Harry Potter((Warriors Version))

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1. The Warrior's Stone

Fireheart: *goes to Catwarts and meets Graystripe and Sandstorm*

Graystripe: Hey I'm Graystripe *eats chocolate mouse*

Sandstorm: *in snotty way* And I'M Sandstorm! HOLY CRICKET YOU'RE FIREHEART!!!O_O


The Stick: Fireheart, your clan will be..... THUNDERCLAN!!!!!

Thunderclan: Yay!!!

Darkstripe: Welcome, Kittypet! *snarls*

{Fast forwards}


Fireheart: NEVER!!! *attacks and falls unconscious*

Bluestar: His fighting sucks =_= *saves him and brings him back*


2.The Territory of Secrets

Clans: *goes to new land* WOAH!!!

Leaders: *fighting over land*

{Fast Forwards}

Brambleclaw: *fights cats*

Leafpool: *almost falls but Crowfeather saves her and all's well, it ends well-NOT!!!* ((This one sucked caise I was too lazy to wrote the whole thing DX))

Crowfeather: Leafpool, you walk in my dreams.

Leafpool: *imagines herself walking on his head while he's dreamingO_O* SAY WHAT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!


3.The Prisoner of Thunderclan

Yellowfang: I am your mother.

Brokentail: You're my what?! *is a prisoner*

Hollyleaf: *turns into leopard* I AM NIGHTY.

Jayfeather: *turns into wolf* I AM MOONY.

Lionblaze: *turns into lion* I AM SUNNY!!! :D *turns bright then explodes*

Everyone: O_O

Me: Uh, anyway continue the show!!! And thanks for the pies and cookies! *static*


4.The Pelt of Fire

Bluestar: Mistyfoot, Stonefur, please forgive me...

Mistyfoot and Stonefur: We forgive you.

Bluestar: F-Fireheart...

Fireheart: What is it?

Bluestar:*uses megaphone* YOU ARE THE FIRE THAT WILL SAVE THE CLANS!!! *dies*

Everyone: MY EARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


5.The Gathering of the Clans

At the Gathering...

Firestar: We have found unicorns farting rainbows on our territory eating the pop tart off of Nyan Cat. Otherwise, the prey is running horrible and we are well fed.

Blackstar: I just noticed my paws are black and my pelt is white, so I drove Sol out for doing this to my pelt. The prey is running wonderful and we are starving to death.

Leopardstar: The whole lake dried up, we won the contest of Gangnam Style, and Mistyfoot is the worst deputy ever.

Onestar: We found Hufflepuffs, Slytherins, and Ravenclaws on our territory. There are 1 million new warriors. *takes out loooong list*

1 moon later...

Onestar:... And Darkfoot. Ahh!!! A new Gathering! Well there are 1 million new warriors!

Everyone: *piles of bones*


6.The Half-Clan Warrior

Mistyfoot: I am in 2 clans...... *expressionless* *cuts 2 clans in half* I am.... HALF CLAN!!!!!!


7.The Deathly Leader

Tigerstar: You will never win, kittypet!!!

Firestar: Oh really?! *throws pies with grenades*

Tigerstar: *explodes*

Shadowbear: Yay!!!!! :D YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY!!!!!!

Flameheart: TOO. MUCH. HAPPINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies*


Flameheart: This was the worst spoof EVER written...

Fangtooth: Oi! Shadowbear! YOU'RE A STUPID SHE-CAT!!!!! *bursts out laughing*

Shadowbear: *happy and mad* YAAAAAAAAAAAYY!!!!!! *kills him with EXTREMELY cute puppies*

Fangtooth: TOO. MUCH. CUTENESS!!!! *dies*

Flameheart: TOO. MUCH. HAPPINESS!!! *dies* X X

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