You Make Me Smile

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"Courtney, please come out. I have your favorite ice cream!" Bridgette coaxed, holding the cold container of chunky chip ice cream in her hands. She was standing in front of her best friend's bedroom door. That had been closed for about 2 straight days. The sounds of a girl's cries were heard on the other side. 

"No!" came a distressed cry from the other side of the door  "I'm never coming out, ever again!"

Bridgette cursed silently. And growled a little, she slowly turned on her heel and headed back downstairs. The two shared an apartment, after graduation the two bought the tiny place together. With the help of their boyfriend's of course. They had planned on only using the place until they headed off to college in a few months, returning to it as their place to stay when on breaks. 

Bridgette had just gotten her acceptance letter to NYU in the mail earlier today. But she hadn't shared the news with anyone but her boyfriend, in respect of her best friend... Who, unfortunately, had just received a letter that she had not  been accepted to the school of her dreams. Oxford University. 

Which is exactly how Bridgette had been thrown into this situation. She had been trying to get a hysterical Courtney out of her bedroom for days. But so far, all of her tries had been shut down with either a verbal attack, or something thrown at the door.

As Bridgette threw the already melting ice cream onto the counter in the kitchen, she grabbed her cellphone from the counter and dialed the one person she was sure could get Courtney out. 

"I'll be right there," Duncan said, after their conversation. And hung up. Bridgette let out a long breath and disconnected the call. 

I sure hope this works.  She thought and looked up towards the stairs with a tired look. 

Sure enough, the bad boy himself pulled up their driveway within 15 minutes. His campus was only about 10 miles away, and Bridgette was sure his morning class were finished for the day. Duncan had been going to a local community college for almost 2 years now, having graduated a year before the girl's did.

Bridgette let the guy inside, he smelled like faint smoke and a musky cologne she was sure Courtney had bought him a while back. He tugged off his leather biker jacket and ran a hand through his tangled black hair. 

"Where is she?" those intense teal eyes locked on Bridgette's olive green ones. Bridgette nodded towards the stairs, and Duncan quickly jogged up them. Bridgette slowly closed the door and leaned up against it. She dialed Geoff's number.

Duncan bit his lip gently, as he closed in on Courtney's door. He could hear her soft whimpers from the other side, he didn't knock. He just opened the door and let himself inside. 

"Ugh, Bridge I said no ice cream-" the brunette snapped, sitting up from her laying position on the bed, her hair and clothes a mess from not moving for a while. She had mascara smudges under her onyx eyes that were bloodshot from crying so much. 

As soon she she looked at him, her eyes narrowed to slits.

"Bridgette called you, didn't she?" Courtney mumbled, in an unimpressed voice. Duncan casually leaned against the door frame. And raised a brow at her

"You really think she wouldn't, Princess?" he asked. His voice deep and masculine. Courtney rolled her eyes and laid back down, but rolled towards the wall. So she didn't have to look at him

"Go away," she grumbled. Duncan snorted and crossed his arms over his chest

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked. Courtney slowly rolled back over to look at him . He actually sounded a little bit hurt.

"Gee I don't know," she snapped "Maybe because I'm embarrassed? I'm a failure!"

Duncan dropped his arms and sauntered towards her. She moved away from him a little, but looked at the ground. She had sat up again, with her knees pulled up to her chest. She rested her chin on her knees "My whole family has gone to Oxford. And I'm the only one who didn't get in? That says something," her voice broke. She closed her eyes tightly, refusing to cry in front of him. 

Duncan slowly sat down next to her on her bed, he reached forward and touched her knee gently. "You're not a failure," he said gently. She looked at him again 

"Court, you're the hardest working person I know. In high school, you freaked out if you got anything lower than a 95 on any assignment. You were class president, captain of the debate team, head cheerleader, and won every talent show we had!" Duncan said. She swallowed hard and looked down again. He slowly reached in and gently hooked his thumb under her chin, making her look into his eyes as he leaned in 

"You spent months perfecting that college essay to hand in. You re-wrote it 5 times. Made me listen to you read it to me countless times," he leaned in and gently put his forehead against her's "It's their loss they didn't accept you. Because you're the smartest girl I know. And one day, when you're the big boss lady of your own law firm, they're going to be wishing they had accepted you," 

Courtney looked into his teal eyes. Duncan smiled gently, and leaned in to kiss her. But she turned her head, and slowly pulled away from him. She laid back down and curled in on herself 

"Please... I just wanna be alone," she whispered. Duncan sighed a little, but slowly stood up. He walked across her bedroom and out her door. He gently closed it behind him, and leaned his head back against the wood of the door. He squeezed his eyes shut for a second, but popped them open again. A new idea coming to his brain. 

If he couldn't get her to cheer up with sappy stuff, he'd get her to cheer up with something a little more... Fun. 

Duncan slowly smirked.

Courtney sniffled a little, as she stared at the plain white wall. The Oxford letter was crumbled up in the waste basket by her desk. She squeezed her eyes tight and let out a long sigh. 

It wasn't that she didn't appreciate Duncan's lovely words, it's just that she was so upset. 

She had dreamed about Oxford since she was a little girl, and watched her older brother graduate from the school top of his class. He was a very successful Cardiologist now. Her mother had become a lawyer from that school, as did her father. 

To know she was the one who'd end the streak? Yeah, it was like a slap to the face. 

Courtney's eyebrows scrunched together when she heard a bunch of footsteps running up the stairs down the hall. She sat up in bed, just as her door was shoved open. And Duncan, Bridgette, and Geoff all came running in. All holding fake big guns in their hands

"NERF gun fight!" Duncan yelled, and suddenly all hell broke loose. The three began shooting the Styrofoam bullets at her. Courtney screeched and jumped off her bed, trying to protect her face. The bullets were flying every where. And the 3 were all laughing as Courtney tried dodging them.

"Court!" Bridgette yelled, and as soon as Courtney looked at her, Bridge tossed her her gun. And Courtney caught it with a smirk

"Oh you boys are so on!" she yelled. Duncan and Geoff shared a scared look, before booking it out the door. Courtney let out a war cry, and followed after them. Her gun held tightly in her hands. 

And damn it, she was smiling. 

She chased the boys downstairs and into the backyard, Courtney laughed evilly when she knew they had no where to go. There was a fence blocking them in. Duncan and Geoff slowly turned to face her, and all 3 held up their guns at the same moment. They let out war cries and began shooting at each other. They were all laughing, as the fake bullets littered the yard. 

Bridgette came running into the yard, now with another gun, and joined forces next to her best friend. The girls laughed as they chased the guys around the yard. 

Duncan couldn't help but smile when he heard Courtney laugh. It was great seeing her happy again. Even if it was just for a little while. He was sure she'd be sad in another few hours all over again. 

But as long as she had him, there was nothing he wouldn't do to make her smile. 

(Thank you Fellaway :) )

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