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A V x Jin story...

Taehyung's POV

*Rrrringgg* It was the school bell. Everybody at their lockers, chatting with their friends at the corridor, immediately went back to their respective classrooms for the first lesson of the day. 

Together with my bestfriend Jimin, I proceeded to the classroom located at the far end of the corridor. Swinging your bag on one side is a must for cool kids like us, and another hand should be placed in your pocket. Swag is written on both of our faces as we entered the classroom. 

Of course, our classmates were not surprised by this unusual entrance of ours. 

"Yah!!" our class president, Namjoon, shouted across the room, "just cut the drama and go to your seats quietly."

Me and Jimin made eye contact, and one second later, our cool expressions immediately changed into giggles. I'm sorry, unlike the main character in other mainstream stories who are all tall and handsome kingka, I'm just a normal joker of the class, preferably be called as the 4D alien. 

Soon, our homeroom teacher, Mr Jeon, came into the classroom. The originally noisy chattering class became instantly silent. Satisfied Mr Jeon smiled, before taking out the attendance list. 

"Kim Namjoon?"


"Park Jimin?"


"Kim Taehyung?"


"Kim Seokjin?"


"Kim Seokjin?" Mr Jeon repeated himself twice but nobody answered. 

Naturally, all of us turned to the seat beside me, which was empty. "Anybody know what happened to Seokjin?" he asked. 

"Cher," Namjoon raised up his hand, "Seokjin was feeling unwell yesterday. He was sneezing during the second half of the day, he's probably on medical leave."

"Ahhh I see. But finals are round the corner, he can't afford to miss too much lessons or else he would have difficulty catching up. I suggest one of y'all can pass him the notes and homework given today and probably explain to him what we learnt in school today?"

"I volunteer!" Namjoon raised his hand again, but was instantly rejected by Mr Jeon. "Namjoon, you're staying very far away from Seokjin, it would not be very convenient. How about...we let his table mate do the job?"

Eyes went in the direction of me, who was staring into space, wondering what to eat for lunch later. "Ne?" I asked, with a blank face.

"Mr Kim Taehyung, would you do the honor of delivery Seokjin's homework to his house and kindly explain what we learnt in school today?"

"Huh? Me?"

"Ne, and also find out how is his condition. You guys shouldn't fall ill during this crucial examination period."

I thought for a while. Seokjin, my tablemate, is considered one of the best students in our class or even the level in terms of academic. He is like the model student who knows how to answer all of the teacher's questions and wouldn't take the risk to take leave even for just a day. Why would he fall ill so suddenly? Could it be...

Flashback - yesterday

Unlike other boring subjects which seems to last for eternity, the time during gym class seems to fly past so quickly. After greeting our gym teacher Mr Min Yoongi, all of us proceeded to the toilet to change back into our uniform. 

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