Stuck In An Elevator

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Courtney was a generally athletic person. Back home before Total Drama Island, she would jog around her neighborhood every morning. She was even one of the captains on her Cheerleading squad. 

But today, at the Playa De Losers Resort, she was exactly feeling the 3 flights of stairs she would have to take to get to her room. Her legs were killing her from trying to learn to surf with Bridgette. And she knew she'd need all of her energy if she was going to go back to that hell of an island for the finale. Why did she need to have any part of it? She lost. She was unfairly kicked off. She wanted nothing to do with that place ever again. 

Stupid Harold.

Courtney slowly stopped in front of the only elevator on the resort. She pushed the 'up' button and waited patiently. Tapping her heel against the tile floor. She watched as the screen showed the floors slowly moving down. She smiled when it finally dinged and the doors slid open. She stepped inside, and went to push the 3rd floor button-

"Wait! Hold the elevator!" an annoyingly familiar voice yelled from down the hall. Courtney's eyes went wide, and she looked to see the green hair running towards the elevator. She yelped and quickly pushed a tan finger rapidly against the button, begging for it to close before the man could enter. 

Duncan slipped a muscular arm between the doors just as they began to close. Stopping them, they slowly slid open again. He smirked and stepped into the elevator. He pushed the 4th floor button. And Courtney groaned as the doors slid shut. Locking the two in the small space. All alone. 

The two rode up in silence, tension clearly between them. Courtney began tapping her foot much faster, wondering if the ride had always taken this long. Duncan had busied himself with playing with his lighter. Lighting it, then putting it out. Over and over again. Courtney growled. 

"Princess," Duncan finally drawled, slowly moving his teal eyes to look at her. She didn't look at him, she kept her gaze on the metal doors. 

"Neanderthal," she drawled back. He smirked again. Courtney turned to glare at him this time

"Stop that!" she snapped. He continued his smirk

"Stop what, Darling?" he asked, acting innocent. She clenched her fists at her sides

"Stop smirking at me like that. And quit it with the stupid demeaning pet names!" she said. Her voice raising slowly. Duncan of course, didn't obey her wishes and kept his lips turned up in that smirk. 

"Ugh!" she yelled. Stomping her foot, her face red with anger. 

"Why so hostile babe? Last time I checked, you kissed me," Duncan said. Slowly clasping his hands behind his back, enjoying the blush that began spreading across her tan cheeks. Making her freckles stand out even more. 

"God," she seethed "What is taking this damn elevator so long!" she reached forward and banged her fist on the door. Her anger coming out even more. She just couldn't control it when ever Duncan was involved. 

Suddenly there was a horrid screeching sound, and the entire elevator shook. Sending both teens to tumble to the ground. Courtney covered her ears to try to block out the sound.

Then the screeching stopped, and so did the elevator. They were no longer moving, and Courtney's eyes widened when the elevator's lights shut off, and a red light came on. Casting red light throughout the car. 

"Great," Duncan said "You broke the elevator,"

"I did not break it!" Courtney snapped at him, they quickly got to their feet, Courtney slowly dusted herself off

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