Yoonjin (III)

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YAY!! The long awaited Yoonjin story part 3!! Sorry for the long wait and hope you guys enjoy ^^


Jin woke up abruptly, it wasn't his annoying alarm clock that was bothering him, neither was it the glaring sunrays that threaten to burn his room every Saturday morning.

He turned to his left, to find the spot empty. He looked around, few minutes of silence before recalling what exactly happened last night. It was no surprise he would wake up at Yoongi's house, he does that every week, before Yoongi disappeared.

But today, there wasn't any morning kisses, there wasn't any morning cuddles, there wasn't somebody to tell him he look totally hot with his morning face, everything was no longer the same.

Jin looked at his bare body, and sighed. Yoongi still decided to leave him alone after all.

He turned to the side table to find a pink post-it and a pair of rings. Jin knew clearly, what's on the post-it note wasn't something good, but he still decided to read it anyway. Carrying mixed feelings, he began the first row of words...

Jin, by the time you read this, I'll be gone forever, from your life. Last night was a mistake, my mistake, and I hope that it would be the last time we would ever do it again. Forget about me Jin, I'm no longer the Yoongi two years ago, I changed and so did my love for you. I don't love you anymore, so stop bugging me. Just move on with your life and find someone better than me. I don't deserve your love, I'm not worth your time, because I can't protect you from all these pain, so all I can do now is to let you go. Don't ever find me again...because...I'm already engaged...

Tears began to fall from the corner of Jin's eyes. He took the pair of rings from the table and held it tightly.

P.S I don't need these rings anymore, it's useless to me, so...you can have it, or just throw it anyway

Jin did not expect to experience such pain again for the first thing in the morning. Tears fell uncontrollably from his puffy eyes and all he could do was to hug his knees and let all the emotions out.

"Because...I'm already engaged..." these few words kept appearing in his mind, haunting him as he pondered what was he supposed to do next. Knowing that your boyfriend doesn't love you anymore was already devastating enough, and now, he's engaged? Things simply happened too quickly. How Jin wished it was just a nightmare and the next morning when he wakes up, Yoongi would be smiling beside him, welcoming him to a new day. But that wasn't the case. The reality is, Jin is being dumped.

One week later...

*Ring ring* Jin's phone rang, disturbing his beauty sleep. He took a peek at his clock to find that it was only 5 pm. After spending his entire Sunday packing and cleaning his house, Jin finally had the chance to take a short nap but somebody just had to disturb him ten minutes after his black out.

It was Namjoon, again, picking the wrong timing to do things.

"Yoboseyo?" Jin said in an annoyed tone.

"Hyung!! Where are you?"

"Home, wae?"

"Shouldn't you be getting ready?"

"Ready for what? It's a weekend for goodness sake and I'm having a sweet date with my bed."

"That's not important now hyung, have you forgotten about the company's dinner?"

"What company's dinner?"

"What the f(lower) hyung! I knew you forgot about it! Today is our company's sixty anniversary celebration. All the employees are invited to the hotel remember?"

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