "First of all its like 6pm and second, it's me" I rolled my eyes and took the phone away from my ear sighing.

"Y/N look I'm sorry I didn't this but you haven't been returning my calls and you blocked me. I'm just trying to say that everything that happened was a stupid mistake and I'm sorry, she doesn't live up to how special you are to me. She was just a one night thing and she came onto me"

How fucking stupid can one person be.

"She came onto you but you lead her on. It wasn't a one night thing I've heard that it had been going on for weeks and I know I'm special because I have other qualities than just standing there and being pretty. You are definitely stupid, I feel bad for anyone else you date. Now leave me alone I've moved on and you should have too."

I took a deep breath and walked back in the room.
"Everything okay?" I sat beside him and leaned into his open arms, "Yeah can we just lay here? I'm not feeling so well anymore"

"Anything for you baby" I'm glad I found Jason.

Sorry for any grammar or spelling errors in this or any of my other stories.
I haven't updated this imagine in awhile.
Jason is so cute♡

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