Duncan The Babysitter

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Courtney huffed as she shuffled through her suitcase for what seemed like the 10th time. She had a very important business trip to go on today, and she had to make sure she packed everything. All her clothes, files, her laptop. The basics. 

Courtney pushed a lock of brown hair behind her ear, it had fallen out of the messy bun she was sporting at the moment. She had just woken up a few hours ago, and her hair was still wet from her shower. She was currently wearing an over-sized T-shirt with a pair of leggings. She was so rushed, it was nearly causing her to have an anxiety attack. 

She had gotten the call from her boss last night, telling her she was required as a representative of the law firm, that she had to fly to NYC tonight for a very important meeting. She wasn't too happy about the last second notice, but she went with it anyways. Being a lawyer, you had to expect these types of things. 

"Crap, crap, crap! Where is it?" she asked herself, as she pushed her things aside. Looking for her ID badge. They weren't going to let her into the building if she didn't have it. 

"Looking for this, sweetheart?" her husband's deep voice asked from the doorway. Courtney quickly turned and looked at Duncan, who was holding her ID badge in his hand. 

"Thank goodness," she breathed in relief, as he walked over and slowly handed it to her. Courtney smiled weakly at him as he laid a gentle kiss on her forehead. 

"I hate seeing you so stressed, it's bullshit that they always do these things on such short notice," Duncan grumbled, shaking his head. He was still in his own night clothes, a white muscle shirt and his boxers. His black hair was still a mess, he hadn't had a shower yet. 

"I know, but it's just how it works," Courtney said, with a sigh. She slipped her ID badge into a secure spot in her suitcase, and zipped it up once and for all. 

Courtney walked over to the large walk in closet, opening the doors and stepping inside. She came out a few minutes later wearing a navy blazer and form fitting navy pants. She loved to look professional. She walked over to the bed and slid on a pair of black heels. 

"You always look so sexy in your professional clothes," Duncan purred to her. Courtney blushed and giggled

"If you think we're having sex before I go, you're in for a rude awakening," she said. Duncan visibly pouted, and she giggled again as she stood up. Walking over to him and placing a warm hand on his bare arm "I'm sorry, you know I would. But I'm running short on time,"

Duncan sighed, his shoulders slumping forward "Fine," he muttered. 

"Maybe when I get back. Lord knows I'll be insanely stressed after this. I'll need some sort of reliever," she said. Slipping past him and going into their master bath. She looked into the mirror as she pulled her wet hair out of the bun. The short brown locks falling down around her shoulders. She grabbed a brush and brushed them out. Making sure everything was perfectly in place. She put on some mascara, and a little chap-stick. Nodding at herself, happy with how she looked, she left the bathroom. 

Courtney smiled at Duncan who was carrying her suitcase for her to the door. 

"Funny," she teased 'I don't remember marrying a gentlemen,"

Duncan snorted a little, rolling his eyes "Only for you, sweetheart," 

Courtney smirked and followed him downstairs. He set her suitcase down on the hardwood floors of their kitchen 

"Please tell me I can make you breakfast at least," Duncan said, opening the cab nit and grabbing her favorite blueberry waffle mix. Courtney's stomach growled, and she checked her watch. Letting out a groan

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