13 things

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I was nominated by @GummyWormQueen13 to do thirteen things about me.

1. I'm from Jamaica

2. I hate Brussel sprouts (Idk why that'd relevant but idc)

3. I'm a saggittarius

4. My birthday is the same as miley Cyrus

5. I'm basically 13 but not yet really.

6. I'm the youngest in my class but people say I act the most mature.

7. My birthday is November 23

8. I'm 5'3 and a half

9. I love the show scream queens

10. I'm very playful

11. Honor Roll student since elementary.

12.never gotten into a real fight but I will not hesitate to slap someone.

13. I love making jokes and just being happy.

Well that's all about me I nominate luhmaloskivibes XxchettahgirlxX a user

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