Promise 2 (Johnson)

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I waved at him one last time and watched as the blonde boy boarded the plane.

I wiped a stray tear that managed to escape. I brushed my hair out of my face and opened the car door.

Once I got home, I packed up my car with my already packed boxes.

"So how did he take it?" My mother asked, mixing blueberries into her mix.

"He took it well. He understood what I was trying to explain." I grabbed my last box from the stairway and put it by the door.

"Ok. Well good. So when is my baby leaving me?"

"Mom, don't be sad. I'm leaving early in the morning. Once I'm packed and read, I'll b out of here sadly."

She gave me a small smile and wiped her washed hands on her red apron.

" Who said I would be sad? I'm happy that you're going. You're going to be doing what you love and living all on your own. I'm proud of you"

She said sniffling into my shoulder.

"Yeah...I need some sleep. It's going to be a long drive. I'm going to bring this our to the car, I'll be right back " I said gesturing to the box.

She nodded and went back to her baking.

I lifted up the heavy box and walked out into the dark night. I opened the back door and dropped the box in seat.

I turned around and walked back up the stairs. As I was about to walk in the door, I saw a small box sitting on the porch.

I picked up the note that was on top of it and flipped the paper open.

This is a little gift I was going to give you when I came back, but since you're leaving and I won't be seeing you anytime soon, it's now a going away gift. Open it when you get to your new place. Love you- JJ

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