Real Life Nyan Cat!!!

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Cloudtail: *tapes pop tart to Cinderpelt while she's sleeping* *ties bottle of coke with mentos onto her and opens bottle*

Cinderpelt: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!! *flies while Nyan Cat Music comes ln*

Cloudtail: Hasta La Vista Cinderpelt!!! >:D

Firestar: *gets machine gun* Flameheart, quick!

Flameheart: Alright! *holds pile of grenades and throws at Cloudtail*


Firestar: For everything bad you done... YOU DESERVE THIS!!!

Flameheart: *throws another grenade* *whole world explodes*

Shadowbear: *paw palms* You didn't have to go overboard... *walks happily away like nothing happens :D*

Leafkit: Dang it! The Twolegs were right... The world ended...

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