Amusement Park Madness

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Duncan hated school, this wasn't hard to see. Given the fact that he barely showed up to his classes, and when ever he did, he'd either be stoned off his ass or sleep through the entire thing. 

However, there was one class he enjoyed more than the others. Physics. 

No, it wasn't like he enjoyed the actual class, he just liked the fact that his assigned seat was right next to the CIT herself, Courtney Taint. The girl he got a kick out of pissing off every day. He only showed up to class to tease her. He didn't really care about the lesson of the day. All he cared about was making the gorgeous brunette herself red in the face by the time the bell rang every day. 

So when the entire Physics class took their annual trip to Darien Lake, he was rather pleased. 

He didn't have to take a regents for the class, and spend an entire day riding roller coasters, and getting a grade for it? He'd take that any day!

Especially cause Courtney was his assigned partner. However, she wasn't too thrilled about that. 

"Don't think for one second that I'm going to be doing all the work," Courtney huffed at him, as the two settled into their seats in the bus. Duncan smirked as he watched her slide her notebook into her drawstring bag. 

"Aw come on Princess, do I really look like the type of guy to do that?" he asked, she raised a brow

"You really want me to answer that?" she asked back, he chuckled and slowly settled back against the seat. She pulled some Edgar Allan Poe book out of her bag and turned to a page. Duncan sighed and slipped his hand into his own bag, and pulled out a pair of headphones, he hooked them into his phone and turned to the first rock song he found. 

This was going to be a long ride. 

3 and a half hours later the bus filled with rowdy teenagers finally pulled into the parking lot. Duncan looked out the window and smirked when he saw the tall roller coasters in the distance. It was like they were calling out to him.

He loved thrill rides. 

Duncan turned to his partner once she stepped off of the bus. Their labs in her hands

"Alright, so we should look at the lab and see which section of the park goes with which questions and... Uh, Duncan? Hello?" Courtney snapped her fingers in front of him. He blinked and shook head head

"What? Oh sorry, you lost me when you started talking about boring shit," he said. Courtney's face blushed red with anger, and she shoved his lab into his chest

"Ugh! I cannot believe I'm stuck with you for an entire day," she seethed, pushing past him and walking through the giant front gates, Duncan followed her quickly, his eyes looking around at all the huge rides around them. He watched as a car pulling people up a steep incline on a roller coaster, he heard screams as the car plummeted down back towards the Earth and through a bunch of loops, making his blood run faster. He was so pumped. 

Courtney led them towards the main part of the park, her eyes focused intently at the lab in her hands, her drawstring bag bouncing against her back. Duncan watched her, she was wearing a pair of denim shorts, and a purple t-shirt. He especially loved the way the sun shined against her tan skin, she had a pair of sunglasses pushed up on her head, giving her the look of a sexy beach model. Duncan was almost drooling. 

"Okay, so it says the first sections is at the bumper cars. Lets go," she instructed, looking at him. She saw the look he was giving her and hid a blush "Come on, neanderthal," she giggled, grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the bumper cars. 

"Wait wait wait," Duncan said, digging the heels of his converses into the ground. Courtney grunted and glared at him

"What now?" she snapped. Duncan slowly looked at her

"I wanna do the roller coaster section first," he said. Courtney's throat went dry, and she swallowed hard

"But that isn't until the last page," she pointed out. Duncan shrugged

"So? Haven't you ever heard how fun it is to not follow directions?" he said, smirking at her. Courtney slowly looked behind him and at the tall steel death traps in the distance

"I mean," she tried "We have all day, we don't have to do those now," 

Duncan slowly looked at her, and at the way her eyes were slightly wide, and at the way she swallowed hard. A teasing smile coming to his lips

"You're scared to ride one, aren't you?" he asked, she glared at him

"I'm not scared! I'm just being smart, those things are clearly dangerous," she said, trying to save herself. Duncan slowly crossed his arms

"But they're a part of the lab, if we don't ride them, we won't be able to finish the whole thing," he said. Courtney opened her mouth, shut it, and opened it again

"Okay fine!" Courtney cried "I've never ridden on one before.. Okay?" she said, a sheepish blush coming to her cheeks as she looked at the ground. Duncan chuckled

"They aren't that bad, all that's really scary is the first big drop. Then it's over within seconds." Duncan said, slowly walking over to her. Courtney looked back up at him, then back at the coasters in the distance. 

"They're just so tall, and loud, and fast.." Courtney stuttered, Duncan slowly wrapped an arm around her. She looked up at him surprised

"How about we start with an easy one? Grizzly Run is nothing more than a huge water slide. I promise it'll be worth it?" Duncan said, Courtney chewed on her lower lip

"Alright.." she quivered, Duncan smirked and took her hand, and pulled her towards the rides.

Courtney stood in line, shaking in her shorts. As her eyes looked at the large mechanic water slide in front of her. You looked like you were riding in barrels. With no straps, just handles to hold on to. And there was a drop... A really big drop. 

"Oh second thought," Courtney squeaked "I think I'm going to skip out on this one-"

"Oh come on! This one is easy! And," Duncan said, wagging his eyebrows at her "You get to hold on to me when we go over the drop," 

Courtney rolled her eyes "Oh please, like I want that," she said. 

Duncan laughed "Alright, guess you're too chicken," he said, as the gates swung open, she watched him hop down into one of the barrels. Courtney swallowed hard

"I am not chicken!" she yelled, stomping over and cautiously climbing down into the barrel and sitting behind Duncan, with her legs on either side of him.  

Courtney watched as a buzzer went off, and gasped as the water began pushing them forward, and up a steep incline. Courtney looked all around her, as the two were lifted up into the sky.

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all

"Oh God.. Oh God.." Courtney whimpered. 

Upon hearing her whimpers, Duncan's face softened, and he reached behind him and gently wrapped her tan arms around his torso. 

"You'll be alright, I got you," Duncan said quietly. Courtney swallowed hard, but slowly smiled. 

"All right! Here we go!" Duncan said, as they neared the top, she felt his body stiffen as he prepared for impact. Courtney looked over his shoulder and her eyes bugged at the drop in front of them.

Courtney let out one ear-piercing scream as the two zoomed down the 'waterfall.' Courtney clutched Duncan's body as the feeling of zero gravity overtook her. Making her feel weightless. 

I'm gonna die... I'm gonna die... I'm gonna die. 

As the two pulled back into the station, Duncan lifted his hands and let out a loud 'whoop!' He climbed out of the barrel and turned back to see a stiff Courtney still sitting in the car. Her eyes huge, her hair and clothes soaked through. 

"Princess?" Duncan asked slowly. He was afraid maybe this had been too much for her-

"Can we go again?" Courtney suddenly asked, looking up at him with the biggest smile he'd seen on her all day. He chuckled quietly.

If there was one thing he loved the most about Courtney, it was her ability to always surprise him. 

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