To The Man Who Comes Next

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To the Man who comes next,

I know what you're thinking- this girl is the most annoying person I've ever met in my entire life. Does she ever stop talking? Why does she always have to be right? Why has fate struck me with this annoying, bitchy, whiney person? What have I done to deserve this?

I know what you mean when you tease her. When you call her names just to make that cute face of hers scrunch up into that 'you're annoying me' look. I know what you mean when you hope to see her every day. When you walk through the doors of school and get a little excited when you see her standing at her locker. Knowing her, she'll have her face crammed into a book. Studying like her beautiful life depends on it. I know what you mean when you give her a nick name that just... Suits her. 

I know how you feel when suddenly one day, her voice isn't so annoying anymore. Suddenly you hear it and it's all you can think about. It plays again and again in your head, and you suddenly find yourself wishing to hear it all the time. I know how you feel when she looks at you. Like you're the only man in the room. She looks at you with those gorgeous deep onyx eyes and suddenly you feel your entire tough guy vibe wash down the drain along with your sanity. You look at her and start to thank whatever fate has blessed you so much as to have her standing next to you. She's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. Your palms get clammy, and your knees shake when she speaks your name. She make you feel completely vulnerable, and for the first time... You're okay with it. She does that little half smile, and the freckles on her nose dance. My god... She's so beautiful

I know her. Better than she knows herself. She'll never admit it, but I do. 

You probably have no idea how I know how you feel or who she is or how I know her so well.

I'm the man who came before you.

I'm the man who loved her before you.

I'm the man who broke her heart.

And fuck man... Please don't ever hurt her like I did. Because it'll make you feel like the worst piece of shit to ever walk on this planet. Her crying face will haunt your dreams for as long as you live. You'll never forget the sound of her voice cracking. Or the look on her face. 

And if you ever do break her heart, you'll regret it. For as long as you live. The regret you'll feel will bring you to your knees. Because suddenly this gorgeous, bright light has gone out. And it'll be all your fault.

You'll probably never be able to break her like I did. Because she'll never be the same after me. And that shit haunts me to this day. 

She's going to go places. She'll get into that lawyer school she's always dreamed of and do big things. She'll live in a castle on the hill like the Princess she is. 

If you ever get the lucky chance to call her yours, keep her. Never let her go. Hold her close because you'll notice her absence. When you least expect it, it'll creep up on you. When you're laying in bed at 3am and staring at the ceiling her crying face will be all that you see. Her voice will creep up your spine and chill you to the bone. You'll miss her the most when it's Christmas time. When your parents ask 'hey, what happened to Courtney? We miss her,' you'll feel bile in your throat because you cannot tell them that you destroyed the only good thing that's ever happened to you. When you have no one to share the couch with, cuddling in front of the fireplace.  When you have no one to hold on those cold December nights. When you roll over to hold her, and feel only a cold empty sheet in her place. 

It'll hurt, knowing she's finally moved on from me with you. But I'll be happy, knowing she didn't let me completely destroy her. She deserves a great man, who will love her for everything she is. One that won't break her heart. One that'll give her the life she deserves. 

So please, read this letter and take in every word. Hold her close while you still can. She doesn't need you, you're just lucky enough to peak her interest. Don't give up your spot in her life for anyone. 

Like I did.

Don't be stupid.

Like I was.

Love her with all you fucking have.

Like I do.

Sincerely, the man who let her go.

I'm so sorry my loves for my absence! It has been.. Quite the year. A lot of ups, and even more downs.  

Finding out that my favorite childhood show is really over is hitting hard. I don't know how to feel about it. I'm happy for the stories we've been able to experience with our favorite characters. But I'm sad it has finally come to and end. Maybe they'll make a reunion down the road, like they have for 6teen. 

Maybe I'll be in it.. Hmm. 

But for now, our characters live in our hearts and on the screens in front of us as we write about them.

Drew Nelson and I are Instagram homies now, who would have thought? Holy shit. 

Anyways, love you guys!

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