His Girlfriend doesn't like you part 2 (Sam/Nash)

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"Do you know why Y/N hasn't been talking to me?" I asked Nash jumping onto the couch beside him.

"I don't know man, just go talk to her yourself"
"Are you sure? You two have been hanging out a lot" He shrugged looking down at his phone.

I got up and walked into Nash's room to find Y/N laying down. "Yo can I talk to you?"

She gets up and turns around, strands of hair sticking out. "About?"

"About?" I asked pushing my hair behind my ear to hear him better. "Nothing big it's just that...you've been ignoring me, my texts and some of my calls"

"Maybe I was just busy. Not to be rude here but, I don't think your girlfriend would like you blowing up another girls phone"

"So it's about her? Y/N, whatever she said she doesn't mean. She was just in an angry mood"
"She called me many things countless time, you ditched me for her. But now you actually open your eyes and see what your girlfriend has been doing, and you still choose to ignore what I say"

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, jumping down to the floor "Stop you're being childish" I rolled my eyes before pushing him out the door and slamming it in his face.

"Y/N can you open up?" I recognized the voice as Nash's. "Sure" as soon as I pulled the door open me wrapped his slightly tanned arms around me.

"Stop it your acting like I got hurt" "Did he hurt you?!" He said playfully pointing at me.
"Nash!" I yelled laughing at him.

"I'm ok" "Glad to know babe" He kissed my fore head and I pulled back from his hold "Wait hold up, Babe?"

He awkwardly scratched the back of his "I didn't mean for that to come out it just" I connected my lips to his standing on my tip toes.

"It's okay, I...um liked it"

He pulled my face back up to his, kissing me back on the lips. "Mhm" my hands brushed through his soft brown hair, I pulled away and stared into his eyes "You know your eyes are gorgeous?" "I get told that a lot, but another time from you wouldn't you hurt."

"Do you want me to make you something to eat?" He asked heading into the kitchen.
"NO! Not again, no kitchen for you" I pulled him back.

"But I was just going to make a grilled chesse" "Knowing you, you would burn the butter."

I flipped the grilled cheese over and licked my lips as I took in the creepy scent.
"Wow you can cook" "Thank you, thank you. I try"

"So are you ever going to forgive Sam? He really wants the best for you and his girlfriend, remeber that. Just talk things over with him"

"He showed that I'm not important to him, I want to try and get along with Jennifer but she tries so hard to pull Sam away from me and I just need to distance myself from her for now" I said taking a bite of th sandwich.

"I get it, just take it one step at a time"

Okay so this was kinda requested. Hope you guys like it, not really the best but I'm tired and it's really late here. Bye guys♡♡

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